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One of the most important things you’ll need to know when setting up your board to start playing Monopoly is how much each player will start with. So, how much money do you start with in Monopoly? That’s simple: $1,500!

This is a decent sum of money to get you started, but it won’t last long if you’re not careful. So, what’s the best way to use your starting capital?

In this article, we have all the details on how much money you begin with and other classic Monopoly money concepts.

An Overview of Monopoly

The initial edition of Monopoly, originally known as The Landlord’s Game, was developed by Elizabeth Magie, sometimes known as Lizzie, in the early 1900s as a method to depict “the present system of land-grabbing with all its usual outcomes and consequences,” according to the Guardian.

In 1903, Magie filed a formal claim with the U.S. Patent Office, and the Economic Game Company thereafter released the game. According to The Guardian, the game is popular among left-leaning intellectuals, a group of Quakers, local communities, and students at colleges.

Before Charles Darrow, out of work and needing money, wrote up the rules and sold the game to the Parker Brothers in 1932, the early edition was handed around among friends. The updated version, now known as Monopoly, was a huge success.

To maintain Monopoly’s originality, Magie was paid $500 for The Landlord’s Game rights, while Darrow got lifelong royalties from the Parker Brothers edition. According to the Guardian, in 1936 interviews with The Washington Post and the Washington Evening Star, Magie blasted Darrow’s Monopoly in front of the public.

How Much Money Do You Start With in Monopoly?

Monopoly begins with $1,500 for each player. According to the game’s rules, players must begin with the following particular banknotes:

  • 5x $1 note
  • One $5 note and two $10 notes
  • One $20 note, one $50 note
  • Four $100 bills
  • 2x $500 note

Give each player two $500 bills, two $100 notes, two $50 notes, six $20 notes, five each of $10, $5, and $1 notes, and only two each of two $50 notes if you’re using a US version of Monopoly that was released before September 2008.

Rules of Monopoly

Each player takes a turn and rolls two dice, then moves that many spaces clockwise around the board.

In Monopoly, what happens if you roll two doubles?

After finishing your first turn in Monopoly, you can roll again if you get two doubles. This effectively gives you two turns in a row, allowing you to buy more properties or draw more cards by landing on two different spots. You earn another roll and a third turn if your second roll results in doubles.

If you roll doubles three times in a row, you are “caught speeding” and must move your piece immediately to the jail area and stop your turn rather than waiting for the third roll. On your subsequent turn, you must either pay the $50 fine, roll doubles or utilize a Get Out of Jail Free card.

Monopoly Money Management

Monopoly is a board game where players control money flow into and out of a central bank. There are certain guidelines for how much money each player and the bank have at the beginning of the game and what to do in certain scenarios, such as when the bank runs out of funds.

#1. Monopoly Cash

Twenty orange $500, twenty beige $100, thirty blue $50, fifty green $20, forty yellow $10, forty pink $5, and forty white $1 bills make up the Monopoly currency.

#2. Deposited Funds

The bank begins pre-2008 Monopoly games with $15,140 in cash. The bank holds $20,580 in games created after September 2008, naturally adjusting for inflation. A handful of the bills have distinct colours: the $10 bill is blue, the $20 bill has a more vivid green hue, and the $50 bill is purple. Additionally, rather than the different numbers of each denomination, there are 30 of each.

#3. Starting Bankroll for Each Player

Each participant in the game of Monopoly begins with $1,500. The breakdown of how much money each player receives is as follows:

  • Two $500s
  • Two $100s
  • Two $50s
  • Two $500s
  • Six $20s
  • Five $10s
  • “Five $5s” and “Five $1s”

The bank receives the remaining bills. The banker is the participant in charge of handling the money distribution and fee collection. The bank owned all 32 homes and 12 hotels at the beginning of the game.

#4. Additional Funds in the Bank

You can add as much as you wish if the bank consistently runs out of money as you play, which is more likely if you play with numerous people. Make your own out of paper to represent various quantities, or use checkers or poker chips. You can also order additional items online or in a toy or hobby store if it all costs Monopoly money. There is never a failure at the Monopoly Bank.

What Does a Monopoly Game Include?

Before playing, ensure your Monopoly game has all the necessary pieces. The following are included in the most recent edition of the cherished game:

  • Gameboard
  • Eight coins
  • 28 property cards or title deeds
  • sixteen-choice cards
  • 16 cards in the Community Chest
  • 32 homes and 12 motels
  • Three dice
  • Money back for Monopoly

Over time, the game pieces for Monopoly have changed. The game’s traditional iron token was changed to a cat in 2013. Hasbro again asked for feedback from the public in 2017 regarding the game’s classic components. According to CNN, after receiving more than 4.3 million votes, Hasbro selected a T-Rex, a rubber ducky, and a penguin instead of the boot, wheelbarrow, and thimble.

How Much Money Is Awarded to Each Monopoly Player?

In a monopoly, how much money does each person receive? In the board game Monopoly, players fight to acquire more riches by buying, selling, and trading real estate. Depending on the game’s version, each player in Monopoly starts with a different amount of money. Most often, each player starts with $1,500.

How Much  Do You Set Up Money in Monopoly?

Each player receives $1500 in cash, which is distributed as follows: two $500 bills, one $100 bill, six $20 bills, five $10 bills, five $5 bills, and five $1 bills.

How Do You  Manage Money in Monopoply?

In order to win at Monopoly, you must be the final player standing—or, to put it another way, the final person with money. Therefore, if you aimlessly roam around the Monopoly Board, purchasing everything you see, you will likely run out of money when it comes time to fulfil your financial commitments.


When playing Monopoly or Junior Monopoly, you’ll start with $1,500 or $31, respectively, but what happens to that sum of money depends on luck and your decisions. Whether you enjoy the game or not, it has permeated popular culture to the point where everyone understands what is meant when someone uses terms like “monopoly money,” “land on free parking,” or “get out of jail free card.”


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