Statistical Tests: What They Mean, Examples, and Types

statistical tests
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Statistical tests are an essential component of data analysis. They assist us in comprehending the data and drawing conclusions about the population. They are also used to investigate variable relationships and test hypotheses. Generally, they are a method of analyzing data to determine whether or not there is a significant difference between the two groups. With the help of examples, we will discuss the various types of statistical tests and their significance in this blog post.

What Are Statistical Tests?

Statistical tests are used to determine whether two sets of data are significantly different from one another. Statistical tests accomplish this by employing a variety of statistical measures such as the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation. The statistical test will then compare the calculated statistical measures to a set of predetermined criteria. The statistical test will conclude that there is a significant difference between the two sets of data if the data meet the criteria.

Depending on the type of data being analyzed, various statistical tests can be used. T-tests, chi-squared tests, and ANOVA tests are three of the most common statistical tests.

Types Of Statistical Tests

Statistical tests are of various types:

#1. Parametric Statistical Tests

If the data is normally distributed, parametric tests are used.

A parametric statistical test makes assumptions about the population parameters and data distributions. These tests include t-tests, z-tests, and ANOVA tests, which assume that the data is normally distributed.


When the variances are known and the sample size is large, a z-test is used to determine whether two population means are different. The population mean is compared using the z-test. The parameters used are the population mean and standard deviation. The Z-test is used to confirm that the sample drawn is from the same population.

Ho: The sample mean equals the population mean (Null hypothesis)

z = (x — ) / ( / n), where x=sample mean, u=population mean, and / n=population standard deviation.

Accept the null hypothesis if the z value is less than the critical value; otherwise, reject the null hypothesis.


The t-test compares the means of two samples. When the population parameters (mean and standard deviation) are unknown, a t-test is used.

Paired T-Tests are used to compare the differences between two variables from the same population (pre and post-test scores). For example, in a training program, the trainee’s performance score before and after completion of the program.

The independent t-test, also known as the two-sample t-test or student’s t-test, is a statistical test used to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in the means of two unrelated groups.

For instance, consider comparing boys and girls in a population.

The mean of a single group is compared to a given mean in a one-sample t-test. For example, if the average sales is given, one can examine the increase and decrease in sales.

t = (x1 — x2) / (/ n1 + / n2), where x1 and x2 represent the means of samples 1 and 2, respectively.


Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical technique used to determine whether the means of two or more groups differ significantly from one another. ANOVA compares the means of different samples to determine the impact of one or more factors. If we use a t-test instead of an ANOVA test, the results will be inaccurate because there are more than two samples.

In ANOVA, the hypothesis being tested is Ho: All pairs of samples are the same, i.e. all sample means are equal.

At least one pair of samples differs significantly.

We calculate F value in anova test and compare it to critical value

F= ((SSE1 — SSE2)/m)/ SSE2/n-k, where SSE = residual sum of squares.

m = the number of constraints

k denotes the number of independent variables.

#2. Non-parametric Statistical Tests

Non-parametric statistical tests are used when the data is not normally distributed. The chi-square test is an example of a nonparametric test.

Chi-square test (2 test)

The chi-square test compares two categorical variables. Calculating the Chi-Square statistic value and comparing it to a critical value from the Chi-Square distribution allows you to determine whether the observed and expected frequencies are significantly different.

Ho: Variables x and y are independent is the hypothesis being tested for chi-square.

Variables x and y are not independent of one another.

Chi-square formula (o=observed, e=expected).

Choosing Which Statistical Test To Use

Here are paramenters that will help you determine which statistical test to use

#1. Research Problem

The choice of a statistical test is determined by the research question to be answered. Furthermore, the research questions will assist you in developing the data structure and research design.

#2. Development of a Null Hypothesis

You could create a null hypothesis after you’ve defined the research question. A null hypothesis implies that there is no statistical significance in the expected observations.

#3. Importance of the Study Protocol

A level of significance is specified before beginning the study protocol. The level of significance determines the statistical significance, which defines whether the null hypothesis is accepted or rejected.

#4. The Choice of One-tailed vs. Two-tailed

You must decide whether your study will be one-tailed or two-tailed. You must use one-tailed tests if you have clear evidence that the statistics point in one direction. However, if there is no clear direction of the expected difference, a two-tailed test is required.

#5. The number of variables that will be examined

Statistical tests and procedures are classified based on the number of variables they are intended to analyze. As a result, when selecting a test, you must consider how many variables you want to analyze.

#6. Data Type

It is critical to specify whether your data is continuous, categorical, or binary. In the case of continuous data, you must also determine whether the data is normally distributed or skewed in order to determine which statistical test to use.

#7. Study Designs, Paired and Unpaired

When the two samples are dependent on each other, a paired design includes comparison studies in which the two population means are compared. The results of the two samples are grouped and compared in an unpaired or independent study design.

You’re on your way to finding the right statistical test for your research question now that you’ve learned the steps for selecting a statistical test. Because every situation is different, it is critical to understand all of your options and make an informed decision.

If you are unsure about which test to use, always consult with your principal investigator, statistician, or software.

What Are Statistical Significance Tests?

Statistical significance tests are a determination made by an analyst that the data’s results cannot be explained solely by chance. The analyst makes this determination using statistical hypothesis testing. This test returns a p-value, which is the probability of seeing results as extreme as those in the data, assuming the results are entirely due to chance. A p-value of 5% or less is commonly regarded as statistically significant.

Understanding Statistical Significance Tests

Statistical significance is a determination of the null hypothesis, which implies that the results are solely due to chance. When the p-value is small enough, a data set provides statistical significance.

When the p-value is large, the data’s results are explainable solely by chance, and the data are deemed consistent with (but not proving) the null hypothesis.

Furthermore, when the p-value is small enough (typically 5% or less), the results cannot be explained solely by chance, and the data are deemed inconsistent with the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis of chance alone as an explanation for the data is rejected in this case in favor of a more systematic explanation.

Statistical significance is frequently used in new pharmaceutical drug trials, vaccine testing, and pathology research for effectiveness testing and informing investors on the company’s success in releasing new products.

Examples Of Statistical Significance Tests

Suppose Alex, a financial analyst, is curious whether some investors were aware of a company’s impending failure. Alex decides to compare the average of daily market returns before and after the company’s failure to see if there is a statistically significant difference between the two averages.

The p-value for the study was 28% (>5%), indicating that a difference of this magnitude (-0.0033 to +0.0007) is not unusual under the chance-only explanation. As a result, the data did not provide convincing evidence of prior knowledge of the failure. If the p-value was 0.01% (much less than 5%), the observed difference would be extremely unusual under the chance-only explanation. In this case, Alex may choose to reject the null hypothesis and look into whether some traders had prior knowledge.

Statistical significance is also used to evaluate new medical products such as drugs, medical devices, and vaccines. Publicly available statistically significant reports also inform investors about the company’s success in releasing new products.

Assume, for example, that a pharmaceutical company that specializes in diabetes medication reported a statistically significant reduction in type 1 diabetes after testing its new insulin. The study included 26 weeks of randomized therapy among diabetes patients, with a p-value of 4%. This tells investors and regulatory agencies that the data show a statistically significant decrease in type 1 diabetes.

What Factors Influence Statistical Significance?

To determine whether the data is statistically significant, statistical hypothesis testing is used. In other words, whether or not the phenomenon can be explained solely by chance. Statistical significance is a determination of the null hypothesis, which states that the results are entirely due to chance. The null hypothesis must be rejected for the data to be considered statistically significant.

What Exactly Is P-Value?

A p-value is a measure of the likelihood that an observed difference could have happened by chance. When the p-value is small enough (e.g., 5% or less), the results cannot be explained solely by chance, and the null hypothesis can be rejected. When the p-value is large, the data’s results are explainable solely by chance, and the data is deemed consistent with (and thus proving) the null hypothesis.

How Is Statistical Significance Used?

Statistical significance is frequently used to assess the efficacy of new medical products such as drugs, devices, and vaccines. Publicly available statistically significant reports also inform investors about the company’s success in releasing new products. Pharmaceutical company stock prices are frequently influenced significantly by announcements about the statistical significance of their new products.

Which Are The Three Main Varieties of Statistical Tests?

Regression tests, comparison tests, and correlation tests are the three main varieties of statistical tests.

What Are The Statistical Tests In SPSS?

T-tests, chi-square, correlation, regression, and analysis of variance are among the statistical tests available in SPSS.

What Are the Two Main Methods In Statistics?

In statistics, there are two main methods: descriptive statistics, which summarizes data using indexes like mean and median, and inferential statistics, which draws conclusions from data using statistical tests like the student’s t-test.

Is ANOVA a Statistical Test?

ANOVA, which stands for Analysis of Variance, is a statistical test used to compare the means of multiple groups.


Statistical tests are used to determine whether two sets of data are significantly different from one another. Statistical tests are classified into two types: parametric and non-parametric. Parametric tests make assumptions about the data, whereas non-parametric tests make no assumptions about the data. Both types of tests are used to draw conclusions about a population from a sample. The type of test to be used is determined by the type of data available.

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