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  1. Zerofox Platform Competitors
    1. #1.
    2. #2. Kela Cybercrime Intelligence Platform
    3. #3. NinjaOne (formerly NinjaRMM)
    4. #4. Cyberthint Unified Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform
    5. #5. Cyble
    6. #6. SecureWorks Threat Intelligence Services
    7. #7. Signifyd’s# Commerce Protection Platform
    8. #8. Digital Shadows
    9. #9. Flare Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services
    10. #10. ThreatQuotient
  2. Elements of the ZeroFox Platform
    1. #1. Threat Monitoring
    2. #2  AI-powered Threat Detection
    3. #3. Dark Web Monitoring
    4. #4. Digital Risk Management
    5. #5. External Cybersecurity
    6. #6. Real-time Alerts and Response
    7. #7. Compliance and Regulatory Support
    8. #8. Brand Protection
    9. #9. Third-Party Risk Management
    10. #10. Executive Protection
  3. Benefits of ZeroFox Platform
    1. #1. Training and Support
    2. #2. Comprehensive Protection
    3. #3. Partner Ecosystem
    4. #4. Work Culture
    5. #5. Employee Benefits
    6. #6. Proactive Approach
    7. #7. Customizable Settings
    8. #8. User-Friendly Interface
    9. #9. Compliance Dashboard: 
    10. #10. Customer Support
  4. Disadvantages To Consider When Comparing Zerofox
    1. #1. Limited Coverage
    2. #2. Integration Challenges
    3. #3. Cost
    4. #4. Reliance on External Data Sources
    5. #5. Limited Visibility into Internal Threats
    6. #6. Training and Skill Requirements
    7. #7. Complexity of Configuration
    8. #8. Limited Control Over Responses
    9. #9. Response Time
    10. #10. Dependence on Vendor Support
  5. ZeroFox Training
    1. #1. Certified Security Analyst (CSA)
    2. #2. Certified Security Engineer (CSE)
    3. #3. Cybersecurity Awareness
  6. What Industry Is Zerofox In?
  7. Is Zerofox A Good Company?
  8. What Is The Market Size Of Zerofox?
  9. Is Proofpoint Owned By Microsoft?
  10. Is Zerofox A SaaS?
  11. How Many Zerofox Locations Are There?
  12. What Is Zerofox’s Annual Revenue?
  13. How Many Employees Does Zerofox Have?
  14. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles
    2. References

In order to help customers make the most of the platform and learn specialized security skills to counter dangers in today’s digital world, ZeroFox offers a variety of training programs. It is the first end-to-end external cybersecurity platform designed to mitigate security threats and protect organizations beyond their perimeter. ZeroFox is a cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) that is always on and provides external threat intelligence, protection, and response solutions to organizations. However, the top Zerofox platform, being a highly effective platform, also faces competitors and alternatives in 2023, which is the main discussion in this post.

Zerofox Platform Competitors

ZeroFOX is an independent cybersecurity business that offers cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions for businesses to find, stop, and handle attacks that aren’t inside the typical network perimeter. The Zerofox platform competitors and alternatives provide various security threat intelligence products and services and digital risk protection platforms. They also provide external threat protection suites, disinformation detection tools, and identity and intent intelligence for online retailers. These products and services aim to help organizations reduce potential security threats, manage cyber risks, and protect their digital assets. 

Here are some of the top ZeroFOX platform competitors and alternatives in 2023:

#1. is a complete digital risk protection platform and offers comprehensive protection against digital threats.

#2. Kela Cybercrime Intelligence Platform

Kela Cybercrime Intelligence Platform is an alternative to ZeroFOX. It provides security threat intelligence and protection.

#3. NinjaOne (formerly NinjaRMM)

NinjaOne is a security-oriented remote monitoring and management platform that offers customization and scripting capabilities.

#4. Cyberthint Unified Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform

Cyberthint Unified Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform is a great alternative to ZeroFOX. It offers unified cyber threat intelligence and protection as well. 

#5. Cyble

Cyble is a cyber intelligence platform that helps organizations assess cybersecurity risks in their supply chain. It provides customized notifications and assists in identifying potential threats.

#6. SecureWorks Threat Intelligence Services

Secureworks Threat Intelligence Services is a competitor that offers threat intelligence services.

#7. Signifyd’s# Commerce Protection Platform

Signifyd’s Commerce Protection Platform provides identity and intent intelligence to protect against online threats.

#8. Digital Shadows

Digital Shadows is a cybersecurity company that offers a range of solutions, including threat intelligence. Their platform helps organizations monitor and manage potential threats to their digital assets.

#9. Flare Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services

Flare Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services provide threat intelligence solutions.

#10. ThreatQuotient

ThreatQuotient is a threat intelligence platform that helps organizations aggregate, analyze, and operationalize threat data. It provides tools for threat detection and response.

Elements of the ZeroFox Platform

#1. Threat Monitoring

ZeroFox offers comprehensive threat monitoring that allows organizations to continuously monitor the digital space for potential threats. This includes monitoring social media platforms, websites, domains, and other online channels where threats may come from.

#2  AI-powered Threat Detection

ZeroFox uses advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and analyze threats. It can detect and analyze threats in various forms. Including images and videos. Organizations can identify and respond to potential threats or risks better.

#3. Dark Web Monitoring

 The platform provides dark web monitoring, which involves scanning the dark web for any mentions or discussions related to an organization’s brand or sensitive information. 

#4. Digital Risk Management

By offering insights into their digital footprint, ZeroFox assists businesses in managing digital risks. It enables businesses to recognize and evaluate any hazards connected to their online presence.

#5. External Cybersecurity

ZeroFox focuses on dangers that reside outside the typical network boundary and is an expert in external cybersecurity. 

#6. Real-time Alerts and Response

ZeroFox provides instant alerts and notifications to organizations when potential threats are identified. This enables organizations to respond quickly and take appropriate actions to mitigate the risks.

#7. Compliance and Regulatory Support

ZeroFox provides tools and insights to handle digital risks, assisting firms in adhering to compliance obligations and regulatory standards. This includes keeping a watch for potential compliance issues and supplying audits with proof.

#8. Brand Protection

By keeping a close watch on potential brand exploitation, fake goods, and improper use of intellectual property, ZeroFox assists businesses in safeguarding their reputation. Organizations can take action to eliminate or lessen these risks.

#9. Third-Party Risk Management

ZeroFox provides third-party risk management to help organizations monitor and manage the digital footprint of their third-party vendors, and detect and respond to threats posed by third-party vendors. 

#10. Executive Protection

With ZeroFox, organizations can monitor and manage the digital footprints of their executives, detect and respond to threats, and ensure their safety. 

Benefits of ZeroFox Platform

#1. Training and Support

ZeroFox University offers online and in-person training to ensure organizations get the most out of their ZeroFox Platform investment and maximize their digital risk.  

#2. Comprehensive Protection

ZeroFox provides comprehensive protection against a wide range of threats, including phishing attacks, social engineering, impersonation, and fake accounts.

#3. Partner Ecosystem

To supply worldwide opponent intelligence and threat monitoring services and create an extra layer of defense against external threats, ZeroFox has relationships with top cybersecurity firms.

#4. Work Culture

ZeroFox has an amazing work culture, young minds, stress-free, and very considerate of employees. 

#5. Employee Benefits

ZeroFox provides a variety of employee benefits, including health insurance and wellness benefits, financial and retirement benefits, vacation and time off benefits, paid holidays, gym membership/reimbursement, and maternity/paternity leave. 

#6. Proactive Approach

ZeroFox takes a proactive approach to threat detection and mitigation, allowing organizations to stay ahead of potential threats rather than reacting after the fact.

#7. Customizable Settings

Organizations can customize their settings to meet their specific needs and requirements.

#8. User-Friendly Interface

ZeroFox has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand. This makes it accessible for both technical and non-technical users.

#9. Compliance Dashboard: 

It is simple to spot compliance issues and take corrective action with ZeroFox’s compliance dashboard. It offers a high-level view of an organization’s compliance status.

#10. Customer Support

ZeroFox provides excellent customer support, offering 24/7 support and a dedicated customer success team to ensure that organizations get the most out of the platform.

Disadvantages To Consider When Comparing Zerofox

Here are some potential disadvantages to consider when comparing ZeroFox to any similar platform:

#1. Limited Coverage

ZeroFox covers a wide range of digital channels, but it does not provide comprehensive coverage for every platform and channel that may pose a threat to an organization. There are new platforms that threats can come from. 

#2. Integration Challenges

It can be difficult to integrate ZeroFox into an organization’s current security infrastructure. To function properly, it might need to be compatible with and accessible to other security tools and systems, this adds to its complexity. 

#3. Cost

ZeroFox is a paid platform and the cost can depend on the size of the organization and the level of functionality required. The cost of implementing ZeroFox is on the high side, especially for small organizations with limited budgets.

#4. Reliance on External Data Sources

To obtain details about potential threats, ZeroFox uses external data sources and APIs. The reliability of the platform’s threat detection capabilities may be impacted if certain data sources are interrupted, limited, or inaccurate.

#5. Limited Visibility into Internal Threats

ZeroFox monitors external threats. It has limited visibility into internal threats or attacks originating from within the organization. 

#6. Training and Skill Requirements

Utilizing ZeroFox effectively requires training and expertise in threat intelligence and analysis. Organizations need to invest in training their security teams or hire specialized personnel to be able to get the benefits of the platform.

#7. Complexity of Configuration

It can be challenging to set up and configure ZeroFox. Depending on their unique security requirements, organizations may need to invest time and resources to correctly configure the platform. 

#8. Limited Control Over Responses

The platform primarily focuses on identifying and notifying about potential threats, but the response and mitigation actions need to be performed by the organization’s security team or personnel.

#9. Response Time

Data processing, network latency, and the number of warnings generated affect the response time. The effectiveness of ZeroFox’s threat detection relies on the speed of its response to potential threats. 

#10. Dependence on Vendor Support

Businesses that use ZeroFox may depend on the vendor for platform support, upgrades, and maintenance. The vendor’s ability to provide support or upgrades may be disrupted or delayed, which may affect the organization’s capacity to detect and address possible threats.

ZeroFox Training

ZeroFox offers online and in-person training programs to help users understand the platform and maximize their digital risk protection. These programs are designed for both technical and non-technical users and cover a range of topics related to cybersecurity, digital risk protection, and threat intelligence.

Here are some details about the training programs:

#1. Certified Security Analyst (CSA)

This training program is designed for platform users at every level, providing the skills required to effectively protect an organization from the latest advanced digital threats. The program covers topics such as different types of security threats and business risks spanning the social and digital landscape, proficiency in ZeroFox Platform navigation, configuration, and support resources, and best practices for integrating ZeroFox towards tactical, strategic, and operational goals.

#2. Certified Security Engineer (CSE)

For more technical users, this training course equips participants with the cutting-edge knowledge needed to keep businesses safe from outside threats. Threat intelligence, brand and domain protection, quick reaction, and how to identify and stop online dangers are just a few of the topics it addresses.

#3. Cybersecurity Awareness

ZeroFox also offers a training program to help organizations implement an effective security strategy, and develop and enforce cybersecurity policies. Deliver cybersecurity awareness training, and launch a phishing simulation. This program can help organizations improve their overall security and reduce the risk of external threats.

What Industry Is Zerofox In?

ZeroFox operates in the cybersecurity industry. It specializes in providing external cybersecurity solutions, focusing on detecting, exposing, and responding to threats that occur outside the traditional network perimeter. ZeroFox helps organizations protect their digital presence and assets from various cyber threats, including social media attacks, brand impersonation, account takeovers, phishing attempts, and other forms of online risks. 

Is Zerofox A Good Company?

ZeroFOX is a great company with a positive work culture.  However, ZeroFOX has been recognized as a leader in external threat intelligence services and has a strong customer base, including Fortune 10 companies and hundreds of Global 2000 organizations. This recognition and customer trust show that ZeroFOX provides valuable services in the cybersecurity industry. Your particular requirements, expectations, and tastes will determine whether ZeroFOX is a good business for you to work with or engage with as a customer. 

What Is The Market Size Of Zerofox?

The market size of ZeroFox can be estimated based on its financial data and industry analysis. According to the third-quarter fiscal year 2023 financial results announced by ZeroFox, they achieved record revenue of $43 million and annual recurring revenue of $153 million. This indicates the scale of their operations and the market demand for their services.

Is Proofpoint Owned By Microsoft?

Microsoft does not own Proofpoint. Proofpoint is an independent cybersecurity company. It provides a range of email security, data protection, and threat intelligence solutions. While Proofpoint offers integrations with Microsoft 365 and Office 365 to enhance email security, it remains a separate entity from Microsoft. 

Is Zerofox A SaaS?

ZeroFox is a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) company. It provides cloud-based software solutions to organizations for exposing, disrupting, and responding to external cybersecurity threats. ZeroFox’s SaaS platform processes and protects millions of posts, messages, and accounts across social media and digital environments daily. By offering its services as a SaaS model, ZeroFox enables organizations to access and utilize its cybersecurity solutions through a subscription-based model. This eliminates the need for on-premises installations and maintenance.

How Many Zerofox Locations Are There?

ZeroFox has multiple locations around the world. ZeroFox has offices in the following locations:

  • Headquarters: Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  • Portland Office: Beaverton, Oregon, United States
  • Santiago, Chile
  • London, England
  • Bengaluru, India

What Is Zerofox’s Annual Revenue?

Here are some of ZeroFox’s annual revenue estimates

  • Fiscal Year 2023 (Q4): Annual Recurring Revenue of $156.7 million
  • Fiscal Year 2023: Estimated annual revenue of $172 million
  • Fiscal Year 2022: Revenue of $85.05 million
  • Fiscal Year 2022 (Projected): Revenue of $150 million

How Many Employees Does Zerofox Have?

 ZeroFOX has 501–1,000 employees. 


ZeroFox provides a comprehensive solution to help organizations protect against external threats, manage digital risk, ensure compliance, and enhance their cybersecurity posture. It is a solution for proactive protection, intelligence, and disruption to identify and thwart external threats across the public attack surface. There are certain limitations or challenges associated with implementing and using the platform, like its complexity of Configuration, Limited Visibility into Internal Threats, and Limited Control Over Responses. It is a highly effective and valuable tool for organizations looking to enhance their security and protect against external threats.

Zerofox platform competitors and alternatives provide various security threat intelligence products and services and digital risk protection platforms.


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