WIZEHIVE: Features, Review, Pricing & Competitors

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Organizations encounter several issues in tracking applications, managing workflows, and maintaining compliance in the field of grant management. Wizehive Inc., on the other hand, has emerged as a leading provider of grant management software, providing a complete solution to streamline the entire process. This blog post will delve into the world of Wizehive, looking at its features, pricing, and real customer reviews. Join us as we explore how Wizehive Inc. is revolutionizing grant management through efficiency and simplicity.

Introduction to Wizehive Inc.

Let’s begin by learning about Wizehive Inc. and how it has become a game changer in the grant management industry.

Wizehive Inc. is a software firm that specializes in providing unique grant management solutions. Wizehive Inc. provides a comprehensive platform that caters to the needs of both grantmakers and grantseekers, with a focus on enhancing efficiency and simplifying complex processes. Their innovative software automates the entire grant management lifecycle, from application submission and review to post-award reporting and compliance monitoring.

Wizehive’s dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction has earned it a reputable status in the industry. Their user-friendly interface, robust features, and commitment to continuous improvement have earned them a reputation for providing exceptional solutions that meet the specific needs of grant management professionals.

Exploring Wizehive Inc. Grant Management Features

Wizehive Inc. provides a comprehensive set of features designed to simplify grant management. Let’s take a closer look at some of Wizehive’s important grant management software features and how they might help your company.

#1. Application Management

By providing customizable web forms, Wizehive’s software streamlines the application process. These forms can be tailored to your organization’s specific needs, allowing you to efficiently collect the necessary information from applicants. The application review software automates the process, making it easier to evaluate and score applications.

#2. Communication and Collaboration

Wizehive’s grant management software provides a centralized platform for team members to collaborate and communicate. It allows for real-time collaboration by allowing multiple users to work on applications at the same time and share feedback. The software also makes it easier to communicate with applicants, ensuring timely and effective communication throughout the grant cycle.

#3. Automated Workflow

Wizehive’s software automates workflow operations, lowering administrative strain and eliminating manual activities. It allows you to design and configure workflow phases, set up automatic notifications and reminders, and follow application progress in real-time. This automation guarantees that tasks are executed promptly and that deadlines are met.

#4. Analytics and Reporting

Wizehive’s software has powerful reporting and analytics tools. It offers pre-built and customizable reports to help you obtain insights into your grantmaking activities, track performance metrics, and assess the impact of your grants. These reports assist you in making data-driven decisions and demonstrating the effectiveness of your grant initiatives.

#5. Personalization and Flexibility

Wizehive’s grant management software is extremely adaptable to meet the specific demands of your business. The software’s interface, forms, workflows, and notifications may all be customized to meet your individual needs. This adaptability guarantees that the software adjusts to your existing processes and corresponds with the grant management preferences of your firm.

#6. Reviewer Management

 The software streamlines the reviewer management process by allowing you to invite, assign, and track reviewers. You can effectively create reviewer criteria, set scoring parameters, and manage reviewer assignments. This feature offers a streamlined and structured review process, allowing for fair grant proposal evaluation.

#7. Audit Trail and Compliance

The software includes features that encourage compliance and provide an audit trail. It enables you to track and log all system activities, ensuring transparency and accountability. This audit trail feature is especially beneficial for organizations that must strictly adhere to regulations and compliance standards.

#8. Data Integration and Management

Wizehive’s software connects with various systems and applications, such as CRM platforms and financial management software, to streamline data management and eliminate the need for manual data entry.

Streamlining Review and Evaluation Processes

In grant management, the review and evaluation step is critical. Let’s look at how Wizehive makes this process more efficient.

  • Collaborative Review Tools: Wizehive offers collaborative review solutions that allow numerous reviewers to evaluate applications at the same time. Within the portal, reviewers can offer feedback, grade applications, and participate in discussions. This improves transparency, allows for more effective decision-making, and speeds up the review process.
  • Scoring and Ranking: Wizehive’s scoring and ranking features enable grantmakers to establish evaluation criteria and assign weights to various factors. This ensures that applications are evaluated fairly and objectively. The system automatically computes scores and generates sorted lists, making it easier to pick successful award winners.

Simplifying Post-Award Management

Grant management does not end with the award decision. Let’s look at how Wizehive makes post-award management responsibilities easier.

  • Compliance Tracking: Wizehive facilitates compliance monitoring by offering tools to follow grant recipients’ progress and ensuring reporting requirements are met. The software delivers automated reminders for interim and final reports, keeps track of deadlines, and allows users to submit documentation within the system. Throughout the post-award period, this assures accountability and openness.
  • Financial Management: Wizehive’s grant management software contains financial tracking tools that allow granular monitoring of grant funds. It enables beneficiaries to submit cost reports, track spending, and balance budgets, giving grantmakers real-time access to financial activity. This reduces overspending, promotes financial accountability, and streamlines auditing procedures.

Wizehive Pricing

Understanding the pricing options accessible to companies considering implementing Wizehive’s grant management software is critical. Let’s look over Wizehive’s various pricing plans to see which one best fits your organization’s needs and budget.

Wizehive has a flexible pricing strategy that is suitable for businesses of all sizes and budgets. They recognize that each organization has distinct needs and strive to deliver a solution that maximizes both functionality and cost-effectiveness.

Wizehive’s pricing plans are adapted to the individual needs of grantmakers and grant-seekers. By offering scalable choices, Wizehive ensures that enterprises pay only for the capabilities and services they require, without any additional overhead.

To select the most suitable pricing plan for your firm, it’s vital to analyze your grant management requirements, the volume of applications you process, and the level of customization you desire. By considering these aspects, you can choose a pricing plan that corresponds with your budget and delivers the required functionality to streamline your grant management process.

Wizehive has clear pricing, and its website has full information about its pricing schemes. However, pricing may vary depending on factors such as the number of users, the extent of customization necessary, and additional services such as training and support.

Wizehive provides bespoke rates for companies with more sophisticated needs or larger grant portfolios. This allows you to adapt the pricing plan to your requirements, ensuring that you have access to the features and assistance you need to efficiently manage your grants.

You may optimize your grant management operations, enhance productivity, and achieve better openness and accountability in your grantmaking activities by selecting the correct pricing plan from Wizehive.

Wizehive Reviews

Hearing from real customers can provide useful insights into the effectiveness and user experience of Wizehive’s grant management software. Let’s look into some reviews and comments from organizations that have utilized Wizehive’s solutions to handle their funding.

Wizehive’s grant management software has been hailed by many organizations for its user-friendly layout and intuitive functionality. Customers like how simple it is to browse the site and rapidly adapt to its functions, which saves them time and effort.

According to user reviews, one of the major advantages of Wizehive’s software is its powerful reporting capabilities. Users praised the software’s capacity to generate detailed reports and analytics, which provided useful insights into their grantmaking efforts and facilitated data-driven decision-making.

Customers have also praised Wizehive’s customer service personnel for their promptness and eagerness to help. Reviewers have commented on how quickly their questions were answered and how knowledgeable the support staff was, ensuring a smooth experience throughout their grant management journey.

Wizehive’s automation and workflow management tools have proven beneficial to organizations that handle a high volume of grant applications. Reviewers praised the software’s ability to streamline and automate tedious tasks, freeing them up to concentrate on more important areas of their grant management process.

Wizehive’s commitment to continuous improvement and incorporating user feedback has been highlighted in customer reviews. While the majority of reviews are excellent, some customers have raised minor reservations about some features or customization choices.

They have, however, commended Wizehive’s desire to listen to and address these concerns as soon as possible, proving their commitment to client happiness. Customer reviews and testimonials highlight the positive experiences and advantages of using Wizehive’s grant management software. 

Real Customer Reviews of Wizehive

Let us now hear from actual clients about their experiences with Wizehive’s grant management software.

  • Customer Review 1: “Wizehive has transformed our grant management process.” The software is simple to use and has considerably reduced our administrative workload. Our operations have been streamlined, and communication among team members has improved, thanks to automated workflows and collaborative review tools. We strongly recommend Wizehive to any company looking for a complete and effective grant management solution.” Sarah Thompson is the Grants Manager of the XYZ Foundation.
  • Customer Review 2: “Wizehive has been a game changer for us.” We were able to adjust the system to our specific needs because of its flexibility and customization choices. The post-award management capabilities have simplified compliance tracking, and the financial management tools have provided much-needed transparency to our grant funds. Wizehive’s support team has been outstanding, always offering fast assistance when needed. It’s a great investment for any institution that wants to streamline its grant management processes.” – ABC Nonprofit’s Executive Director, John Davis.

What is the mission of the WizeHive?

WizeHive’s mission is to empower organizations in their grant management and application processes by providing innovative and user-friendly software solutions. They strive to simplify complex workflows, enhance collaboration, and automate manual tasks, enabling organizations to focus more on their mission and less on administrative burdens. WizeHive aims to create efficient and effective grant management systems that drive transparency, accountability, and impact within the philanthropic community.

Who uses WizeHive?

WizeHive’s grant management software is utilized by a wide range of organizations involved in grantmaking and grantseeking activities. The software caters to both grantmakers and grantseekers, offering tailored solutions to meet their specific needs.

  • Grantmakers: Its software is used by foundations, corporate giving programs, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and other entities that administer grants. These organizations rely on WizeHive to streamline their grant management processes, from application intake and review to award management and reporting.
  • Grantseekers: Its software is also utilized by organizations and individuals seeking grants. This includes nonprofits, educational institutions, research organizations, artists, entrepreneurs, and other individuals or entities looking to secure funding.
    Grantseekers benefit from WizeHive’s user-friendly application forms, collaboration features, and automated workflows to streamline their grant application process.

The versatility of WizeHive’s software makes it suitable for organizations of various sizes and sectors, including healthcare, education, arts and culture, social services, environmental initiatives, and more. Whether it’s a tiny community foundation, a large corporate giving program, or an individual researcher, WizeHive’s software may be modified to fit their unique grant administration needs.

How many employees does WizeHive have?

WizeHive employs 69 employees.

What is the HQ of Wizehive?

The headquarters of WizeHive is located in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, United States.

What is the revenue of Wizehive?

WizeHive generates $5.3M in revenue.

Who is the CEO of WizeHive?

Based on our data team’s analysis, Carl Guarino is the WizeHive’s CEO


WizeHive’s grant management software includes a range of features aimed to ease and enhance the grant management process for both grantmakers and grant-seekers. With a user-friendly interface, customizable forms, automated workflows, powerful reporting features, and collaboration tools, WizeHive helps organizations to effectively manage their grant programs.

The software’s emphasis on customization and adaptability allows enterprises to tailor it to their own needs and combine it with other systems, boosting data management and efficiency. WizeHive’s commitment to customer happiness is clear through its responsive customer service and ongoing software changes based on user feedback.

WizeHive supports a varied spectrum of organizations, including foundations, corporate giving programs, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, as well as grantseekers such as NGOs, educational institutions, and people. The software’s adaptability makes it suited for enterprises of diverse sizes and sectors.

Overall, WizeHive’s mission to empower organizations in their grant management processes and their comprehensive software offerings make them a valuable partner for organizations seeking to streamline their grant programs and make a meaningful impact in their respective fields.


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