WEBSITE CRAWLING: What Is It & How Does It Work?

Website Crawling
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Websites have become the foundation of businesses and information repositories in today’s digital economy. However, navigating this enormous internet domain efficiently can be a challenging task. Enter website crawling, a formidable tool that enables thorough data harvest, analysis, and optimization. In this blog post, we’ll go on a journey to grasp the complexities of website crawling, look at popular tools and companies in the field, look at practical examples, and discover the delights of website crawling using Python.

What is Website Crawling?

Website crawling serves as the foundation for many applications, including search engines, data mining, and web analytics. Website crawling is fundamentally the process of systematically browsing and indexing websites to acquire information. It entails automating the traversal of links, retrieving data, and storing it for further analysis. This technique employs web crawlers, often known as spiders or bots, to discover new online pages, monitor changes, and extract important data.

The process begins with a seed URL, which acts as the crawler’s starting point. The crawler retrieves the webpage, collects pertinent information, and detects links to other pages. These links are then queued for crawling in the future. This repeated procedure continues until the crawler has explored the entire domain or the specified area of the website.

Website crawling is an important part of search engine indexing. Web crawlers are used by search engines like Google to create an index of web pages, enabling quick and accurate retrieval of search results. Search engines ensure that their indexes are up to date and represent the most recent information available on the web by crawling websites regularly.

Website Crawling Python

Python, a versatile and popular programming language, includes a plethora of tools and frameworks that make website crawling operations easier. Python’s wide ecosystem provides developers with excellent tools for creating effective web crawlers. Let’s look at some of the most popular Python packages for website crawling:

  • Scrapy: Scrapy is a comprehensive and extremely extensible web scraping and crawling framework. It provides a scalable crawler design that is both flexible and efficient. Scrapy is a popular crawling tool because it manages the intricacies of asynchronous requests, data extraction, and pipeline management.
  • BeautifulSoup: BeautifulSoup is a Python package that specializes in parsing and traversing HTML and XML texts. It makes data extraction from web pages easier by providing easy methods and syntax. BeautifulSoup is a fantastic tool for novices and small-scale crawling projects due to its simplicity and versatility.
  • Requests: Although not specifically developed for crawling, the Requests library is commonly used in Python for sending HTTP queries. It is a crucial component of many crawling scripts since it provides a user-friendly interface for delivering GET and POST queries to web servers.
  • Selenium: Selenium is a strong online testing and interaction automation tool. By imitating user interactions with JavaScript-driven websites, it allows for the scraping of dynamically created web content. Selenium’s WebDriver API allows developers to programmatically control web browsers, making it a significant asset in more complex crawling scenarios.

Website Crawling Tools

As the demand for website crawling has increased, several tools have evolved to make the process easier. Let’s explore some popular website crawling tools known for their efficiency and versatility:

#1. Screaming Frog:

Screaming Frog is a desktop tool that offers a wide range of functionality for website crawling and analysis. Users can use it to crawl websites, analyze SEO aspects, find broken links, audit redirection, and generate XML sitemaps. Screaming Frog is a popular tool among SEO professionals and web developers because of its simple UI and robust reporting capabilities.

#2. Apache Nutch:

Apache Nutch is a web crawler that is open source and provides a scalable and adaptable framework for large-scale online crawling and data extraction. It allows for distributed crawling, which allows for the efficient processing of large amounts of online data. Apache Nutch is widely used in academic and research settings as well as by companies dealing with significant web data volumes.

#3. Moz Pro:

Moz Pro is a collection of SEO tools that includes a website crawler. The crawler aids in the identification of technical issues, the monitoring of site health, and the analysis of on-page elements. Moz Pro is a crucial tool for SEO professionals and digital marketers because of its user-friendly interface and detailed data.

#4. Botify:

Botify is a high-end website crawling and SEO software with powerful crawling capabilities. It delivers in-depth information about website performance, search visibility, and technical issues. Botify helps companies optimize their websites for search engines and improve their overall online presence with its sophisticated analytics and visualization tools.

Website Crawling Companies

Here are examples of website crawling companies:

#1. is an online data extraction software that allows for robust internet crawls. Businesses can collect structured data from websites at scale thanks to their superior crawling technology. is a popular choice for companies looking for complete web data extraction solutions because of its user-friendly interface and extensive data integration choices.

#2. Octoparse:

Octoparse is a web scraping tool with website crawling capabilities. Users may easily configure crawlers to visit websites, gather data, and save it in multiple forms using its simple point-and-click interface. Octoparse includes advanced features like AJAX, pagination, and login authentication, making it a versatile choice for enterprises of all sizes.

#3. Scrapinghub:

ScrapingHub is a corporation that specializes in online scraping and crawling. Scrapy Cloud is a cloud-based platform that allows users to deploy and manage web crawlers at scale. ScrapingHub provides a comprehensive solution for companies that demand efficient and dependable internet crawling capabilities, with features such as automatic IP rotation, data storage, and scheduling.

#4. Apify:

Apify is a web scraping and automation software with website crawling as a primary feature. Their platform includes a visual editor as well as a powerful API for creating and deploying web crawlers. Apify can crawl and collect data from dynamic websites because it supports JavaScript rendering. It also offers data storage and integration options, making it a popular alternative for companies looking for scalable crawling solutions.

#5. Datahut:

Datahut is a web scraping and data extraction service that specializes in custom website crawls. Their skilled staff assists organizations in defining their crawling requirements, developing tailored crawlers, and delivering high-quality data. Datahut handles the entire crawling process, from initial setup to data delivery, giving companies looking for professional website crawling services a hassle-free alternative.

#6., originally CloudScrape, is a cloud-based web scraping and data extraction software that also supports internet crawling. Users can configure and deploy crawlers to navigate websites and extract data using their simple interface. allows for scheduling, data filtering, and integration with common data storage platforms, making it an attractive option for companies wishing to automate their internet crawls and data extraction procedures.

These companies provide a variety of website crawling solutions and services to meet a variety of business and technical needs. These companies can help you harness the power of web crawling to extract important data from the web, whether you desire a self-service platform or a fully managed service.

Companies Utilizing Website Crawling

Website crawling has become an essential component for companies in a variety of industries. Here are a few well-known companies that use website crawling to fuel their marketing strategies:

#1. Google:

Google, as the dominant search engine, heavily relies on website crawling to index and rank web pages. Googlebot, Google’s web crawler, crawls the web incessantly, discovering new pages, updating existing ones, and gathering data for its search index. Also, the powerful crawling algorithms used by Google ensure that search results are relevant and up-to-date.

#2. Amazon:

Amazon uses web crawling to obtain product information, monitor prices, and analyze competitor data with its huge product library and ever-expanding marketplace. Also, Amazon guarantees the accuracy of its product listings, pricing, and availability by crawling numerous e-commerce websites, offering a seamless shopping experience for its customers.

#3. Wayback Machine (Internet Archive):

The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web. It crawls and saves snapshots of websites throughout time, preserving the history of the internet. The Wayback Machine provides users with access to archived versions of websites, making it a vital resource for historical research, online development, and recovering lost or deleted content.

#4. Semrush:

Semrush is a well-known SEO and digital marketing software that uses web crawling to give detailed website audits, competitive analysis, and keyword research. Also, Semrush collects data on site performance, backlinks, keywords, and other SEO parameters by crawling websites, allowing businesses to improve their online presence and outrank competition.

Website Crawling Examples

To better understand the practical applications of website crawling, let’s explore a few examples:

  • Price Comparison: Price comparison websites scour e-commerce platforms for product information, prices, and availability. They offer users a centralized platform for comparing costs from many sellers, assisting them in finding the greatest offers.
  • News Aggregation: News Aggregators crawl numerous news websites, collecting stories and headlines to form a concentrated center of news content. Users can access a large choice of news articles and keep informed on many issues by crawling multiple sources.
  • SEO Analysis: Website crawling is used by SEO professionals to scan websites for technical flaws, broken links, duplicate content, and other SEO-related variables. They increase the website’s search engine exposure and ranks by discovering and correcting these issues.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Website crawling is used by businesses and marketers to monitor social media networks for mentions, hashtags, and user-generated content. This information assists them in understanding consumer opinion, tracking brand reputation, and identifying trends.

Do web crawlers still exist?

Yes, web crawlers still exist and play an important role in how the internet works. Web crawlers, also known as web spiders or bots, are still used by search engines, data mining companies, and a variety of other entities that require automated web page investigation and indexing.

The legality of web crawlers is determined by several criteria, including the crawling goal, the websites being crawled, and the applicable laws and terms of service. Web crawling is not illegal in and of itself. It is a frequently used approach for data collection, indexing, and research. However, several conditions can have an impact on the legality of web crawling.

How do I stop my website from being crawled?

There are various strategies you may use to block web crawlers from accessing and crawling your website. Here are some typical approaches:

  • Robots.txt: A robots.txt file is a text file that is placed in a website’s root directory to communicate instructions to web crawlers. You may manage which parts of your website are available to crawlers by providing rules in the robots.txt file.
  • Meta Tags: In the HTML code of your web pages, you can use the “robots” meta tag to specify whether crawlers should index and follow links on the page.
  • User-Agent Filtering: Web crawlers often identify themselves by including a “User-Agent” header in their HTTP requests.
  • CAPTCHA: CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) obstacles on certain pages might prohibit automated bots, including web crawlers, from accessing such pages.
  • IP Blocking: If you identify certain IP addresses linked with unwanted web crawlers, you can use IP blocking techniques to ban those IP addresses at the server level.

How do I know if a website is crawled?

Search for the page URL on Google to see whether your URL is visible. In the Page availability column, the “Last crawl” date reveals when the page used to generate this information was crawled.

How often should you crawl a website?

You may only need to crawl your site once every two weeks to see their impact on your SEO efforts. If your writers publish new blogs daily, you may want to crawl the site more frequently.

How do I get my website crawled?

  • Google’s recrawling process in a nutshell.
  • Request indexing through Google Search Console.
  • Add a sitemap to Google Search Console.
  • Add relevant internal links.
  • Gain backlinks to updated content.


Website crawling has revolutionized the way we navigate and extract information from the vast online landscape. With its ability to automate the discovery and analysis of web pages, website crawling empowers businesses, researchers, and developers to gain valuable insights, optimize websites, and make informed decisions.

In this blog post, we explored the concept of website crawling, its importance, and the tools and companies driving its evolution. We delved into the power of website crawling with Python, highlighting popular libraries used for crawling tasks. Additionally, we discussed notable website crawling tools and examined how prominent companies leverage website crawling to enhance their operations.

Furthermore, by understanding the intricacies of website crawling and harnessing its potential, we unlock a world of opportunities for data extraction, analysis, and optimization. Whether you’re a developer, SEO professional, or business owner, website crawling is a valuable technique that can elevate your online endeavors and help you navigate the digital realm with confidence.


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