System Architecture: All to Know About Software & System Architecture

System Architecture
Image Source: FutureCode IT Consulting

What we mean when we talk about “software or system architecture” is a set of guidelines that determine how a piece of software is created. The system’s architecture describes its overall layout and construction. Further, it lays out how the various parts of the software interact with one another and with higher-level concepts. You can utilize architecture to either outline your project’s objectives or direct the creation of a brand-new system. In this article, we will discuss computer, software, distributed, and open system architecture.

System Architecture Overview

The architecture of a system is a reflection of its function and the ways in which it communicates with other systems and the outside environment. It lays out how the various parts of the system are connected to one another and how information flows between them. A system’s architecture is a reflection of the way it is conceptualized in terms of its structure, functions, and interactions.

However, the term “system” in the field of architecture typically refers to the design of a piece of software rather than a physical structure. A system’s design evolves with its usage because it represents that usage.

It’s possible, for instance, to design an airport so that the control tower and the departure lounge are located in the same building, although the control tower itself is located elsewhere in the airport.

As a result, the system constantly comes up in terms of its components and how they work. Like anything else, data is always defined in terms of the parts that make it up and the processes that render it usable to an end user.

What Is System Architecture?

The phrase “system architecture” is used to refer to the general layout and construction of a computer system or network. With the proliferation of computing hardware, a system is needed to unify and coordinate all of these disparate components. The term system architecture is also used to refer to complex computer programs that consist of a number of separate modules.

Processing capability, storage capacity, network accessibility, and user experience are the four pillars of any system architecture. The needs of the users, the needs of the business, the available budget, and the available resources all play a role in determining the system’s level of complexity. The architecture of a system must be adaptable and rapid enough to accommodate new requirements. A system that is not flexible enough will not work with new components.

The processing speed depends on the hardware of the computer or server. This component acts as the “brain” of the setup. Also, the software requirements, number of concurrent users, connection speed, and applications all play a role in determining how many and what kind of processors should be purchased and installed for the system. Systems must be designed with scalability in mind. Additional processing power must be easily added to the system without requiring any changes to the existing design.

The total amount of space available is proportional to the number and size of the system’s hard disks and other storage devices. The price of such machinery is a major consideration, as it drops steadily along with capacity. This is because of constant upgrades to the manufacturing procedure. However, from a structural engineer’s point of view, this presents yet another challenge. Increases in capacity may result in a shift in form that renders certain machinery out-of-date

Types of System Architecture

In the software and information technology areas, various types of system architecture are frequently employed. The following are some of the most commonly observed types:

#1. Monolithic Architecture

Within this architectural framework, the entirety of the software is constructed as a cohesive and self-contained entity. All components and functionalities are closely interconnected and deployed collectively. The monolithic design is simple and suitable for smaller applications. However, as the system expands, it might pose challenges in terms of maintenance and scalability.

#2. Client-Server Architecture

This architectural design encompasses the partitioning of the system into two primary constituents, namely clients and servers. Clients refer to the end-user devices that initiate requests for services from servers, which in turn offer resources or carry out designated activities. The utilization of client-server architecture facilitates the distribution of processing tasks, enhances scalability, and enables the segregation of responsibilities between the client-side and server-side components.

#3. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

The focus of the SOA architectural style is on developing systems as a group of independently deployable services that can communicate with one another. Each service provides a unique capability for an organization, and they can all be built, delivered, and utilized separately. With SOA, it’s easier to reuse parts and integrate new ones into an existing system.

#4. Microservices Architecture

An evolution of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) principle, microservice architecture breaks down a larger system into a collection of smaller services. Each service is a representation of a unique business capability and interacts with others in the network over simple protocols like HTTP or REST. However, with microservices, you can scale independently, deploy quickly, and isolate problems.

#5. Event-Driven Architecture (EDA)

Event-driven architecture (EDA) is an architectural style that places a premium on event generation, monitoring, and response. Actions and state changes can be communicated between parts of a system via events. By allowing for event-based communication between parts, this architecture encourages loose coupling and allows for easier scaling.

#6. Peer-to-Peer Architecture (P2P)

With a P2P architecture, network nodes can talk to each other without going through a central server. Peers can function in both client and server roles, facilitating resource sharing and peer collaboration. File sharing, distributed computing, and decentralized systems are common applications of P2P architectures.

In addition, it’s worth noting that these are only general types of system architecture; different requirements and technologies might lead to different permutations and combinations. Each system architecture has its own set of benefits and drawbacks; picking one will depend on things like the complexity of the system, the necessity for interoperability, and the skill level of the development team.

What Should Be Included in System Architecture?

In addition to defining components and their relationships, software or system architecture entails many other activities, such as developing a road map to the desired end state, making important strategic choices, selecting an appropriate architecture style/pattern, deciding which technologies to use in creating the software product or service, and applying Architecture Characteristics. Also crucial are documenting and communicating to the stakeholders, as well as identifying hazards and non-functional requirements.

In order to specify business requirements and the expected outcomes of the system, the development teams will need a blueprint in the form of a Software Architecture. System or software architecture is an iterative procedure that involves making several technical and strategic choices and implementing architectural design patterns. Design risks can be detected early and countered with an efficient architecture.

In order to ensure that the quality of the software or system remains high over time, it is important to adopt the appropriate architectural style and describe its design characteristics.

What Are the Characteristics of System Architecture?

The quality of our definition of the system architecture characteristics will determine the success of the resulting design. In my opinion, the following system architecture characteristics provide a solid basis for today’s software architecture to create a marketable product, although there are many other System Quality Attributes we might talk about.

#1. Usability & Learnability

Several elements, including the target demographic, previous UX work, and accessibility to Product features, contribute to the software’s Usability. We need to give some thought to the needs of our users and the features we’re currently offering. In addition, it is important to know the goals of the people who will be using the computer system. The software product’s or application’s features should be obvious to the user and should help them achieve their goals within the given environment. User-friendliness is a key factor in the success of any software application or product. When making a call on whether or not to incorporate a new technology or framework into an existing design, architects must also consider how fast and easily developers may pick up on the changes.

#2. Reliability & Availability

Reliability and availability are two of the most important aspects to consider while creating software or system architecture for an application.

However, reliability is a property of a system that determines how well it keeps running under certain conditions. When databases, third-party programs, or even just network connections are unavailable, the entire system might quickly crumble.

Also, the percentage of time that the application is available to users is determined by dividing the amount of time that it is operational by the total amount of time that it is operational.

If our application is available 99.9 percent of the time (three 9s), then it will be unavailable for use for 8 hours and 45 minutes out of the year. Additionally, we need to think about the availability of dependent applications if our application depends on them.

#3. Interoperability

Most application services need to interact with other systems in order to function properly. The degree to which an application can interact with other systems, including older ones, depends on the software architecture’s design.

Designing for interoperability is a breeze when working with robust external interfaces and standard systems. However, we will face several difficulties because of the low quality and absence of standards in external systems or old systems.

#4. Scalability

As time goes on, thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of new users will sign up for the app to keep up with the expanding business. The application must be able to handle more users without slowing down. Vertical scaling, also known as scaling up, and horizontal scaling, sometimes known as scaling out, are the two types of scaling.

To “vertically scale,” a server’s processing power, memory, and storage space are added. Adding extra servers or instances to an existing server cluster is an example of horizontal scaling, which is used to balance demand and meet it. This is more cost-effective because we can start off small and scale up as needed when the application’s load increases.

What Are Examples of System Architecture?

In order to better understand system architecture, consider the following examples.

#1. Components

In architecture, one of the first rules of thumb is to break down the project into manageable chunks.

Reusability may have been a design goal for them. Components also help break down intractable issues into more manageable chunks.

Reusability may have been a design goal for them. The use of components also helps break down massively complex issues into more manageable chunks.

Better component architecture can make the difference between a sluggish, expensive, and unreliable system and a quick, cheap, and stable one.

#2. Layers

Layering is a typical method of organizing complex systems. Layered components are loosely connected in that they only expose their interface to the outside world. This facilitates simplification and can lessen the expense of making adjustments in the future. If, for instance, a business layer is unaware of the specifics of data storage, updating the database does not require rewriting the corresponding code in the business layer.

#3. Services

A service is an independent, scalable, and easily-managed piece of functionality. The loose coupling between services allows you to make changes to a service independently of the rest of the design. In a billing system, the Tax Calculator service mentioned above could be only one among many.

#4. Deployment

Due to their modular deployment, services can achieve unprecedented levels of scalability and dependability. Because of the ability to distribute workloads across multiple instances of inexpensive hardware, services can also reduce processing expenses.

Open System Architecture

Technology advancements in both hardware and software have resulted in more complex and intricate DoD systems. The problems of scale, computation, and security, however, are growing. To make matters worse, the Department of Defense’s systems have traditionally been built with stovepiped architectures that force the government to rely on a few system integrators, each of which develops costly proprietary point solutions. 

The DoD’s renewed emphasis on finding alternative ways to drive down costs, create more affordable acquisition choices, and improve acquisition program performance is a direct result of the budget cuts occurring under sequestration, despite the fact that these stovepiped solutions have been problematic (and unsustainable) for years. Open Systems Architecture (OSA) is a potentially useful method for achieving these aims because it brings together:

  • Flexible, open development techniques that streamline the process of acquiring new systems and integrating cutting-edge innovation into older ones, and
  • Business models for fostering a more competitive market and an improved approach to protecting intellectual property in Department of Defense procurement initiatives.

What is Open System Architecture and How Should It Be Applied?

An Open System Architecture is a system (or software) architecture that possesses all three of the following advantages:

  • It is modular because it is made up of architectural components that work together, interact with one another and with external systems via loose coupling, and expose only their exterior interfaces.
  • Open interface standards govern its architectural pieces’ major linkages, which are consensus-based, and user-friendly.
  • Using the appropriate open interface standards, we were able to verify the operation of all of its critical interfaces.

The government acquisition organizations’ goals in requiring contractors to engineer open system architecture include, but are not limited to, increasing competition among developers of the architectural components and avoiding vendor lock when acquiring and updating these components. Because of these merits, government program offices can incorrectly conclude that all system architectures must be totally transparent. When one considers Department of Defense (DOD) policies (such as DoDI 5000.02) that mandate program offices guarantee open system architectures from defense contractors, this image becomes even stronger.

This first impression is inaccurate, however, because of one key term in the concept of open system designs. The specification calls for key interfaces to be open, but does not mandate that all interfaces be public. In addition, it becomes clear that openness is not binary but rather a question of degree upon closer inspection of real-world system architectures. 

Some interfaces are very open (for example, they adhere to widely adopted international standards), while others are somewhat open (for example, they adhere to product-line-specific conventions), and still, others are essentially closed (for example, they are system-unique or adhere to contractor-proprietary “standards”).

Computer System Architecture

Whether it’s a desktop computer at the office or an accessory like a smartphone or smartwatch, computers play an integral role in our daily lives. 

Small or large, every computer follows the same fundamental set of principles for how its software and hardware must interact to function. That’s what the term “computer system architecture” refers to. To better understand computers, let’s take a look at their underlying design.

To put it simply, computer system architecture is the structure and semantics of the operations that govern the behavior of a computer system. It defines the output of the language and its compiler for the computer’s user interface.

Types of Computer System Architecture

The many types of architecture that makeup computer systems today are outlined here.

#1. Von-Neumann Architecture

John von Neumann made a significant contribution to its development by coining the term “architecture.” Von Neumann created the design for the computer we use today. There are ideas presented. It’s a style of building design popular at Princeton University. It provides a novel layout for the following elements of digital electronic systems:

  • An arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) and processors with associated registers make up a CPU.
  • The ability to store information and code in a single place.
  • Extensive secondary storage or external mass storage.
  • Some sort of Control Unit (CU) with a program counter (PC) and/or instruction register (IR) to store programs and their associated commands.
  • Peripheral devices and input/output mechanisms.

As such, the von Neumann architecture is the cornerstone of today’s computers. Similar models, such as the Harvard architecture, included dedicated data addresses and memory buses for reading and writing. The reason why von Neumann’s design prevails is because it is more practical to implement in hardware.

#2. Harvard Architecture 

Harvard Architecture stores programs and data in separate areas of RAM. It needs dedicated space in the computer’s memory for both data and code. The CPU has been the sole location for all data storage up until this point. There should be only one total time period. Harvard architecture relies on a single memory node for data access within a single memory.

The punch card is a typical illustration. Moreover, while cutting-edge central processing unit (CPU) operations exist for both approaches, they are often separated in a computer’s hardware architecture.

#3. Micro-architecture

The microarchitecture of a CPU describes its internal structure. The instruction set architecture of this computer system serves as the CPU. Due to technological evolution, engineers and hardware scientists build instruction set architectures (ISA) using a wide variety of microarchitectures. All the tools, materials, and procedures that were employed are included. Physically modifying a CPU in this way allows it to execute certain kinds of instructions.

The microprocessor’s instruction set is the blueprint for its various technical parts and data pathways. This allows for the most efficient execution of directives. The academic community refers to this as “computer organization.”

Distributed System Architecture

To accomplish a common objective, a distributed system coordinates the efforts of several computers, or “computation nodes,” each of which runs a set of related programs. The goal of a distributed system is to eliminate single points of failure.

What Is a Distributed System Architecture?

A distributed system architecture is a group of programs that work together across several computers to accomplish a single objective. Distributed systems rely on dispersed nodes to coordinate their activities through networked communication and shared databases. These ‘nodes’ often stand in for individual pieces of hardware, though they can also represent software processes or other encapsulated recursive systems. Distributed systems work to eliminate reliance on single points of failure or bottlenecks.

A distributed system architecture has the following characteristics:

  • Distribution of Means: Hardware, software, and data can all be shared in a distributed system.
  • Computational parallelism: Multiple devices can perform the same function simultaneously.
  • Scalability: Additional machines can be added to increase the system’s processing and computing power as needed.
  • Error detection: Defects are simpler to see
  • Transparency: All other nodes in the system are accessible to and communicable with a node.

Types of Distributed System Architecture Styles

The two main categories of distributed system architecture are software architecture and system architecture, each of which has its own subcategories (for example, layered architecture, object-based architecture, data-centered architecture, and event-based architecture) client-server architecture, and peer-to-peer architecture. Read about them in depth down here; you can look them up.

Software Architecture

In contrast to system architecture, which deals with the larger picture, software architecture is concerned only with individual parts of a program. In distributed systems, the four primary architectural styles are as follows:

#1. Layered Architecture

In a layer-based design, different types of components can be kept separate from one another, and each layer can communicate with the layers above and below it by sending requests and receiving responses. Components are broken up into smaller, more manageable pieces, and a clear line of communication is established thanks to the layered architecture style. As a result, no one layer can coordinate with the others in terms of communication. Then, each layer can communicate with the layers above and below it, allowing for the flow of information from one set of layers to another.

In cases where the layered architecture coordinates across layers, this one can process requests faster because it can bypass intermediate steps. The direction of traffic is top-down for requests and bottom-up for responses. The fundamental advantage of a layered design is that changes to one layer don’t have to affect the rest of the system. In addition, the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model typically employs this form of architecture.

#2. Object-Oriented Architecture

In this architecture, everything is an object, and all communication occurs at the object level. This architectural style features an organization of loosely connected items that communicate with one another via method calls. Objects communicate with one another using either the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) or RMI (Remote Method Invocation) protocols. Web services and the REST application programming interface are two examples.

#3. Data-Centered Architecture

The central data hub is a staple of every data-centric design. Every necessary piece of data is centralized in a single, easily accessible location. In this setup, all of the components are linked to this information and receive the subscribe/publish forms of communication that are described below. Also, it houses the primary data repository; information from it flows to the many other nodes. In a Producer-Consumer system, for instance, producers place data in a shared repository, and consumers get it on demand.

#4. Event-Based Architecture

Event-based architecture is quite similar to data center design; the main distinction is that in the latter, events are stored rather than data. The Event bus stores all events in one place and distributes them to the right places at the right times. In an event-driven design, communication occurs in reaction to events. The use of events allows for the transmission of data and URLs since both the sending system and the receiving system receive notice of the occurrence of an event. Because of the system’s modular design, its parts are easily removable and replaceable.

However, the primary benefit of this type of distributed system architecture is that all disparate parts can communicate with the bus using any available protocol. The system’s custom connection can handle any type of inbound request and process it accordingly.

There are many different kinds of communication, and Event-Based Architecture can accommodate them all.

  • Publisher-subscriber
  • Broadcast
  • Point-to-Point

System Level Architecture

We’ll be making use of two distinct sorts of system-level architectures in the real world: client-server and peer-to-peer (P2P), both of which are described in greater depth above.

What Are the Benefits and Purposes of Using System Architecture?

The following are some of the system architecture’s advantages:

  • The system architecture diagram provides a graphical representation of the software architecture. The architecture of the system appears together with its context, components, and links. Having a well-defined system architecture from the start and effectively communicating its needs to your stakeholders and developers is essential for a successful system design. Focusing on software development and avoiding integration and operational challenges, in the long run, is made easier with a clearly defined system architecture.
  • The cornerstone of excellent architecture is the satisfaction of the client. The voices of your customers are essential to your decision-making process. If people aren’t buying the product, it doesn’t matter how talented the architect is. Your software’s structure is no different. However, if the software’s end user cannot easily use it, it won’t matter how competent the developer is. If you want to discover what customers care about and how to keep them satisfied, you need to ask them.
  • Maintaining accurate and up-to-date models of your system architecture is crucial. The architecture diagram represents the current state of the system and the interdependencies between its modules. Problems can arise when using outdated or inaccurate diagrams. To ensure that the system meets regulatory requirements, the regulatory authorities will want to examine the current architecture. When regulatory authorities relax their rules, it can hurt your company’s reputation and lead to fines of up to a billion dollars. Also, the credibility of your business can take a hit if the standards set by regulatory authorities are no longer up-to-date.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the software or system architecture is one of several considerations in the design of an application. The components, data models, and programming models that make up a piece of software are all described in detail in the application’s architecture. It also details the application’s development and upkeep processes, such as its testing and upkeep procedures. 

Frequent Asked Questions

What is the purpose of system architecture?

The purpose of system architecture is to create an end-to-end solution with continuous and consistent ideas, concepts, and properties.

What is the most common system architecture?

The n-tier architecture, often known as layered architecture, is by far the most common type of architectural layout. Most programmers, designers, and architects are already familiar with it.

What is the difference between system architecture and system design?

Architecture deals with the big picture, while Design deals with the small details of making it work. The architecture lays down the subsystems, or modules, at a high level. The design describes in depth how the components interact with one another and what design pattern was employed to address the issue at hand.

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