Signifyd: Features, Review & Competitors

Signifyd: Features, Review & Competitors
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Signifyd is a cloud-based eCommerce protection technology that can reduce fraud and increase conversions for businesses of any size. Over ten thousand retailers from one hundred different countries have made their customer behavior and purchases available on the Signifyd commerce network. This system is adaptable and leverages cutting-edge machine learning to meet your company’s unique requirements. Continue reading for more on Signifyd competitors, user reviews and features, and more. 


Decision center, agent consol, and insights reporting are the three main components of Signifyd. The decision center of the platform allows businesses to design unique policies, run simulations to see how things can turn out, and include such policies in the platform’s fulfillment and review procedures. Chargeback templates, evidence, submission, and changes can all be personalized, and there are a variety of other tools available as well. In order to process eCommerce payments in a PSD2-compliant manner, Signifyd employs a 3-D secure protocol.

Signifyd is a cloud-based fraud detection service for large eCommerce platforms. By providing a financial guarantee and streamlining fraud detection, it helps organizations boost revenue while decreasing fraud losses. This addresses the issues with e-commerce growth. Protection against INRs (items not received), discount and promotion misuse, illegal resellers, customer abuse scoring, chargeback recovery, and more are all included. 

Signifyd, a third-party piece of fraud protection software, does an excellent job of preventing fraudulent actions against online stores. It uses cutting-edge AI and ML algorithms to make instantaneous, accurate conclusions about potential fraud. The program excels in simplifying the user experience by integrating easily with a wide variety of other platforms and applications. In this way, companies can strengthen their e-commerce platforms without disrupting their current workflow.

What Exactly Does Signifyd Provide?

So many new features and modules make Signifyd fascinating. Machine learning-enabled chargeback certainty, fast decision-making, and fraud detection are provided. Signifyd’s deep-learning algorithms can also predict and plan for fraud quickly. Also, integration is easy with Signifyd’s support for BigCommerce, Magento, and Shopify.

Benefits of Using Signifyd

There is a wide range of positive outcomes for your company that might result from deploying Signifyd. Also, Signifyd’s real-time decision-making increases your company’s responsiveness by reducing the time between detection and taking action. The software’s deep-learning algorithms allow you to proactively anticipate and understand new forms of fraud. You may save money and boost user trust in your service by cutting down on fraud.

Signifyd Pricing

Signifyd has a simple and adaptable price structure. Its primary pricing model is a pay-as-you-go one, with Core and Enterprise plans offering different levels of service for different prices. For more detailed pricing information and any applicable discounts, please get in touch with Signifyd directly. Keep in mind that by using Signifyd, you are choosing to safeguard your online business to the highest possible standard, thereby reducing risks and increasing trust among your customers.

Signifyd Advantages

Signifyd’s many benefits can greatly improve the efficiency of your online business.

  • Signifyd utilizes state-of-the-art AI and ML for fraud detection and prevention, strengthening your defenses against crime.
  • Quick and precise decisions may be made in real-time using this program, guaranteeing a high level of responsiveness.
  • Signifyd ensures an all-around, comprehensive approach to fraud detection by integrating easily with your existing business tools.
  • Signifyd provides an additional degree of financial security by guaranteeing full payment for approved chargebacks.

Signifyd Disadvantages

Signifyd has certain flaws, but that’s to be expected from any piece of software.

  • Uncertainty about cost: some visitors to the site may be confused by the lack of up-front pricing information and feel compelled to reach out for clarification.
  • Although robust, the abundance of capabilities can be intimidating to first-time users, necessitating a learning curve before the UX can be optimized.

Is Signifyd For You?

Those in need of top-tier, reliable Fraud Protection Software need go no further than Signifyd, as seen by its extensive feature set, effective fraud prevention measures, and overwhelmingly excellent customer feedback. Keep in mind that the success of any given software solution hinges on how well it fits your unique requirements. Before making a final choice, it is crucial to carry out a thorough process of gathering requirements and assessing needs. Don’t freak out if the future seems hazy. TEC has over 25 years of experience helping customers choose the best software for their needs. Feel free to get in touch with us, and we’ll help you figure out what’s ideal for your company.

Signifyd Competitors 

Searching for Signifyd competitors? E-commerce many people today are on the lookout for high-quality, trustworthy software solutions for fraud protection that provide real-time monitoring, blacklisting, and bot mitigation. When looking for Signifyd competitors, response time and customer service should also be high priorities. We have created a directory of the best Signifyd competitors that reviewers consider to be strong contenders.

#1. Riskified

Thanks to its machine learning technology, a genuine chargeback guarantee, and premium partnership models, Riskified is the most educated and accurate eCommerce fraud control partner on the market. Also, Riskified’s services extend far beyond its main Chargeback Guarantee product to assist businesses in many aspects of their dealings with customers. We’re here to aid businesses in keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of eCommerce fraud with our Account Secure, Policy Protect, and Payment Optimization services.

#2. Sift

With Signifyd competitor like Sift, businesses of any size can increase their revenue with zero downside.  Twitter, DoorDash, and Twilio are just a few of the industry giants that rely on Sift to keep them competitive and safe. Sift uses cutting-edge technology, a worldwide data network that is second to none, and a dedication to customer partnerships to combat fraud. We reduce false positives and fuel seamless experiences while actively preventing fraudulent payments, phony accounts, spam, scams, account takeovers, and disputes with our Digital Trust & Safety Suite.

#3. ClearSale

ClearSale is the best anti-fraud Signifyd competitor for online stores. Our unique, market-leading strategy combines state-of-the-art statistical technology with the largest staff of dedicated fraud analysts in the world to provide accurate, actionable results. However, we have the lowest false decline rate in the business and the greatest order approval rate.

#4. Kount

The technology behind Kount’s reliability and security regardless of the sector, we provide our clients with the tools they need to confidently expand their businesses by addressing the specific difficulties they face.

To address the problems that face many developing organizations today, we rely on data-driven judgments, cutting-edge machine learning, and decades of experience. As a result, you’ll feel more assured in all of your dealings.

#5. Forter

Trust is the foundation of the digital economy. Businesses are leaving millions of dollars on the table because of a lack of confidence. More so, at Forter, we understand that preventing fraud is only part of what it takes to develop trust (and your bottom line). This entails safeguarding the full client experience, from signup to purchase to return. Forter uses the greatest network of online retailers to make the most precise, real-time decisions regarding every digital transaction. Companies like Priceline, Nordstrom, eBay, HelloFresh, and more rely on our trust platform to process billions of dollars in transactions every year.

#6. TruValidate

In order to detect risks across markets and guarantee frictionless user experiences, TransUnion’s IDVision with the Iovation fraud and identity suite of solutions unites consumer and device identities. By combining conventional data science with machine learning, IDVision gives companies a leg up in the battle to keep tens of millions of transactions safe every day.

#7. NoFraud

Preventing fraud is about more than just saving money; improving the customer experience is a top priority at NoFraud. 

With NoFraud, merchants can prevent fraudulent transactions, recover lost revenue from chargebacks, and improve the checkout process for regular customers.

Integrating NoFraud into your online store allows you to instantly check all orders for fraudulent activity. You will never again have to manually analyze orders or monitor fraud ratings thanks to our combination of robust algorithms and proactive human review, which results in a simple pass-or-fail decision for every transaction. 

Signifyd Reviews

Signifyd has received great reviews from many customers across prominent software review platforms, especially from high-ranking managers in the e-commerce and retail sectors. Customers frequently express gratitude for the value they receive, citing how Signifyd’s extensive feature set guarantees a high return on investment (ROI), thereby justifying their outlay of capital. Both the standard and business editions received high reviews for their robust features for detecting and preventing fraud.

The intuitive layout of the software is often praised for how easily it facilitates change and integration. Signifyd’s support team has been praised for their speed and professionalism through these user reviews. Also, Signifyd is pleased with its current level of user reviews, support, and the number of people who have expressed a willingness to endorse the service to others. There are almost 400 evaluations available on the internet, and the total score for fraud protection software is 9.2 out of 10.

Where Is Signifyd Based? 

Signifyd, a company specializing in fraud protection and prevention, has its headquarters in San Jose, California. Additionally, Signifyd has established offices in many strategic areas, including Denver, New York, Mexico City, Belfast, London, and San Paulo. In the year 2022, electronic commerce (eCommerce) will constitute a significant portion, specifically 20%, of the overall retail sales. Projections indicate that this share is expected to increase to 24% by the year 2026.

What Is the History of Signifyd?

The establishment of the company occurred in 2011 under the joint leadership of Michael Liberty and Rajesh Ramanand. Signifyd, a prominent global provider of comprehensive fraud protection services, has successfully catered to a vast consumer base spanning over 100 nations worldwide. Signifyd’s clientele includes a number of enterprises that have been recognized and listed on both the Fortune 1000 and Internet Retailer Top 500 rankings. 

Who Are the Investors in Signifyd?

The most recent investors include the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and FIS. According to PrivCo, as of April 15, 2021, Signifyd’s post-money valuation is in the range of $1 billion to $10 billion. To gain access to precise valuation data and explore companies with comparable valuations, kindly register for a complimentary trial.

Is Signifyd a SaaS Company?

Signifyd was established in 2011 through the joint efforts of Michael Liberty and Rajesh Ramanand.

Is Signifyd a SaaS company?

Signifyd is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that offers a high-quality fraud technology solution specifically designed for e-commerce establishments.


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