QUICKSIGHT: All To Know About Amazon QuickSight & Alternatives 2023

Image Credit: PROLIM

In today’s business world, data analytics have become essential for companies to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. With the increasing demand for efficient and user-friendly data visualization platforms, Amazon QuickSight has emerged as a prominent player in the market. Businesses can analyze, visualize, and share their data thanks to QuickSight, developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Here, we discuss everything you should know about QuickSight, including its features, pricing, competitors, and more. So, whether you’re a small business owner or a data analyst in a large organization, this article contains valuable information to help you make an informed choice for your data analytics needs.

Amazon QuickSight 

Amazon QuickSight is a cloud-based business intelligence tool that Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers users to analyze and visualize their data. With its intuitive user interface and drag-and-drop functionality, QuickSight makes it easy for technical and non-technical users to derive insights from their data. The platform supports a wide range of data sources. This includes AWS services, on-premises databases, and third-party applications, enabling users to consolidate all their data in one place.

One of the key features of Amazon QuickSight is its ability to automatically detect and recommend the best visualizations for the data at hand. Users can simply upload their data or connect to existing sources. And QuickSight will analyze the data to identify patterns and relationships. It then suggests the most suitable visualization types, such as bar charts, line graphs, or heat maps, to present the data clearly. This feature not only saves time but also helps them effectively communicate their data-driven insights to others within the organization.

In addition to its data visualization capabilities, QuickSight AWS also offers a range of interactive features. Users can create custom dashboards and share them with others, enabling collaboration and fostering data-driven decision-making across teams. QuickSight also supports ad hoc analysis, allowing users to ask questions and explore their data in real-time. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, users can build complex queries and apply filters to drill down into specific subsets of data. Overall, Amazon QuickSight is a powerful and user-friendly tool that empowers businesses to unlock the potential of their data and make informed decisions.

Amazon QuickSight Pricing 

Amazon QuickSight is a powerful and cost-effective business intelligence (BI) tool offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). When pricing, Amazon QuickSight has a flexible and transparent model that caters to businesses of all sizes. Users can choose between two editions: Standard and Enterprise.

The Standard edition of Amazon QuickSight is for individual users and small teams. It offers affordable pricing at $9 per user per month, with an additional $18 per month for 10 GB of SPICE capacity (Super-fast, Parallel, In-memory, Calculation Engine). This edition provides access to all the core features of QuickSight, including data visualization, data preparation, and sharing dashboards. With Standard edition pricing, businesses can start QuickSight without breaking the bank, making it an attractive choice for startups or smaller organizations.

On the other hand, the Enterprise edition of Amazon QuickSight is suitable for larger organizations with advanced BI requirements. It offers additional features such as Active Directory integration, private VPC access, and on-premises data sources. The pricing for the Enterprise edition is $18 per user per month, with an additional $18 per month for 10 GB of SPICE capacity. This edition is more feature-rich and allows for greater scalability, making it ideal for enterprises that need to analyze and visualize large and complex datasets.

Overall, Amazon QuickSight provides a range of pricing options that enable businesses to choose the edition that best suits their needs and budget. Whether it’s the affordable Standard edition or the robust Enterprise edition, Amazon QuickSight offers a cost-effective and flexible solution for leveraging the power of data analytics and visualization.

QuickSight Competitors

QuickSight, a component of Amazon Web Services, is an intuitive and powerful business intelligence tool. However, the market for BI tools is highly competitive, with several strong competitors vying for customers’ attention. Some of the leading competitors of QuickSight are:

#1. Tableau

Tableau is a dominant player in the business intelligence space, offering a comprehensive suite of analytic tools. It has an easy-to-use interface, powerful data visualization capabilities, and advanced analytics features. Additionally, Tableau has a strong community and a wide range of pre-built data connectors, making it a popular choice for organizations of all sizes.

#2. Power BI

Developed by Microsoft, Power BI is a cloud-based business analytics tool that enables users to visualize, analyze, and share insights from their data. Power BI offers a user-friendly interface, a drag-and-drop dashboard builder, and seamless integration with other Microsoft products such as Excel and Azure. With its advanced analytics capabilities and extensive data connectivity options, Power BI is a strong competitor to QuickSight.

#3. Looker

Looker is a modern data platform that provides users with tools to explore, analyze, and share data insights. It offers a robust data modeling language, powerful visualization capabilities, and advanced analytics features. Looker’s unique selling point is its focus on data exploration and collaboration, making it a popular choice for organizations that prioritize self-service analytics.

#4. QlikView

QlikView is a business intelligence and data visualization platform known for its associative analytics engine. It allows users to explore data from multiple sources intuitively, providing a seamless and interactive experience. Additionally, QlikView offers advanced analytics features, including predictive analytics and geoanalytics, making it a strong competitor to QuickSight.

#5. Domo

Domo is a cloud-native business intelligence and data analytics platform that empowers organizations with real-time insights. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for data visualization, collaboration, and integration. Furthermore, Domo focuses on providing a unified platform for all data-related activities. Hence, making it a popular choice for organizations looking for end-to-end data solutions.

While QuickSight is a competitive BI tool in pricing, ease of use, and integration with other Amazon Web Services, these competitors offer unique features and functionalities that cater to different business needs. Ultimately, the choice of the most suitable business intelligence tool depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the organization.

What Is QuickSight Used For? 

QuickSight helps businesses and organizations analyze and visualize their data seamlessly and efficiently. So, with QuickSight, you can connect to databases, spreadsheets, and cloud services, and quickly generate interactive dashboards, reports, and visualizations.

Is QuickSight The Same As Tableau? 

QuickSight and Tableau are powerful data visualization and business intelligence tools that allow users to analyze and present data in a visual and interactive format. However, they are not the same software. 

QuickSight is a product of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and a cloud-based data visualization tool. On the other hand, Tableau is an independent software company that offers desktop, server, and online versions of its software.

Is Amazon QuickSight Easy-to-Use? 

Amazon QuickSight is a user-friendly and intuitive data visualization tool for users to create interactive dashboards and reports. With its drag-and-drop interface, users can easily add data sources, create visualizations, and apply advanced analytics without coding or technical skills. The platform also offers pre-built templates and visual elements, making it easier for users to create visually appealing and informative dashboards.

In addition, Amazon QuickSight also offers seamless integration with other Amazon Web Services (AWS) products, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift. This allows users to easily connect to their data sources and leverage AWS’s powerful data processing capabilities.

Furthermore, QuickSight’s auto-discovery feature makes it easy for users to automatically detect and analyze patterns in their data. And providing valuable insights without the need for manual exploration. However, with its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with AWS, Amazon QuickSight is highly accessible and easy to use for data visualization and analysis.

What Database Does QuickSight Use? 

QuickSight supports many data sources, such as:

  • Individual databases (Amazon Aurora, MariaDB, and Microsoft SQL Server)
  • Data warehouses (Amazon Redshift and Snowflake)
  • SaaS sources (Adobe Analytics, GitHub, and Salesforce).

What Programming Language Is Used In QuickSight? 

QuickSight, a powerful data visualization tool from Amazon Web Services (AWS), primarily uses a specialized programming language called SPICE (Super-fast, Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine). SPICE is a columnar, compressed, in-memory representation of data that allows for efficient querying and analysis. It handles large data sets and provides quick responses to analytical queries. SPICE uses a combination of internal storage formats and optimizations to deliver high performance for data visualization and exploration in QuickSight.

In addition to SPICE, QuickSight also supports multiple programming languages for data preparation and transformation. Users can write custom expressions and calculations using languages like SQL, Python, and R for transforming and aggregating their data. These programming languages facilitate advanced data manipulation and feature engineering, enabling users to derive valuable insights from their datasets. Hence, QuickSight’s support for these programming languages empowers users to leverage their existing skills and create sophisticated data models for more accurate and impactful visualizations.

How Do I Create An Analysis In QuickSight? 

  • To create an analysis in QuickSight, first, log in to your QuickSight account and navigate to the home screen. Then, from there, click on the “Create analysis” button to start the process.
  • Next, it will prompt you to select a data source for your analysis. Moreover, QuickSight supports various data sources like Amazon S3, RDS, Redshift, etc. So, choose the appropriate data source and provide the necessary credentials to connect to your data. Once successful, you can begin building your analysis.
  • After connecting to your data, it will show you the QuickSight analysis interface. Here, you can drag and drop various visual elements like charts, graphs, and tables, onto the canvas. You can also choose the specific fields and measures from your data to include in your analysis. QuickSight provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to customize and refine your analysis according to your requirements. Once you have built your analysis, then save and share it with others. Hence, this will allow them to interact and explore the data insights.

Is QuickSight A SaaS? 

QuickSight is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform. SaaS is a cloud computing model where software applications are hosted on a remote server and accessed via the Internet. Meanwhile, with QuickSight, you can easily create and share interactive dashboards, generate business insights, and perform data analysis without on-premises software installation or hardware infrastructure. So, by provisioning resources on demand, QuickSight allows businesses to scale their analytics capabilities quickly and efficiently.

Is QuickSight Worth It? 

QuickSight, a business intelligence and data visualization tool from Amazon Web Services (AWS), offers several benefits for businesses of all sizes.

What Is QuickSight Visualization?

QuickSight visualization is a powerful tool that allows users to create interactive and visually appealing dashboards and reports. It is a cloud-based business intelligence service Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides. So, with QuickSight, users can easily connect Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora, and CSV files to generate compelling visualizations.


In conclusion, Amazon QuickSight is a powerful and innovative business intelligence tool with many features and functionalities to facilitate data analysis and visualization. As one of the leading cloud-based BI platforms, it allows users to access and analyze their data from anywhere at any time. Hence, all these make it a convenient choice for businesses of all sizes.



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