Python Cryptography: Ultimate Beginners Guide

Python Cryptography
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Have you ever pondered the mechanisms behind the masking of passwords? Have you considered the logical implications of the term “end-to-end encryption” as it pertains to the messaging application WhatsApp? Did your interest ignite, pondering the intricacies of the online money transfer process? Cryptography, a central concept used for protecting online activity, allows users to have privacy and security when surfing the web. In this article, we will discuss the concept of a Python cryptography module, package, library, and how to install it.

What Is Python Cryptography?

The term “Python Cryptography” refers to the practice of implementing cryptography algorithms and techniques within Python programs for the purpose of protecting sensitive information and communications. Developers can take advantage of its libraries and modules to build cryptographic functions like encryption and decryption, as well as hashing.

A popular resource for enforcing cryptographic primitives and protocols is Python’s “cryptography” package. It is compatible with several different encryption techniques, including the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). These algorithms are crucial for a wide range of uses, including securing communications over networks and preserving sensitive data kept in databases, by maintaining their respective levels of confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity.

In addition, Python cryptography is vital for designing secure systems, as it allows developers to implement solid security methods. It has several applications, including authentication on the web, in networks, and elsewhere. Using Python cryptography, programmers can make their programs more resistant to security flaws, improving the safety of software as a whole.

How Does Python Cryptography Work?

Python cryptography works by providing a set of libraries and modules that implement various cryptographic algorithms and protocols. These libraries allow developers to perform cryptographic operations such as encryption, decryption, hashing, and digital signatures in their Python applications. Most Python programmers will refer to their go-to crypto library as “cryptography.”

Here’s a simplified overview of how Python cryptography typically works:

  • Importing the Cryptography Library: Developers begin by importing the relevant modules from the “cryptography” library into their Python code.
  • Choosing Cryptographic Algorithms: Depending on the specific security requirements, developers select appropriate cryptographic algorithms. For example, they might choose AES for symmetric encryption, RSA for asymmetric encryption, or SHA-256 for hashing.
  • Key Generation: Cryptographic operations often involve keys. The library provides functions for generating secure random keys, whether for symmetric or asymmetric cryptography.
  • Performing Cryptographic Operations: Developers use library functions to perform encryption, decryption, hashing, or signing based on their application’s needs.
  • Managing Keys Safely: Proper key management is crucial for the security of cryptographic systems. Developers need to store and handle keys securely to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Integration with Applications: To protect private information either in transit or at rest, the application’s code incorporates cryptographic processes.

In addition, Python cryptography plays a vital role in ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data in various applications, contributing to robust cybersecurity practices.

Types of Cryptography

Collectively, cryptography safeguards digital data. Recognizing its versatility is crucial for understanding the role it plays in keeping our digital lives safe. The three major categories of cryptography are as follows:

#1. Symmetric Key Cryptography

For quite some time, people have relied on cryptography to keep their communications secure and private. Here, we’ll break down cryptography for the layperson while still covering the basics.

Simply put, symmetric key cryptography is a method of encrypting and decrypting data with the same secret key. Also known as private key or secret key cryptography. Let’s go in-depth now that we have a firm grasp on its fundamentals. Let’s have a look at its salient features.

Now, let’s go into the inner workings of symmetric key cryptography. Symmetric key cryptography is superior to other security methods since only one secret key needs to be protected. Unfortunately, however, distributing data securely can prove problematic, leaving this method open to assault should it become intercepted.

How Symmetric Key Cryptography Works

Using the same secret key for both encryption and decryption, symmetric key cryptography provides robust digital data protection, allowing for the speedy encryption and decryption of files such as zip archives.

Secret key encryption, or symmetric encryption, requires the use of a secret key. In order to safely transmit information between two parties, it is necessary that both parties have access to it. The key consists of random alphabetic and numeric characters and symbols, making it very tough to crack.

To begin preventing unwanted access to sensitive information in cyberspace, use the secret key to encode the original data into an unreadable format. Once it reaches its intended recipient and is decoded using the same key, the original message is disclosed.

Strategies for key protections are essential. Any third party having access to a key can decrypt data, risking its integrity. Users often employ either key centers or encrypted communication routes to maintain key confidentiality.

As a whole, symmetric key cryptography is a simple and effective way to secure data in digital form. The ability to encrypt and decrypt data with the same secret key is useful when transmitting sensitive data across a network. Also, read SYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING: What It Is & All to Know

Applications of Symmetric Key Cryptography

There are several situations that call for the use of symmetric key cryptography, including: 

  • Secure file storage: If you need to encrypt a file that you don’t want just anyone reading, you should utilize a symmetric key approach.
  • Online transactions: Financial institutions use symmetric key cryptography to secure client-server communications.
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): Virtual private networks (VPNs), which encrypt data using symmetric key methods, enable secure and private data transmission over the internet.
  • Safe and sound transmissions: To prevent eavesdropping, popular messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal use symmetric key cryptography.

In addition, this cryptography provides anonymity and security in the digital environment in a quick and efficient manner. Understanding its inner workings and potential applications in everyday life is key to appreciating its significance and worth to our civilization.

#2. Hash Functions

When it comes to computing and security, hash functions are indispensable. They serve as fundamental building blocks for numerous forms of cryptography.

Also, they are a type of mathematical method that processes data and returns a result called a hash that is of a predetermined size. The many useful properties of hash functions make them indispensable in the digital world.

Determinism, the property of always yielding the same output given the same input, is a defining feature of hash functions. Furthermore, the enormous data sets that are necessary for the fast processing of hash functions are a design choice.

In addition, the “avalanche effect” assures that even little changes to the input result in considerable modifications to the output, which prevents the reverse engineering of input values from hash values.

How Hash Functions Work

Hash functions play a crucial role in today’s computing systems. They work by translating an input message into a fixed-length hash value—an important procedure for maintaining data security and integrity.

The fundamental building block of hash functions is a mathematical procedure that is first applied to the input messages. This algorithm works by breaking down the input into fragments before processing them.

Also, the program then mixes and scrambles the pieces to come up with fresh and unpredictable results. Creating a hash value requires breaking down data into separate chunks.

The final phase of hashing is to generate a hash with a predetermined length. Your input message is displayed here as a string of characters. Hash functions are useful because they provide different hashes for each unique input message.

A significant benefit of hash functions is that the hash value cannot be used to reconstruct the original message. Thus, confidentiality and privacy of data are ensured. Hash functions, which use mathematical techniques to process input and produce hash values, ensure secure data processing in applications. By using these values, one can generate fixed-length hash values.

Applications of Hash Functions

There are many applications for hash functions, making them a valuable resource across many sectors. Hash functions are used in many important contexts, including:

  • Consistency of Data: Hashing functions create separate hashes for each file or data set to protect data integrity. Any attempt to manipulate the data will result in a new hash value, making detection straightforward.
  • Password Storage: Passwords can be stored safely using hash functions. They are hashed before storage, making it more difficult for hackers to obtain access to sensitive information.
  • Digital Signatures: Hash functions are crucial to digital signature methods. In this way, recipients can check the legitimacy of a communication or document without having to divulge their private keys.

In today’s world of cryptography, hash functions are a must-have tool. Their one-of-a-kind qualities make them ideal for protecting sensitive information in a wide variety of settings. Hash functions will improve along with technology, making the internet a safer place for everyone.

#3. Asymmetric Key Cryptography

Using two separate keys for encryption and decryption, public-key cryptography (also known as asymmetric key cryptography) ensures safe communication. There are many advantages to using this strategy, including better authentication and security.

The two keys used in asymmetric cryptography are public and private. You use one to encrypt and another to decrypt, giving you two layers of security.

How Asymmetric Key Cryptography Works

How does asymmetric key cryptography, which has recently emerged as a promising new approach to internet security, actually function? Let’s go into its procedure and unearth all its mysteries.

When it comes to protecting sensitive information and ensuring private communications, asymmetric key cryptography uses a pair of keys that are mathematically related but nevertheless separate.

The creation of key pairs is important to this process. Using a cryptographic technique, a user generates their own unique pair of public and private keys. One will remain public while another remains hidden, and only the user knows this private key.

Applications of Asymmetric Key Cryptography

Asymmetric key cryptography is used in many contexts, but HTTPS-secure online browsing is where it has seen the greatest general adoption. This method actively protects information like passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal details. Any means of communication keeps its privacy intact.

Also, digital signatures are an essential means of communication authentication. Digital signatures confirm the sender’s identity and the transmitted text’s integrity. They are often used in electronic correspondence, online software distribution platforms, official papers, etc.

How Secure Is Python Cryptography?

The security of Python cryptography largely depends on how developers implement and use the cryptographic functionalities available in libraries like “cryptography.” When used correctly, these libraries provide a high level of security. Here are key considerations:

  • Library Quality: The “cryptography” library is actively maintained and developed with a focus on security. Using well-established and well-maintained libraries is crucial for security.
  • Algorithm Selection: Choosing appropriate cryptographic algorithms is crucial. The library supports industry-standard algorithms like AES, RSA, and ECC. Also, ensure that the selected algorithms meet the security requirements of your application.
  • Key Management: Proper key management is essential. Keys should be generated securely, stored in a protected manner, and rotated when necessary. Mishandling keys can lead to security vulnerabilities.
  • Secure Random Number Generation: Cryptographic operations often depend on random numbers, especially for key generation. The library provides secure random number generation, and developers should use these functions to ensure unpredictability.
  • Best Practices: Developers must follow best practices for secure coding. This includes validating inputs, protecting against common attacks (such as side-channel attacks), and staying informed about security updates and patches.
  • Cryptographic Protocols: Using cryptographic protocols correctly is crucial. For example, implementing secure key exchange mechanisms and using digital signatures appropriately enhances the overall security of the system.
  • Regular Updates: Keep dependencies, including cryptographic libraries, up-to-date. Regular updates often include security fixes, and staying current is essential for maintaining a secure system.
  • Testing and Auditing: Thoroughly test cryptographic implementations and consider external security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

While Python cryptography provides robust tools for implementing secure systems, security is a holistic process that involves careful design, implementation, and ongoing vigilance. Following best practices and staying informed about security developments is essential for maintaining a secure cryptographic system.

Python Cryptography Module

Python programs typically make use of modules, which are files containing Python statements and definitions for functions, classes, and variables. In essence, it makes the code comprehensible and well-structured.

In this piece, we’ll discuss a few different modules that can be utilized for secure data transmission and storage.

#1. Fernet Module

Cryptography is where you’ll find the Fernet module. Here, a one-of-a-kind key is produced, without which the information cannot be accessed in any other way. Therefore, it uses symmetric key cryptography.

There are three main strategies utilized for key generation: encryption and decryption.

MethodUse CaseSyntax
generate_key()This method is used to generate a new key.key = Fernet.generate_key() f = Fernet(key)
encrypt(data)The data is encrypted into ciphertext as a “Fernet token” which is in bytes. The parameter is the plain text.encrypted_data = f.encrypt(b”data to be encrypted”)
decrypt(encrypted_data)This method retrieves the original plain text from the Fernet Token.decrypted_data = f.decrypt(encrypted_data)
Methods in Python Fernet Module for Cryptography

The Python cryptography package must be installed before the Fernet module can be used; to do so, type the following command:

pip install cryptography

Now let’s explore an example of implementing cryptography in Python using the Fernet module:

# Importing Fernet module from the cryptography package

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

# Generating a key

key = Fernet.generate_key()

# Assigning the value of key to a variable

f = Fernet(key)

# Converting the plaintext to ciphertext

plainText = input(“Enter your text to be encrypted: “).encode()

encryptedData = f.encrypt(plainText)

# Displaying the ciphertext

print(“The encrypted data is: “, encryptedData)

# Decrypting the ciphertext

decryptedData = f.decrypt(encryptedData)

First, we can see that the package is used to import the module. After that, we produce the fernet key and save it in a variable called f. The user feeds in the plaintext, and it is encrypted as it is entered. An encrypted cipher text is returned when the function is called.

The decode function takes the encrypted byte string and returns it as a string, which is then printed.


#2. Crytocode Module

Cryptocode is a library, which is effectively a collection of modules. For those who are OK with a bare abstraction, this is the simplest encryption/decryption method.

The encryption process requires two inputs: the string to be encrypted and the key to decrypt it. This library is not a system-wide module; to use it, you must first install it in the terminal using the following command:

pip install cryptocode

Let’s take a look at how the Cryptocode module may be used to build cryptography in Python.

# Importing the cryptocode module

import cryptocode

# Entering the string data and password

plainText = input(“Enter the text: “)

password = input(“Enter the password: “)

# Encrypting the plain text with the password

encryptedData = cryptocode.encrypt(plainText , password)

# Displaying the ciphertext

print(“Encrypted data: “,encryptedData)

# Decrypting the ciphertext

decryptedData = cryptocode.decrypt(encryptedData, password)

# Displaying the decrypted data

print(“Decrypted data: “,decryptedData)

After entering the plainText and password strings, the module can be imported. The first parameter of cryptocode.encrypt is the plaintext string to encrypt, and the second is the decryption key. 

The password is used to decipher the cipher text, revealing the original, plain text. In addition, the system will return an error message if the entered password is incorrect. 


#3. RSA Algorithms

To implement Asymmetric Key Cryptography, the RSA algorithm is used. Text is encrypted and decrypted with a pair of keys: a public key and a private key.

If you have the public key, you can encrypt and send the data to anyone. The data is encrypted, but can only be decrypted by the owner of the secret key.

pip install rsa

Let’s look at some sample code that implements RSA cryptography.

# Importing rsa

import rsa

# Generating public and private keys

public_key, private_key = rsa.newkeys(512)

# Reading the plain text

plainText = input(“Enter the plain text to be encrypted: “)

# Encrypting the plain text using the public key

encryptedData = rsa.encrypt(plainText.encode(),public_key)

# Decrypting the cipher text using the private key

decryptedData = rsa.decrypt(encryptedData, private_key).decode()

# Displaying the plain text, encoded cipher text and decoded plain text

print(“The primordial string: “, plainText)

print(“The Encrypted message: “, encryptedData)  

print(“The Decrypted message: “, decryptedData)

In the code described above, we import the RSA library and produce the public and private keys. The user inputs plain text. After that, the public key is used to transform it into encrypted text. 

The properties are revealed when the cipher text has been decrypted using the private key.


#4. Hashlib Modules

Data can be encrypted using the hashing techniques included in the Hashlib module. A hash is always a string of the same length, no matter how much information is being hashed.

Because the encrypted data is nearly impossible to decrypt, computer companies frequently use this encoding technology. Python already includes this functionality, so there’s no need to download or install anything. We will examine the SHA256 algorithm, one of many available in Hashlib.


The data is hashed using the SHA256 Secure Hash Algorithm, which produces a string of exactly 256 characters. The longer the hash, the more secure the system is. Successor to the SHA1 hashing algorithm.

Now let’s see an example code.

# Importing the hashlib module

import hashlib

# Reading the text to be encoded

plainText = input(“Enter the text to be encrypted: “).encode()

# Hashing and encrypting the text

encryptedData = hashlib.sha256(plainText)

# Converting the encrypted text into a hexadecimal

converted = encryptedData.hexdigest()


There is an import of the Hashlib module.  After the user inputs the text, the encode() function transforms it into a string of bytes. After that, the text is encrypted and hashed. The result is then shown as a hexadecimal string. 


Python Cryptography Package

The primary Python package for cryptography is the “cryptography” library. This library is widely used for implementing cryptographic operations in Python applications. It provides a comprehensive set of modules that cover symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, hashing, key derivation, and more.

To use the “cryptography” library, you typically need to install it first. You can use a package manager like pip to install it.

pip install cryptography

Once installed, you can import the relevant modules into your Python code to leverage its cryptographic functionalities. Here’s a brief example of how you might use it for symmetric encryption:

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, and modes

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

# Generate a secure key

key = os.urandom(32)

# Create a cipher object

cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CFB, backend=default_backend())

encryptor = cipher.encryptor()

# Encrypt some data

plaintext = b”Hello, cryptography!”

ciphertext = encryptor.update(plaintext) + encryptor.finalize()

# Decrypt the data

decryptor = cipher.decryptor()

decrypted_text = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()

print(“Original:”, plaintext)

print(“Encrypted:”, ciphertext)

print(“Decrypted:”, decrypted_text)

This example demonstrates symmetric encryption using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm in cipher feedback (CFB) mode. The “cryptography” library also supports various other cryptographic operations, including asymmetric encryption, digital signatures, hashing, and more. Always refer to the library’s documentation for detailed usage instructions and best practices.

Python Cryptography Install

With over 49,889,600 downloads, the Python cryptography library is among the top 100 Python libraries. High-level recipes and simplified gateways to standard cryptographic methods, such as symmetrical ciphers, message digests, and key derivation algorithms, are included in this package. It has been released and is available through the PyPi package manager. The cryptography package for Python 3 on Linux will be explored in this post.

Installing Cryptography package on Linux using PIP


  • Python3
  • Python3-pip

Here are the measures to take for the Linux Cryptography package installation:

Step 1: Setting up a Python environment on our Linux operating system. The Python3 environment may be ready by issuing the below command.

sudo apt-get install python3

Step 2: Installing the PIP manager in our Linux system PIP Manager is officially a module of the Python language that can be helpful for installing various packages. To have the PIP module installed, simply run the following command:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Step 3: Using the PIP package manager, we will now install the cryptography library. So for the installation, perform the following command on the terminal:

sudo pip3 install cryptography

Verifying the installation of the Cryptography package on Linux using PIP

The cryptography package installation must be validated after it has been installed. So, in this stage, we just use the below command to retrieve the package’s (cryptography) installation details from the terminal.

python3 -m pip show cryptography 

Following a successful installation of the cryptography package, the following output will be seen on your Linux machine.

Is Python a Good Language for Cybersecurity?

Yes, Python is a highly suitable language for cybersecurity. Its simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries, such as “cryptography” for cryptographic operations and “scapy” for network analysis, make it a preferred choice. Python’s versatility allows cybersecurity professionals to perform tasks ranging from penetration testing and vulnerability scanning to building secure applications. Additionally, Python’s large community and wealth of third-party modules facilitate rapid development and collaboration in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity. Its cross-platform compatibility and integration capabilities with other languages enhance its effectiveness in developing robust security solutions and automating various security-related tasks. Also, read Masters in Cybersecurity: Top Best to Explore in 2024

What Is the Best Cryptography Package for Python?

The “cryptography” library is widely regarded as one of the best cryptography packages for Python. It provides a comprehensive set of modules for various cryptographic operations, including symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, hashing, key derivation, and more. The library is well-maintained, follows best practices, and is designed to be easy to use while providing strong security.

When considering a cryptography package, factors such as algorithm support, key management, secure random number generation, and community support are crucial. “cryptography” excels in these areas and is commonly used in both development and security-related tasks in Python applications.

Best Python Cryptography Libraries for Secure Data Encryption

Here is a list of the best Python cryptography libraries you might consider as a programmer:

  • PyOpenSSL
  • Fernet
  • Keyczar
  • M2Crypto
  • asn1crypto
  • PyCryptodome
  • Cryptography
  • PyNaCl

Why Is Python Good for Cryptography?: Bottom Line

In conclusion, Python is well-suited for cryptography due to its readability, simplicity, and extensive libraries. The “cryptography” library, a widely adopted choice, offers a robust set of modules for implementing cryptographic operations with strong security measures. Python’s clear syntax aids in understanding complex cryptographic algorithms, promoting accurate and maintainable code. The large and active Python community ensures ongoing support, sharing of best practices, and quick resolution of security concerns. 

Also, Python’s versatility allows for diverse applications in cybersecurity, from penetration testing to secure application development. Cross-platform compatibility facilitates deployment on various operating systems, and integration capabilities enable Python to work seamlessly with other languages and tools. Additionally, Python’s dynamic nature supports rapid development, which is crucial for addressing the dynamic challenges of cryptography in cybersecurity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use Python for cryptography?

Yes, Python is commonly used for cryptography. The “cryptography” library provides a comprehensive set of modules for implementing various cryptographic operations in Python applications.

Which programming language is best for cryptography?

There isn’t a single “best” language for cryptography, but Python is widely used due to its readability, extensive libraries like “cryptography,” and active community support in the cybersecurity domain.

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