pfSense VS OPNSense: Which Is the Best Firewall to Use 2023?

PFSense VS OPNSense
Photo by Fandi Maulana from iStock

Two names often stand out in the world of open-source firewalls: pfSense and OPNsense. Choosing the right firewall solution becomes critical for businesses and individuals looking to protect their networks from security threats, configure more demanding network setups, and manage traffic effectively.

In this post, we will compare pfSense vs. OPNsense, including their features, capabilities, and differences to help you make an informed choice for your network’s security.

What is pfSense?

pfSense is a popular, free, open-source firewall and router software based on FreeBSD, an operating system known for its reliability and performance.

This versatile solution offers a rich feature set, including:

  • stateful firewall
  • network address translation (NAT)
  • virtual private network (VPN) support
  • traffic shaping
  • graphic user interface

With a vast community of users and developers, pfSense has become a go-to solution for many network administrators looking for a powerful and customizable firewall platform.

Features of pfSense

Some of the key features of pfSense include:

  • Traffic Shaping and QoS: Prioritize specific types of network traffic, allocate bandwidth, and manage network congestion.
  • Stateful Firewall: Granular control over network connections and efficient packet filtering.
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Detect and block malicious network traffic and potential attacks.
  • DHCP Server and DNS Resolver: Manage IP address assignments and domain name resolution within the network.
  • VPN Support: Secure remote access and site-to-site connections with OpenVPN, IPsec, and L2TP protocols.
  • IPv6 Support: Comprehensive support for the new IPv6 addressing scheme.
  • Extensible Platform: Customize and expand functionality through plugins, third-party packages, and APIs.
  • High Availability and Failover: Ensure network uptime and reliability with hardware redundancy and configuration synchronization.
  • Network Address Translation (NAT): Translate and route traffic between different IP address spaces.
  • Reporting and Monitoring Tools: Gain insights into network performance, usage, and potential issues.

Cons of pfSense

While pfSense is a powerful and mature platform, it has its drawbacks. Some users may find the interface (UI) less intuitive and slightly outdated than OPNsense. Additionally, pfSense’s community-driven development model can lead to slower adoption of new features and technologies than OPNsense’s more structured release cycle.

Lastly, the pfSense platform may require more technical expertise to configure and maintain, making it potentially less accessible to users with limited networking experience.

However, experienced network and firewall admins generally love pfSense due to its wealth of features, capabilities, “nerd knobs,” and other components.


OPNsense is a free, open-source firewall and routing platform based on HardenedBSD. It was created as a fork of pfSense, aiming to provide a more modern and secure alternative. OPNsense focuses on code quality, security, and user-friendliness, offering an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI), strong encryption, and many advanced features.

With an active development community and a growing user base, OPNsense has established itself as a reliable and powerful firewall solution.

Features of OPNsense

Some of the key features of OPNsense include:

  • VPN support: OPNsense supports various VPN protocols, including IPsec, OpenVPN, and L2TP, ensuring secure connectivity for remote users and networks.
  • Network address translation (NAT): OPNsense supports NAT, allowing users to map multiple internal IP addresses to a single public IP address.
  • Stateful firewall: Like pfSense, OPNsense offers a stateful firewall that tracks active connections and applies rules based on the connection state.
  • Multi-language support: OPNsense supports multiple languages, making it an accessible solution for users worldwide.
  • Intrusion detection and prevention: OPNsense includes an intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS) that can help protect against malicious attacks and new emerging threats.
  • Traffic shaping: OPNsense offers advanced capabilities, enabling users to prioritize bandwidth allocation and maintain optimal network performance.
  • Reporting and monitoring tools: OPNsense includes comprehensive reporting and monitoring tools that give users insight into their network’s health and security.

Cons of OPNsense

Despite its many advantages, OPNsense has some drawbacks. For example, its hardware compatibility may be more limited than pfSense, which could challenge users with specific hardware requirements.

Additionally, some users may find that OPNsense’s focus on security and code quality can result in slower adoption of new features than pfSense.

Technical differences between pfSense vs. OPNSense

pfSense and OPNsense share a common ancestry, as OPNsense was initially forked from pfSense. However, over time, both projects have evolved in different directions.

One major difference is their underlying operating systems. While pfSense is built on FreeBSD, OPNsense utilizes HardenedBSD, a security-focused fork of FreeBSD.

Additionally, OPNsense has a more demanding network setup and a fixed release cycle, with two major releases per year and weekly security updates.

Other differences between pfSense vs. OPNSense include:

Ease of Deployment

OPNsense requires a design plan and knowledge of IP allocation, but the setup is straightforward. However, deployment times can vary.

On the other hand, pfSense’s setup is easy and can be done in 15 minutes to a few hours. And while the GUI may be overwhelming for junior engineers, senior engineers appreciate the amount of information available.


OPNsense has guest access, IDS/IPS, WireGuard VPN, content filtering, DNS level filtering, and built-in scanners. Meanwhile, pfSense is customizable, cost-effective, and has good performance. Additionally, pfSense has useful blocking and filtration features. 

Both OPNsense and pfSense have room for improvement in various aspects. OPNsense needs to improve its interface, bandwidth management, multi-provider internet protection, high availability, logging and reporting, IPS solution, web-based configuration, feature updates, hardware, transparent proxy, DNS blocking, peer-blocking, installation and deployment, pre-configured modules, and documentation. 

On the other hand, pfSense needs to improve its ability to detect site sessions, address bias issues, enhance stability, provide a better web interface, support mobile apps, improve reporting, integration, URL filtering, centralized management, API support, stripped-down GUI, sandboxing, security, performance, VPN users, graphical interface, web printers, and SD-WAN integration.

Service and Support

OPNsense and pfSense have mixed reviews when it comes to their customer service. Some users have reported positive experiences with OPNsense, but others have found it lacking. Meanwhile, pfSense’s support quality is dependent on individual experience and expertise, with varying opinions reported.


OPNsense and pfSense are both open-source solutions and are free of charge. Both offer different options for setup costs. OPNsense requires investment in hardware, but its software is free and affordable. There is a paid version with more features, but the open-source version is still considered a good value.

PfSense, on the other hand, offers a free open-source option and a community version. While there is a cost for support, it is minimal and the minimum appliance can be purchased for less than $300. OPNsense is cost-effective and has a quick ROI, while pfSense offers high savings compared to more expensive options like FortiGate.

Additional differences between pfSense vs. OPNsense

  • Underlying operating system: pfSense is built on FreeBSD, while OPNsense is based on HardenedBSD.
pfSense vs OPNSense
pfSense vs OPNSense
  • User interface: OPNsense offers a more modern, intuitive GUI than pfSense’s traditional interface.
  • Traffic shaping capabilities: Both firewalls provide traffic shaping, but OPNsense has a more advanced implementation.
  • Security and code quality: Both platforms prioritize security, but OPNsense’s more structured approach to integrating additional features and its focus on code quality can result in better overall security.
  • Intrusion detection systems: Both platforms support IDS, but OPNsense is generally considered to have a more robust implementation.
  • Plugin availability and integration: While pfSense offers a larger selection of plugins, OPNsense is more selective, prioritizing security and code quality.

pfSense vs. OPNsense user interface comparison

The user interface is a key aspect when choosing a firewall solution. pfSense’s interface is more traditional and may seem less intuitive, particularly for newcomers.

On the other hand, OPNsense boasts a clean, modern, and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, even for users with limited technical expertise.

However, both platforms offer various configuration options and system health monitoring tools, allowing users to manage their firewalls effectively.

pfSense vs. OPNsense VPN capabilities

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are essential for securely connecting remote offices, employees, or devices to a central network. Both pfSense and OPNsense offer VPN support, including easy OpenVPN client setup, IPsec, and L2TP.

However, some users may find OPNsense’s VPN implementation to be more user-friendly and easier to configure, particularly for those with limited technical expertise.

Plugins available with pfSense vs. OPNsense

Both pfSense and OPNsense support third-party plugins, which enable users to extend their firewalls’ functionality with additional features such as web filtering, DHCP server, or forward caching proxy. While pfSense offers a more extensive selection of plugins, OPNsense is more selective in the plugins it integrates, prioritizing security and code quality.

pfSense vs. OPNsense Features: In-Depth Analysis

To better understand the capabilities of both software in the pfSense vs. OPNsense comparison, let’s take a more detailed look at their features.

High Availability and Load Balancing

High availability and load balancing are essential for demanding network setups that require maximum uptime and optimal performance. Both pfSense and OPNsense support hardware failover and redundancy configurations, ensuring network services remain operational even during hardware failure.

Load balancing features help distribute network traffic evenly across multiple connections or servers, preventing bottlenecks and improving overall performance.

Time-Based Rules and Access Control

Time-based rules and access control features allow network administrators to enforce specific policies based on the time of day or user-defined schedules. Both pfSense and OPNsense support time-based rules, allowing users to create custom policies that cater to their unique network requirements.

Monitoring and Reporting Tools

Monitoring and reporting tools are essential for maintaining network health, identifying potential issues, and tracking network usage. Both pfSense and OPNsense offer a range of monitoring tools, including real-time network traffic graphs, system logs, and detailed reports on bandwidth usage, connection states, and hardware resource utilization.

Web Filtering and Proxy Server Capabilities

Web filtering and proxy server capabilities are critical for businesses, schools, and organizations that need to control internet access and protect their networks from malicious content.

Both pfSense and OPNsense offer web filtering features through third-party plugins, such as Squid and SquidGuard. These tools can block access to specific websites or categories, monitor internet usage, and enforce content restrictions based on user-defined policies.

Advanced Routing and Network Address Translation (NAT)

Both pfSense and OPNsense support advanced routing features, including dynamic routing protocols such as OSPF and BGP. They also offer Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality, which enables users to map multiple internal IP addresses to a single public IP address.

This is essential for managing network resources and ensuring seamless communication between internal and external networks.

Captive Portal and Wireless Network Support

Captive portals are essential for businesses and public Wi-Fi networks that require user authentication and access control. Both pfSense and OPNsense offer captive portal functionality, allowing network administrators to set up a customizable login page, manage user access, and enforce bandwidth limitations.

Additionally, both firewalls support wireless network configurations, enabling users to integrate wireless access points and manage their Wi-Fi networks alongside their wired connections.

Remote Access and Site-to-Site VPNs

Remote access and site-to-site VPNs are essential for businesses with remote offices, employees who work from home, or organizations that need to connect multiple networks securely.

Both pfSense and OPNsense support a variety of VPN protocols, including OpenVPN, IPsec, and L2TP, enabling users to establish secure, encrypted connections between networks or individual devices.

Differences in Approach to Plugins and Third-Party Packages

One of the most significant differences between pfSense and OPNsense lies in their approach to plugins and third-party packages. pfSense offers a more extensive library of plugins and add-ons, providing users with a broader range of features and capabilities.

However, this can also increase the likelihood of encountering security or code quality issues, as not all plugins receive the same scrutiny and support.

On the other hand, OPNsense takes a more conservative approach to plugin integration, prioritizing security and code quality over the sheer number of available plugins. This can result in a more stable and secure platform, albeit with fewer options for customization and feature expansion.

Firewall Rule Management and Port Forwarding

Effective firewall rule management is crucial for maintaining network security and ensuring traffic flows smoothly through the network. Both pfSense and OPNsense offer powerful rule management features, such as creating and editing firewall rules, setting up port forwarding, and applying corresponding rules based on source and destination IP addresses, ports, and protocols.

Two Factor Authentication and Security Hardening

To further enhance security, both pfSense and OPNsense support two-factor authentication (2FA) for user logins, adding an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

They also provide a range of security hardening features, such as enabling secure connections, configuring advanced firewall settings, and managing user permissions.

Community Support and Documentation

Both pfSense and OPNsense have active communities and extensive documentation, ensuring users can access resources and support when needed. These communities contribute to developing new features, provide feedback on potential security issues, and offer guidance on best practices for configuring and maintaining the firewalls.

Ease of Installation and Hardware Compatibility

While both pfSense and OPNsense are designed to run on various hardware platforms, pfSense is generally considered to have broader hardware compatibility.

However, OPNsense has been making strides in recent years to improve its hardware support and ensure compatibility with a wider range of devices.

Do I need a router if I have pfSense?

Modern firewalls like pfSense and OPNSense have the ability to serve as a router, negating the need for another device on the network. However, if you have a large number of hosts in the DMZ, you may wish to consider a router with rudimentary filtering rules; placing one on the network can reduce the load on the firewall itself.

pfSense vs OPNsense: In conclusion

Both pfSense and OPNsense are incredible firewalls with advanced features that rival most commercial solutions. They offer a robust suite of features and capabilities, solid support for security best practices, and the integration of additional tools and services.

Ultimately, the choice comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your network. Either way, you won’t go wrong with either pfSense or OPNSense, as both solutions will effectively protect your network.


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