IT PROCESS AUTOMATION: What It Is, How to & Benefits

benefits of software How to Automate Processes what is

One of the most effective ways for small businesses to streamline processes, lower expenses, and stimulate expansion is through the use of automation technology. There are many chances to decrease repetitive activities and minimize manual input, especially given your tech stack. IT process automation is a viable solution if your company is spending too much time on technology management. This article explains how to automate processes and its benefits. We also added some IT process automation software that will make the process easier for you.

Let’s hit the road!

What Is an IT Process?

An IT process is a routine or set of steps that the IT team follows to accomplish its goals. IT processes may only help the IT team, or they may also help other business groups. The IT department is responsible for the bulk of the work in any IT process. IT processes include things like the workflow for processing incoming IT service requests.

What Is IT Process Automation (ITPA)?

When it comes to managing IT services, support, and administration, IT process automation (ITPA) is the integration of automated procedures. IT process automation makes it easier to connect multiple platforms, systems, and apps, which gets rid of bottlenecks in the process. IT process automation (ITPA) helps companies save time and money by streamlining IT processes, freeing up resources for growth-driving activities. One study found that almost two-thirds of businesses are using process automation in some capacity, with adoption continuing to rise each year.

The following are some of the many business processes that can be improved by implementing IT process automation:

  • Recruitment, hiring, and separation of staff
  • Obtaining and setting up equipment
  • Staffing plans and personnel administration
  • Upgrades and fixes for cyber defense
  • Managing Payroll and Payments
  • Information administration and reporting

How Does IT Process Automation Work?

Software is used to manage certain jobs in IT process automation. Each automation consists of three distinct phases:

#1. Trigger

A trigger initiates each piece of automation. Rules and conditions establish triggers, which are the moments at which an action begins. For low-code automation, a graphical user interface is utilized to define these rules and conditions. When the predetermined condition is met, the automated process begins.

#2. Automation

Automation can take many forms, but in general, it refers to the mechanization of activities that are routine, frequent, and require little in the way of human judgment or creativity. (Some hyperautomation efforts incorporate AI or machine learning components with the ability to make judgments, but most automations are significantly simpler.) Automated processes can handle things like approvals, notifications, status updates, document generation, and ticket routing.

#3. Result

Each automated process will have both a trigger and a result. These things are the end result or action of the automated process. The outcomes can be quantified, tracked, and evaluated.

How to Get Started with IT Process Automation

The following are the first four steps for any organization wishing to implement ITPA:

#1. Determine the Ideal Procedures to Follow

The first stage in putting in place an IT process automation solution is to determine what processes will be automated. These procedures should include things that are currently very repetitive and/or time-consuming but might be simplified and standardized.

#2. Establish Group Objectives

The following stage is to define success with IT process automation. Clearly outline your expected results and key performance indicators (KPIs) so you can monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed.

#3. Pick the Proper Tools

The next step is to consult with professionals for help with implementation and to buy the necessary automation tools. This step will help you get started as quickly as possible with ITPA.

#4. Coordinate Alterations and Solicit Comments

Employee training and change management constitute the final phase of the ITPA rollout. Make sure your staff has all they need to handle newly automated operations, and use their input to assess key performance indicators and fine-tune your approach.

IT Process Automation Software

The following is IT process automation software:

#1. ActiveBatch Workload Automation

If you’re looking for a low-code solution to automate your IT processes, look no further than ActiveBatch Workload Automation. ActiveBatch streamlines the process of swiftly integrating, automating, and orchestrating your whole IT infrastructure. 

ActiveBatch has a Super REST API Adapter, universal connectors, and hundreds of prebuilt integrations, so you can connect it to almost anything. Using the drag-and-drop workflow builder in ActiveBatch, you can easily build end-to-end processes that manage data and dependencies in any environment, using reusable templates and self-documenting Job Steps. 

#2. Redwood RunMyJobs

Redwood RunMyJobs is an IT process automation platform that may be used to coordinate every facet of your business. It’s also a unified environment for developing and executing workflows in several software packages and systems.

#3. Tidal IT Process Automation Software

When it comes to automating IT processes and duties, Tidal IT Process Automation Software is a formidable instrument. It helps organizations save money on labor by automating routine tasks, while simultaneously boosting service quality, productivity, and customer pleasure.

Tidal’s flexible process modules and user-friendly workflow designer make it simple to implement and maintain robotic IT procedures. It has powerful integrated reporting features that give businesses a clearer picture of process performance and facilitate the identification of problem areas. Tidal’s flexible architecture and low barrier to entry make it ideal for organizations of any size that want to boost the efficiency of their IT systems.

#4. Salesforce

Regardless of the nature, size, or complexity of your company, you can benefit from implementing a customer relationship management system. Countless businesses throughout the world rely on customer relationship management (CRM) software. Customer relationship management systems are useful for businesses of all sizes.

When it comes to customer relationship management and data solutions, Salesforce is by far the most popular option. Salesforce was made to integrate easily with your current Salesforce software. Information about customers and vendors can be consolidated from a variety of sources. Using any device, employees, including sales representatives and agents, are able to easily collaborate and communicate thanks to the salesforce management software program. 

#5. Kissflow

Whether an organization has a small network or requires complex server solutions, Kissflow can handle it all. Installation, testing, deployment, setup, and upgrades of network applications, servers, and even web services can all be handled automatically by the system. Kissflow also offers a suite of libraries and tools that make it simple to implement the system’s many functions. It also automates tasks that formerly required human intervention, such as security management. 

Facts About IT Process Automation Software

With the help of IT process automation software, you can control every automated procedure with ease. IT process automation tools that small businesses can use can help with a variety of tasks, such as:

#1. Onboarding and Offboarding

The time and effort required for employee onboarding and offboarding can be greatly reduced through the use of automation technology. New hires can expect to have their payroll paperwork and system access handled automatically by automated onboarding processes, while departing employees can expect to have their access privileges withdrawn promptly by automated offboarding procedures. Some methods can cut the time it takes to get started from eight hours or more to less than ten minutes.

#2. Provisioning and Acquiring Devices

IT process automation software helps get rid of bottlenecks in the device purchase and provisioning processes. This type of IT process automation can save a lot of time, from ordering new devices and getting them to workers to installing the right software and giving users the right permissions.

#3. Cybersecurity

IT process automation tools for cybersecurity make sure that all of your organization’s security measures are put in place in the same way. Protect your data with automated malware protection using endpoint detection and response (EDR) and by automatically deploying fixes and upgrades as they become available.

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IT Process Automation Software Features

With so many automation systems available, it can be hard to choose the best one, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some features you need to know:

#1. Orchestration of Processes

The capability to orchestrate processes and workflows is one of process automation software’s most valuable characteristics. In order to close any gaps in your processes and ensure that your systems of record are always up-to-date, it’s important to find software that can interface with the various parts of your current stack.

#2. Forms

Most IT departments get requests from a variety of sources. These demands are often communicated informally, through email, or even over the phone, which increases the time and effort required to establish and handle them. Find an ITPA that has a form section. Requestors are compelled to supply all the information necessary to process their requests by filling out a single form that records and compiles all their individual submissions. When a request comes in, automation can direct it to the right person to go over it.

#3. Templates

A process or workflow template is one that can be modified before use. To help teams get their workflows up and running, templates can also be used to provide a ready-to-use structure that maps out the process.

#4. Rules and Logic Based on Conditions

An error-free automation process relies on well-organized data flow and communication channels. Two aspects that can aid IT departments in personalizing workflows and standardizing procedures are conditional logic and rules.

#5. Low-code Features

Automation and a simplified programming environment come together in low-code technologies. Business users (who may not have coding knowledge) are encouraged to participate in problem resolution, and development cycles are shortened as a result.

#6. Security

When it comes to IT projects, security will always come first. Security, compliance, and governance should be made easier by the ITPA software you choose. SSO, MFA, user management, permissions, encryption, and so on are all examples.

#7. Visual Interface

By providing a graphical user interface, low-code automation software allows business teams to complete certain tasks more rapidly and independently of the IT department.

#8. Integrations

The ITPA software you choose should have as many integration features as possible. Consistency in data and cooperation between teams and departments are both aided by these linkages. It is possible for teams to achieve stack extensibility by integrating an IT process automation solution with existing apps and systems.

Benefits of IT Process Automation

The ability to streamline manual processes is a major advantage of ITPA, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. The following are the benefits of IT process automation:

#1. Accuracy Enhanced

 Accuracy is crucial for groups dealing with sensitive material. Automation takes the place of people and reduces the chance of mistakes by getting rid of things like data entry and updates that don’t need to be done. This makes sure that processes are safe and compliant.

#2. Facilitated Interaction and Coordination 

When emails, feedback requests, and other forms of contact are automated, it helps to eliminate or reduce communication breakdowns. The automation of communication also helps teams work together more effectively, both internally and between departments. 

#2. Greater Productivity

With IT process automation, firms can save time and effort by avoiding mundane, routine chores. ITPA allows you to reclaim time formerly spent on administrative tasks so that you can instead concentrate on growing your business.

#3. Productivity Boost

The “productivity paradox,” in which workers’ efficiency decreases along with their exposure to technology, can be addressed with the use of IT process automation. ITPA allows workers to minimize the time spent on technological tasks by reducing the number of tools they need to use.

#4. Increased Obeisance

ITPA is crucial for control and supervision in industries like finance, healthcare, and others where compliance and regulation are top priorities. By eliminating the potential for costly mistakes made by human operators, automation helps guarantee the reliability of essential procedures.

#5. Reduced Margin for Error

It only takes one careless person to cause a catastrophic failure in a system or a breach in security. IT automation helps mitigate this threat by establishing uniform standards for data protection and critical business processes.

#6. Greater Employee Satisfaction

Another benefit of ITPA is that employees tend to be happier when they spend less time on boring or routine tasks. Workers’ productivity and job satisfaction rise when they are freed from mundane, repetitive jobs through the use of automation.

#7. Improved Safety and Protection

IT process automation can help keep your company safe from the growing number of cyberattacks on small enterprises. ITPA implements uniform cybersecurity protections throughout your whole organization in place of manually installing, upgrading, and monitoring defensive software.

#8. Increased Capacity to Grow

As your company grows, IT process automation will become increasingly important to ensure the smooth running of essential operations. ITPA may be adjusted to meet the needs of any size business, allowing for massive transformation through incremental modifications to core operations.

#9. Integrating Technology Effortlessly

 IT process automation allows you to automate workflows that combine your processes, people, and tools. ITPA also has a long-term impact on the efficiency of your business’s IT management.

#10. Faster Response Times

 If a crucial system fails or an employee needs a new computer, how quickly a problem is resolved is of the utmost importance. Teams can respond and resolve issues more quickly when they use automation to manage and escalate support requests.

#11. Enhanced Readability

 Never again will you misplace an important request or ticket. When workflows are fully automated, managers no longer need to manually check in on the status of tasks in order to stay informed. 

What Are the IT Processes That Can Be Automated?

Invoicing, sales orders, financial reconciliation, data entry, system queries, payroll, employee or vendor onboarding, and staff terminations are all examples of common processes that are candidates for automation. In a service business, for instance, process automation can be extremely helpful.

What Are the Three Types of Process Automation?

Here are the three types of process automation:

  • Robotic process automation (RPA)
  • Process automation.
  • Business process automation (BPA)
  • Hyperautomation.

Final Thoughts

IT process automation (ITPA) has the potential to streamline administrative duties on the back end of businesses. With ITPA’s centralized console, developers, monitors, and orchestrators of end-to-end processes have all they need to streamline and optimize their most important processes with the help of business process management tools. IT departments and organizations cannot function effectively without IT Process Automation (ITPA) tools.  


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