how to use countif or counta function do in excel
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You could be asking how to just count your cells, regardless of whether they include text, formulae, mistakes, or numbers, despite the COUNTIF and COUNTIFS methods. This article discusses the Excel counta function, how to use it, and its functionality in Excel. It also covers the Excel countif function, which contains the countif formula’s criteria.

Counta Function in Excel 

The COUNTA function in Excel is a worksheet function that tallies the number of non-empty cells in a given range. It means “Count All” and is frequently used to count various kinds of information, including figures, dates, text, and logical values.

When you have a lot of data that includes both text and numerical values, this function comes inhandyl since it enables you to quickly and precisely count the total number of cells that include any sort of data.

Note: Because this procedure counts all kinds of data, including text, integers, and errors, you must use caution. Therefore, the COUNTA function will still count a cell as having a non-empty value even if it includes an erroneous value, such as #N/A or #VALUE!

What Does the Counta Function Do?

Spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets frequently employ the COUNTA function. It is employed to determine the number of cells, including text, numbers, dates, and mistakes, in a given range of cells that contain any kind of data. This is how the COUNTA function operates:

  1. Range: The COUNTA function accepts a range of cells as an input.
  1. COUNTA counts: This function counts how many of the range’s cells aren’t empty. Any form of data, including text, numbers, dates, and mistakes, may be found in the cells.
  1. Outcome: The function’s output is the number of non-empty cells that are present in the given range.

The COUNTA function would yield a result of 4 if used on this range (e.g., =COUNTA(A1:A4)), as all four cells in the range contain some data, whether it be text, numbers, or an error value.

However, COUNTA may be used to swiftly count the number of non-empty cells in a specified range, making it a helpful tool for activities like data analysis and tracking in spreadsheet applications.

How to Use the Counta Function in Excel

To count the number of non-empty cells in a range of cells in Excel, use the COUNTA function. Regardless of the sort of data (text, numbers, dates, mistakes, etc.) present in a particular range of cells, you may find it useful to determine how many of those cells contain data.

An instruction manual for using the COUNTA function is provided below:

  1. To start, generate or open a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
  1. Choose the cell in which to show the count.
  1. In the cell you’ve chosen, type =COUNTA(. Within the parenthesis, you must provide the range or numbers you wish to count.
  1. Choose the cell range that you wish to count. Although you may manually input values separated by commas, using a range is more typical, for instance.

You may use =COUNTA(A1:A10) to count all non-empty cells in column A from A1 to A10.

Use =COUNTA(A1:A10, B1:B10, C1:C10) to count non-empty cells across several ranges.

Use =COUNTA(A1:A10, B1:B10, “Hello”, 123, C1:C10) to count non-empty cells that include both text and numbers.

  1. Press Enter after securing the parenthesis.

Excel will determine the count and show the outcome in the chosen cell. The count is the number of cells in the provided ranges or values that are not empty.

It’s important to note that COUNTA counts any form of data present in a cell, including text, numbers, dates, mistakes, and logical values. Depending on your needs, you may use alternative methods like COUNT, COUNTIF, or COUNTIFS if you simply want to count certain sorts of data.

Countif Function in Excel

What Is the Countif Function in Excel?

Excel’s COUNTIF function counts the number of cells in a range according to pre-established standards. Cells containing dates, numbers, or text are counted using this method. For instance, COUNTIF(A1:A10, “Trump”) will determine how many cells in the range A1:A10 contain the word “Trump.”

The syntax of the COUNTIF formula in Excel is stated as follows


It accepts the following required arguments:

Range: The range of values on which the criterion will be applied is represented by it.

Criteria: It displays the restriction imposed on the range of values.  As a consequence, the values that satisfy the requirements are returned.

It shows the limitations placed on the possible range of values.  As a result, the values that meet the criteria are returned

The Criteria of the Countif Formula

If it is not numeric, it is enclosed in double quotations; if it is numeric, it is not.

Only when the values in the cell range meet the specified requirements does it produce the result.

Wildcard characters like “*” and “?” may be given. Both the question mark and the asterisk are compatible with any combination of characters.

It employs wildcard characters like “?” and “*” after the tilde operators.

What is Count in Excel 

Excel’s COUNT function counts the number of cells in the specified range that contain numeric values. It consistently yields an integer value.

Excel has a built-in statistical function called COUNT, so we may enter the formula directly in the worksheet or use the “Function Library” to insert it.

To count the number of numerical values in cells A1 through A5, for instance, insert the formula =COUNT(A1:A5) in cell B1.

Syntax of Count Excel Formula 

The COUNT Excel formula’s syntax is  =COUNTIF(

The Argument of the Count Excel Formula

This is a required parameter to be used for the value 1,[value 2],…, [value n]. Its value range extends up to 255. A range of values or a cell reference may be the value. Only the worksheet cells with numbers are counted out of a group of cells holding other types of data.

How to Use the Count Function in Excel

The COUNT Excel function has two applications, namely:

Method 1:Utilize the Excel ribbon to access

Select a blank cell to see the outcome Go to the “Formulas” tab. visit the group “Function Library” → choose “More Functions” from the drop-down menu. Click the right arrow next to “Statistical” → choose the “COUNT” option, as seen below.

A popup labeled “Function Arguments” displays. Click “OK” after entering the parameters in the “Value1,” “Value2,” etc. fields, as indicated below.

Method 2: Enter the worksheet manually

1. Choose a cell with no content as the output.

2. In the cell you’ve chosen, type =COUNT(. Alternatively, you may double-click the COUNT function from Excel’s list of suggested options by typing =C or =COU.

3. Enter the argument as a cell reference or value, then close the brackets.

4. Press “Enter” to continue.

#1. The Characteristics of the Count Function

The following is a list of the COUNT Excel Function’s Features: 

1. It counts the list of parameters that includes the textual and logical values.

2. Text that cannot be translated into numbers or incorrect values are not counted.

3.  If the parameter seems to be an array or reference, it counts the numbers solely and ignores the logical values, empty cells, text, or error values.

4. The COUNTA function is an additional COUNT function extension. It counts text, logical, or error values.

5. The COUNTIF function is an additional COUNT function extension that counts the numbers that satisfy a given condition.

#2. Troubleshooting Common Problems With the Countif Function in Excel

The COUNTIF function occasionally causes issues for even the most seasoned Excel users. To save you from being frustrated, we’ve listed some typical issues along with their fixes.

#3. Countif Function Returning the Wrong Value for Long Strings

The function can only match strings that are no longer than 255 characters, which is why this occurs. You can use the & operator or the CONCATENATE function to join multiple strings into one in order to match longer strings. 

For instance, you might use the formula =COUNTIF(A2:A5,”long string”&”another long string”) to match the string “long string” followed by “another long string.”

#4. The Countif Function Does Not Return a Value When You Expect One

This may occur if you neglect to put the criterion argument between quotes. It’s important to always remember to include text criteria, such as “apples” or “>5”, in quotes to guarantee correct functionality.

#5. You Receive a #Value! Error.

Verify that the second workbook is open. This functionality requires the other worksheet to be open in order to use the COUNTIF function.

You may utilize the COUNTIF function more skillfully and save yourself aggravation while using it in your Excel spreadsheets by learning how to troubleshoot these typical issues.

What is Countif and Countif in Excel?

Excel’s COUNTIF function counts the number of cells in a range that satisfy a specified condition. It is frequently used to evaluate data and carry out computations according to predetermined standards.

How to use Countifs with 2 Conditions?

1: Write out the requirements or circumstances you want to check for.

2: Enter “=countifs” and choose the range that the first criterion is to be tested on.

3: Enter the test results into the criteria.

Choose the second range you wish to test in step 4 (it might be the same range or a different one).

Does Countifs Count Duplicates?

Use the formula =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$A$7, A2)>1,” Duplicate”,” Unique”) to determine which values are duplicates. This formula will show the unique value as Unique and the copied value as Duplicate. To filter the duplicate values, use the Filter option on the Home tab.

Can You Do a Countif With Multiple Criteria Sheets?

Google Sheets’ COUNTIFS function counts data according to certain criteria. A combination of the COUNT and IFS functions is the COUNTIFS function. However, You may use it to verify different ranges using different criteria. In accordance with the satisfied requirements, the formula yields the count.


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