Photo Credit: @ freepik

Time-lapse videos are a unique take on an ordinary video. Not only do time-lapse videos condense time into a brief video, but they also allow us to appreciate a happening in ways that are often too small or too big and too easily noticed. In this article, we’ll be teaching you quick and easy methods for making a time-lapse video. From shooting to editing, we’ll take you through everything you need to know to make a great time-lapse video in no time with Photos, on iPhone and Android, and on TikTok. So, let’s get started!

What is a Time-Lapse Video?

A time-lapse video is a visual recording of a process unfolding gradually over a significant period but condensed into a much shorter duration when played back. This technique allows you to witness the transformation of various subjects, such as the growth of a flower, the movement of clouds across the sky, or the bustling activity of cars in a city, all within a matter of seconds or minutes.

Moreover, creating a time-lapse video typically involves capturing a series of photos or frames at regular intervals over the course of the event or process. These individual images are then compiled and played back rapidly in sequence, resulting in a video that effectively compresses time.

Also, time-lapse videos can be used to showcase a wide range of dynamic changes and developments. For instance, they are often employed to document construction projects as they evolve, capture the flow of traffic during rush hour, record the passage of a rainstorm, or observe the growth of plants. Notably, the specific intervals between each frame may vary depending on the subject and desired effect, but the fundamental principles for creating TL videos remain consistent.

How to Make a Lapse Video

Creating a TL video is a fascinating way to capture the gradual transformation of subjects or events that occur over an extended period of time. Whether you want to document the movement of clouds, the growth of plants, or a construction project’s progress, making a time-lapse video can be a rewarding creative endeavor. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the steps on how to make a TL video effectively:

#1. Equipment and Preparation:

  • Camera: Firstly, you need a camera capable of manual settings and the ability to take pictures at specific intervals. Many DSLR and mirrorless cameras are suitable for this purpose. Alternatively, you can use a smartphone with a Time Lapse feature or invest in a Time Lapse camera.
  • Sturdy Tripod: A stable tripod is essential to keeping your camera steady throughout the entire shooting process. This prevents camera shake, which can ruin your Time Lapse.
  • Intervalometer: An intervalometer is a device or feature that allows you to set the time interval between each photo. Some cameras have built-in intervalometers, while others require an external one.
  • Sufficient Storage: in general, time-lapse photography can generate a large number of photos. Ensure you have ample storage space on your memory card or use an external storage device.
  • Charged Batteries: Make sure your camera’s batteries are fully charged, as time-lapse shooting can drain the battery quickly.

#2. Choosing Your Subject:

Specifically, select a subject or scene that undergoes noticeable changes over time. Common subjects include sunsets, star trails, traffic, construction projects, blooming flowers, and more.

#3. Camera Settings:

  • Manual Mode: Set your camera to manual mode, allowing you to control settings like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.
  • Aperture: Choose an aperture setting (f-stop) that suits your scene. A smaller aperture (higher f-number) provides a greater depth of field, while a larger aperture (lower f-number) creates a shallower depth of field. Experiment to achieve the desired effect.
  • Shutter Speed: Determine an appropriate shutter speed. Faster shutter speeds (e.g., 1/1000th of a second) are ideal for capturing fast-moving subjects, while slower speeds (e.g., 1/30th of a second) work well for slower changes in your scene.
  • ISO: Keep your ISO as low as possible to maintain image quality and reduce noise. Use a tripod to compensate for the longer exposure times.
  • White Bаlаnсе: Set thе whіtе balance ассоrdіng to thеlіghtіng conditions. You саn сhооѕе presets lіkе dауlіght, cloudy, оrtungѕtеn, оr mаnuаllу аdjuѕt іt.
  • Focus: Set your camera to manual focus to prevent it from refocusing between shots. Focus on the subject at the start and double-check it periodically.

#4. Interval and Duration:

  • Determine the time interval between shots. Ultimately, this depends on the speed of the changes in your subject and the desired length of your final video. Common intervals range from a few seconds to several minutes.
  • Calculate the duration of your Time Lapse by considering the total number of frames needed and the interval between shots. For example, if you want a 10-second video at 30 frames per second (fps), you’ll need 300 frames (10 seconds x 30 fps).

#5. Shooting:

  • Mount your camera on the tripod and frame your shot. Ensure that your composition is well-composed and visually appealing.
  • Start the time-lapse sequence, and let your camera capture the images according to the predetermined interval.
  • Monitor your camera during the shoot to ensure that it continues to function properly. Check the battery level and memory card space.

#6. Post-Processing:

  • Trаnѕfеr the сарturеd images tо уоur соmрutеr.
  • Import them into video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or free options like DaVinci Resolve or Adobe After Effects.
  • Create a sequence with the imported images. Adjust the frame rate to match your desired video speed (commonly 24 or 30 fps).
  • Add transitions, music, and any other effects you desire to enhance your Time Lapse video.
  • Export the final video in your preferred format and resolution.

#7. Sharing and Enjoying:

Share your TL video on social media, video-sharing platforms, or with friends and family to showcase your creative work.

How to Make a Time Lapse Video with Photos requires patience and attention to detail, but the results can be truly captivating. Obviously, as you gain experience, you can experiment with different subjects, intervals, and editing techniques to create unique and stunning time-lapse videos. Remember that practice and experimentation are key to mastering this art form, so don’t be afraid to start small and gradually tackle more ambitious projects.

How Do You Set the Time Lapse Time?

  • To set the Time Lapse time, you need to determine two key factors: eventually, the interval between shots and the desired duration of your final TL video.
  • The interval is the amount of time between each photo you take. For example, if you take a photo every 5 seconds, your interval is 5 seconds.
  • The desired duration is how long you want your final Time Lapse video to be when played back. This could be, for instance, 30 seconds.
  • To calculate the number of photos you need to take, divide the desired duration (in seconds) by the interval. For example, to create a 30-second Time Lapse with a 5-second interval, you would take 30 / 5 = 6 photos.
  • Use your camera’s settings or an intervalometer to set the interval, and then ensure your camera captures the required number of photos to achieve the desired Time Lapse.

How Many Seconds is a 1-hour Time Lapse?

To calculate the duration of a 1-hour Time Lapse in seconds, simply multiply 1 hour (3600 seconds) by 60 (the number of minutes in an hour). So, a 1-hour Time Lapse is equal to 3600 seconds.

What App Turns Videos into Time Lapses?

There are several apps available for turning videos into Time Lapse videos. Some popular options include:

  • Lapse It: Available for both iOS and Android, Lapse It allows you to convert existing videos into Time Lapse, and it also provides tools for capturing new Time Lapse footage.
  • Hyperlapse by Instagram: This app is available for iOS devices and is known for its stabilization features. Hence, it can turn videos into smooth Time Lapse.
  • Microsoft Hyperlapse: Available for both Android and Windows, this app can convert videos into Time Lapse with various speed settings.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects: If you prefer desktop software, Adobe’s video editing tools are powerful options for creating TL videos from your existing footage. However, they offer more advanced editing capabilities.

How to Make a Time-Lapse Video on TikTok

How to Make a Time Lapse Video on TikTok is interesting if only you know your way around it. TikTok is an interesting application to showcase your online preferences.

  • Get creative with the power of Time Lapse! Choose an interesting background and some props to set the scene for a Time Lapse video.
  • Use the “speed up” feature in TikTok to speed up your video, making it into a Time Lapse video.
  • Add some music to your TL video to give it a finishing touch–it will make the Time Lapse even more entertaining to watch.
  • Share your TikTok Time Lapse video with your friends and followers.
  • Make sure to hashtag your video! whenever you’re stuck on hashtags, some trending hashtag ideas are #timelapse #tiktoktrends #tiktokcreative #timelapsevideo.

What phones have Time Lapse?

Most modern smartphones, including iPhones and Android devices, come with built-in Time Lapse recording features in their camera apps. You can typically find this feature alongside other camera modes like video, photo, and slow-motion. On the other hand, the availability and functionality of Time Lapse may vary slightly between phone models and brands, but it’s a common feature on smartphones.

How Do I Make a Fake Time-Lapse Video?

Creating a “fake” Time Lapse video typically involves simulating the Time Lapse effect in post-production, rather than capturing images or video frames over time. Here’s a basic process to create a simulated Time Lapse effect:

  • Record regular video footage of the subject or scene.
  • Import the video into video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or a similar program.
  • Speed up the video: In the editing software, increase the playback speed of the video clip. This can be done by selecting the clip and adjusting its speed or duration settings. For example, you might set the playback speed to 2x or higher to create a time-lapse effect.
  • Export the edited video: Once you’re satisfied with the speed and appearance of the video, export it as a Time Lapse video.
  • Your video will now have a simulated Time Lapse effect, where the actions or changes appear to happen much more quickly than in real-time.

How to Make a Time-Lapse Video on Android

How to Make a Time Lapse Video on Android is another big thing, Android phones have many users. Therefore, іtѕ usage ѕhоuld bе tаkеn іntо соnѕіdеrаtіоn.

  • First, on your Android phone, download an appropriate time-lapse video app. There are many TL video apps available on the Google Play store that can capture a sequence of photos and compile them into a video. Most apps are fairly user-friendly and easy to use.
  • Choose a subject. Before you begin recording your time-lapse video, make sure you pick an interesting subject that will capture the attention of your viewers.
  • Set up the time-lapse. Most apps will allow you to select the frequency with which it will take photos. You can also adjust the length of time you want the video to be, the resolution of the video, and other settings.
  • Start recording. Once you have the settings configured, you can simply press the record button or select the time-lapse option in the app.
  • Stop recording. When you’re done recording, press the stop button in the time-lapse app.
  • Further, export the video. Once you’ve finished recording, the app should give you the option of exporting the video in a compatible format that can be shared with friends and family.

How to Make a Timelapse Video on Your Phone:

  • Open your phone’s Camera app.
  • Find and select the Timelapse mode.
  • Record your scene while keeping your phone steady.
  • Edit your timelapse using online video editing tools like Flixier.

Can You Turn a Video into a Timelapse:

Yes, you can convert any video into a timelapse using the video speed setting in Flixier or similar video editing tools.

How to Make a Timelapse Video:

  • Import your videos into a video editing tool like Flixier.
  • Use the video speed adjustment feature to increase the playback speed.
  • Publish or download your timelapse video.


How to Make a Time Lapse Video on iPhone, How to Make a Time Lapse Video on Android, and How to Make a Time Lapse Video on TikTok can be dоnе quickly аndеаѕіlуwіthjuѕt a few сlісkѕ. However, taking that perfect time-lapse video with your phone doesn’t have to be a difficult task. By following these steps, you can get that perfect video clip you’ve been hoping for. Moreover, with practice, you will be able to make TL videos like a pro. Gather your gear, set the photo interval, choose the right option from the camera roll, and hit the record button. Simple as that, How to Make a Time Lapse Video with Photos. Your time-lapse video is now ready for sharing!

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