How Much Do Web Developers Make: 2023 Salary Guide

How Much Do Web Developers Make: 2023 Salary Guide
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Do you want to know how much web developers make? Perhaps you are seeking to go down that career path, and you need an idea of how it will look like, money-wise. Or maybe you are just curious.

Web development (and software development in general) is one of the most popular and rapidly growing industries in the world. It’s a very good time to be a developer of any kind.

And despite the growth of this job industry, salaries continue to increase. There is no oversaturation of web developers these days.

Overview of the Web Development Industry

Demand for developers is booming. The downside to this is that it can be a very competitive industry. You’ll probably need to pick up multiple languages and a wide variety of skills to get the best jobs. Also, keeping up with the hot frameworks and languages is key to staying relevant.

On the bright side, web developer jobs are expected to grow 13% from 2018-2028. That might not sound like an overwhelming number, but typical job growth across all industries is only 5%. IT, in general, is a booming industry, with general computer occupations growing at 12%.

U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics on web developers

Types of Web Developers

The average salary of a web developer can change depending on the type of web development they specialize in. There are three different types of web developers: front-end developers, back-end developers, and full-stack developers.

Front-end developers

A front-end developer creates websites and applications using web languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that allow users to access and interact with the site or app. When you visit a website, the design elements you see were created by a front-end developer.

Front-end developers create user interfaces (UI). UI is the graphical layout of an application that determines what each part of a site or application does and how it will look. If someone wanted to build a website, they might hire a front-end developer to create the site’s layout. They will determine where to place images, what the navigation should look like, and how to present the site.

Much of their work involves ensuring the appearance and layout of the site or application are easy to navigate and intuitive for the user.

Back-end developers

Back-end development means working on server-side software, which focuses on everything you can’t see on a website. The back-end developers are the experts who build and maintain the mechanisms that process data and perform actions on websites. Unlike front-end developers, who control everything you can see on a website, back-end developers are involved in data storage, security, and other server-side functions that you cannot see.

Back-end developers ensure the website performs correctly, focusing on databases, back-end logic, application programming interface (APIs), architecture, and servers. They use code that helps browsers communicate with databases and store, understand, and delete data.

On a team, back-end developers collaborate with front-end developers, product managers, principal architects, and website testers to build the structure of a website or mobile app. Back-end developers must be familiar with many kinds of tools and frameworks, including languages such as Python, Java, and Ruby.

They make sure the back-end performs quickly and responsively to front-end user requests.

Full-stack developer

A full-stack developer is a developer or engineer who can build both the front end and the back end of a website. The front end (the parts of a website a user sees and interacts with) and the back end (the behind-the-scenes data storage and processing) require different skill sets. Since full-stack developers are involved with all aspects of the development process, they must have expertise in both.

Full-stack developers can work in-house or at a computer development company that engineers websites, software, and other components for other businesses.

Full-stack developers design and create websites and applications for various platforms. A full-stack developer’s job description might include the following:

  • Develop and maintain web services and interfaces
  • Contribute to front-end and back-end development processes
  • Build new product features or APIs
  • Perform tests, troubleshoot software, and fix bugs
  • Collaborate with other departments on projects and sprints

The world of full-stack development is large, and many new and evolving technologies continually push the limits of what a full-stack developer can create. Staying on top of cutting-edge technology and techniques in the full-stack development field is one of the many exciting aspects of working in this role.

According to LinkedIn’s 2020 Emerging Jobs Report, the industries with the most full-stack developer jobs are:

  • Computer software
  • Information technology and services
  • Internet
  • Financial services
  • Higher education
Other types of web developers include:
  • Mobile Web Developer: These developers need to understand responsiveness while designing websites for mobile visitors. This can also overlap with software development and app design.
  • WordPress Developer: WordPress developers specialize in the popular CMS software. They need to be proficient in PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and very familiar with WordPress’ backend. They might maintain websites for clients or develop themes.
  • Web Security Developer: This may also be called a security software developer or a cybersecurity developer. Their job is to secure websites, fix any hacks that may occur, and study common attack vectors to gain insight into how websites get hacked.
  • Web3 Developer: Web3 developers work with peer-to-peer decentralized networks, such as blockchain technologies. Projects include building decentralized applications, often created using technologies such as MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js.

How much do Web Developers make?

Before getting into the average web developer’s salary, let us set the proper way to look at it.

The data below comes from job websites that take into account different resources related to their own internal data. And while there will be discrepancies – of course – we will try to add as many data sources as possible for each category we’ll analyze.

Note: These numbers are mostly related to the US and should be intended before taxes.

In 2018, the median pay for all developers as listed by the Bureau of Labor was $69,430/year or $33.38/hour.

web developers quick facts
Quick facts on web developers

At the time of this writing, Glassdoor’s estimate lists a similar number, $68.5/year. Even on the lower end of the spectrum, you could still make $44k/year, while the top-ranking web developers, e.g. Web3 developers, earn as much as $154,550.

How Much Do Web Developers Make BusinessYield
Glassdoor’s data on web developer salary

Payscale has even more interesting statistics. While its salary outlook is slightly above $59K/year only, you can see that the number goes up the more years of experience you have.

PayScale’s data on web developer salary

Other sites like Indeed list even higher numbers above $75,5k/year.

How Much Do Web Developers Make BusinessYield
Indeed’s data on web developer salary

While the numbers vary somewhat across these sources, they consistently reflect an average pay ranging from 60k-75k/year. This is fairly generous for a job you can get with an associate’s degree or less.

Average salary for front-end developers

As of February 2023, Glassdoor reports an average yearly pay of $84,235 for front-end developers in the US. This figure includes an average annual salary of $78,516 and a reported additional pay of $5,719. Additional pay insights may include profit-sharing, commissions, or bonuses.

Factors like education level, experience, and certifications may affect salary range.

Average salary for back-end developers

The estimated median base pay for a back-end web developer in the US is $82,462 as of October 2022, according to Glassdoor. Indeed reports an average base salary of $95,472. This can vary depending on location, seniority, and other factors.

Average salary for full-stack developers

As of October 2022, the average annual salary of a full-stack developer is $81,188, according to Glassdoor. This figure does not include bonuses, commissions, or other additional payments that may be offered to a full-stack developer on a yearly basis.

The estimated additional pay for this role is $5,915 per year.

Factors affecting web developer salary

Keep in mind that new web developers typically earn less than experienced professionals. Also, developers with certifications or specialized education can make more. There are many steps you can take to build your expertise and earn the salary you desire.


Web developers must know how to code. Programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, Python, or Ruby are common depending on whether you are doing front-end or back-end development. You can build your programming knowledge and display your expertise with Professional Certificates and an associate degree. You don’t necessarily need a bachelor’s degree to work as a web developer, but those with a post-secondary degree tend to earn higher salaries.

Also, some companies may look for web developers with degrees in specific fields, such as computer science or programming.

Bachelor’s degrees can also position web developers to work in managerial roles and earn additional income. For example, computer and information system managers earn an annual median salary of $159,010, according to the BLS.

For many who are starting to look for a web development job, learning the basics is an important step. Online specialization courses can begin the educational journey. The University of Michigan offers Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization, while Johns Hopkins University offers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers. 

Level of experience

As a web developer, every project is an opportunity to grow your portfolio and gain more experience. In time, this can result in higher pay. Glassdoor estimates the average total pay for three main levels of expertise as follows:

Entry-level web developer salary

Entry-level web developers typically have one to three years of experience and earn an average yearly wage of $71,410.

  • Salary range: $46,000 to $112,000

Junior web developer salary

Junior or intermediate-level web developers typically have four to six years of experience and earn $79,916 per year on average.

  • Salary range: $50,000 to $128,000

Senior web developer salary

Senior or advanced-level web developers typically have seven to nine years of experience and earn an average annual pay of $84,969.

  • Salary range: $53,000 to $138,000


Web developers can qualify for more specialized jobs—and earn better salaries—by mastering specific skills used in complex online projects. These skills are often ever-changing, and successful web developers consider lifelong learning an important part of their career path. 

Job descriptions often include the specific skills that employers seek. Here is a list of skills that could benefit your salary:

  • Backbone.js 
  • Angular 
  • Node.js
  • React
  • Java

Many online courses are available to build skills and earn Professional Certificates. For example, IBM’s Full Stack Cloud Developer Professional Certificate and the Google UX Design Professional Certificate.

Company size

About 6% of web developers are self-employed. They have the freedom to set their rates and select their projects. However, the vast majority of web developers work for companies of varying sizes and industries.

Sometimes, the smaller the company, the less it can pay its employees. Larger companies often have the means to offer bonuses, profit sharing, and commission on top of base salaries. They may also provide additional benefits to compete for the best web developers in today’s marketplace. 


As you gain expertise and experience as a web developer, your career path will likely lead you to new opportunities. Your job title can play a role in the amount of money you make as a web developer. For example, a PHP developer earns $108,173 per year on average in the US.

A Java developer makes an average yearly wage of $96,937.

*Note: All salary information was sourced from Glassdoor in July 2023.


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