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As an individual involved in SEO, it is crucial for you to recognize the significance of website speed. It is important to understand that having fast websites leads to satisfied users and search engines. A very useful tool that Google offers is Google PageSpeed Insights, which can help you optimize your website. By providing you with all the necessary tools, it empowers you to enhance your website’s performance and ultimately improve its rankings. This guide aims to give you a comprehensive overview of Google PageSpeed Insights. In this article, we will cover the definition of the topic, its functioning, and strategies and tool for optimizing your Google PageSpeed tool.


The Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) tool is a free one. It offers valuable insights into the performance and speed of your web pages. The tool assesses the performance of websites and page experiences by considering various important metrics. These metrics include loading speed, resource utilization, optimization of images, and other media elements. Google Page Speed Insights (PSI) operates at the page level, meaning that a high score for a specific page does not necessarily indicate a high score for your entire website.

The tool assigns a score ranging from 0 to 100, where 100 represents the highest level of speed and performance for a web page. Also, note that achieving a score of 100 is not necessary or expected.

How Does Pagespeed Insights Work?

Google PageSpeed Insights is a tool that performs tests and analyzes the HTML, JavaScript, and other code that comprise your website. The tool provides a comprehensive report that identifies specific areas where optimization can be applied to the tested page.  The tool assesses the performance of your website on both desktop and mobile devices, helping you optimize it for all users.

How to Improve Google PageSpeed Insights Score

The various ways to improve the Google PageSpeed Insights score are:

#1. Use Browser Caching to Your Advantage

Your website doesn’t have to load from the start every time a user views it. Your webpage is given to the user’s browser in much the same way as their browser retains certain files (so that they don’t need to be downloaded again the next time you visit the website or even click on a different page within the same site).

This is called making use of browser caching, and it can have a major impact on how well your site performs in Google’s speed tests. With the abundance of plugins for WordPress, browser caching is a breeze to set up.

#2. Stay Away From Landing Page Redirects After Clicking

Landing page-after-click redirects is the process of moving a user from one web page to another. These events can occur when a user interacts with a link, an ad, or submits a form. Users will quickly become frustrated with your site if it constantly reroutes them. That’s why staying totally away from them is a must.

Both newcomers to the Internet and seasoned pros often mistakenly believe that by using redirects, they would be able to gather more data on their site’s visitors. Data tracking is useful, but if you want to avoid user frustration (and a drop in your site’s Core Web Vitals score and page load time), there are better ways to achieve it. Redirects, in other words, are a losing proposition all around.

#3. Permit Compression

Data compression is getting rid of extraneous characters to make the data smaller. This can be accomplished with the help of a compressor or compression algorithm. By compressing the data on your website, you can significantly reduce the load time of each page. Compression can be improved by utilizing smaller images (or by using formats like WEBP).

#4. Speed Up Server Response Time

Time spent waiting for a server to react to a browser request is measured in terms of the server’s response time. Numerous factors, such as the kind of server you’re using, the load on the server, and the connectivity between your server and the user, can affect this time. It may also be time to transfer hosting providers if the one you’re using is very slow. In the case of shared hosting, the available resources must be split among multiple sites. Your website’s server response time may suffer as a result. You should also think about switching to a VPS or a dedicated host.

#5. Get Rid of Render-Blocking Resources

You should halt any render-blocking resources in addition to removing render-blocking JavaScript and CSS. Images, graphics, movies, and other assets that prevent the browser from rendering the website are called render-blocking resources.

While there is no foolproof method for fixing this, you can use the PageSpeed Insights tool and the Core Web Vitals reports to pinpoint which resources are to blame. When the resources are found, they can be optimized, or they can be loaded asynchronously.

#6. Put Above-The-Fold Content First

Above-the-fold information is what a user can see on the screen without having to scroll down. People shouldn’t have to wait long for this material to show up on screen, so it should load as quickly as possible. Focus on getting the most important content up as soon as possible, whether it’s important content that needs to be shown first or a carousel that needs to spin quickly. Because they can immediately see what you have to offer without interruption from other events in their lives, this also helps people focus.

#7. Get Rid of JavaScript and CSS That Block Rendering

Blocking the render Scripts and styles like JavaScript and CSS stop the page from rendering. So the person won’t be able to see anything until the scripts and styles are filled in. Using the right tags in your HTML page, minifying your scripts and styles, or loading them simultaneously are all ways to get rid of JavaScript and CSS that stop your website from rendering. Make sure you find out which of the many ways to do this will work best for you.

#8. Choose WordPress Themes That Are Quick to Load

There are different kinds of WordPress themes. Some WordPress themes are made to be quick and easy to use, while others are not. There are a lot of different WordPress themes out there, so you should be able to find one that fits your needs and loads pages quickly for users. Because of this, some of the fastest WordPress themes can make your site run much faster.

Google PageSpeed Tool

The various Google PageSpeed tool include the following:

#1. WebPageTest

WebPageTest is a free program that lets you check how well your website works for different types of users. Like different places around the world, a browser, and an internet link. It lets you do more in-depth research and gives you a full report on your site’s performance metrics, such as load time and TTFB.

#2. GTmetrix

GTmetrix is a free tool that checks how well a page works. You only need to type in the URL and pick where the server is located. This tool makes a report with different views.

#3. Website Checker

Website Checker is a free tool that you can use in your Semrush account to check how well a blog is doing. If you already have a Semrush account, you don’t need to sign up for any other service to use this tool, which is a lot like Google PSI.

Website Checker, like PSI, looks at your site in a number of different areas, such as speed, accessibility, best practices, and SEO. It also gives the site a score based on how well it does in each area and suggests ways it could do better.

#4. Semrush’s Site Audit 

As you work to make your site faster and improve your Google PageSpeed Insights score, Semrush’s Site Audit can help. It thoroughly checks your website for more than 140 technical and SEO problems, producing a detailed report that lists all the areas that need work. The “Performance” report has important information like the amount and sizes of JavaScript and CSS files, as well as the average load speed and page load speed.

Plus, you can quickly see all the major mistakes and problems that are slowing down your site and lowering its PSI score. The report can help you quickly find and fix technical problems that affect your PSI score by analyzing data, setting priorities for you, and giving you clear directions.

Is PageSpeed owned by Google?

Google PageSpeed is a collection of tools created by Google, Inc. These tools are specifically designed to assist with optimizing a website’s performance.

What Is a Good Google Page Speed Score?

A score of 90 or above is considered to be good. A score between 50 and 89 indicates room for improvement, while a score below 50 is considered poor.

Is Google Page Speed Insights Accurate? 

Although it may not encompass every user experience, the field data provided by PageSpeed Insights is generally quite accurate. In certain situations, it may not provide a complete understanding, such as when you have a health-related website and numerous users utilize Chrome’s Incognito Mode.

What Is Page Speed in Website?

Page speed refers to the duration it takes for a page to be requested and fully loaded in a web browser. The speed at which a webpage loads has a significant impact on how users perceive a brand and its offerings. Users have the same performance expectations for both mobile and desktop. Slow page speeds increase bounce rates.

Is Google Page Speed Reliable?

Yes, the user data in PageSpeed Insights does have an impact on your ranking on Google. Achieving “good” scores across all three Core Web Vitals metrics can significantly benefit your SEO. The purpose of running the lab test is to obtain diagnostic data that can be utilized to optimize the performance of your website.

Does Google Page Speed Matter?

Page speed is crucial for users because faster pages are more efficient and greatly enhance the overall user experience. According to a recent infographic by Kissmetrics, if a webpage takes more than 3 seconds to load, more than 25% of users will navigate away and select a different search result.

Does Page Speed Affect SEO?

Page and site speed have become crucial factors in determining how search engines evaluate your pages in terms of SEO. The reason for this is that Google aims to provide search results that load quickly and do not discourage users. Their goal is to provide the most relevant and appropriate websites in their search results.

Gathering Up

Google PageSpeed Insights is an invaluable tool for anyone involved in optimizing their website’s SEO. The tool offers valuable insights into the performance and loading speed of your website. Make sure you are aware of the important metrics that PageSpeed Insights evaluates. Afterward, optimize your website accordingly. Thus, by following this approach, you can enhance performance, ultimately leading to an improved user experience. This, in turn, could potentially result in improved rankings on search engines.


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