DocumentDB Competitors: Top 8 Alternatives in 2023

DocumentDB Competitors
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In light of a growing number of clients encountering difficulties in effectively deploying MongoDB on a large scale, Amazon has introduced the DocumentDB solution. With the assistance of machine-learning data scaling in DocumentDB, it is feasible to effortlessly expand storage capacity from 10GB to 64TB. Keep reading this guide to understand more about how DocumentDB works, its features, and some of its top competitors.

DocumentDB Overview

Amazon DocumentDB is a fully managed document database service that is compatible with MongoDB. DocumentDB’s document database design simplifies JSON data storage, retrieval, and indexing. Developers can deploy, maintain, and scale applications on Amazon DocumentDB with the same code, drivers, and tools they use with MongoDB.

However, there is only one writable master in the system, but storage and computation are separate thanks to the design. The Aurora Storage Engine is used by Amazon DocumentDB; it was initially developed for the MySQL relational database.  Data is replicated six times across three AWS Availability Zones (AZs), allowing the storage engine to be distributed, fault-tolerant, self-healing, and durable. 

Since MongoDB is open source, “MongoDB compatible” means that DocumentDB can communicate with the MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0 application programming interfaces. Users of both MongoDB and DocumentDB can utilize the same drivers, applications, and tools (such as Hackolade) with minimal effort. However, not all MongoDB APIs are supported by DocumentDB, despite the fact that it supports the great majority of the MongoDB APIs that customers actually use. 

Also, Hackolade requires the DocumentDB plugin in order to model data in DocumentDB.  

DocumentDB’s database, collection, and index modeling are all supported by a customized version of Hackolade. In addition, the software strictly adheres to the database’s chosen terminology.

How Does DocumentDB Work?

Amazon DocumentDB is designed to function as a document database, utilizing the Apache 2.0 open-source MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0 APIs for seamless interaction. Consequently, it is possible to utilize the identical MongoDB drivers, apps, and tools seamlessly with Amazon DDocumentDB, requiring minimal to no modifications.

The first step in using Amazon DocumentDB is setting up a cluster. A cluster volume, which is a component of the cluster itself, manages data for one or more database instances. A virtual database storage volume that spans many AZs, Amazon DocumentDB cluster volumes are used to store databases in the cloud. A replica of the cluster’s information is stored in each Availability Zone.

There are two components to an Amazon DocumentDB cluster:

  • Cluster density: Data is replicated six times across three Availability Zones using a cloud-native storage service, guaranteeing great durability and accessibility. A single cluster volume can hold up to 128 terabytes of data in an Amazon DocumentDB cluster.
  • Instances: Contribute computing resources toward running the database, including reading and writing to the cluster’s shared storage. Amazon DocumentDB clusters can have anywhere from zero to sixteen nodes.

There are two primary functions for instance:

  • Primary instance: Allows for data to be read from and written to the cluster volume, as well as doing any other necessary updates. There is one primary instance for each Amazon DocumentDB cluster.
  • Replica instance: Only read access is supported. There can be as many as 15 secondary nodes in a cluster of Amazon DocumentDB. When you have numerous replicas, you can divide your traffic among them. In addition, you can boost your cluster’s availability by putting replicas in different Availability Zones.

What Are the Features of DocumentDB?

Here are some of the key features of DocumentDB:

#1. Completely Supervised Service 

Provisioning, updates, backups, high availability, and long-term reliability are all things that AWS does. You may now focus on application development instead of tedious administration work.

#2. Compatible with MongoDB 

Amazon DocumentDB supports the MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0 APIs, making it compatible with the popular database. It simulates the answers a client would get from a real MongoDB server. This ensures that you need to make little adjustments to your existing MongoDB drivers and tools in order to utilize them with Amazon DocumentDB. After transferring your data to Amazon DocumentDB, upgrading your application to use Amazon DocumentDB could be as easy as redirecting the application to the Amazon DocumentDB API.

#3. Superior Scalability 

In Amazon DocumentDB, you may grow both the storage and the compute independently of one another. Clusters with as few as one instance can scale to accommodate millions of reads per second by adding as many as 15 read replicas. Also, DocumentDB automatically expands allocated storage in 10 GB increments up to 64 TB as your data grows, so you never have to worry about running out of space.

#4. Tolerance to Failures

Strong durability characterizes Amazon DocumentDB. Six copies of your data are made in three different Availability Zones. Two out of six data copies can be lost without affecting write availability in Amazon DocumentDB, while three out of six can be lost without impacting read availability.

#5. Automatic, Continuous, Incremental Backups and Point-In-Time Recovery

Your clusters can be restored to a certain moment in time with the help of Amazon DocumentDB’s backup feature. If you delete a cluster and create a new one, you can restore your data at any time within the last five minutes of your backup retention period. Up to 35 days of data can be retained in your automated backups. Also, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is where we save our regularly scheduled backups because of its 99.999999999% durability. There is zero influence on cluster performance with Amazon DocumentDB’s automated, incremental, continuous backups.

#6. Extremely Safe 

To keep your data safe while in transit, Amazon DocumentDB operates in your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption on all connections. In Amazon DocumentDB, data at rest is also by default encrypted.

What Are the Benefits of DocumentdDB?

Here are some of the top benefits of DocumentDB:

#1. Access Control

There is built-in and custom role support for RBAC in Amazon DocumentDB. By controlling user access with RBAC, you can follow the principle of “least privilege.”

What users and groups in AWS IAM can do with Amazon DocumentDB resources like clusters, instances, snapshots, and parameter groups is managed as part of AWS IAM. You may manage your Amazon DocumentDB user groups and other resources with tags in IAM.

#2. Encryption

Amazon DocumentDB (KMS) databases can be encrypted with the help of the AWS Key Management Service.

Amazon DocumentDB encryption safeguards the data in the underlying storage as well as automatic backups, snapshots, and cluster replicas. Additionally, all client-to-Amazon DocumentDB connections are by default TLS-secured.

#3. MongoDB-compatible

Amazon DocumentDB supports MongoDB versions 3.6 and 4.0 drivers.  It supports a wide range of drivers, applications, and tools that are already familiar to customers.

To mimic a MongoDB server, Amazon DocumentDB uses the Apache 2.0 open-source MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0 application programming interfaces. Now, developers can build mission-critical apps on MongoDB with the speed, scalability, and availability they need.

#4. Storage That Can Recover From Failures on Its Own

The data is replicated six times in three availability zones (AZs). To handle the loss of up to two copies of data without impacting write availability, Amazon DocumentDB provides fault-tolerant storage. When a data block or disk in Amazon DocumentDB fails, it is automatically replaced.

#5. Validation of Compliance

Amazon DocumentDB was developed with the highest level of security in mind to assist you in meeting your own internal requirements for regulatory and compliance compliance. HIPAA, ISO 9001, 27001, 27017, and 27018, and SOC 1, 2, and 3 compliance are all checked off for Amazon DocumentDB.

Is DocumentDB Better Than MongoDB?

Both MongoDB and DocumentDB are strong, feature-rich, document-oriented NoSQL databases. In addition to its many querying options, MongoDB is very flexible, scalable, and supported by a robust ecosystem. Due to its status as an AWS-managed service, DocumentDB has excellent scalability, MongoDB compatibility, AWS service integration, and security. Think about your application’s goals, your desired level of scalability, the complexity of your queries, your preferred method of integration, and your budget when deciding between MongoDB and DocumentDB. You can select the best database for your needs by giving serious consideration to the aforementioned factors.

Documentdb Competitors

Looking for MongoDB-compatible competitors to Amazon DocumentDB? Check out the other Cloud Database Management Systems Amazon DocumentDB (MongoDB compatible) buyers considered. Prospective buyers compare competencies in areas like evaluation and contracting, integration and deployment, service and support, and product capabilities as they evaluate various solutions. Here are some of the top DocumentDB Competitors:

#1. SQL Server

Microsoft SQL is a powerful and flexible database management system (DBMS)  and a top competitor to DocumentDB, that is easy to install and use, supports a wide variety of languages, and works well on any PC. When everything is set up and functioning as it should, life is perfect. Also, when compared to other commercially accessible programs, coding is far more productive. It is among the best databases because of its superior scalability and its ability to reduce network traffic. The integrated introduction feature aids the efforts of any programmer.

#2. Google Cloud Firestore

Providing a serverless, NoSQL document database well-suited to today’s web and mobile apps, Google Cloud Firestore is a strong competitor to DocumentDB. Firestore provides continuous data synchronization, which facilitates real-time updates and cross-device teamwork. It uses a versatile data model that can accommodate both collections and documents, making it simple to store and retrieve information.

Firestore, however, is ideal for internationally split applications thanks to its worldwide distribution and dynamic scaling, which guarantee high availability and low-latency access. When integrated with other Google Cloud services, its analytics, machine learning, and serverless computing capacities are greatly enhanced.

Firestore’s encryption, data validation criteria, and user authentication are just a few of its strong security features. The variety of client libraries and SDKs available for developers is a boon.

Generally speaking, Google Cloud Firestore is a formidable competitor to DocumentDB because of its real-time capabilities, scalability, and close interaction with Google Cloud services, especially for applications requiring responsive, collaborative, and globally accessible data storage.

#3. MongoDB

When comparing NoSQL databases, MongoDB is a strong competitor to DocumentDB. MongoDB is ideal for unstructured or semi-structured data due to its adaptability and scalability. Like JSON, BSON allows for dynamic schema updates, so it can keep up with changing data needs.

As data quantities increase, MongoDB’s robust support for horizontal scaling via sharding allows for easy expansion. However, it allows for effective data retrieval and analysis by providing an intelligent query language, indexes, and an aggregation framework. Compliance with ACID guarantees the integrity and consistency of your data.

Thanks to its extensive suite of open-source tools and drivers, the platform is usable by programmers working in a wide variety of languages. The security, backup, and monitoring features of the fully managed database service MongoDB Atlas make deployment and management easier.

Given its track record in a variety of use cases, MongoDB is a strong competitor to DocumentDB for businesses looking for a flexible, scalable, and developer-friendly NoSQL database solution.

#4. Couchbase

Couchbase is a popular competitor to DocumentDB because it also provides a distributed NoSQL database solution, but it is better known for its great performance and adaptability. It’s versatile since it works well with semi-structured or unstructured data.

Couchbase’s powerful, JSON-based document data format makes it possible to store complex data structures efficiently and make dynamic changes to the underlying schema. It is a good fit for applications with increasing demands because of its multi-node, distributed architecture, which guarantees its horizontal scalability and fault tolerance.

Couchbase is a great option for mobile and online apps that need to provide smooth user experiences because of its support for real-time data synchronization and offline-first applications.

In addition, Couchbase provides functionality for event-driven microservices and full-text search analytics. In addition, it incorporates strict safety features like encrypted data storage and role-based access control.

Ultimately, Couchbase’s combination of customizability, scalability, and real-time capabilities makes it a viable competitor to DocumentDB, especially for distributed-environment applications requiring fast data management.

#5. RethinkDB

Providing a distributed, open-source NoSQL database system that is optimized for real-time applications, RethinkDB is a formidable competitor to DocumentDB. Its main advantage is that it can update data in real-time, making it a great option for situations when users need instant access to information.

Because it uses a document data format based on JSON, RethinkDB can easily adapt to new and changing data needs. Data retrieval and manipulation are both improved by the query language’s support for complicated queries and aggregations.

Applications can subscribe to changefeeds, a unique feature of RethinkDB, to receive real-time updates on data changes. Collaborative apps, dashboards, and real-time analytics tools all greatly benefit from this capability.

The open-source nature of RethinkDB encourages a vibrant developer community and third-party integrations, while the database’s distributed architecture guarantees excellent availability and scalability.

For applications that need instant data synchronization and real-time data-driven functionality, RethinkDB is a formidable competitor to DocumentDB thanks to its real-time features, flexibility, and community support.

#6. Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB

With its globally distributed, multi-model database service and outstanding scalability and flexibility, Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB is a serious competitor to DocumentDB. It is flexible enough to deal with data in many different formats, including SQL, NoSQL, key-value, graph, and column-family data.

Suitable for globally distributed applications, Cosmos DB’s global distribution guarantees low-latency access to data across diverse locations. It provides a range of consistency models, letting programmers adjust the reliability of their data to suit their specific needs.

The remarkable performance and seamless scaling of this database service make it suitable for serving massive amounts of traffic with ease. For cutting-edge analytics, machine learning, and serverless computing, look no further than Cosmos DB with Microsoft Azure.

Features like encryption, role-based access control, and compliance certifications ensure strong data protection and compliance.

For businesses looking for a highly scalable and internationally distributed database solution, Azure Cosmos DB is a formidable competitor to DocumentDB due to its flexibility, global reach, and interaction with Azure services.

#7. Cassandra

Cassandra is a formidable competitor to DocumentDB since it provides a distributed and highly scalable NoSQL database. It is an online database management system (DBMS) that the Apache Software Foundation created. Its primary purpose is to manage large data sets across many servers and data centers.

Because of its horizontally scalable design, Cassandra is ideal for applications expecting rapid data expansion. The column-family data model it uses is well-suited to the storage of time series data and other types of data that necessitate high write throughput.

Also, Cassandra’s high availability and fault tolerance are two of its strongest points since they guarantee the integrity of data and prevent systems from going down. Additionally, it has adjustable consistency levels so that programmers can balance data integrity and throughput as necessary for their applications.

Cassandra is frequently employed in scenarios where information must be accessible at all times and from many locations. In particular, for applications that require scalability, fault tolerance, and high-performance data storage, its wide ecosystem of tools and strong community support further reinforce its position as a competitor to DocumentDB.

#8. Neo4j

Among DocumentDBs, Neo4j stands out for its superiority in handling graph data and as a formidable competitor. While it’s not a true DocumentDB alternative, it does include several useful extras. When it comes to data models that involve complicated interactions, including social networks, recommendation engines, and knowledge graphs, Neo4j shines as a graph database specialist.

Its property graph approach treats nodes and relationships as equals, allowing for highly adaptable and evocative data representation. Cypher, Neo4j’s query language, is a robust tool for effectively traversing and searching graph data.

Neo4j’s ACID compliance protects data integrity, and its clustering capabilities enable scalability. It also supports a variety of frameworks and languages used by developers.

While Neo4j is an ideal choice for managing online data, it is possible that it is not the optimal solution for all DocumentDB implementations. Its main advantages lie in cases where the connections between data points are of paramount importance, making it a formidable rival for companies with graph-centric needs.

Why Use DocumentDB Instead of DynamoDB?

DocumentDB differs greatly from both MongoDB and DynamoDB because it fills an intermediate role between the two.

You determine the maximum size of your DynamoDB database, as it is a fully managed, scalable service. If you want additional control over DocumentDB, you may customize the cluster size and the number of instances it uses. You’ll need to monitor their consumption and performance, but not as closely as you would MongoDB.

While MongoDB offers the most customization options, it also requires the most upkeep. Performance-wise, they’re all solid options, but whether or not you’re willing to pay for the added upkeep required to maintain maximum flexibility is up to you.

The pricing structure is another consideration. MongoDB (Atlas) and DocumentDB both have hourly rates (with additional charges for DocumentDB). With DynamoDB, you can choose between paying for resources in advance or paying as you go. Read complete details: DYNAMODB VS MONGODB: Full Comparison 2023

Does Amazon Use MongoDB?

Yes, Some of Amazon’s services and programs do make use of MongoDB. For its customers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a managed MongoDB solution named “Amazon DocumentDB,” which is fully compatible with MongoDB. Keep in mind that Amazon’s use of MongoDB may have changed since then due to the fluid nature of technology.

Why Choose DocumentDB?

DocumentDB possesses a number of features commonly seen in relational databases, such as a query language that allows for complex expressions and a high level of data consistency. Due to its schema-free nature, MongoDB/Document DB enables the creation of documents without the prerequisite of establishing the document’s structure beforehand.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, Amazon’s DocumentDB is the only fully managed alternative to MongoDB. According to Amazon, the throughput of DocumentDB is double that of existing MongoDB systems. Instead, you’d have to deal with the difficulty of managing databases on Amazon’s EC2 and Elastic Beanstalk.

Choose DocumentDB or continue using MongoDB if you require such assurances. Having the ability to keep all data on AWS is another plus for DocumentDB.

DocumentDB Competitors FAQs

Which storage is best for database in AWS?

You can utilize Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) in conjunction with SSDs in your instances for extremely high-performance architectures. AWS strongly advises using either General Purpose (GP2) volumes or Provisioned IOPS (PIOPS) volumes to ensure high and consistent IOPS and database performance.

Is DocumentDB SQL or NoSQL?

In the database world, DocumentDB falls under the category of non-relational (or NoSQL) systems. Document databases make use of documents as the primary data storage mechanism, as opposed to the more traditional rows and columns. If you’re looking for an alternative or formidable competitor to traditional tabular relational databases, DocumentDB is your best bet.

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