Best Online Data Science Courses and Programs for 2024.

Courses on Data Science
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Data science refers to the study of extracting meaning from large amounts of data. Data scientists analyze data in order to get useful insights using programming skills, scientific methods, algorithms, and other tools. Whether you are a complete novice or have some experience with data science already, there are a lot of ideas to digest in a course like this. This course is often taught by professionals in the subject and lasts anywhere from six months to a year. It’s not just lectures and readings in this Data Science course; there are also virtual labs, industrial projects, quizzes, and practice exams to help you understand the topic. This article talks about the best free online courses on data science and the data scientist course fees.


Data science is a multi-disciplined approach to analyzing data that employs algorithms, methods, and processes to find patterns in huge datasets, draw conclusions, and guide decision-making. However, to build accurate prediction models, data scientists employ state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to sift through, organize, and learn from both types of data. 

As a fast-growing discipline with applications across multiple industries, data science offers a variety of work opportunities—from studying to computing. In this post, you will learn about how data science is employed in the real world, the career outlook for the field, its essential abilities, and what qualifications you need to secure a job.

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses mathematical and statistical methods as well as specialized programming, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to turn raw data into actionable insights that can improve business decisions, strategic planning, and even scientific discovery.

Finding the right data science course means looking for one that caters to your individual educational needs while also providing you with a solid foundation in both theory and practice. The following are taken into account when analyzing the top data science training courses or programs:

#1. Recognizability and Reputation

Data science courses offered online are from recognized universities and edX.

#2. Subject Matter and Course Outline

Researchers examined course plans to ensure they included crucial deep learning principles.

#3. Real-World Practices and Creative Tasks

The courses also incorporate hands-on experience, whether via practical exercises or projects.

#4. Qualifications of Educators

The course’s professors have real-world experience and expertise in the field.

When it comes to drawing conclusions from imperfect data, statisticians can thank John W. Tukey, who developed the first data analysis tools in 1962. Because of the increasing velocity, amount, and variety of data creation (big data), experts in the field of data science need to be exceptionally technically savvy. Data scientists require an in-depth understanding of programming, data mining, artificial intelligence, and predictive analytics in order to efficiently organize, analyze, and extract valuable insights from large amounts of data.

The field of study known as “data science” focuses on, well, data. Asking questions about data sets is what data scientists do to help businesses make better choices. They then use data analytics and advanced analytics to find trends, make predictive models, and gain insights. Despite data science’s focus on understanding seemingly intangible information, it has had a profound and widespread impact on society. Many of the services we take for granted today owe their existence to data science or are powered by data science. 

#1. Health Care

Data science has many useful uses in the healthcare sector, including but not limited to the following:

  • Evaluation of medical image analysis.
  • Genomic and genetic studies.
  • Pharmaceutical research and development.
  • Health bots and virtual aids.

Data science breakthroughs have aided in many facets of the medical industry as well. MapReduce and other data science methods have been used to diagnose cancer, artery stenosis, and organs. Support vector machines (SVM), content-based healthcare photo indexing, and wavelet analysis can classify solid textures.

#2. Transportation

Over the past two decades, data science has played a pivotal role in several significant transportation advancements. Data scientists have helped improve fuel efficiency, driver behavior, and vehicle performance, but self-driving cars receive all the attention. Automakers may use reinforcement learning and automation to create smarter, safer automobiles with more effective logistics routes.

#3. E-commerce

Numerous areas of e-commerce have benefited from the advent of data science, including customer segmentation, product development, and pricing strategy. E-commerce companies utilize NLP and recommendation algorithms to assess consumer purchases and plan expansion. To improve customer service, companies are employing NLP to analyze online surveys and other textual data.

Whether you desire a university certification, post-graduation training, vendor-specific skills, or data analytics skills, there’s a certification program for you. Commonly sought-after credentials for a data science job include:

  • Cloudera Certified Professional (CCP) Data Engineer.
  • Dell EMC Data Science Track (EMCDS).
  • Google Professional Data Engineer Certification.
  • IBM Data Science Professional Certificate.
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate.
  • Open Certified Data Scientist (Open CDS).
  • SAS Certified Data Scientist.
  • Tensorflow Developer Certificate.

Online Courses on Data Science

Data science classes can help students understand large data sets, improve their analytical skills, and find better jobs. There are also several online data science courses, from computer languages and exploratory data analysis to natural language processing. Learning data engineering principles or honing in on the visualization aspects of data science can also be done independently. Study anything you want to learn how to use technology to analyze and predict complex data.

Every data science or data analytics education includes math, statistics, computer modeling, programming, big data, and data science. These classes will teach you the fundamentals of programming in R, statistics, regression analysis, data structures, neural networks, Structured Query Language (SQL), machine learning using TensorFlow or another platform, Excel for data analysis and visualization, and business intelligence software like Tableau or Power BI.

More Information

Bachelor’s degrees in computer science and data science or related fields like physics, statistics, or math can boost your marketability. Learning to code and analyze data is important, even if you don’t have a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

In alternative educational settings, such as a boot camp, you could acquire data science and its essential skills, such as data analytics. However, keep in mind that the hiring standards of different companies and positions vary widely, and factor that into your educational decision-making. The minimum educational requirement for entry-level data scientist positions is a bachelor’s degree in data science or a closely related discipline, such as computer science. However, a master’s degree may be required for certain positions. These are the data science courses available online:

#1. Applied Data Science with Python

This Data Science with Python course introduces Python data analytics tools and methods. Python programming is necessary for many data science jobs, and this course will teach you. A combined learning approach lets you study Python for data science, data wrangling, mathematical computing, and more. Python unlocks data scientist careers. This IBM Data Scientist course also teaches Python for data science and programming foundations.

#2. Machine Learning

This machine-learning training is a certain way to boost your professional prospects. Take part in a program that includes applied learning, interactive laboratories, four projects with real-world applications, and mentoring to learn about this fascinating topic of AI. They also provide the training necessary to acquire a machine learning certification by teaching you to master core machine learning principles. If you want to be a successful machine learning engineer, then this online course is for you.

#3. Tableau Training

An internationally recognized leader in data visualization, reporting, and business intelligence, Tableau Desktop, may be mastered with the help of this certification course. Get forward in your analytics profession with the help of Tableau training and acquire marketable skills. The Tableau online course also equips you with the skills you need to properly utilize the tool for data preparation, generating interactive dashboards, adding additional dimensions, and delving into outliers, all of which are highly valued by employers in the field of data analysis.

Best Courses on Data Science

An instinctive grasp of the work at hand and ample experience applying data science to real-world challenges are necessary for anyone studying data science online. The following are the best courses on data science:

#1. Dataquest

In addition to being an excellent stand-alone resource, Dataquest is also a great supplement to any of the other online courses on this list. Dataquest dispenses with the use of video lectures in favor of an online textbook. There are a number of interactive coding stages that may be completed in your browser that correspond to each lesson in the data science course.

#2. Data Science Specialization

There is a reason why this course bundle is so popular and highly regarded. They really nailed it with the breadth and depth of the program at JHU. This series includes a comprehensive introduction to statistics, which is the bedrock of data science but is often left out of other data science courses. Data science as a whole is a fantastically balanced program of study between theoretical foundations and practical experience using the R programming language. The only real requirements are a solid grounding in algebra and prior programming expertise (any language would do). Prior exposure to linear algebra and calculus is recommended, but not required.

#3. Introduction to Data Science

A live course taught by a data scientist from a prominent organization has received rave reviews (4.9/5 on SwitchUp and 4.8/5 on CourseReport). As the only live online course here, this data science course lasts for a full six weeks and covers every step of the data science process. You will not only obtain CEUs for completing this course but also a certificate verifying your accomplishment. 

Free Online Courses on Data Science

Enter the data domain with the help of the free online Data Science for Beginners course. The following list contains some of the best free online data science courses available today:

#1. Deep Learning Crash Course

Let’s say you’re intent on going the distance and exploring all that deep learning has to offer. It will serve as a solid introduction to the basics of deep learning. Some of the things you’ll learn about include a brief history of neural networks; activation and loss functions; regularization; convolutional neural networks; and more. 

#2. Statistical Learning

In order to succeed in data science, you need a firm grasp of statistics. The primary methods and techniques of statistical modeling and data science will be introduced to you in this statistical learning course. Linear models, resampling methods, regularization, beyond-linearity, tree-based methods, SVMs, deep learning, survival modeling, unsupervised learning, multiple testing, and ML/SVD are all covered.

Data Scientist Course Fees

Training for entry-level data science and analytics employment might be expensive, but you can master the fundamentals of this growing field for far less than you might think. Beginning your education in data science is easy with the plethora of open-access materials available today. Outside of this, other expenses, such as formal data science training, should be considered. For entry-level careers in data science or Python engineering, many students choose rigorous bootcamps or credential programs. However, the data scientist course fees can cost between $3,000 and $5,000, depending on complexity, and take as little as three to five weeks to finish.

More Information

Training costs for data scientists range from free to several thousand dollars, depending on criteria such as the individual’s level of responsibility, the industry or sector, and general factors like expertise and credentials. You may require several years of relevant work experience in order to land your dream job as a machine learning engineer or data scientist. The following should be taken into account when calculating the approximate fees for a data scientist or analytics education course:

  • Bachelor’s degrees from an accredited university are often required for certain positions. College and university programs are the longest and most expensive options, so research internet job advertisements to discover if the profession you want often requires a bachelor’s or associate’s degree.
  • Many entry-level data science and analytics jobs might be accessible after attending a bootcamp or credential program, either in-person or online. These all-encompassing programs usually cost between $3,000 and $5,000, and they can be finished in months rather than years. They are usually less costly than four-year universities.
  • Self-paced courses are often even less expensive than bootcamps, but they don’t offer the same benefits as live instruction and very few offer mentoring or job search support. If you’re not quite ready to commit to classes, these are good ways to get started. 
  • You can always begin with free online resources, such as blog posts, articles, seminars, tutorials, and news stories.

Can I Learn Data Science on My Own?

Learning data science can be done at your own speed with the help of online resources like courses and videos. If you want to pursue a profession in this area, there is no shortage of resources to help you learn the ropes online. That said, self-learning lacks discipline, and you might not know what crucial parts you’re missing.

What Are Typical Courses in Data Science?

It is common for courses to cover discrete math, statistics, object-oriented computing, algorithms, database systems and SQL (Structured Query Language), data mining, machine learning, and structured and unstructured data.

How Hard Is Data Science?

Yes, getting started with a data science degree can be challenging because of the need for a strong background in math, statistics, and computer programming. However, with hard work and dedication, anyone may develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in this field.

Is Only Python Enough for Data Science?

While Python enjoys wider adoption, R is more prevalent in specific fields, notably the academic and scientific communities. One of these two languages is a must-have if you want to work in data science. (No matter what language you pick, you’ll need to learn some SQL.)

How Long Is the Data Science Course?

Six to twelve months are allotted for the duration of the program. A degree program in data science generally lasts three to four years and mostly focuses on academics. MSc Data Science coursework might cover topics like machine learning, cloud computing, data visualization, Python programming, or operating systems.

How Many Years Does It Take To Be a Data Scientist?

Both year-long “boot camps” and four-year bachelor’s programs in data science are available. It is possible to get a master’s degree in as little as one year after completing either a bachelor’s program or a boot camp.

Is Coding Required for Data Science?

Data scientists must be proficient in programming languages like Python and R in order to build machine-learning models and manage massive datasets.


When it comes to improving company strategy or resolving challenging scientific problems, data science is invaluable. In today’s big data world, where data sets are frequently too massive and complicated to fit into the memory of a single computer, this is important. You can improve your analytical abilities and deepen your understanding of statistics and mathematics by earning a degree in data science, allowing you to apply your knowledge to solving challenges in fields as diverse as retail and the social sciences, agriculture, finance, and health and fitness. Students pursuing a data science degree online also have the benefit of mastering data analysis and machine learning at their own speed.

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