CORITY REVIEWS: Features, Pricing, Pros & Cons 2023

Cority Reviews
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Organizations are increasingly seeking comprehensive solutions to efficiently manage their Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) activities in today’s complicated business world. Cority is a major provider of EHS and compliance software and has established itself as a key player in this space. In this detailed blog post, we will look into Cority reviews, analyze its software capabilities and pricing structure, and look at its competitors. Brace yourself for an enlightening journey into the world of Cority.

Cority Reviews

Cority is widely regarded as a major developer of software solutions for Environmental, Health, Safety, and Quality (EHSQ). The organization has been in business for over 30 years and services a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and energy. Cority’s software is well-known for its extensive capabilities, scalability, and ability to address difficult EHSQ issues.

While individual client experiences may vary, Cority’s software and services generally receive excellent reviews. Customers like the platform’s easy-to-use interface, customizable choices, and extensive reporting capabilities. Many users praise Cority for its ability to expedite EHSQ operations, improve data management, and boost compliance efforts.

Cority’s customer service is frequently lauded for its quickness and knowledge. To provide a smooth experience for its customers, the organization provides training sessions, implementation support, and continuing technical assistance. Let’s provide you with general information about Cority’s reputation and customer reviews using the below features.

Cority Software

Cority’s software is intended to help firms efficiently manage their EHS and compliance needs. Cority stands out as a comprehensive solution due to its user-friendly design and robust features. The software’s active voice ensures smooth connections with current systems, making it a valuable asset for firms looking to improve their EHS management.

The incident management module is a standout feature of Cority software. This module enables businesses to track, investigate, and review incidents in real time. Cority assists enterprises in identifying patterns, taking corrective action, and preventing repeat occurrences by providing complete incident reporting and process automation. The software’s ability to speed incident response processes adds considerably to increased safety and lower operating risks.

Cority Pricing

Pricing is an important consideration when reviewing any software product, and Cority is no different. In this section, we will review Cority’s pricing structure, its key components, pricing elements, and other aspects to assist you in understanding the financial consequences of integrating Cority inside your firm.

Cority Pricing Structure

Cority uses a customized pricing model that takes into consideration a variety of characteristics that are unique to each enterprise. As a result, pricing is often tailored to parameters such as firm size, industry, scope of implementation, and unique requirements. This customized approach guarantees that companies obtain a pricing plan that meets their requirements and provides the best value for their investment.

Factors Influencing Cority Pricing

#1. User Count and Modules

The number of system users and the specific modules required frequently determine Cority’s pricing. Depending on their EHS requirements, organizations can select from a variety of modules such as incident management, compliance management, risk assessment, occupational health, and more. Pricing will vary depending on the modules chosen and the number of people who will use the system.

#2. Implementation Scope

The size of the Cority implementation may have an impact on pricing. Factors like the complexity of integration with current systems, data migration, customization, and training requirements may have an impact on the overall cost. Organizations with more complex implementation requirements may incur more costs than those with simpler ones.

#3. Support and Services

Cority provides a variety of support and services, including technical assistance, continuing system maintenance, software updates, and consulting services. The degree of support and services required can have an impact on overall pricing, with higher tiers of support incurring additional costs.

#4. Enterprise Size and Industry

Cority’s pricing structure may also consider the enterprise’s size and the industry in which it operates. Larger firms or those in highly regulated industries may have more sophisticated requirements, which may result in a higher price point due to increased system requirements and customization.

#5. Contract Terms

Cority normally provides annual contracts, though contract terms and conditions may differ. It is critical to analyze and negotiate Contract Terms to ensure they are compatible with your organization’s preferences and budgetary constraints.

#6. Scalability and Expansion

When analyzing Cority’s pricing, consider your organization’s growth trajectory and scalability requirements. As your organization grows, ensure that the pricing structure can accommodate future expansions, more users, or the requirement for new modules.

#7. ROI (Return on Investment)

While pricing is a significant issue, it is also critical to examine the possible ROI that Cority can provide. To estimate the total cost-effectiveness of the solution, review the value of the Cority software in terms of improved operational efficiency, reduced incidents, easier compliance, and better decision-making.

It is suggested that you contact Cority’s sales staff to acquire accurate price information based on your unique needs and to investigate any possible discounts or specials. Remember to compare pricing with other EHS software suppliers to ensure you’re receiving the most value for your money while staying on track with your organization’s long-term objectives.

Cority Competitors

Cority has emerged as a key participant in the ever-changing world of EHS and compliance software. However, to make an informed decision, it is necessary to explore different options. In this section, we will look at Cority’s competitors, assessing their strengths, differentiators, and how they compare to Cority in serving the unique demands of enterprises.

#1. Enablon

Enablon is a complete EHS management solution that enables businesses to manage their environmental, health, safety, and sustainability programs more efficiently. Enablon’s extensive feature set enables firms to streamline risk management, compliance, and sustainability activities. Its robust analytics and reporting capabilities provide important insights into performance measures, allowing for data-driven decision-making.

Also, Enablon distinguishes itself by emphasizing sustainability management. The platform includes modules for sustainability efforts that assist firms in tracking and managing their environmental impact, carbon emissions, and sustainability targets. This emphasis on sustainability distinguishes Enablon in the market, making it a popular solution for firms looking to incorporate sustainability into their fundamental business processes.

#2. Intelex

Intelex is a flexible EHSQ management platform that serves a variety of sectors and organizations. Also, Intelex, known for its user-friendly interface, allows enterprises to adapt their EHSQ solution to meet their specific needs. This modular approach enables businesses to adjust the software to their workflows, guaranteeing a seamless match.

Intelex excels at mobile capabilities, allowing users to use the platform from any device, at any time, and from any location. This mobility provides enterprises with mobile access to crucial information, allowing more expedient incident reporting, inspections, and audits. Intelex is a prominent contender in the EHS software industry due to the software’s flexibility to adapt to varied needs and its strong emphasis on mobile capability.

#3. VelocityEHS

VelocityEHS is a cloud-based EHS platform aimed at streamlining compliance management, incident reporting, and risk assessment. VelocityEHS’s straightforward interface and user-friendly design make it simple for enterprises to traverse complicated regulatory settings and assure compliance.

The incident management module, which enables enterprises to efficiently collect, track, and investigate problems, is one of VelocityEHS’s notable features. The technology allows for real-time incident reporting and analysis, allowing quick corrective steps and averting future incidents. VelocityEHS is a major market player due to its focus on incident management and extensive compliance capabilities.

#4. Sphera

Sphera provides a comprehensive EHS and risk management platform that serves the diverse demands of enterprises in a variety of industries. Sphera’s comprehensive range of modules helps firms successfully manage their EHS programs, operational risks, and sustainability targets.

Sphera distinguishes itself by having sophisticated risk management capabilities that provide enterprises with a holistic perspective of their risk landscape. The platform enables the identification, evaluation, and mitigation of risks across multiple dimensions, including operational, environmental, and safety hazards. Sphera enables enterprises to proactively manage risks and drive operational excellence by integrating risk management and EHS operations.

While Cority remains a prominent participant in the EHS software industry, reviewing its competitors is essential for determining the best fit for your organization’s specific requirements. Organizations can make informed selections based on their specific requirements, industry emphasis, and long-term goals by examining these rivals alongside Cority.

Cority Implementation and Support Review

Implementing a new software solution can be a substantial undertaking for any firm. Cority recognizes this and offers thorough implementation assistance to enable a smooth transition. Their skilled team walks businesses through the whole implementation process, from initial setup through data migration and user training. This support enables enterprises to make the most of Cority’s capabilities from the start.

Cority also provides continuing customer service to address any issues or concerns that may arise while using the software. Their dedicated customer success representatives are on hand to help with technical issues, provide best practice recommendations, and ensure a great user experience. The active engagement of Cority’s support team contributes to the overall success and satisfaction of their customers.

Cority Integrations and Customization Review

Cority knows that each organization has its own set of requirements and systems in place. Also, Cority provides a variety of integrations and customization options to meet these requirements. The software can interact with a variety of third-party systems, including HR management platforms, ERP systems, and data analytics tools, enabling easy data exchange and improving overall solution capabilities.

Cority also offers customization features, allowing businesses to modify the software to fit their workflows and processes. This adaptability guarantees that the software seamlessly integrates with the organization’s current operations, maximizing efficiency and user adoption.

Cority User Experience and Interface Review

The user experience and interface of any software system are critical components. Cority’s user-friendly and intuitive UI contributes to a great user experience. Users can easily explore and use the software because of the platform’s clear design, well-organized features, and user-centric workflows.

Cority’s interface’s active voice guarantees that users can immediately get the information and functionality they require, encouraging efficiency and productivity. Also, Cority’s adaptable design allows users to access the software from a variety of platforms, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones, making it ideal for users working remotely or on the go.

Also, Cority likewise prioritizes user feedback and constantly improves its interface based on reviews. Regular upgrades and enhancements guarantee that the software stays user-friendly and meets changing user expectations. As a result, companies can fully realize Cority’s potential thanks to a seamless and engaging user experience.

Cority Reporting and Analytics Capabilities Review

For firms aiming to maximize their EHS and compliance management, data-driven decision-making is critical. The reporting and analytics capabilities of Cority provide organizations with useful insights to enable continuous improvement and strategic decision-making.

The software includes several pre-built reports and dashboards that enable real-time visibility into key performance indicators (KPIs), compliance metrics, incident trends, and other information. These reports can be adjusted to fit specific reporting requirements, allowing enterprises to get actionable insights tailored to their specific requirements.

Cority’s sophisticated analytics capabilities allow firms to go further into their EHS data, revealing patterns, determining core causes, and forecasting possible dangers. Organizations can address issues proactively, take preventive measures, and achieve operational excellence by employing data analytics.

Cority Training and Knowledge Resources Review

To ensure that users can maximize the benefits of Cority software, comprehensive training and knowledge resources are essential. Cority understands this and offers extensive training programs and tools to assist users at each point of their journey.

Cority provides instructor-led training sessions, webinars, and self-paced e-learning courses in addition to in-person training. These training classes cover a wide range of software, allowing users to become adept at using Cority’s features and functionalities.

What are the benefits of Cority?

Cority provides various benefits to firms looking to efficiently manage their Environmental, Health, Safety, and Quality (EHSQ) programs. Here are some of the main benefits of using Cority:

  • Comprehensive EHSQ Management
  • Enhanced Data Visibility and Reporting
  • Customization and Scalability
  • Streamlined Workflows and Efficiency
  • Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Customer Support and Services

These benefits help firms that use Cority software improve operational efficiency, reduce incidents, improve compliance, and make better decisions.

Who is Cority owned by?

Cority is owned by Thoma Bravo, a renowned private equity investment group. Thoma Bravo acquired Cority in 2019. Thoma Bravo specializes in investing in software and technology companies, and his portfolio includes a variety of software companies from diverse industries.

How much does a Cority implementation consultant make?

Implementation consultants often earn a range of salaries. Entry-level or junior implementation consultants may earn $50,000 to $70,000 per year on average. Consultants’ pay may rise as they gain more experience and skill. Mid-level consultants with several years of experience may make $70,000 to $100,000 per year on average. Senior or highly experienced implementation consultants can earn salaries exceeding $100,000 per year.

Who is the CEO of Cority?

Mark Wallace is the CEO of Cority Software Inc., a global SaaS firm based in Toronto. Cority’s revenue has grown at a compounded rate of 25% during Mark’s leadership. The company has grown from 29 employees when Mark started in 2003 to over 400 now.

Where Is Cority Located?

Cority is based in Toronto, Canada. The main office of the company is located at:

105 Adelaide St. West, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M5H 1P9, Canada.

Also, Cority now has offices and locations all around the world to accommodate its global customer base. These locations may include offices in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world.

Is Cority a Good Company?

Cority Software has a rating of 3.9 out of 5 based on over 157 anonymous employee reviews.


Cority’s comprehensive software solution, robust features, and dedication to customer success make it an appealing option for enterprises looking for effective EHS and compliance management. Cority enables enterprises to streamline their processes, eliminate risks, and drive continuous improvement through its user-friendly interface, comprehensive reporting and analytics tools, and flexible customization choices.

When considering Cority, it is critical to review its pricing structure in connection with the potential return on investment. While specific pricing details may vary, the operational efficiencies, cost savings, and enhanced compliance achieved through Cority can outweigh the initial investment.


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