Computer Degrees: 11+ Highest Paying Online Tech Degree for 2024

Computer Degrees
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Experts in computer science are in high demand since technological development is reshaping many sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, and education. It’s possible that professionals who are interested in gaining marketable abilities may do well in a computer science degree program. Earning a degree in computer science trains students in analytical thinking, computer programming, and cybersecurity, all of which are in high demand in today’s job market. Health informatics and artificial intelligence are only two of the many specializations available in these degrees. In this article, we will discuss the best types of computer degrees online.

What Is a Computer Degree?

A computer degree typically refers to an academic qualification obtained by studying computer science or a related field at the university level. It encompasses various programs such as a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, a Bachelor of Computer Engineering, and similar degrees. These programs cover a wide range of topics, including programming languages, algorithms, software development, computer hardware, networking, and data structures.

Students pursuing a computer degree gain a solid foundation in theoretical and practical aspects of computing, preparing them for roles in software development, information technology, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and more. The degree often involves hands-on projects, internships, and collaboration with peers to enhance practical skills. As technology evolves, computer degrees also adapt to incorporate emerging trends, ensuring graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed in the dynamic field of computing.

Types of Computer Degrees

Degree options in computer science range from associate to doctorate level. Higher education can be expensive and time-consuming, but it often opens doors to higher-paying employment with greater responsibility than lower-level degrees. Anyone thinking about enrolling in a computer science program should give some thought to their long-term aspirations in the field.

The sections that follow will delve into each of these computer degree types, outlining the general structure, prerequisites, and career prospects for those who get one.

#1. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science

One of the most popular choices for those looking to break into the IT field is a bachelor’s degree in computer science.

Graduating with this credential means you have a solid grounding in the fundamentals of computer science, software engineering, and cutting-edge technological developments. Learning to code in languages like Java, C++, Python, and others is also a major benefit.

A Bachelor of Science in Computer Science could be a great choice for you if you want to work in the tech sector.

This academic credential can be earned at a wide variety of schools around the United States. With this degree, you can explore several job routes, such as software development, cybersecurity, or data analysis.

More than that, though, this degree opens up numerous doors to high-paying careers. Earning a bachelor’s degree in computer science is not easy, but it may be very rewarding.

Employers in a wide range of industries highly value the essential skills that program graduates acquire.

Sub-Fields of Computer Science Bachelor’s Degrees

Since computer science is such a broad and varied topic, there are numerous opportunities for students to focus on their studies.

Students who commit to earning a BS in CS have the chance to specialize in a wide range of subfields. Bachelor’s programs in computer science typically cover a wide range of specializations, including but not limited to software engineering, AI, cyber security, data science, and computer networks.

One such field is software engineering, which is concerned with the creation of software and computer-based systems. Programming, testing, debugging, and documenting these systems are all part of the job.

Meanwhile, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) focuses on creating autonomous machines that can learn and solve problems on their own.

In addition, AI is an interdisciplinary field that covers machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), and robots. As the number of cyberattacks rises around the world, cyber security has emerged as a top priority in recent years.

Within the discipline of computer science, there are a number of common specializations from which students can choose.

Programming computers is a common concentration for students in this area.

The goal of this concentration is to prepare students to design, create, and maintain software for a wide range of computing environments, including desktop computers, mobile devices, and the web.

IT (information technology) is another common concentration within the CS field.

Studying the administration and implementation of various business and organizational technologies is the subject of this major.

Those who work in information technology (IT) are tasked with keeping all of the world’s computers up and running properly by doing tasks such as network upkeep, data storage management, and diagnosing hardware and software issues.

Finally, cybersecurity has emerged as a promising topic within computer science. With hackers increasingly posing risks from all over the globe, cybersecurity has become an integral part of running any modern business.

#2. Master’s Degree in Computer Science

As our global community becomes more reliant on technological advancements, more and more people are opting to earn master’s degrees in computer science.

Graduates with a Master’s degree have a leg up on the competition because of their superior education and training. The subject of computer science is extensive, and students can pick from many specializations such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data analytics, and software engineering.

Master’s degrees in computer science often require students to take both theoretical and applied courses.

Algorithms, programming languages, database management systems, and cutting-edge technologies like machine learning and blockchain are all covered in detail as students embark on their educational journey.

Students also cooperate with experts in their fields on research projects to find answers to pressing real-world issues.

Earning a Master’s degree in computer science can be done in a variety of ways, from attending classes to studying online. Finding the right curriculum requires knowing where you want to go professionally.

#3. Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering

Those looking to enter the field of software development are well served by earning a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.

Because of the increasing competition for software engineer jobs, it is important for aspiring professionals to have at least a bachelor’s degree in the subject.

In these courses, students will learn how to create and maintain databases, create and implement algorithms, and test software.

Bachelor’s degrees in software engineering don’t just teach students how to code; they also stress the need for analytical thinking, problem-solving, and clear, concise writing.

Employers value these traits greatly in prospective software engineers.

In addition, students will be able to participate in group projects and learn to work with others, skills that are essential for both academic and professional success. Graduates with bachelor’s degrees in software engineering can expect a wide range of professional choices upon completion.

#4. Master’s Degree in Software Engineering

In recent years, software engineering has exploded in popularity, rising to the level of one of the most desirable and rewarding professions.

Due to the rapid pace at which technology is advancing, there is a great need for professionals who can create unique software applications to address difficult issues.

If you want to succeed in the ever-changing world of software engineering, getting a master’s degree in the subject is a must. System design, database management, programming languages, and software testing methods are just a few of the topics commonly covered in a master’s degree program in software engineering.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two examples of cutting-edge technology covered in classes.

In addition to technical capabilities, students acquire experience working on real-world projects that need cooperation, communication, and problem-solving skills. Software engineers with master’s degrees can choose from a wide variety of rewarding careers. They can find work as developers or engineers in a wide variety of settings, from small businesses to multinational conglomerates.

#5. Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology

As technology has developed and continues to play a significant role in our daily lives, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degrees have grown in popularity.

Data processing, storage, and transfer are just a few of the many tasks that go under the umbrella of “information technology,” a multi-disciplinary area that relies on computers and related technologies.

Those who have a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology are well-equipped to keep up with the industry’s rapid pace of change.

Many different fields are accessible to someone with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, including information security analyst, database administrator, software engineer, web developer, and network architect.

Also, programming languages like Java and Python are taught, combined with an awareness of cybersecurity risks and their mitigation strategies in this academic setting. Students also learn about new technologies like cloud computing, which is becoming more widespread across industries.

#6. Master’s Degree in Information Technology

Master’s degrees in IT are growing in popularity among both students and working IT professionals.

This is due to the fact that the IT industry has expanded tremendously over the past few decades, necessitating a large pool of trained experts capable of adapting to new developments in the area.

Expertise in fields including cybersecurity, data analytics, software engineering, cloud computing, and others can be gained by pursuing a Master’s Degree in Information Technology.

One of the key benefits of earning a Master’s Degree in Information Technology is that it offers several employment prospects. Graduates with this degree can work as software developers, information security analysts, network architects, database administrators, project managers, and more.

Additionally, higher pay and job security are just two of the benefits that qualified IT workers may expect to reap from working in these fields.

What Are the Career Opportunities for Computer?

Here are careers in computers that pay well:

#1. Web Developer

The average income in the country is $76,918 a year.

On both the front end and the back end, a web developer writes code that makes websites work. It takes a lot of different coding languages to make websites that work on phones, tablets, computers, and other devices. The ideas that image designers and user experience designers give web developers are used to build the pages’ technical structure.

#2. Computer Systems Analyst

National average salary: $77,751 per year

Systems analysts, who may sometimes be called system designers or architects, analyze existing business technology and make recommendations for enhancements. Experts in this field work with businesses and clients to identify problems and develop custom solutions. Computer systems analysts evaluate databases and data processing systems to discover any faults and potential enhancements. New software and hardware installations are another responsibility they often take on. When deployments are complete, computer systems analysts may also provide staff training on how to maximize the effectiveness of the new infrastructure.

#3. Computer Systems Manager

National average salary: $86,810 per year

A computer systems manager evaluates an organization’s infrastructure to establish its needs in terms of data storage and management. Experts in this field assess the usefulness of various tools and technologies used in software and hardware development. Network and software updates, as well as internet functionality, are all part of the remit of systems managers. Managers are also responsible for the strategic development, direction, and supervision of IT infrastructure upkeep.

#4. IT Project Manager

An IT project manager’s primary responsibility is to coordinate the efforts of a team of programmers and developers to bring a project to fruition. They investigate any technological issues and provide recommendations for fixing them to boost output. Managers of information technology (IT) look for vulnerabilities in firm data and software and fix them. They also lend a hand when it comes to updating, installing, and synchronizing the software on a business’ computers.

National average salary: $87,859 per year

#5. Computer Engineer

Computer engineers are responsible for maintaining and implementing software and hardware systems. Electronic circuits used to keep computers running smoothly are also designed, developed, and assembled with their assistance. Computer engineers maintain the smooth operation of all hardware and software by installing, assessing, and upgrading the relevant components. They may also help deploy, test, and debug applications using computer coding in different programming languages.

National average salary: $96,104 per year

Which Is the Fastest Growing Field in Computer Science?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are considered among the fastest-growing disciplines in computer science. Professionals with expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning are in high demand in many fields. The goal of these subfields is to create algorithms that will allow computers to learn from experience and make sound judgments.

Cybersecurity is another area of computer science that is booming. Cybersecurity professionals are in high demand as the number and sophistication of cyberattacks continue to rise.

In addition, it’s important to remember that technological trends come and go and that the landscape itself is always changing. 

Are There Complementary Majors or Fields to a Computer Degree?

Minors or certificates in areas like entrepreneurship, management, or business are useful complements to a degree in computer science. They give you the leadership qualities and self-assurance you may require as the owner of a tech company, as well as a better understanding of the topic and market context in which you operate.

The perspective on form, structure, and imagery that you gain from taking a variety of design and fine art classes can be useful in fields like computing and web design. Also, taking classes in English, writing, and communications can do wonders for your ability to get your point across.

Best Computer Degrees

A computer science degree is a common choice for students interested in the technological field. People with excellent analytical and problem-solving skills might do well with these kinds of degrees. To help you decide if this is the perfect field for you, below are the best computer degrees related to it:

#1. Internet Security

In order to get a degree in internet security, students learn about the most common risks, threats, and attacks on computers and other tools. The class looks at the methods and technologies that are used to make sure that information systems are safe and easy to use. As a student of internet security, you will also learn different ways to protect databases, networks, and apps that are already in use.

#2. Computer Science

Students who take computer science classes learn how to write, test, and keep up with the programming language that gadgets need to work. To program machines, they can learn how to make and use new languages. In addition to learning about computers, students in computer science also learn how to handle databases, keep computers safe, use machine learning, and create artificial intelligence.

#3. Software Engineering

Students who get a computer degree with a focus on software engineering learn the information and skills they need to create and maintain the software systems that businesses count on today. When making new and complex software, a software engineer looks at what their clients want and puts that need in order of importance. Also, they make sure there are no bugs in the software and that it is always being updated so that users can easily access it.

#4. Information Science

By looking at how people buy, sell, and use information, information science students learn how computers and people work together. After that, they use this data to make methods for keeping data safe and easily finding it. Front-end web design, systems analysis, information architecture, and database management are some of the skills that students work on in school to get ready for life after graduation.

#5. Computer Engineering

Hardware and software are the product of computer engineers’ combined expertise in computer science and electrical engineering. Students who choose to focus on computer engineering work on improving technology by designing, researching, and testing new computer systems and components, such as microprocessors and semiconductors. Network and communication technology have largely benefited from the contributions of computer engineers.

#6. Information Technology

Students who pursue a degree in IT (sometimes known as “information technology”) learn the basics of computer networking. In this course, students learn to troubleshoot typical computer networking faults and investigate the uses of computer networking in corporate telecommunications. Computers, databases, and networks are all covered in detail so that students can quickly diagnose and repair any technological issue.

#7.  Computer Programming

Students pursuing this degree obtain the knowledge and expertise necessary to design, develop, test, and maintain the computer programming language that controls how the computer performs its tasks. New computer programming languages are also taught to these students. Graduates of computer programming programs often find employment in the software industry.

#8. Systems Engineering

Learning to analyze, model, and create technological systems is just the beginning of what students in computer systems engineering learn. Also, installation, commissioning, maintenance, calibration, and repair of complex systems may be taught. Students who major in systems engineering get the skills to design, implement, and study a wide range of systems, from the biological to the chemical to the mechanical.

#9. Cybersecurity

Learning how to design, implement, evaluate, and test the safety of computer systems is what you’ll learn in this field. Ethical hacking and computer crime investigations are also included. Also, read Masters in Cybersecurity: Top Best to Explore in 2024

Courses include:

  • Information Assurance
  • Penetration Testing
  • Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Mathematical Cryptography

#10. Computer Animation

Students in this field study the use of algorithms and data structures to the animation of media ranging from video games to instructional films for the medical and technical fields. 

Courses include:

  • Linear Programming and Convex Operations
  • Algorithmic Languages and Compilers
  • Lighting and Shading for Three-Dimensional Graphics
  • Video Game Production
  • Advanced Film Production

#11. Computer Forensics

When it comes to computers and the law, you’ve got computer forensics. Since more and more of our lives are now conducted online, it stands to reason that illegal activities will also migrate to digital mediums. Computer forensics can be used to do a wide variety of things, including tracking down hidden information and conversations.

Courses for forensic computing degrees typically include programming theory, cryptography, and legal theory. Success in this subject often depends on a student’s ability to think critically and solve problems creatively.

What Are the Advantages of Earning a Computer Degree?

When determining whether or not to get a degree in computers, here are some benefits to think about:

  • High Demand for Skills: The technology sector is consistently growing, creating a strong demand for skilled computer professionals. A computer degree provides the expertise needed to excel in various roles within this dynamic industry.
  • Diverse Career Opportunities: Computer degrees open the door to a wide range of career paths, including software development, data science, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and more. Graduates can choose roles that align with their interests and strengths.
  • Competitive Salary Potential: Many positions in the computer science field offer competitive salaries due to the specialized skills and knowledge required. This can lead to financial stability and career advancement.
  • Innovation and Problem-Solving Skills: Computer science education fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation. Graduates are equipped to tackle complex challenges and contribute to advancements in technology.
  • Flexibility and Remote Work Opportunities: Computer professionals often have the flexibility to work remotely, providing a better work-life balance. This is especially relevant in today’s evolving work landscape.
  • Global Relevance: Computing skills are universally valuable, making it possible for individuals to work globally and contribute to projects with international significance.
  • Constant Learning Opportunities: The field of computer science is ever-evolving, offering continuous opportunities for learning and skill development. This can keep professionals engaged and adaptable in the face of technological advancements.

Overall, a computer degree provides a solid foundation for a rewarding and dynamic career in a field that plays a crucial role in shaping the future.

Online Computer Degrees

Numerous universities and institutions offer online computer degrees, providing flexibility for individuals to pursue education remotely. Online computer degrees cover various fields within computer science and technology. Some popular online computer degree options include:

  • Online Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS). Many universities offer full online programs covering core computer science concepts, programming languages, and software development.
  • Online Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT or BInfTech). This program focuses on practical applications of technology in business and can often be completed online.
  • Online Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSE or BScSE). This degree emphasizes software development processes and project management, and it’s available through online platforms.
  • Online Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity. As cybersecurity is a critical field, online programs are available to prepare individuals for roles in securing computer systems and networks.
  • Online Bachelor of Data Science (BDS or BScDS). Online data science degrees cover statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization.

Before choosing an online program, it’s essential to ensure that the institution is accredited and that the program aligns with your career goals. Many reputable universities and colleges offer online computer degrees, providing a flexible and accessible way to pursue higher education in this field.

Is a Degree in Computer Science Worth It?: Bottom Line

Yes, a degree in computer science is often worth it. It equips you with foundational knowledge and skills highly sought after in the job market. Computer science professionals are in high demand, and the field offers competitive salaries and diverse career opportunities. Additionally, the problem-solving and analytical skills gained during the degree are valuable across various industries. However, individual circumstances vary, and factors like personal goals, financial considerations, and alternative education paths should be taken into account when deciding on pursuing a computer science degree.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which field is good in computer?

Data science, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, software engineering, and computer programming are a few potential specializations within the computer science field.

How many years is computer science?

Computer science degrees can take three to five years to complete. The exact duration depends on the university and how its curriculum is structured.

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