Best Salesforce Competitors & Alternatives: 2023 Guide

Salesforce Competitors & Alternatives
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Customer relationship management (CRM) is essentially synonymous with the Salesforce brand; however, there are many more alternative options available. Numerous cloud-based CRMs exist that enable you to manage your connections with clients and prospects more effectively. More details on the top open-sourced Salesforce competitors and alternatives are shown below, including some of Salesforce’s competitive advantages.

Salesforce Competitors 

In 2023, Salesforce will still rule the tech news and investment forums. The company has attracted a lot of attention as a result of enhanced features and a rising stock price, but there has also been talk about layoffs and leadership changes. Changes on the inside and outside can make it easier for Salesforce competitors and alternatives like Microsoft and Oracle to gain market share.

According to our review of Salesforce CRM, the company creates one of the best CRM platforms available. But that doesn’t negate the need for firms to research Salesforce’s competitors and alternatives. Considering some of Salesforce’s drawbacks, another product might better meet your objectives.

Why You Should Look Into Alternatives to Salesforce

The customer relationship management (CRM) sector has several major and small companies competing for your business. Limited business clients have many vendor options, but few CRMs threaten Salesforce and its worldwide reach.

Salesforce is the most popular brand and offers a large range of features and connectors at moderate pricing, however, small firms may not gain as much. Small business owners may become overwhelmed or distracted from their key business needs when purchasing a Salesforce package owing to the number of features. The company’s connectivity and capabilities may be unnecessary for smaller enterprises that can get by with the basics. Remember that bigger isn’t always better in customer service. As the global CRM market leader, Salesforce has a negative reputation among small business owners for poor customer service.

Fortunately, finding out which Salesforce alternatives can be better for your company only requires a little study. We’ve compiled some of Salesforce’s competitors and alternatives below to get the process started for you.

Top Salesforce Competitors 

One of Salesforce’s top competitors and alternatives might offer a more suitable option for your small business. We advise taking these suppliers into account.

#1. HubSpot 

The main selling point of HubSpot is also how it stands out from Salesforce: it starts by giving away its free basic CRM, which can be used to manage leads, prospects, and your customer database with almost no restrictions on users or capabilities. The business takes pride in providing software that just requires “minutes to learn” and offers a dashboard with an overview of all active agreements. Additionally, it interacts with Gmail and Outlook to quickly retrieve email data, improving internal visibility of client interactions.

What HubSpot Offers

HubSpot provides extra CRM-related platforms known as ‘hubs’ for one-to-one marketing, sales (beyond the basic CRM), and customer care for any company that needs to go beyond the basic CRM. Although each of these hubs has a free tier, the extra capabilities that the majority of businesses would want cost a monthly subscription.

#2. Zoho CRM

With convenience and efficiency, Zoho CRM can generate leads, speed up sales, and properly measure performance. Zia, the system’s artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled assistant, forecasts leads and transactions recognizes prospects for conversion, and assists sales teams in concentrating their efforts with clear direction. Note that these AI-powered features are only available to Enterprise subscribers:

  • Why it stands out: This provider excels at working with hybrid and remote teams. Your sales team can receive real-time notifications about client contacts from any location, and the configurable dashboard makes it simple to stay in touch with your whole sales team from anywhere. Easy-to-use automation also helps you save time on repetitive chores.
  • Pricing: Standard, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate are the four plans that Zoho offers. The Standard plan has a monthly cost per user of $14, while the Ultimate option has a monthly cost per user of $52. 

#3. Zendesk

Businesses with complicated client profiles and industries with long-term customer connections greatly benefit from a desk. It works particularly effectively for handling customer service chores, renewals, and other post-sale company activities. However, in comparison to other CRM products on the market, the home dashboard isn’t particularly user-friendly. 

  • Why it stands out: A variety of collaboration tools are available for you to use, keeping team members interested and facilitating remote teamwork. A central database is used to compile client information from several customer touchpoints, eliminating communication overlap or context loss between departments. 
  • Pricing: There is a 30-day free trial period and a monthly subscription fee per user that ranges from $19 to $99 per month.

#4. Oracle NetSuite CRM 

Although Oracle is one of the largest CRM providers in the world, battling for market share with titans like Salesforce, SAP, Microsoft, and Adobe, it can also be a potent tool for smaller e-commerce organizations. It offers Oracle NetSuite and is a complete sales, marketing, and operations solution. All capabilities and functions require Oracle’s enterprise resource planning platform.

  • The Oracle CRM has unique synergies with the whole Oracle product line, which is why it stands out. Additionally, it offers a strong CRM analytics system, well-regarded mobile applications, complete browser support, and cloud support.
  • Pricing: Prices cannot be found online because quotes are created depending on the unique requirements of each organization.
  • Even though the price isn’t immediately available, our comprehensive evaluation of Oracle NetSuite CRM is packed with other crucial details about this Salesforce competitor and alternative.

#5. Microsoft Dynamics

The company’s next goal is to seamlessly integrate all of its products across platforms, including Microsoft Dynamics. If your firm already uses Office 365 and Outlook for email, Dynamics CRM may make sense. Also, Dynamics is useful for testing Microsoft HoloLens as a business tool because it interfaces with it. Dynamics is best for huge organizations and active medium-sized firms but overkill for smaller ones.

Features of Microsoft Dynamics

Within the Dynamics family of services, Microsoft provides certain distinctive solutions that go beyond CRM. These include services we’ve seen before, such as platforms for customer support and marketing, as well as platforms for finance, operations, and hiring people. It’s really a fantastic alternative because it has such a wide range of functions.

Salesforce Alternatives Open Source

Top 4 salesforce alternatives in open source

#1. SuiteCRM – Salesforce Open Source Alternative

SutiCRM is a potent cloud-based salesforce platform that automates contracts, support, sales, and customer service. Businesses utilize the service to cultivate new leads and preserve their ties with current customers. It is a multi-sided Platform (MSP) that manages every essential component of the business from a single location. The central solution can be specific for each organization.

#2. YetiForce – Salesforce Open Source Alternative

It is an open-source salesforce system that gives users the flexibility, control, and innovation needed to manage their businesses effectively. Users of the program can manage their enterprises from any location, using any device. With its opulent features, numerous user- and administrator-customizable modules, and carefully crafted widgets, the software is outfitted with the best available technological instruments. Also, the software offers dependable assistance for resolving user questions and issues. Users of YetiForce receive regular updates that include bug repairs, new enhancements, and new features. 

#3. EspoCRM – Salesforce Open Source Alternative

EspoCRM is a CRM platform that offers users a simple and user-friendly interface via which they can evaluate, enter, and view various business possibilities, relationships, projects, and clients. It enables you to boost revenue, change your marketing strategy, and deliver a top-notch client experience. With Espo, you can configure and alter your CRM system to meet the specific requirements and expectations of your business. You can alter application labels, and message templates, view layouts, and fields, and add new entities or relationships using EspoCRM’s template manager, label manager, and layout manager. 

#4. ORO CRM – Salesforce Open Source Alternative

It is a CRM tool for managing customer relationships and tracking leads for better business opportunities. With the help of this program, conversion optimization, sales growth, and customer satisfaction are all achievable goals. Campaigns can be divided based on email marketing conversion, and dashboards can be used to monitor company performance. It functions with the abandoned cart module for Magento. The program is created for small and medium-sized firms. Thanks to its extensive but user-friendly design, it provides a number of functions, including account and contact management, which allows you to monitor and manage all of your accounts, client interactions, and information in one place. KPIs and performance.

Salesforce Competitive Advantage 

Any successful company must have excellent operational practices, and one of Salesforce’s competitive advantages is that it assists businesses in achieving this aim by offering a single platform for handling all client contacts. By automating repetitive procedures, decreasing manual data entry, and removing duplication of effort, organizations may streamline their operations and increase efficiency by adopting Salesforce. 

Another Salesforce key competitive advantage is customer intimacy, Salesforce can assist businesses in creating strong, long-lasting relationships with their clients. Businesses may get a complete picture of their consumers, including their preferences, activities, and purchasing patterns, by utilizing the customer data platform from Salesforce.

The last competitive advantage we’ll cover is product leadership, Salesforce may aid companies in this endeavor by offering knowledge of client preferences and demands. Businesses can detect market gaps and create new products and services that address those requirements by examining client data and feedback. Salesforce’s innovation platform also enables companies to work together with clients and partners to jointly develop cutting-edge products that increase market share.

Overall, the competitive advantage of Salesforce is that it offers companies a strong platform for attaining operational excellence, close customer relationships, and product leadership. Organizations can streamline processes, strengthen customer relationships, and create cutting-edge products that satisfy client needs by utilizing the platform’s features. Salesforce can assist you in achieving your business objectives and fostering growth in a market that is becoming more competitive, whether you run a small company or a huge corporation. 

Is There Something Better Than Salesforce? 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the Salesforce alternative that most closely resembles Salesforce on our list. Microsoft Dynamics 365 has excellent reporting and business intelligence services, as does Salesforce and can be easily customized with add-ons and apps.

Is Salesforce the Most Used CRM? 

Salesforce CRM Software maintains its dominant position in the customer relationship management software market thanks to its long-term outlook and excellent performance capabilities.

What Are the 5 Largest Clients That Have Been Using Salesforce? 

Some of Salesforce’s largest clients who achieved organizational effectiveness are listed below:

  • Canon
  • BMW
  • Spotify
  • Amazon, and American Express.

Will Microsoft Overtake Salesforce? has long been the industry leader in CRM, but things are currently deteriorating quickly. Microsoft has an advantage over’s conventional sales software, according to recent Forrester Wave research. For Microsoft and JourneyTEAM (Gold Microsoft CRM Partner), this is a significant step.

Are Sap and Salesforce Competitors?

Sales Cloud is simply a small component of the greater SAP ERP business suite, despite Salesforce and SAP Sales Cloud being competitors in the CRM market. While SAP doesn’t offer as many CRM features as salesforce, it does provide a larger selection of solutions for more industries.

Why Is Salesforce So Powerful?

Salesforce offers analytics, customizable dashboards, tools for interacting with customers, tracking leads and prospects, multitasking, and other capabilities. Marketers will be interested in features that integrate with social networks, emails, and other roles.


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