AWS CODEPIPELINE: What It Means & Best Practice

AWS Codepipeline Best Practices pricing pipeline
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Table of Contents Hide
  1. What Is AWS CodePipeline?
    1. Why Should I Use AWS CodePipeline?
  2. AWS CodePipeline Architecture and Key Components
    1. #1. Source 
    2. #2. Build
    3. #3. Test
    4. #4. Deploy 
  3. How to Set Up an AWS CodePipeline
  4. Migrating to AWS CodePipeline
  5. Integration with AWS and Third-Party Services
  6. Advanced AWS CodePipeline Setups
  7. CodePipeline’s Security and Real-Time Monitoring
  8. Always-On Deployments with Integrated Changes
  9. What Can I Do With AWS Codepipeline?
    1. #1. Streamline Your Deployment Procedures
    2. #2. Create a Reliable Method of Releasing Changes
    3. #3. Increase the Rate of Delivery without Sacrificing Quality
    4. #4. Utilize Your Preferred Method
    5. #5. Check Out the Status in real-time 
    6. #6. See the Full Record of Pipeline Events
  10. AWS Codepipeline Pricing
  11. Best Practices for Using AWS CodePipeline
  12. Fixing Problems with AWS CodePipeline
    1. #1. Error in Pipeline Execution
    2. #2. Executions that are Late or Incomplete
    3. #3. Problems With Permission
  13. Future of AWS CodePipeline and CI/CD
  14. How Do I Stop a Pipeline?
  15. Can I Modify an Already Running Pipeline?
  16. Can I Control Who has Access to AWS CodePipeline With AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)?
  17. Can I Make a Duplicate of an Already-established Pipeline?
  18. Can Actions Run in Parallel?
  19. What Is the Difference Between CodePipeline and CodeDeploy?
  20. How Do I Use AWS Code Pipeline?
  21. What Is the Purpose of CodePipeline?
  22. What Is the Benefit of CodePipeline?
  23. How Can I Practice Continuous Delivery for My Serverless Applications and AWS Lambda Functions?
  24. How Can I Set up a Release Workflow Procedure to Handle the Provisioning and Management of My AWS Resources?
  25. Final Thoughts
  26. Related Articles
  27. References

In order to model, visualize, and automate the processes involved in releasing software, you can make use of AWS CodePipeline, a continuous delivery service. It’s easy to model and set up the various components of a software delivery pipeline. CodePipeline streamlines the process of regularly deploying new software versions. This article explains everything about ASW CodePipeline, the best practices and the pricing. Enjoy the ride with me!

What Is AWS CodePipeline?

With AWS CodePipeline, you can model, visualize, and automate the processes involved in releasing your program. Building your code, releasing it to pre-production environments, testing it, and pushing it to production are all steps that may be modeled with AWS CodePipeline. If you use AWS CodePipeline, every time you make a change to your code, it will automatically be built, tested, and deployed according to the workflow you have established. Partner tools and bespoke tools can be integrated at any point in the release process to construct a comprehensive continuous delivery solution.

Why Should I Use AWS CodePipeline?

With AWS CodePipeline, you can accelerate and improve the quality of your software updates by subjecting each new modification to the same battery of tests before releasing it to production.

AWS CodePipeline Architecture and Key Components

To make the most of AWS CodePipeline, it’s important to become familiar with its underlying architecture. A pipeline consists of four primary parts, the following are the componets of AWS CodePipeline:

#1. Source 

The core of your application lives here. CodePipeline is capable of importing code from AWS CodeCommit, S3, and GitHub, among others.

#2. Build

Here, the program’s source code is transformed into a machine-readable format. CodePipeline is compatible with popular build environments such as AWS CodeBuild and Jenkins.

#3. Test

The testing phase checks the code to see if it has any problems. AWS CodeBuild, Jenkins, and other test frameworks can be used at this level.

#4. Deploy 

Finally, the tested code is released to production servers. You can utilize AWS CodeDeploy, Elastic Beanstalk, or CloudFormation.

How to Set Up an AWS CodePipeline

Stages and actions inside those stages must be defined when setting up a CodePipeline. Take the following steps to set up an AWS CodePipeline:

  • Create a Pipeline: Select CodePipeline from the AWS Management Console, and then click “Create Pipeline.” Identify yourself and choose a service function.
  • Configure Source Stage: Determine the repository and branch name, and then choose the source provider.
  • Build Configuration Phase: Select a constructor and give the undertaking a title.
  • Configure Deploy Stage: Choose the deployment service, app, and group that you want to use.
  • Analyze and Make: Take a look at how the pipeline is set up and make it.

Migrating to AWS CodePipeline

AWS CodePipeline is an alternative continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) technology. The following are ways to migrate to AWS Codepipeline:

  • Arrange Your Move: Find out what processes, steps, actions, and assets you currently have in place. Make a blueprint in AWS CodePipeline to repeat these steps.
  • Smooth Change: Create new pipelines with AWS CodePipeline while continuing your current CI/CD workflow for a smoother transition. You can begin moving over legacy pipelines once you have complete faith in the new procedure.
  • Instructing and Writing Up: Make sure everyone on your team understands how to use AWS CodePipeline. The documentation and online training tools made available by AWS are top-notch.

Integration with AWS and Third-Party Services

The flexibility to integrate with other AWS services and external tools is a key asset of AWS CodePipeline. It also works with AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, and Bitbucket for version control. It is compatible with AWS CodeBuild, Jenkins, and TeamCity during the construction process. The Amazon Web Services (AWS) CodeDeploy, Fargate, Lambda, and Elastic Beanstalk are all viable deployment methods.

Advanced AWS CodePipeline Setups

The following are steps to carry out advanced AWS CodePipeline setups:

  • Measures of Acceptance: Adding manual approval procedures to your pipeline will guarantee that modifications are examined before progressing.
  • Structure of a Pipeline: CodePipeline allows users to define their workflow with a high degree of freedom because it supports both sequential and parallel activities within stages.
  • Triggers and Webhooks: To monitor for repository updates, CodePipeline makes use of webhooks. A pipeline can be triggered automatically when a change is detected in another pipeline using a trigger.

CodePipeline’s Security and Real-Time Monitoring

There is built-in monitoring with AWS CodePipeline and AWS CloudWatch. Pipeline errors and process transitions can both be monitored and notified of. CodePipeline employs AWS IAM roles and policies to control user access for maximum safety. CodePipeline also employs end-to-end encryption for all data while it is in transit and while it is stored.

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Always-On Deployments with Integrated Changes

You may also automate your software’s construction, testing, and release into production with the help of CodePipeline, a continuous delivery service. An automated release procedure is at the heart of the continuous delivery approach to software development. Every time there is an update to the software, it is automatically built, tested, and released. A person, an automated test, or a set of business rules determine when the final push to production should happen. Continuous delivery allows for the immediate deployment of any successfully tested software update to production, however, this isn’t necessary for every update.

By using a version control system and integrating changes regularly into a central place, like a main branch, members of a software development team engage in the activity of continuous integration. Errors in integration are rapidly found by building and verifying each modification. In contrast to continuous delivery, which automates the complete software release process, including deployment to production, continuous integration primarily focuses on automating the build and test phases.

What Can I Do With AWS Codepipeline?

AWS CodePipeline is a useful tool for automating cloud-based application development, testing, and release. The following are things you can do with AWS CodePipline:

#1. Streamline Your Deployment Procedures

Starting with your source code repository, CodePipeline completely automates the build, testing, and deployment phases of your release process. Any level in a pipeline, except the Source stage, can have a manual approval action added to it to stop changes from continuing through the pipeline. You’re free to deploy whenever you like, however, to whatever systems you like, in as many or as few instances as you like.

#2. Create a Reliable Method of Releasing Changes

Figure out a standard operating procedure for modifying the code. CodePipeline automates the release process by carrying out each step based on your specifications.

#3. Increase the Rate of Delivery without Sacrificing Quality

By automating your release process, you can speed up the rollout of new features to consumers and give your engineers more time to focus on testing and releasing code in small increments.

#4. Utilize Your Preferred Method

Pipelines allow you to use the same source, build, and deployment technologies you already have. You may view the complete list of AWS services and third-party tools that are compatible with CodePipeline by going to Product and service integrations with CodePipeline.

#5. Check Out the Status in real-time 

The newest source revisions utilized in each stage of the most recent pipeline execution may be viewed, and the pipelines themselves can be manually restarted at any time.

#6. See the Full Record of Pipeline Events

Time stamps, run times, and execution IDs may all be viewed for individual pipeline executions.

AWS Codepipeline Pricing

The number of monthly active pipelines determines the pricing of AWS CodePipeline. The pricing of AWS CodePipeline does not include the fees associated with using other AWS services, such as AWS CodeBuild or AWS CodeDeploy.

Best Practices for Using AWS CodePipeline

The following are the best practices for using AWS CodePipeline:

  • Make Sure Each Microservice Has Its Own Pipeline: Typically, microservices will have their own distinct lifespans. More precise management and monitoring are possible when each process has its own pipeline.
  • Test Automation: If you want to catch bugs and issues early, automate testing at each step of the workflow.
  • Pipeline Safety: Use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and the concept of least privilege for IAM roles to protect private information.
  • Keep an Eye on the Pipes: Prepare for any problems during software deployment by setting up AWS CloudWatch monitoring and notifications.

Fixing Problems with AWS CodePipeline

AWS CodePipeline is no different from any other system in that it might develop problems that need to be fixed. The following are the problems with AWS CodePipeline and how to fix them:

#1. Error in Pipeline Execution

Possible causes include incorrect settings, insufficient access rights, or the absence of a required service. The AWS CodePipeline console contains error messages with sufficient detail to identify the source of the problem.

#2. Executions that are Late or Incomplete

whether your pipeline isn’t running as planned, you may want to see whether there are any outages on the AWS Service Health Dashboard. If everything seems normal with AWS, double-check your pipeline settings and access to the source code repository.

#3. Problems With Permission

If you suspect that permissions are the cause of pipeline actions failing, check your IAM roles and policies. Make that the service role you’re using with AWS CodePipeline has the privileges you need to perform the pipeline’s actions.

Future of AWS CodePipeline and CI/CD

AWS CodePipeline, like the rest of the CI/CD ecosystem, is always getting better. As new trends in software development emerge, AWS introduces new capabilities and integrations on a regular basis. Examples of what to look forward to include better integration with third-party tools and expanded support for containerization and serverless computing.

How Do I Stop a Pipeline?

Turning off a connection between two stages halts the pipeline. Once a transition has been deactivated, it will not be promoted to later stages in the pipeline, but the pipeline will continue to run changes through the actions. Learn how to disable or activate transitions in AWS CodePipeline here.

Can I Modify an Already Running Pipeline?

Yes. The AWS CodePipeline console and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) allow you to add, amend, and remove stages and actions from a pipeline.

Can I Control Who has Access to AWS CodePipeline With AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)?

Yes. Permissions can be set on a per-resource basis in AWS CodePipeline. A pipeline’s permissions can be set individually for each user. If you want someone to be able to view the pipeline’s status but not make any changes, you may give them read-only access. Any step or activity within a pipeline can have its own set of permissions.

Can I Make a Duplicate of an Already-established Pipeline?

Yes. The get-pipeline AWS CLI command will return the pipeline’s JSON structure. A new pipeline with the same format can be generated using JSON and the create-pipeline AWS CLI tool.

Can Actions Run in Parallel?

Yes. One or more operations may be set to operate in parallel for any given phase.

What Is the Difference Between CodePipeline and CodeDeploy?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) CodeDeploy is a deployment solution that streamlines the process of deploying code to AWS or on-premises servers. The AWS CodePipeline service streamlines your release process by automating the build, testing, and deployment steps.

How Do I Use AWS Code Pipeline?

Here is how to use AWS CodePipeline:

  • Make a pipeline and give it a name. To access the CodePipeline console, go to in the AWS Management Console.
  • Second, build a source environment.
  • Third, make a build stage.
  • Fourth, design a deployment phase.
  • Fifth, inspect the flow of production.

What Is the Purpose of CodePipeline?

 Model, visualize, and automate the processes involved in releasing your software with the help of CodePipeline, a continuous delivery service. The many steps of a software release process can be modeled and configured rapidly. CodePipeline streamlines the process of regularly releasing updated software by automating the necessary tasks.

What Is the Benefit of CodePipeline?

 With CodePipeline, you can easily add GitHub or Jenkins, two popular development tools, to any step of your release process with a single click. Whether it’s for version control, development, testing, or releasing, you can use whatever tools you like.

How Can I Practice Continuous Delivery for My Serverless Applications and AWS Lambda Functions?

You can distribute new versions of your serverless app by including the AWS Serverless Application Model template and its associated files in your code repository. To prepare your code for deployment, you can utilize AWS CodeBuild as part of your pipeline. Create a change set for your serverless application’s deployment using AWS CloudFormation activities. You may add to your existing workflow with processes like human approvals and automated tests. Discover More Here!

How Can I Set up a Release Workflow Procedure to Handle the Provisioning and Management of My AWS Resources?

You may utilize continuous delivery with AWS CodePipeline and AWS CloudFormation to build and test modifications to your AWS CloudFormation stack automatically before releasing them to production. The AWS infrastructure can be updated quickly and reliably with this release method. Workflows can be enhanced with features like human approvals, test actions, and invocation of AWS Lambda functions. Continuous Delivery with AWS CloudFormation has further information.

Final Thoughts

With AWS CodePipeline, you can update your software quickly and reliably since it automates and simplifies the CI/CD process. It’s compatible with many different software ecosystems thanks to its smooth integration with a wide variety of AWS services and third-party solutions. AWS CodePipeline is an invaluable addition to any developer’s toolbelt thanks to its cutting-edge capabilities and solid design, which allow it to meet the demands of today’s complex software projects.


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