How to Tag Someone on Instagram: Best Easy Guide

How to Tag Someone on Instagram
Photo by Kerde Severin

Tagging is one of the features of Instagram that helps reflect the “social” nature of the platform. Generally speaking, when you tag someone on Instagram, that person will receive a notification (the only exception to this rule is when a private account tags someone who isn’t following them).

Here’s everything you need to know about Instagram tagging.

How to Tag Someone on Instagram

On the Instagram mobile app for iPhone or Android, there are five popular ways to tag (or mention) people.

#1. How to Tag Someone in a New Instagram Post

When you tag someone in a post, it will appear in the “Photos and videos of you” section of their profile.

  1. Launch the Instagram app.
  2. Tap the plus symbol to make a new post, then edit the photo and tap “Next.”
  3. When you’re finished editing your photo, tap “Next” once more.
  4. Complete your post as usual, but before publishing, tap “Tag People.”
  5. Tap the photo in which you want the tag to appear, then enter the person’s name or username and tap to select them.
  6. On your iPhone, tap “Done” or on your Android, click the checkmark.
  7. Click “Share” to publish your post.

#2. How to Tag Someone in an Existing Instagram Post

  1. Launch Instagram.
  1. Navigate to your profile and find the post you want to tag someone in.
  2. Tap the three dots to the right of the photo or video and choose “Edit.”
  3. Select “Tag People” and enter their name or username, then tap to select the appropriate user.

#3. How to Tag Someone in an Instagram Comment

Technically, you can’t tag people in comments. However, mentioning their username will yield the same result. This is how.

  1. To leave a comment, tap the speech bubble icon beneath a post.
  2. Type out your message (if necessary), then start typing “@” and the person’s Instagram username.
  3. Tap the appropriate username to include them in your comment.

How to Tag Someone in an Instagram Story

  1. Tap the camera icon (or swipe right when viewing your feed) in the top-left corner of your screen.
  2. To create your story, take a photo or video (or select one by tapping the thumbnail of your most recent photo in the bottom-left corner of the screen), then tap the “Aa” option in the top right corner.
  3. Start typing “@” and then begin entering their username, then tap their username when it appears to select the person you want to tag.

When you tag someone in your story, a link to that person’s Instagram profile is created.

The person you tag in your story will receive a push notification as well as a direct message within the app with a preview of your story. Keep in mind that you are limited to 10 tags per photo or video story.

How to Tag Someone in a Reel on Instagram

Instagram reels are yet another way to tag someone, engage with them and reach a new audience. In your Instagram reels, you can tag people or businesses.

Here’s how it’s done:

  • Make your Reel (learn more about Instagram Reels here).
  • Select the right arrow.
  • To add text, tap your reel.
  • Enter @ and the person’s or company’s username.
  • When the username appears, tap it.
  • Select “Done.”
  • Make your reel public.

What Exactly Are Instagram Tags?

Tagging is the act of adding a “tag” to a post, picture, video, or status that groups it with other content that uses the same label on Instagram.

Tags are a simple way for individuals and businesses to broaden the reach of an Instagram message or photo. Tags help users find content such as pictures and videos that they might not have seen otherwise. Instagram contests also make use of tags. As a result, tags and hashtags are popular on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

What exactly is the distinction between a hashtag and an Instagram username?

What’s the Difference Between a Hashtag and an Instagram Username?

#1. Instagram Hashtags

Hashtags on Instagram are keywords that are added to posts by using the # symbol followed by a keyword. For instance, if you wanted to categorize a post as “small business,” you would include the hashtags #smallbusiness or #smallbiz in your post.

When you add hashtags to your Instagram photos, they become clickable. This allows you and other users to navigate to a page that contains all of the other posts that contain that specific hashtag (such as the one above). Check out this blog post to learn more about using hashtags as part of your Instagram strategy.

#2. Instagram User Mentions

On Instagram, you can also tag using your username. A user tag is created by using the @ symbol followed by a username (as on Facebook or Twitter). Tagging with a username is used to identify a person or company that is included in or relevant to the posted content. Instagram usernames are used for both personal and business profiles.

How to Insert a Hashtag into a Comment

Adding hashtags to comments is another option for tagging in comments. Including a hashtag in a comment expands the reach of a post. When you find a picture from an event you hosted or a picture taken by a customer at your business, add a hashtag to the comment. Using a hashtag in a comment is similar to tagging with a @.

To include a hashtag in an Instagram comment, do the following:

  • Comment on the post.
  • Include the relevant # that you want to use, such as, “Great shot, we’re glad you enjoyed the #event!” Thank you for your contribution!”
  • Hit Send

Instagram Tag Etiquette

It’s a good idea to use proper etiquette when tagging people on Instagram. Instagram, for example, allows users to use up to 30 different hashtags and tags per post, but it’s best not to use more than 12 at once. You don’t want your posts to come across as spammy!

This accomplishes several goals:

  • You will refrain from repeatedly tagging or mentioning a specific person or post. Although people value interaction, too much interaction can be irritating.
  • When you use too many hashtags at once, it appears that you are more concerned with increasing exposure than with sharing good content with your followers.
  • It also makes your post too long to read, which other users may overlook.

Check your tags and hashtags frequently. While you can edit your posts, you should tag the right things the first time to avoid using a hashtag with a meaning outside of your business’s scope.

Why Is It Necessary to Use Tags on Instagram?

Tagging people or businesses on Instagram increases your company’s exposure on the social media platform. Tagging someone on Instagram is similar to hashtag marketing in that it draws the attention of potential customers. The entire purpose of social media is to connect with potential customers and gain more followers. The best way to accomplish this is to use a variety of but always relevant tags.

If you follow this advice, you can expect increased engagement and activity on your Instagram account. Now go ahead and start tagging people!

Other Things You Should Know

#1. Remove Your Tag From an Instagram Post

Now that you know how to tag someone in an Instagram post, your account is likely to be tagged in posts as well. But what if you don’t want your name to be associated with that content? Not to worry! The tag can be removed quickly and easily.

Go to the post where you were tagged and tap the three-dot icon at the top. Select Tag Options from the pop-up menu.

The final step is to select Remove Me From Post. Your tag has been removed, and you will no longer appear in that content.

#2. Add a Location Tag to an Instagram Post

Location tags are another type of Instagram tag you can use to gain more exposure.

When you tap Tag Location on the caption screen, the location options will be limited to what is nearby. If you don’t see the location you want to tag, start typing it and a list of matching options will appear.

Choose the location you want to use, and it will appear on the caption screen. Now finish and publish your post as usual.

When you upload your Instagram content, that location will appear right below your username. That is, in fact, clickable. Someone can tap on it to go to the search results for that location.

That brings me to the main reason for using location tags: searchability. People use Instagram to look for things to do and what’s going on in the area, or to learn more about a business. If you tag that location in your content, you may appear in those search results, and other people may see your content related to that location.

Pro Tip: If you're a local business that tags its location in its content, encourage your customers to do the same. This will give anyone looking at that location a better idea of what it's like at your company.

If your company does not have a physical location, you can use tags near where you live or travel, such as venues, events, or anything related to your company that has a physical location. I don’t recommend including a location tag in every Instagram post, but doing so strategically can help your content reach a wider audience.

#3. Add Product Tags to an Instagram Post

You can add product tags to Instagram posts that contain your products if you’ve already set up your store with Instagram Shopping. Those posts have a small shopping bag icon to indicate that they can be purchased. They can see all of the product information and navigate through the shop to complete the purchase by tapping on the photo itself.

#4. Combine Tags for Maximum Exposure

Now that you’re familiar with all of these different types of tags, there is one caveat: tags will only work if your Instagram account is public. If you have a private account and tag an account that isn’t following you, they won’t be able to see the tagged content.

My final tip is to combine all of these tags to get the most exposure. If you’re in a store or a restaurant, for example, you can:

  • Include the company’s name in the photo.
  • Mention the company in the caption so that your friends and family can see it.
  • Add the location tag to appear in search results.

This three-step process ensures that you get the most exposure from search, friends and family, and the brand you’ve tagged.

But what if you’re trying to promote your own company? Can you continue to use all of these tags? You certainly can. You could be more cautious, but you can still tag yourself in your content.


Hashtags have long been recognized as the most popular way to gain exposure on Instagram, but there are several other tagging options available to help you grow your followers and build your account. Tagging other accounts, adding location tags, and using shopping tags will increase the number of people who see your content on the platform. Combining all of these different types of tags will maximize your exposure.


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