How Do I Block Someone on Facebook: Detailed Guide

How Do I Block Someone on Facebook
Credit: WapMasTazone

Facebook is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be a great tool for cyberbullying and irrelevant content. This often leads to the need to block someone to maintain sanity. But if you are unsure how to go about this, here is a guide on Facebook’s blocking features and how to implement them.

Blocking Someone on Facebook

When you block someone, they can no longer post on your timeline. They won’t be able to see anything you post on your timeline, tag you, invite you, friend you, or initiate a conversation with you. You will also unfriend them if you are already friends with them.

To block someone, follow the steps below:

  • In the upper-right corner of your Facebook page, click the arrow.
  • Select “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings”
  • Find and select “Blocking” from the left-hand column.
  • Look for the “Block users” section in the centre of the page and type the person’s name — or a portion of it — into the “Block users” field.
  • A list of names that match what you typed in will appear. Locate the individual you want to block and click the “Block” button next to their name.

If you change your mind, it’s pretty simple to unblock someone — return to the “Block users” section, and you’ll see a list of everyone you’ve blocked beneath the “Block users” field. Click the “Unblock” button next to their name to unblock them.

What Does It Mean to “Block” Someone on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook, they can no longer see what you post on your timeline. They will be unable to tag you in any of their own Facebook posts, photos, or posts from mutual friends. They are unable to send you event or group invites, nor can they message you.

If you block someone with whom you are friends, you will automatically unfriend them. When you block someone, they will not be notified.

How to Block Someone From a Facebook Page

Step 1: Go to Facebook

These instructions are for Classic Page Facebook pages, but you can also block people in Facebook’s New Pages experience.

Step 2: Navigate to your page

It should be listed in the Your Pages section.

Step 3: Select Settings

Scroll down to the bottom of the Manage Page header.

Step 4: Navigate to People and Other Pages

You might have to scroll again.

Step 5: Check the box next to the person or people whose names you want to block

You can scroll through the list to find the person you want to block or type their name into the search box to the right.

Step 6: Select the Gear button

This is located next to the search bar.

Step 7: Select the Ban From Page option

You can also remove them from the page’s likes, though they will still be able to like it.

Step 8: Click the Confirm button

That’s all! They have been removed from your page.

Will Someone Know If I Block Them On Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook, they have no way of knowing. This is because Facebook does not notify them that their account has been blocked.

They will not be able to see any of your Facebook posts, nor will they be able to find you on Facebook, and you will be invisible to them.

Is Facebook Block Permanent?

No, it is not. You can specify how long an account should be blocked for and when your friend should be unblocked.

What Happens on Facebook When You Block Someone?

When you block someone on Facebook, you are subject to certain restrictions. They are no longer able to:

  • Tag your Facebook account in a post.
  • Send you an event or group invitation.
  • Look at any posts on your timeline.
  • Contact you on Facebook.
  • Send or add a friend request.

This means that blocking someone on Facebook unfriends them automatically. As a result, before taking such action, you must think it through.

How to Block Someone on Facebook Using the App

Follow the steps below to block someone on Facebook using a smartphone:

  • Log in to your Facebook account and launch the app.
  • In the bottom right corner of your profile, click the three horizontal bars labelled “Menu.”
  • Click on the Gear icon (Settings) to access “Settings & Privacy.”
  • Scroll down and select “Blocking” from the drop-down menu.
  • Tap “Add to block list” to include the person you want to block on the list.

That is how to block someone on Facebook using their mobile device. Click on “Block” to confirm that you want to block the selected friend.

How to Block Someone on Facebook on a Desktop Computer

  • Log in to your Facebook account by visiting
  • Right after the notification bell at the top right of your screen, tap the arrow down icon.
  • Select “Settings & Privacy”
  • Then, select “Settings.”
  • Click the “Blocking” option on the left menu.
  • Enter the name of the Facebook user you want to block in the block user section and click “Block.”

Will someone be notified if I block them on Facebook?

No. Facebook will not notify users who have been blocked. They will, however, be unable to communicate with you or add you to their friend list.

Will someone notice that I have blocked them on Facebook?

No. Facebook will not notify your ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, or horrible boss that you have blocked their account. However, if you communicate with the Facebook friends you have blocked regularly, or if they carefully monitor their account and friend list, they can tell you that you have blocked them.

Which is the better option on Facebook: blocking or unfriending?

“Unfriend” is typically regarded as a less severe alternative to blocking. You can access someone’s profile and send them messages after unfriending them, and vice versa. However, you must block this person if you do not want them to view your profile, explore posts on your timeline, or send you messages.

What do people see when you block them on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook, they can no longer message or view your profile. They will most likely see “This user is not available” when they try to chat or message you. However, they may be unaware that you have blocked them.

How frequently can you block and unblock people on Facebook?

While there is no limit to how many times you can unblock or unblock a Facebook account, you must wait two days before blocking someone again.

Can someone see your profile photo after you’ve blocked them?

No. The blocked Facebook account cannot access your profile photo, send you messages, or view your last seen. They will not be notified of the status of their block. They can, however, infer that you have blocked them.

Can you see who has viewed your Facebook profile?

No. No feature on Facebook allows you to track who has viewed your profile. This feature is not available in any third-party tools or software. Users should report any app that claims to have this functionality.

Can you block someone while remaining friends?

No. Blocking someone removes them from your friend list. You can, however, prevent that person from accessing your profile by using the “restrict” feature. It is similar to blocking, with the exception that they will remain on your friend list.

What are the signs of being blocked on Facebook Messenger?

To find out if you’ve been blocked on Facebook Messenger, send a message to the person you suspect has blocked you.

You have been blocked if your message has yet to be delivered, even if the recipient is currently online.

If your message has not been delivered, you will see an empty circle with no checkmark next to it.

How long does it take for Facebook to block your account?

It is determined by the severity of the breach and the history of your Facebook activities. While some temporary blocks are only valid for a few hours, others are valid for 30 days. There is no way to calculate the length of your block.


One of the best ways to stay healthy on social media is to consume relevant information. You can block someone if you notice them using offensive or abusive language for you.


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