WINDCHILL SOFTWARE: Features, Review, Functions & More

Windchill Pdmlink what is software used for reviews

When it comes to organizing and collaborating on data related to your product development and manufacturing processes, PTC Windchill is a tried-and-true out-of-the-box PLM software solution. Windchill PDMLink serves as the centralized hub for product information throughout the entire company. This article explains everything you need to know about Windchill software, including the reviews.

Why not dive in now?

History of Windchill Software

Windchill was created by Jim Heppelmann, PTC’s current President and CEO, who also co-founded Windchill Technology Inc. Heppelmann became a senior vice president at PTC after the company bought Windchill Technology. In 1998, Windchill was introduced as the industry’s first web-based PLM solution. Windchill PDMLink was introduced in 2002 to improve product data management, and Windchill ProjectLink was added in 2001 as a project collaboration service. The parent business revealed ambitions in 2004 to “simplify its product management applications.”

How Does It Work?

Windchill software is a web-based product lifecycle management (PLM) program used by major corporations to ensure consistent product quality. It gives the context, security, traceability, and methods that make sure the product data can be found and trusted. Windchill software improves product creation by giving teams from different fields and locations access to data, putting the focus on the quality of the process, and making manufacturing more data-driven. Its application suite includes tools like expert and non-expert packages, job and industry add-ons, enterprise system integrations, extensions, visualization, validation, and review. These features make it possible for the technology to grow with the business, either on-site or in the PTC cloud.

The PLM software is highly automated and can be used to handle configurations across different fields. This optimization is made possible by features like modern design, secure collaboration, streamlined updates, flexible delivery, and ongoing support. Other benefits include better teamwork, closed-loop quality, managing CTQ characteristics, and concurrent manufacturing. With Windchill software, organizations can develop and expand their digital thread, increasing value for the entire organization.

What Is Windchill Software Used For?

Here is what Windchill is used for:

  • Taking care of quality
  • Taking care of product data
  • Structures on a platform
  • Management of Electrical Design
  • Putting out documents
  • Management of Change
  • Taking care of Bills of Material (BOM)
  • Automate the making of designs
  • History of Audits
  • Making a report
  • Working together

What Is Windchill Software?

Windchill software is a full-featured Discrete PLM solution created by PTC, an American software giant. The answer is mostly for medium- to large-sized companies in industries like aerospace and defense, automotive, electronics, and industrial machinery. Windchill can be set up on-premises or in the cloud, depending on what the customer wants. The vendor is open to negotiation of terms, and payment plans, including subscription and perpetual license options, are available. Phone, email, and live chat are just a few of the methods PTC uses to deliver customer service. The software can be used all over the world because it can be used in different languages.

Furthermore, Windchill software is different from other Discrete PLM solutions on the market because it has a number of key powers and features that set it apart. Notable features include excellent process management, strong change management, advanced integration capabilities, complete document and content management, and a powerful IoT and AR platform.

Features  and Capabilities of Windchill Software

The following are the features and capabilities of Windchill software:

#1. Product Data Vaulting and Management

Windchill software has great support in the Product Data Vaulting and Management section, with 36 out of 37 features, or 97.3% feature coverage. Windchill shows a much better performance than the Discrete PLM Market Average, which gets 59.89% support. This component’s primary features include safe data archiving, revision management, document and metadata administration, and a thorough search function. These features make data handling easier and make it easier for users to get to important information.

#2. Item Management and Classification

Windchill software matches the market average of 98% by providing all 30 features in the Item Management and Classification module.  Some of the most important features of this section are item classification, attribute management, revision control, part lifecycle management, and search. These features make it easier for users to handle and classify items in Discrete PLM, which helps with important business processes.

#3. Configuration Management/BOM

Windchill does well in the Configuration Management/BOM section because it supports all 62 features, which is more than the market average of 69.03%. This module’s most important features are BOM version control, configuration management, change effect analysis, BOM visualization, and management of alternative components. Users count on these functions to efficiently handle configurations and bills of materials, allowing for smooth product development in the Discrete PLM environment.

#4. Change Management

Windchill software supports all 63 features in the Change Management module, giving it a 99.52% feature coverage, which is much higher than the market average of 65.46%. administration of change requests, impact analysis, monitoring of change orders, administration of workflows, and a record of all previous changes are just a few of the key features. Users of Discrete PLM who need to manage and apply product changes well and streamline processes will find these features useful.

#5. Routing, approval, and lifecycle process

Windchill does a great job with the Routing, Approval, and Lifecycle Process module because it supports all 28 features, which is called 100% feature coverage. This result is better than the average in the market, which is 64.36% support. This module’s most important features are process routing, user-role-based approvals, workflow automation, multi-level approval, dashboard reports, and workflow automation. These features make the approval and maintenance process easier for certain Discrete PLM users.

#6. Design and Project Collaboration

Windchill software also has a better market share of 96.76 percent than the industry average of 58.92 percent in the area of Design and Project Collaboration, where it supports 37 features at 100 percent. Features like as project monitoring and planning, task management, communication apps, file sharing, and pre-made project layouts are indispensable. These features make it easier for people to work together on design and projects and support important business processes in Discrete PLM.

#7. Visualization, Markup, and Translation

Windchill works well in the Visualization, Markup, and Translation sections. It supports 98 out of 99 features, which is a feature coverage of 97.98%. This is better than the average in the market, which is 51.52%. The module’s main functions are as follows: 2D/3D visualization; markups and annotations; geometry comparison; data translation; and file format support. These features meet the needs of Discrete PLM users in terms of display and translation, making their experience as users better in the process.

#8. CAD Design Integration

Windchill covers all 36 features in the CAD Design Integration module. This gives it a feature coverage of 98.33%, which is higher than the average of 44.94% in the market. The most important features are usually multi-CAD support, CAD data syncing, design change tracking, CAD data search, and the ability to import and export Bills of Materials. Users in the Discrete PLM sector use these features to integrate CAD smoothly and speed up their design processes.

#9. Enterprise/ERP Integration

Windchill has a 97.5% feature coverage because it supports all 24 features in the Enterprise/ERP Integration package. This is better than the market average of 72.25%. ERP integration, synchronization of data in both directions, mapping and transformation of data, integration of processes, and connector frameworks are among the most prominent elements. These features make it easy to connect the enterprise and ERP, which makes it easier for different systems in the Discrete PLM area to work together and share data.

#10. Product Cost Estimation

Windchill fully covers all 19 features in the Product Cost Estimation module. This is the same as the average market coverage of 55.37%. The cost estimate models, cost breakdown structure, cost roll-up, scenario analysis, and report generation are all important parts of this module. In the Discrete PLM environment, these features help users estimate product costs, make well-informed choices, and keep track of their budgets.

#11. Windchill’s technology is about the same as the average on the market

In the Application Technology part, Windchill supports 54 out of 73 features, which is 72.74% of the features. This success is in line with the average market support of 60.96%.  Scalability, security, integration, customization, and performance optimization are some of the most important benefits of this module. These things help make the program technology used by Discrete PLM users reliable and easy to use.

Windchill Software: Technology

It has been said that Windchill’s implementation is multi-tiered. It is possible to run it on a single server, but “serving thousands of end users on a global scale” typically requires the usage of three servers (the “Client,” “Application,” and “Database” tiers).

Windchill Software: Capabilities & Benefits

The following are the benefits of Windchill software:

  • Support for all PTC products and other popular programs for product creation is built right in.
  • Simple integration with existing business infrastructure
  • Allows for simultaneous work on many products from different locations, even when separated by firewalls.
  • Facilitates source-independent enterprise-wide comprehension of complicated content

Integration of Windchill PLM and IIoT in Manufacturing

By facilitating and streamlining IIoT, Windchill PLM is an essential tool for each manufacturer on the road to Industry 4.0. From product development to post-sale support, the IIoT reduces costs and boosts efficiency across the board. Windchill PLM also aids businesses in designing intelligent, networked goods that are viable now and in the future. It also aids in reducing errors and misunderstandings and shortens the time to market by offering a single source of truth for product specifications and test data.

It also assists in the development of the most effective and quality-aware production processes, and it keeps an eye on those processes to make sure they are carried out as planned. A team can make immediate adjustments and avoid unscheduled downtime and poor quality thanks to IIoT notifications that tell them whenever the process approaches out-of-bounds criteria.

Furthermore, it facilitates efficient product maintenance and repairs on-site for end users. Having access to the most up-to-date bills of materials and specifications also allows them to conduct maintenance and repairs with speed and precision, saving money and boosting customer satisfaction.

Windchill PLM is a vital tool in the arsenal of every manufacturer utilizing the IIoT. Check this out:

#1. PTC Windchill Products

Access the most up-to-date information about your Windchill products with the help of ThingWorx Navigate, a suite of seven apps that can be shared amongst employees.

#2. PTC PLM Cloud

 On-demand, production-ready PLM that is set up and managed for you in the cloud. This is the most beginner-friendly approach to PLM.

#3. PTC Windchill Visualization and Division Mockup

Product development teams may work together more effectively with the help of PTC’s suite of visualization and division mock-up collaboration products.

The web-based, enterprise-level library helps you catalog your company’s proprietary designs and make them accessible to your engineering staff via powerful yet simple search tools.

 Software for working together inside or outside of the company’s firewall safely to maximize the combined efforts of all employees. Windchill ProjectLink is a suite of web-based collaborative tools designed to facilitate efficient group product creation.

An integrated content and process management solution that streamlines the administration of any and all company material from a central location.

#7. PTC Windchill Supplier Management

Information about the supply chain must be managed, analyzed, and shared effectively.

#8. PTC Windchill Integrations

Data interoperability and information flow between applications can be optimized with the help of products designed to improve product development.

#9. PTC Windchill Archive

It enables you to effortlessly remove unnecessary data from your database, store it for the long term, and retrieve it with minimal effort.

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How to Choose the Right Windchill PLM Solution

Windchill stands out because of how well it manages data, how well it handles changes, and how well it can be integrated with other systems. The solution also has a strong IoT and AR platform, which makes it perfect for industries that use and handle assets a lot. But it’s important to carefully rank your business needs and think about things like how easy it is to use, how much training is offered, and what kind of support services are available to help you make the best choice for your company.

An in-depth look at both Windchill’s features and the Discrete PLM market as a whole, taking into account things like customer support and training options, will help you find the best answer for your organization’s specific needs.

When it comes to handling crucial operations like content, modification, and configuration management, a Web-based, tried-and-true Product Data Management (PDM) system like Windchill PDMLink is invaluable. You can also use PTC Windchill PDMLink to build and manage product structure views like “As-Designed” and “As-Planned,” which makes configuration management more effective.

Some traits and benefits of Windchill PDMLink are:

  • Accessibility everywhere: Allows access to a live product data management repository via the Web
  • Seamless connections: They allow access to various mechanical and electrical CAD applications, embedded software tools, desktop applications, and Enterprise Resource Planning systems
  • Stops design mistakes: Controls and automates the growth of products, making them better in terms of quality and reliability.
  • Improved innovation: Helps make it easier to create new items quickly by providing robust options for setting them up
  • Complete integration: Works for cross-enterprise teamwork with PTC MathCAD, Integrity, Servigistics Arbortext, Creo, and Windchill ProjectLink.

With these features and benefits, Windchill PDMLink lets businesses take their product development to the next level of efficiency, innovation, and quality.

Windchill Software Reviews

The following are the reviews of Windchill software from reputable sites:

  • G2: Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars
  • Gartner Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars
  • Software Advice Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Technology Evaluation Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Is Windchill Software a Database?

Different versions of each model’s shape can be saved in the Windchill database. To have models’ geometry kept in the Windchill database, set the WC_DUPINFO option in the file to the affirmative.

Which Company Uses Windchill Software?

There are over 3,079 companies using PTC Windchill. PTC Windchill is most popular in the United States, namely among businesses in the Information Technology and Services sector. Companies with between 50 and 200 workers and annual revenues of over $1 billion are the most common users of PTC Windchill.

Is Windchill ERP Software?

Windchill leverages microservices and mashups to offer ERP and MES integration, among other features. Sharing information such as schematics, BOMs, documentation, updates, process plans, procedures, and instructions for using available resources.

Is Windchill Software Cloud-Based?

You can quickly set up a solid foundation for product lifecycle management using Windchill software on Microsoft Azure. The cloud-based PLM system also works right out of the box and can be scaled to meet your specific requirements with no effort.

Final Thoughts

Windchill software is useful for managing quality issues from the time they are reported until they have been closed. Intake, review, resolution, and monitoring of nonconforming items are all handled by Windchill Nonconformance. Windchill CEM also facilitates the administration and handling of client grievances. As you can see, it is a software that will surely help with the development of your company; there is simply nothing to worry about.


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