NowSecure: Products, Services, Top Competitors & Alternatives 2023


NowSecure is a mobile app security software organization that provides users with on-premise or cloud-based automated solutions, managed services, and expert penetration testing. It delivers comprehensive automation techniques that can manage mobile risk, reduce costs, and boost growth.

NowSecure can identify a wide range of compliance gaps, privacy issues, and threats in commercial, business-critical, and custom-developed mobile modules. It does this through advanced testing and analysis across various deployment models and devices.

Its additional layer of products and services can serve customer groups, specific sectors, and the latest technology opportunities.

NowSecure Products

NowSecure Platform

Mobile app technology advances rapidly, as do the security and privacy threats targeting mobile app users. To keep pace, NowSecure provides a full suite of security and privacy testing solutions purpose-built for mobile apps.

From fully integrating automated security testing within your SDLC to fully outsourcing mobile app security testing needs, the platform offers a range of options to best fit your needs.

NowSecure Workstation

Purpose-built for mobile security analysts, NowSecure Workstation is a preconfigured hardware and software kit that compresses mobile app vulnerability assessments down to hours. This enables repeatable, standards-based testing with pre-formatted reporting.

The Workstation provides security teams with a simple and intuitive way to test even the most complex mobile applications. This improves the completion rates and speed of security assessments.

NowSecure Services

NowSecure supports Open Source Tools that enhance the mobile security community. Its team leads the way by contributing and maintaining the projects listed below.

The services include:

Frida Dynamic Instrumentation Toolkit: Frida is a free open-source dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse engineers, and security researchers created and supported by NowSecure researchers. It is often used to understand the internal behavior and network communications of mobile apps in use cases ranging from security research to debugging production code.

Radare: Radare is a portable reversing framework that can disassemble (and assemble for) many different architectures. It is a free, open-source portable reverse engineering toolkit for developers, reverse engineers, and security researchers created and supported by NowSecure researchers.

It can also debug with local native and remote debuggers, run on multiple platforms, perform forensics on filesystems and data carving, and much more.

NowSecure Solutions

Solution Areas

  • Mobile Digital Transformation: Tools and solutions for companies embracing a mobile-first strategy
  • Mobile DevSecOps: Mobile appsec that is purpose-built for DevSecOps
  • Mobile App Vetting for Supply Chain: Mobile app vetting and software bill of materials
  • Mobile Standards & Compliance: Leading industry frameworks and compliance standards behind our offerings
  • Mobile Federal Executive Order: Software requirements for mobile apps used by government agencies

Solution By Need

  • Mobile App Security Testing: Testing for the mobile apps you build, use, and manage
  • Mobile App Penetration Testing: Pen testing powered by our experts and best-in-class software
  • OWASP Mobile AppSec Testing: Mobile app security testing based on industry standards from the OWASP community
  • API Security Testing: Mobile API observability across testing solutions
  • Mobile AppSec Training: Industry training on Appsec vs NS specific training

Solutions By Industry

  • Consumer, Retail & Hospitality: Reducing risk and speeding mobile app delivery in retail, CPG, and travel
  • Financial Services: Compliance meets speed-to-release for banks, insurance, and fintech
  • Government: Mobile app vetting for federal and state/local agencies
  • High Tech & Telecommunications: Focus on Rapid and Secure Mobile-first App Delivery
  • Healthcare Industry: App Security Required Protection Against mHealth Personal Information Leaks is Critical

Top NowSecure Alternatives & Competitors

The Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Software solutions below are the most common alternatives that users and reviewers compare with NowSecure.


GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered DevSecOps platform that enables software innovation. It empowers development, security, and operations teams to build better software, faster. With GitLab, teams can create, deliver, and manage code quickly and continuously instead of managing disparate tools and scripts.

GitLab helps teams across the complete DevSecOps lifecycle, from developing, securing, and deploying software. It helps teams reduce product lifecycles and increase productivity, which in turn creates value for customers.

The application doesn’t require users to manage authorizations for each tool. If permissions are set once, then everyone in the organization has access to every component.

The main benefit of using GitLab is that it allows all the team members to collaborate in every phase of the project. GitLab offers tracking from planning to creation to help developers automate the entire DevOps lifecycle and achieve the best possible results. More and more developers have started to use GitLab because of its wide assortment of features and brick blocks of code availability.


GitHub is an increasingly popular programming resource used for code sharing. It’s a social networking site for programmers that many companies and organizations use to facilitate project management and collaboration.

According to statistics collected in October 2020, it is the most prominent source code host, with over 60 million new repositories created in 2020. It also boasts over 56 million total developers.

GitHub’s Features include:

  • Easy Project Management: GitHub is a place where project managers and developers come together to coordinate, track, and update their work so that projects are transparent and stay on schedule.
  • Increased Safety With Packages: Packages can be published privately, within the team, or publicly to the open-source community. The packages can be used or reused by downloading them from GitHub.
  • Effective Team Management: GitHub helps all the team members stay on the same page and organized. Moderation tools like Issue and Pull Request Locking help the team to focus on the code.
  • Improved Code Writing: Pull requests help organizations review, develop, and propose new code. Team members can discuss any implementations and proposals through these before changing the source code.
  • Increased Code Safety: GitHub uses dedicated tools to identify and analyze vulnerabilities in the code that other tools tend to miss. Development teams everywhere work together to secure the software supply chain, from start to finish.
  • Easy Code Hosting: All the code and documentation are in one place. There are millions of repositories on GitHub, and each repository has its own tools to help you host and release code.


Xcode is Apple’s IDE, made for producing software on Mac for use on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. Free to download and use, the IDE is chiefly used by developers to create iPhone and iPad apps, as well as programs for the Mac.

A long-standing tool for app production, Xcode is a well-known integrated development environment (IDE), enabling developers to write code and compile apps that can be used on various devices and operating systems. As Apple’s own IDE, it is primarily used for the development of apps within its own ecosystem. However, it can be used for writing source code in a variety of languages for use in other projects.

As an entire suite, developers can use Xcode to design the user interface, write app code, compile code, test the code and app, and debug. On completing an app to a quality where it can be accepted for distribution, Xcode can submit the app to Apple’s assorted App Store marketplaces.

Apple provides Xcode free to all macOS users. However, in order to distribute apps via the different App Store versions, it requires an Apple Developer Program subscription, costing $99 per year.

Xcode is based on Project Builder, an IDE originally created by NeXT for the NeXTSTEP OS. Launched in 2003 for Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, Apple gave Xcode a new user interface to make it more useful for Mac software development.


BrowserStack is a leading software testing platform powering over two million tests every day across 19 global data centers. It provides developer teams instant access to a cloud platform that allows them to comprehensively test their websites and mobile applications for functionality, performance, and visual appeal so they can release quality software at scale and speed.

BrowserStack helps Tesco, Shell, NVIDIA, Discovery, Wells Fargo, and over 50,000 customers deliver quality software at speed by moving testing to its Cloud. The platform provides instant access to 3,500+ real mobile devices and browsers on a highly reliable cloud platform that effortlessly scales as testing needs grow.

With BrowserStack, Dev and QA teams can move fast while delivering an amazing experience for every customer.


LambdaTest is a leading digital experience testing cloud that helps developers and testers ship code faster. With over 10,000 enterprise customers and over 2,000,000 users spanning 130 countries, developers and testers depend on LambdaTest to accelerate their quality assurance process and deliver products with the best-in-class digital experience.

Features include:

Continuous testing Cloud: LambdaTest’s Continuous Testing Cloud allows enterprises to rapidly test and deploy changes to their web and mobile applications up to 70% faster. This helps to accelerate the development process and improve time-to-market.

Cross-browser Testing Cloud: Its cross-browser testing cloud allows users to test their websites and web applications on a wide variety of browsers, operating systems, and devices. With features such as real-time testing, responsive design testing, and debugging tools, it enables developers to ensure that their websites and web apps are compatible with different browsers. Thereby providing a seamless user experience.

Real device Cloud: This allows testers/developers to catch bugs early before their mobile apps go live. With LambdaTest’s Real Devices Testing Cloud, teams can test unhandled errors, UI/UX, performance, and functionality of their apps before they get released into production. The teams can also test on the widest range of mobile and OTT devices (iOS, Android, iPad, Amazon Fire TV, Roku TV & Apple TV).

AI-powered visual regression Cloud: LambdaTest’s visual regression cloud ensures that the visual appearance and functionality of an organization’s web applications remain consistent and error-free, ultimately improving the digital experience and business performance. Teams can get early insights on visual UI bugs before they release their applications to the customer.

AI-powered Integrated Test Intelligence: By analyzing the test execution data, LambdaTest’s integrated test intelligence provides enterprises with insights into patterns and trends. These can lead to informed decisions about future development and improve application quality.


UserTesting’s Human Insight Platform enables companies to see, hear, and talk to their customers as they engage with products, apps, and messaging. Half of the world’s top 100 brands partner with UserTesting to make more informed decisions based on customer feedback.

UserTesting is fundamentally changing the way digital products and experiences are built and delivered. It does this by helping organizations get insights from customers – from creation through execution. Built on top of a world-class, on-demand sourcing engine, customers can receive fast, high-quality, opt-in feedback from both our proprietary and partner-sourced audience networks around the world.

UserTesting offers the industry’s most comprehensive experience research solution.

Ranorex Studio

Ranorex Studio is an all-in-one test automation solution that is easy for test automation beginners, but powerful for experts. Automate your regression tests with the reliable capture-and-replay tool, drag-and-drop UI objects and code modules for keyword-driven testing. Or create tests in C# or VB.NET using Ranorex Studio’s full IDE.

Ranorex Studio supports a broad range of technologies, including difficult-to-automate legacy desktop applications. Execute your tests on desktop, web, or mobile endpoints. It supports iOS and Android testing on real devices or simulators/emulators. For web applications, Selenium WebDriver is built into the Ranorex core API, so that they can distribute cross-browser tests on a Selenium grid.

Ranorex allows you to set up robust test automation scripts for a wide range of desktop, web, and mobile applications. For managing and executing automated tests, it provides a comprehensive range of test automation tools based on standard programming techniques and languages. This makes them ideal for teams of all sizes.

The platform integrates with tools such as JIRA, Jenkins, Azure DevOps, TestRail, Bugzilla, Git and more. This lets users build a complete automated testing toolchain.

Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Microsoft Defender for Cloud is a cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP). It comes with a set of security measures and practices designed to protect cloud-based applications from various cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

Defender for Cloud combines the capabilities of:

  • A development security operations (DevSecOps) solution that unifies security management at the code level across multi-cloud and multiple-pipeline environments
  • A cloud security posture management (CSPM) solution that surfaces actions that you can take to prevent breaches
  • A cloud workload protection platform (CWPP) with specific protections for servers, containers, storage, databases, and other workloads

It is a cloud-native application protection platform for multi-cloud and hybrid environments. It comes with comprehensive security across the full lifecycle, from development to runtime.


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