IRONSCALES REVIEW 2023: Features, Pricing & More

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IronScales is an innovative security platform that offers an entirely new approach to protecting your data and systems from online threats. In this IronScales Review, we’ll be looking at the features, pricing, and more to help you decide if it’s the right security solution for your company. We’ll see how IronScales helps protect against malware, phishing, and other malicious attacks, as well as examine the comprehensive dashboard and analytics that provide a detailed analysis of your security. We’ll also look into the advanced threat intelligence capabilities and incident response services IronScales provides. Finally, we’ll cover the Ironscales Pricing and plans available so you can make an informed decision about whether the system is right for your business.

Ironscales Overview

Ironscales is an email security platform that uses proprietary artificial intelligence algorithms to identify and prevent cyber threats such as phishing scams, ransomware, and malware attacks. It offers email authentication, automated phishing prevention, and automated phishing response capabilities to help protect organizations from targeted cyberattacks. Ironscales Review also includes incident reporting and communication capabilities to help organizations quickly respond to security threats and protect their data. Moreover, Ironscales is a turnkey platform that requires no additional hardware or software.

What are the features of Ironscales?

#1. Phishing Detection and Prevention:

Ironscales likely employs advanced machine learning and AI algorithms to detect phishing emails, including spear-phishing and business email compromise (BEC) attempts. It identifies malicious links, attachments, and suspicious content to prevent users from falling victim to phishing attacks.

#2. Automated Incident Response:

Ironscales provides automated incident response capabilities. When a potentially malicious email is detected, the platform can automatically quarantine or remove it from users’ inboxes, minimizing the risk of user interaction with harmful content.

#3. User Collaboration and Reporting:

Ironscales encourages end-user participation in email security by providing them with the ability to report suspicious emails with a single click. Likewise, this collaborative approach enhances the platform’s ability to identify and respond to emerging threats.

#4. Threat Intelligence Integration:

The platform likely integrates with threat intelligence feeds to provide real-time updates on the latest phishing threats, trends, and malicious domains. This integration enhances the accuracy of threat detection and response.

#5. Phishing Simulation and Training:

Ironscales may offer features for simulating phishing attacks on employees as well as providing targeted security awareness training. This helps organizations assess user susceptibility to phishing and educates employees about best practices to identify and respond to phishing attempts.

#6. Behavioral Analysis:

Ironscales may examine the patterns and behaviors of email correspondence in order to identify anomalies that may be indicative of compromised accounts or malicious activities.

#7. Email Authentication and Spoofing Prevention:

The platform helps prevent email spoofing and impersonation attacks by implementing authentication protocols such as DMARC, SPF, and DKIM.

#8. URL and Attachment Analysis:

Ironscales examines the URLs and attachments contained within incoming emails in order to locate any potentially harmful links, files, or payloads.

This feature helps protect users from clicking on harmful links or downloading malicious files.

#9. Incident Investigation and Forensics:

In the event of a successful phishing attack, Ironscales provides tools for analyzing the attack’s scope, impact, and vectors.

This feature assists security teams in understanding the attack and taking appropriate response actions.

#10. Real-Time Threat Alerts:

Ironscales promptly notifies administrators and users in real-time regarding potential phishing attacks and emails that have been flagged as fraudulent.

These alerts enable quick response and mitigation of threats.

#11. Integration with Email Platforms:

Ironscales seamlessly integrates with popular email platforms like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, enhancing protection directly at the email gateway.

#12. Threat Hunting:

Ironscales makes it possible to do proactive threat hunting within email interactions, which gives security teams the ability to look for potential attacks.

#13. Reporting and Analytics:

The platform provides insights into email security effectiveness by offering metrics on detected threats and user response rates.

#14. Automation and Orchestration:

Ironscales saves the security team time by automating incident response activities in accordance with established rules and regulations.

#15. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Enforcement:

By assisting in the enforcement of multi-factor authentication for email accounts, the platform provides an additional layer of protection.

How Do Iron Scales Work?

Ironscales is an automated phishing prevention and response platform that is designed to help organizations quickly detect, respond to, and remediate phishing threats. However, it works proactively to prevent phishing attacks from entering an organization’s email infrastructure by integrating with email providers, such as Office 365, to scan emails as they enter the system.

If an email is determined to be malicious, the system instantly sends an alert to the security team so they can immediately respond and address the threat. Ironscales then provides a detailed timeline of the attack, allowing the security team to investigate further and find out which accounts were affected.

Additionally, using its AI-driven technology, Ironscales will continually monitor and analyze emails to detect any suspicious activity. This allows the security team to stay one step ahead and quickly respond to potential threats before they cause any damage.

Ironscales pros and cons

The effectiveness of any email security platform, including IRONSCALES, can vary based on an organization’s specific needs, its existing security posture, and the evolving threat landscape.


#1. Phishing Mitigation:

Ironscales specializes in phishing detection and prevention, which is a critical area of concern given the prevalence of phishing attacks targeting organizations.

#2. User Collaboration:

The platform encourages user participation by allowing employees to report suspicious emails, enhancing the overall threat detection capability.

#3. Automation:

Ironscales offers an automated incident response, which can help organizations quickly quarantine and mitigate potential threats without manual intervention.

#4. Real-Time Threat Intelligence:

Integration with threat intelligence feeds provides up-to-date information on emerging phishing threats and malicious domains.

#5. Behavioral Analysis:

The platform may employ behavioral analysis to identify anomalies and potentially compromised accounts.

#6. Phishing Simulation and Training:

The ability to simulate phishing attacks and offer training can improve employee awareness and reduce susceptibility to phishing attempts.

#7. Integration with Email Platforms:

Seamless integration with popular email platforms simplifies deployment and ensures protection at the email gateway.


#1. Complexity:

Depending on the level of customization and configuration required, setting up and managing an email security platform like Ironscales can be complex and time-consuming.

#2. False Positives:

Like any email security solution, there’s a possibility of false positives, where legitimate emails might be flagged as suspicious.

#3. User Education:

While user collaboration is a strength, it might also require ongoing education to ensure that employees understand how to report and handle potential threats correctly.

#4. Continuous Monitoring:

Continuous monitoring and updates are crucial to staying ahead of evolving phishing tactics and threats.

#5. Integration Challenges:

Integrating with existing IT infrastructure and workflows might pose challenges, particularly in larger organizations with complex systems.

#6. Cost:

Depending on the organization’s size and requirements, the cost of implementing and maintaining IRONSCALES could be a consideration.

#7. Dependency on Automation:

While automation is beneficial, organizations must ensure that they have measures in place to address threats that require human intervention.

Ironscales Pricing

Ironscale pricing is based on usage and the size of an organization’s user base.

  • IronscalesPricing begins with a free plan for up to 50 users that includes 10GB of storage, unlimited phishing simulations, basic templates, and a 24/7 customer support helpline.
  • The Pro Plan is the most popular and starts at $14 per user, per month and provides additional features such as automated phishing campaigns, advanced analytics, and usage tracking.
  • The Pro Plan offers up to 500 users and 50GB of storage.
  • The Enterprise Plan starts at $21 per user, per month and offers unlimited users and storage, advanced customization options, and deeper analytics.

Organizations interested in Ironscales can also contact the company directly to discuss custom pricing plans for larger user bases.

Ironscales vs Proofpoint

Both Ironscales & Proofpoint are prominent players in the field of email security and threat prevention, particularly focusing on protecting organizations from email-based threats such as phishing, malware, and business email compromise (BEC) attacks. While both platforms share some similarities, they also have differences in terms of features, capabilities, and approaches. Here’s a breakdown of the differences and similarities between Ironscales and Proofpoint:


#1. Email Security Focus:

Both Ironscales and Proofpoint are dedicated to providing robust email security solutions that address a wide range of email-based threats, including phishing attacks, malicious attachments, and social engineering.

#2. Phishing Detection:

Both platforms use advanced technologies, including machine learning and AI, to detect and prevent phishing attacks by analyzing email content, sender behavior, and other indicators of malicious intent.

#3. Automated Incident Response:

Both platforms offer automated incident response capabilities that can automatically quarantine or remove malicious emails to prevent users from interacting with harmful content.

#4. User Collaboration:

Both Ironscales and Proofpoint encourage user collaboration in threat detection by allowing users to report suspicious emails directly from their email clients. This collective intelligence helps improve overall threat visibility.

#5. Integration with Email Platforms:

Both platforms integrate seamlessly with popular email platforms like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, enhancing email security directly at the gateway.

#6. Threat Intelligence Integration:

Both Ironscales and Proofpoint integrate real-time threat intelligence feeds to provide updates on emerging threats and known indicators of compromise


  • Ironscales emphasizes behavioral analysis, analyzing email communication patterns to detect anomalies indicating compromised accounts.
  • Proofpoint may offer similar features but might not highlight behavioral analysis as a primary differentiator.
  • Ironscales offers phishing simulations and targeted training to improve user awareness and educate them on recognizing and responding to phishing threats.
  • Proofpoint may offer training as well, but the approach and focus may differ.
  • Incident Investigation and Forensics
  • Ironscales provides tools for analyzing and responding to successful phishing attacks, helping security teams understand the scope and impact of an attack.
  • Proofpoint’s incident investigation and forensics capabilities may vary in terms of features and depth.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Proofpoint may offer more robust data loss prevention (DLP) features, which help prevent sensitive data leakage through email communications.
  • Ironscales may not emphasize DLP to the same extent.
  • Multi-Layered Protection
  • Proofpoint may offer a broader range of security layers beyond email security, such as web security, data protection, and compliance features.
  • Ironscales’ primary focus is on email security and phishing prevention.
  • Company Focus
  • Ironscales may place a strong emphasis on user collaboration, engagement, and education as part of its approach.
  • Proofpoint might emphasize a comprehensive suite of cybersecurity solutions beyond email security.

When comparing Ironscales and Proofpoint, organizations should consider their specific security requirements, existing IT infrastructure, budget, and desired feature set. Each platform has its strengths and focuses on different aspects of email security, making it important to conduct thorough evaluations and possibly request demos to determine which solution best aligns with your organization’s needs.

Is Ironscales any good?

Yes, IRONSCALES is a multi-layered phishing security platform that is designed to help protect companies from phishing attacks, malware, and other malicious online threats. It provides automated detection and remediation capabilities, as well as the ability to simulate attacks to identify vulnerabilities in organizations. IRONSCALES also offers education and training opportunities to help companies build a culture of security and create user awareness.

Where is Ironscales located?

Ironscales is located in Tel Aviv, Israel. However, the company also has offices in New York City, USA, and London, United Kingdom

Who is the owner of Ironscales?

The owners of Ironscales are Eran Gilad and Itay Bodner. Moreover, there are other investors, including YL Ventures, Greylock Partners, and Blumberg Capital.

Is Ironscales legit?

Yes, Ironsales is a legitimate company. Email security, threat intelligence, and security awareness training are just some of the cyber services they offer. They are a privately owned company based in Israel and have offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Singapore. They are certified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and are members of the SafeBreach Partner Program.

What happens when an attack is detected? Is Ironscales capable of responding?

When an attack is detected, Ironscales will immediately quarantine the threat, analyze it in a sandboxed environment, and provide users with notifications and reports. It will also block malicious links, attachments, and domains to prevent further infections. In some cases, it can also respond automatically to neutralize the threat.

What types of customers does Ironscales serve?

Ironscales is designed to meet the needs of small to medium-sized businesses, as well as larger enterprises. It is best suited for organizations that are looking for a comprehensive, automated, and cost-effective solution to secure their data and protect against cyber threats.

How do I get started with Ironscales?

To get started with Ironscales, create an account and install the program on your system. Once installed, you’ll be able to configure the settings and connect your email accounts. After setup is complete, you’ll be able to start using the platform’s advanced threat detection features.

What is Ironscales Pricing like?

Ironscale pricing is based on usage and the size of an organization’s user base. Organizations interested in Ironscales can also contact the company directly to discuss custom pricing plans for larger user bases.

In Essence

Ironscales is a robust service that will help you stay ahead of the ever-growing threat of cyberattacks. it allows you to protect yourself from a wide range of malicious threats with its advanced threat intelligence. Moreover, it offers automated email defense and response capabilities. Not only is it easy to use, but their customer service is also top-notch. With competitive pricing, in addition to a comprehensive set of features, Ironscales is an excellent choice for organizations looking to secure their emails and data.

Whether you’re trying to defend against sophisticated ransomware or malicious phishing attacks, Ironscales can help you stay safe. Organizations interested in Ironscales can contact the company directly to discuss custom pricing plans for larger user bases.

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