GETFEEDBACK: Features, Review, Pricing & Competitors

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Feedback is very important in any business or organization. It empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth. Even feedback management tools have become more crucial. One such tool that has gained popularity among businesses and industries is GetFeedback. You might not have heard it, but here is a review of GetFeedback ( acquired by SurveyMonkey), its features, pricing, and competitors to help you understand this digital feedback solution and integration with Salesforce. So, whether you’re a small startup or a multinational enterprise, GetFeedback can be the missing piece to unlock your organization’s potential.

What Is GetFeedback?

GetFeedback, acquired by SurveyMonkey, is a user-friendly digital survey platform that allows businesses to gather valuable feedback from their customers. With its easy-to-use interface and customizable survey templates, GetFeedback makes it simple for companies to carry out some activities. For example, to design and distribute surveys to measure customer satisfaction, gauge brand perception, and gather insights for product improvement.

However, GetFeedback stands out for its ability to create visually appealing and engaging surveys that attract respondents. This means businesses can customize the look and feel of their surveys by adding their logo, brand colors, and even images. This customization adds a touch of professionalism and helps to reinforce brand identity. 

Additionally, the platform offers multiple question types such as multiple choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions, allowing firms to collect feedback data. It also provides real-time reporting and analytics, making it easy to analyze survey results and gain actionable insights. Hence, GetFeedback is a digital tool that enables businesses to collect, analyze, and act on feedback to increase customer satisfaction and drive business growth.

GetFeedback Features

Here are some noteworthy features of GetFeedback:

#1. Customizable Surveys

GetFeedback allows users to create personalized surveys with multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions. Also, the platform offers a drag-and-drop survey builder. However, this makes it simple to design and customize surveys to match specific branding requirements.

#2. Multi-channel Distribution

This feature helps to distribute surveys across various channels, including email, SMS, and websites. Moreover, GetFeedback integrates with popular email service providers, making it convenient to send surveys to customers directly from the platform.

#3. Real-time Analytics

GetFeedback has real-time reporting and visualizations. These allow businesses to track response rates, analyze survey results, and gain actionable insights. Additionally, the platform provides comprehensive dashboards and interactive charts to help visualize customer feedback trends and patterns.

#4. Salesforce Integration

One of the standout features of GetFeedback is its seamless integration with Salesforce. Through this integration, businesses can easily collect customer feedback and sync it with their Salesforce CRM. Also, it enables them to analyze feedback alongside other customer data for more informed decision-making.

#5. Mobile App and Offline Mode

GetFeedback has a mobile app (available for iOS and Android) that allows users to collect feedback on the go. Moreover, the platform also offers offline mode capabilities, ensuring users gather feedback even in areas without internet connectivity. However, this feature is nice for businesses operating in remote locations or during conferences and events.

GetFeedback Pricing 

GetFeedback offers flexible pricing options to meet businesses of all sizes and needs. They have many plans to choose from, including a free plan for individuals and small businesses to start with collecting essential feedback. This free plan includes basic survey templates, email support, and integration with popular tools like Salesforce. 

For businesses looking for more advanced features and customization options, GetFeedback offers paid plans starting from affordable monthly rates. These paid plans have unlimited surveys and responses, custom branding, advanced analytics, and integrations with numerous CRM and marketing automation platforms. However, GetFeedback pricing options help businesses to choose a plan that meets their requirements and budget.

Additionally, GetFeedback offers enterprise-level pricing for larger organizations with more complex feedback requirements. Their enterprise plans cover advanced features such as single sign-on (SSO), data encryption, dedicated customer support, and custom reporting options. Also, the enterprise plans cater to large business’s needs and can be customized depending on the organization’s size and scope.

So, with these pricing options, GetFeedback ensures businesses benefit from their digital feedback collection and analysis tools without breaking the bank.

GetFeedback Competitors

When it comes to customer feedback platforms, many competitors to GetFeedback offer similar features and functionalities. However, here are some GetFeedback competitors:

#1. Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a robust feedback management system that enables organizations to gather feedback at every touchpoint. It has many features, including survey creation, data analysis, and reporting, to help businesses understand and improve the customer experience.

#2. Medallia

Medallia offers a complete customer experience management platform that helps businesses collect and analyze feedback across multiple channels. Additionally, it allows organizations to gain valuable insights into customer satisfaction and loyalty and take action on those insights.

#3. Zoho Survey

Zoho Survey is a cloud-based survey tool with customizable surveys, advanced reporting, and integration with other Zoho applications. However, it allows businesses to collect feedback, analyze responses, and make data-driven decisions.

#4. Typeform

Typeform is a survey builder best for its visually appealing and interactive forms. It has question types, customizable designs, and advanced analytics. Hence, all these help companies create engaging surveys and collect valuable feedback.

#5. Google Forms

Google Forms is a free survey tool and part of the Google Workspace suite. It allows businesses to create simple surveys, collect responses, and analyze data using Google Sheets. However, while it may not have all the advanced features of other tools, it is easy to use and widely accessible.

Even though these platforms share similar functionalities with GetFeedback, each has its merits and demerits. Therefore, know your goals before selecting the most suitable competitor for your business.

What Is GetFeedback Used For? 

GetFeedback is a customer feedback management platform that helps businesses collect, analyze, and act upon customer feedback. It helps to improve customer service, products, and customer experience. With GetFeedback, companies can easily create and distribute surveys to gather feedback. The platform offers many question types and survey templates, allowing businesses to customize their surveys to suit their needs.

After the feedback collection, GetFeedback provides digital analytics and reporting features to help businesses understand and make sense of the data. The platform offers real-time dashboards, visual reports, and deep insights to highlight trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Hence, this enables companies to identify customer preferences, pain points, and opportunities for innovation.

Who Uses GetFeedback? 

One key user of GetFeedback is customer service teams. These teams use the platform to get feedback, understand their needs and preferences, and identify areas of improvement in their products or services. By using the platform, customer service teams create and distribute surveys or questionnaires to customers, collect responses, and analyze the data. However, this helps improve the customer experience, resolve issues more effectively, and build stronger customer relationships.

Another group of users is market researchers. Market research teams use the platform to conduct online surveys and gather data on consumer behavior, preferences, and opinions. Moreover, GetFeedback’s advanced features allow researchers to customize surveys, target specific demographics, and collect reliable data. Then, they use the data to know market strategies, product development, and decision-making processes. Hence, with GetFeedback, market researchers design surveys, send them to respondents, and access comprehensive reports and analytics. This enables them to make informed and data-driven business decisions.

How Do I Integrate GetFeedback With Salesforce?

Integrating GetFeedback with Salesforce is a seamless process that allows businesses to gather valuable customer feedback and integrate it directly into their Salesforce ecosystem. 

  • First, log in to your GetFeedback and Salesforce accounts. 
  • Next, navigate to the GetFeedback dashboard and click the “Integrations” tab. From there, select “Salesforce” as your integration option and then follow the prompts to authenticate your Salesforce account. Meanwhile, this will allow GetFeedback to securely connect to your Salesforce instance and sync the data seamlessly.
  • After integrating GetFeedback with Salesforce, you can customize how the feedback data is mapped and displayed within Salesforce. This ensures you capture the essential information from customer surveys and store it in the appropriate fields in Salesforce. 
  • By syncing the feedback data with Salesforce, you can use Salesforce’s reporting and analytics tools to get actionable insights and track the impact of customer feedback. This integration also allows you to automate follow-up actions and personalize customer interactions. However, it depends on their feedback, improving customer satisfaction and success in your Salesforce-driven business processes.

Which Company Has GetFeedback? 

Momentive has GetFeedback and SurveyMonkey. It provides products that aid market leaders in maintaining agility throughout their business.

Is GetFeedback The Same As SurveyMonkey?

While the same company owns GetFeedback and SurveyMonkey, they have distinct features that set them apart. GetFeedback prioritizes user experience and customer feedback, providing a user-friendly interface and advanced analytics. 

On the other hand, SurveyMonkey offers numerous survey options and integrates with CRM systems, making it a versatile tool for different purposes. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user.

Is GetFeedback Good? 

Yes, GetFeedback is a good customer feedback solution with a user-friendly interface, robust features, and excellent customer service. The platform enables businesses to collect, manage, and analyze customer feedback seamlessly. One of its standout features is its ability to create mobile-responsive surveys and forms, allowing customers to provide feedback on any device. Meanwhile, this helps to gather insights from many customers and boosts the user experience. 

Furthermore, the platform offers powerful analytics and reporting tools that enable businesses to gain valuable insights from customer feedback. So, With its intuitive interface and advanced features, GetFeedback is undoubtedly a good choice to improve your customer experience and drive growth.

How Do I Create A Survey In GetFeedback? 

  • Firstly, create an account on the GetFeedback platform. 
  • Next, choose from customizable survey templates or create a survey from scratch. The platform has a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface to help you add questions and elements such as multiple-choice, rating scales, open-ended, and NPS questions. Additionally, you can customize the survey design by modifying the colors, fonts, and logos to match your brand image. 
  • After designing the survey, send it to your audience through various channels like email, social media, or embedding it on your website. 

Notably, GetFeedback provides real-time reporting and analysis tools, allowing you to track responses and gain actionable insights.

How Do I Add A Logo To GetFeedback?

  • First, log in to your GetFeedback account and go to the survey builder. 
  • Once you’re in the survey builder, click on the “Design” tab at the top of the page.
  • There, you will see many customization options, including “add a logo”. Click on the “Logo” section, and it’ll prompt you to upload your logo file from your computer. However, ensure your logo is in a supported file format, such as JPG, PNG, or GIF, and meets the required dimensions. 
  • After uploading, adjust the logo’s placement and size to appear attractive.

Wrapping Up

GetFeedback is a valuable digital tool companies use to receive feedback and improve their products or services. Moreover, its numerous features, user-friendly interface, and pricing options make GetFeedback a reliable choice for all enterprises. 


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