DATACAP: Meaning, Features, Reviews & Competitors

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Data helps in driving business decisions and strategies. As companies strive to harness the power of data, it has become paramount to have efficient data capture and management systems. One such system that has gained significant attention is Datacap. In this article, we explain the meaning of Datacap (currently owned by IBM) and explore its features, competitors, and more. So, whether you’re an entrepreneur, a project manager, or someone seeking a reliable solution to secure and manage your data, reading further will give you valuable Datacap insights and how it stands against its competitors in the market.

What Is Datacap? 

IBM Datacap is a powerful document capture and processing software solution that helps organizations streamline their information management processes. It helps to digitize and automate the capture, recognition, and classification of paper-based forms, faxes, and electronic files. By using advanced imaging and optical character recognition (OCR) technologies, Datacap helps organizations transform their unstructured data into usable and manageable information.

With IBM Datacap, businesses can significantly reduce their reliance on manual data entry, improving productivity and accuracy. The software automatically extracts key data from documents. This includes customer information, invoices, and purchase orders, and exports it to backend systems for further processing. Also, Datacap has intelligent document recognition capabilities. This allows it to learn and recognize document types, layouts, and formats, thus enabling faster and more accurate document processing. Notwithstanding, IBM Datacap provides firms with the tools to unlock the potential of their data and improve their information management processes.

IBM Datacap Competitors 

While IBM Datacap is a renowned solution, many other competitors in the market render similar services. However, here are some notable IBM Datacap competitors:

#1. Kofax Capture

Kofax Capture is one of the most popular IBM competitors in the market. It is a comprehensive capture and document processing solution that enables organizations to automate their document-centric processes. In addition, Kofax offers advanced data extraction capabilities and integration with multiple systems.

#2. Ephesoft Transact

Ephesoft Transact is an intelligent document capture and data extraction platform that uses machine learning to automate document-driven processes. It also supports various document types and provides flexible integration options.

#3. OpenText Captiva

OpenText Captiva is a leading document capture and imaging platform that allows organizations to capture, process, and store their documents efficiently. Additionally, it offers automated data extraction and integration with various enterprise systems.

#4. ReadSoft

ReadSoft, now part of the Lexmark company, provides intelligent data capture solutions that automate data extraction from documents. Just like other IBM competitors, it features OCR, machine learning, and integration with different business applications.

#5. DocuWare

DocuWare is a cloud-based document management and workflow automation platform that includes features for document capture and indexing. Additionally, it streamlines document processes and accesses them securely.

These are a few companies, there are other IBM Datacap competitors not mentioned. Each company has its features and capabilities, so know your requirements before choosing.

What Are The Features Of IBM Datacap? 

Some of the features of IBM Datacap are as follows:

#1. Document Capture

IBM Datacap captures physical and digital documents from multiple sources such as scanners, email attachments, web services, and fax servers. Meanwhile, this feature ingests documents into the system regardless of their format or source.

#2. OCR and Intelligent Recognition

The software uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and intelligent recognition technologies to automatically extract relevant data.  Also, it removes manual data entry by accurately recognizing and extracting data from structured and unstructured documents.

#3. Advanced-Data Extraction

IBM Datacap enables the extraction of critical data from many document types, including invoices, forms, contracts, and more. Its advanced extraction capabilities allow firms to retrieve and utilize data for various business processes. This includes accounting, customer relationship management, and compliance.

#4. Content Classification and Indexing

The software also uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to classify and index documents based on their content. Additionally, it categorizes and retrieves documents for future reference.

#5. Workflow Automation

IBM Datacap renders workflow automation capabilities, allowing companies to define and manage document processing workflows. This enables the routing, approval, and tracking of documents through predefined business processes, improving efficiency and reducing manual errors.

#6. Integration with Enterprise Systems

The software seamlessly integrates with existing enterprise systems. This involves enterprise content management (ECM), customer relationship management (CRM), and accounting systems. In addition, it leverages captured data and documents within their existing business applications.

#7. Scalability and Performance

IBM Datacap handles high volumes of documents and data processing. In other words, it has scalability options that meet the specific needs and growth of organizations of all sizes.

#8. Compliance and Security

Last but not least, IBM Datacap gives robust security features to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of captured data. It complies with various data privacy and regulatory requirements, including HIPAA and GDPR. However, this is to ensure sensitive information remains protected.

What Is Datacap Used For? 

One of the primary uses of Datacap is in the accounts payable department. By automatically capturing invoice data, it helps speed up the payment process. Datacap can recognize information such as vendor name, invoice number, and amounts, and transfer it directly into the accounting system. This not only reduces data entry costs but also enables faster and more accurate invoice processing. However, all these lead to improved supplier relationships and cash flow management.

Datacap is also extensively crucial in industries that deal with large volumes of paperwork, such as healthcare and insurance. By automatically extracting data from medical records, insurance claims, and other relevant documents, Datacap streamlines processes and increases efficiency. This helps improve service delivery, reduce manual errors, and enhance data accuracy.

In essence, Datacap automates data capture processes, enables organizations to streamline operations, reduces costs, and improves data accuracy. It also enhances productivity based on accurate and timely data.

Who Owns Datacap? 

IBM acquired Datacap in 2010. Datacap’s expertise aligns with IBM’s strategy to provide solutions for managing and analyzing data. This expanded IBM services, enabling its clients to improve their business processes, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. Meanwhile, this acquisition aims to deliver cutting-edge solutions that harness the power of data and help organizations transform their operations.

Furthermore, this ownership helps IBM leverage advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate document capture, recognition, and classification. It streamlines document-intensive processes by removing critical information from documents and sending it directly into business systems. Additionally, it saves time, decreases data errors, and improves accuracy. 

As a result, IBM’s clients can decide, improve customer service, and gain recognition in their respective industries. Also, the acquisition allows both firms to strengthen their position in the enterprise content management market and continue to innovate in the field.

What Is Datacap Server? 

Datacap Server is a dedicated server that manages and processes data from various sources.  It is a central hub for data capture, analysis, and integration. Meanwhile, this server has advanced technologies and tools that enable it to efficiently handle large data from different formats, such as documents, spreadsheets, images, etc.

The main function of Datacap Server is to automate the data capture process, eliminating manual data entry and reducing errors and inaccuracies. It uses intelligent data recognition and extraction techniques to extract relevant information from different sources and convert it into a digital format. This streamlines data management processes, improves efficiency, and makes data-driven decisions.

Furthermore, Datacap Server also offers integration capabilities, allowing it to seamlessly integrate with other systems and software within an organization’s infrastructure. Hence, this enables data to be exchanged and shared between different departments or systems, promoting collaboration and facilitating a more holistic approach to data management. 

Who Is The CEO Of Datacap? 

Terry Zeigler is the CEO of Datacap. He has deep knowledge and experience in the industry and has been at the forefront of driving Datacap’s success. His strong leadership skills and strategic vision help the company’s growth and expansion into new markets.

Under Zeigler’s guidance, Datacap continuously innovates its products and services to meet customer’s needs. The firm helps organizations manage and leverage their data. However, through his strategic partnerships and collaborations, Zeigler positions Datacap as a trusted name in the industry, delivering reliable and efficient solutions.

How Do I Use Datacap Application Copy Tool? 

  • First, open the Datacap application and navigate to the desired location to copy the data. Then, locate the copy tool option, an icon, or a menu item. Click on this option to open the copy tool.
  • Once the copy tool is open, select the specific data you wish to copy. Meanwhile, you can use the selection tools, such as checkboxes or drag-and-drop functionality. 
  • After selecting the desired data, choose the destination location where you want to copy the data to. This can be another folder within the application or even a different workspace. 
  • Finally, click on the appropriate button or menu item to initiate the copy process. The Datacap application will then copy the data to the specified location. However, this allows you to transfer and replicate important information within the application.

Which Database Is Supported By Datacap? 

IBM Datacap supports various databases for storing and managing data. One of the primary databases is IBM DB2. DB2 is a powerful and robust relational database management system (RDBMS) that has many features and capabilities, making it best for storing and retrieving data. With DB2, Datacap users can leverage advanced indexing and querying capabilities to manage large volumes of information. Additionally, it gives excellent data security and integrity features, ensuring the data stored is safe and reliable.

In addition, Datacap supports other popular databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database. These databases are common in the industry and offer their features and advantages. With support for multiple database options, Datacap allows enterprises to choose the one that best aligns with their infrastructure and requirements. Moreover, this flexibility ensures that Datacap can seamlessly integrate with different database environments. Also, it gives a smooth and efficient experience while managing data.

What Are The Prerequisites For Datacap? 

  • Firstly, you should have a well-established document management system. This includes a centralized repository where you can store, organize, and access documents.
  • Secondly, a reliable and stable server infrastructure for successful implementation. This includes a server that meets the hardware requirements specified by IBM, such as sufficient processing power, memory, and storage. 
  • Additionally, the server should have a robust operating system, such as Windows Server, compatible with Datacap. You should also have network connectivity and security measures, such as firewalls and antivirus software to ensure smooth communication between Datacap components and protect sensitive data.

What Is Datacap Architecture?

Datacap architecture is the framework and structure of IBM Datacap. It has many components that work together to ensure effective document capture, recognition, and data extraction. Also, the architecture handles high volumes of documents and streamlines the document processing workflow.


Datacap is an effective tool in data management processes. So, as enterprises continue to deal with a high volume of data, the company continues to render the necessary solutions to harness data, ultimately driving success and growth.




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