CONCEPTBOARD: Features, Review, Pricing & More

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Effective teamwork and seamless communication are critical for teams to achieve their goals in today’s fast-paced world. Conceptboard is a powerful tool that enables teams to collaborate visually and streamline their workflow. In this complete overview, we will look at the Conceptboard app, its pricing options, and how it compares to the popular collaboration platform, Miro.

What is a Conceptboard?

Conceptboard is a powerful online collaboration tool that enables teams to interact, brainstorm, and visualize ideas in real-time. Conceptboard is a virtual workplace where teams can collaborate on projects, share data, and provide feedback all in one centralized area, thanks to its intuitive UI and wide collection of features.

Real-time collaboration, interactive whiteboards, task management, video conferencing integration, and other collaboration capabilities are available in Conceptboard. Its simple UI and smooth interaction with popular tools make it an excellent alternative for remote teams, creative professionals, project managers, and anybody looking for a reliable collaboration solution.

Conceptboard App

The Conceptboard app is an effective collaboration tool that brings together teams to work on projects, brainstorm ideas, and visualize concepts. The Conceptboard app, which is available for both desktop and mobile devices, provides a seamless and easy user experience, allowing teams to work efficiently regardless of their location.

Team members can access their projects and boards on the move with the Conceptboard app, ensuring that collaboration is not confined to a single time or location. The app helps you stay connected and involved with your team, whether you’re working from your office, a coffee shop, or even during your commute.

The app includes all of Conceptboard’s core features in a mobile-friendly style. Users can build new boards, upload information, and engage in real-time with others. Sticky notes, drawing tools, and shapes, among other interactive whiteboard tools, are tailored for touchscreen devices, making it simple to convey ideas visually.

One of the most important advantages of the Conceptboard app is its capacity to keep teams in sync. The desktop version immediately reflects any changes made by team members through the app, and vice versa. This synchronization guarantees that everyone is working with the most up-to-date information and may contribute to the team’s success effortlessly.

Key Features of Conceptboard

Conceptboard provides several critical features that improve cooperation and efficiency for project teams. Here are some of the highlights:

#1. Interactive Whiteboard

Conceptboard offers a digital canvas that serves as an interactive whiteboard. To graphically depict ideas and thoughts, users can generate and arrange content such as text, photos, sticky notes, and shapes. The interactive tools enable you to draw, highlight, and annotate on the board.

#2. Real-time Collaboration

Teams can collaborate in real-time, regardless of their actual location. Multiple users can use the same board at the same time, making it simple to work on ideas, discussions, and changes. Changes are promptly reflected for all participants, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

#3. Commenting and Discussion Threads

Users can write comments on specific board elements, enabling more focused discussions and feedback. Commenting allows teams to express feedback, ask questions, and engage in discussions within the context of the information being discussed.

#4. Task Management

Conceptboard contains task management capabilities to assist teams in staying organized and on schedule. Users can assign projects, create deadlines, and label board objects. This tool aids project management by keeping team members informed of their tasks and deadlines.

#5. Integration and File Sharing

Users can upload and attach files to the board using the app’s file-sharing feature. This feature enables teams to work together on a variety of file types, such as images, documents, and videos. Conceptboard also interfaces with various cloud storage services, allowing users to easily access files stored on platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box.

#6. Version History

Conceptboard maintains a version history for the board, allowing users to examine and revert to prior versions as needed. This feature acts as a safety net, ensuring that no changes are lost even if they are done mistakenly.

#7. Surveys and Voting

Teams can use Conceptboard’s voting and survey tools to gather feedback, rank ideas, and make decisions. Users can immediately create polls, surveys, or voting systems on the board, promoting team engagement and consensus-building.

overall, Conceptboard is a versatile and complete collaboration platform that enables teams to work efficiently together, communicate ideas, and visualize concepts in a digital workplace.

Conceptboard Pricing

Conceptboard provides flexible pricing plans to meet the needs of various teams and organizations. The following are the main pricing options:

  • Free Plan: Conceptboard provides a free plan that includes basic features and functionality. Users can create up to three boards and collaborate with an unlimited number of guests with the free plan. Certain advanced features and premium support, however, are not available on the free plan.
  • Team Plan: The Team Plan is intended for small teams and includes additional features and capabilities. Unlimited boards, real-time collaboration, task management, commenting, and file sharing are all included. The Team Plan is priced per user per month or year, with annual subscription discounts available.
  • Business Plan: The Business Plan is appropriate for larger organizations and provides enhanced features for advanced collaboration requirements. It includes all of the Team Plan’s features, as well as additional security, customization options, and advanced user management.
  • Enterprise Plan: The Enterprise Plan is designed for organizations with specific requirements and larger teams. It offers a fully customized solution that includes superior security, integration options, and specialized support. Single sign-on (SSO), bespoke branding, and custom templates are among the features available with the Enterprise Plan.

Conceptboard vs Miro

Conceptboard vs. Miro are two prominent collaboration applications that provide comparable capabilities to help teams collaborate efficiently. Here is a significant feature comparison between Conceptboard vs. Miro:

User Interface and Usability:

Conceptboard is a simple interface that makes it simple for users to navigate and collaborate. It provides a user-friendly experience that emphasizes simplicity and clarity.

Miro also has a user-friendly UI with a variety of features. It features a more visually appealing interface with a range of layouts and widgets that some users may prefer.

#2. Collaboration and Real-Time Editing:

Conceptboard supports real-time collaboration, allowing numerous users to work on boards at the same time. All participants are instantaneously updated as changes are made, allowing for seamless collaboration and brainstorming.

Miro also supports real-time collaboration, enabling teams to work on boards in real-time. It allows for contemporaneous editing and updating, allowing for more effective teamwork.

#3. Whiteboard Tools and Features:

Conceptboard has a full set of whiteboard tools, such as sticky notes, drawing tools, shapes, and text boxes. It also includes features like commenting, task management, and voting.

Miro’s whiteboard tools and features include sticky notes, shapes, connectors, and wireframing elements. It includes a large number of templates, frameworks, and integrations for various use cases.

#4. File Support and Integrations:

Conceptboard integrates with popular cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box, making it possible for users to view and share files from these platforms. It also allows for file uploading and sharing inside boards.

Miro has numerous integrations with third-party programs such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, and others. It facilitates file exchange and cooperation between different platforms.

#5. Pricing:

Conceptboard provides a free plan with limited capabilities as well as subscription versions with more sophisticated capabilities. Pricing is per user, with discounts available for annual memberships.

Miro also has a free plan with limited features as well as subscription options with more features. The pricing is per user and varies depending on the plan and features selected.

Individual preferences and team requirements should be considered while deciding between Conceptboard vs. Miro. It is recommended that you assess your team’s specific needs and try out the trial versions or free plans of both apps to determine which one best meets your collaborative needs.

What is a conceptboard used for?

Conceptboard’s primary purpose is to serve as a collaborative digital workspace for teams to work on various types of projects and activities. Here are some popular use cases for Conceptboard:

  • Visual Brainstorming and Idea Generation
  • Project Planning and Management
  • Design and Creative Collaboration
  • Remote Collaboration and Virtual Meetings
  • Content Creation and Review
  • Agile and Scrum Processes

These are just a few examples of how Conceptboard can be used. Its adaptability and versatile qualities make it relevant to a wide range of industries and team collaboration circumstances.

Is Conceptboard free?

Yes, Conceptboard has a free plan that provides customers with basic functionality. You can create up to three boards and collaborate with an unlimited number of visitors with the free plan. Real-time collaboration, sticky notes, sketching tools, and rudimentary task management are all included.

How do you write on a conceptboard?

Follow these steps to write on a Conceptboard:

  • Log in to your Conceptboard account and choose a board to work on. If you don’t already have a board, you can create one.
  • On the toolbar located on the left side of the screen, you’ll find a variety of tools. Select the suitable tool for writing on the board. The most common tool for writing is the “Text Tool,” represented by the “A” icon.
  • Simply click or tap on the board where you want to begin writing once you’ve selected the Text Tool. A text box will appear where you can enter your text.
  • You can customize the appearance of the text using the options available in the toolbar. You can change the font style, size, color, alignment, and more. These choices may differ based on the Conceptboard version you’re using.
  • You can edit and format the text after you enter it. If necessary, you can pick the text box, resize it, move it across the board, or eliminate it.
  • As you make changes, Conceptboard immediately saves your work. If you’re collaborating with others, they will be able to see the text you’ve written in real time. You can also share the board with others by granting them proper access or inviting them to collaborate.

What is a digital concept board?

A digital concept board, also known as a digital mood board or digital inspiration board, is a virtual space or canvas where people or teams can gather and arrange visual components, ideas, and inspiration for a particular project or concept. It is a digital version of the conventional physical concept board or collage.

How do I download a concept board?

Follow these steps to download a Conceptboard:

  • Log in to your Conceptboard account and navigate to the board you want to download.
  • In the top-right corner of the board, you’ll find a button with three dots. Click or tap on this button to open the context menu.
  • In the context menu, select the “Export” option. This will open a submenu with different export options.
  • In the export submenu, choose the desired file format for your download. Conceptboard offers options such as PDF, PNG, and CSV.
  • Depending on the file format you choose, you may have additional configuration options. For example, if you select PDF, you may be able to choose the page orientation, size, and other settings. Adjust the settings according to your preferences.
  • After configuring the export settings, click or tap on the “Export” or “Download” button. This will initiate the download process, and the Conceptboard file will be saved to your device.

How do you add photos to Conceptboard?

You can add photos to Conceptboard by following these steps:

  • Log in to your Conceptboard account and navigate to the board to which you wish to add photos.
  • On the left side of the screen, there is a toolbar with a tab labeled “Media Library” and an icon that looks like a photo frame. To access the Media Library, click or tap on this tab.
  • You can add photos from your computer or choose from previously submitted images in the Media Library. Click or tap the “Upload” button, then navigate to your computer and pick the photos you wish to add.
  • Once the photos have been uploaded, you can select them by clicking or tapping on a photo in the Media Library. Drag and drop the chosen photo onto the board to position it. You can also resize the image by dragging the corners.
  • Conceptboard offers several tools for customizing and annotating the added photos. To provide context or feedback on the photos, you can add text boxes, drawing annotations, sticky notes, or other visual elements.
  • As you make changes, Conceptboard immediately saves your work. If you work with others, they will be able to see the new photos in real-time. You can also share the board with others by granting them proper access or inviting them to collaborate.

How do I group on Conceptboard?

Follow these procedures to group items on Conceptboard:

  • Draw a selection box around the elements you want to group by clicking and dragging your cursor. This will highlight the elements you’ve chosen.
  • Once the elements have been selected, right-click or click the right mouse button to open the context menu.
  • Look for the option to “Group” or “Group Elements” in the context menu and click or tap on this option.
  • When you select the “Group” option, the elements you’ve chosen will be grouped together. They will now behave as a single unit, making it easier to move, resize, or manipulate them as a group.
  • To ungroup the elements at any time, simply select them, right-click, and select the “Ungroup” option from the context menu.

You may add a link to Conceptboard by following these steps:

  • On the toolbar found on the left side of the screen, select the Text Tool. It is represented by the “A” icon.
  • Click or drag your cursor on the board to create a text box where you want to add the link.
  • With the text box selected, start typing the text that you want to turn into a link. This could be the URL itself or a descriptive text for the link.
  • Select the portion of the text that you want to turn into a link. You can do this by clicking and dragging the cursor over the text or using the keyboard arrow keys to position the cursor and then holding the Shift key while pressing the arrow keys to select the text.
  • Once the text is highlighted, you can add the link. Look for the “Link” icon in the toolbar or right-click on the selected text and choose the “Link” option from the context menu.
  • In the dialog box that appears, enter the URL you want to link to. Make sure to include the full URL, including the “http://” or “https://” prefix.
  • After entering the URL, click or tap “Save” or “OK” to save the link. The selected text will now be clickable and will open the specified URL when clicked.


Conceptboard is a comprehensive digital collaboration platform that includes visual collaboration, organization, and communication features. It enables users to create and collaborate on digital concept boards in real-time, as well as combine other elements such as text, photos, links, and annotations.

Conceptboard allows you to effortlessly add photos, group elements, and create links to enrich your boards and effectively explain your ideas. The platform has an easy-to-use design with straightforward tools and features that promote collaboration among individuals or teams.


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