How to Upload YouTube Shorts
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YouTube Shorts is a popular feature on the YouTube platform that allows content creators to share engaging and creative short-form videos. Whether you’re using a PC or iPhone app, uploading YouTube Shorts is relatively simple. Here, we explain the step-by-step process of uploading YouTube Shorts from your PC and mobile device. So, if you’re eager to share your creative content and captivate audiences with short videos, continue reading to learn how to upload YouTube Shorts from both platforms.

How To Upload YouTube Shorts 

Uploading YouTube Shorts is a straightforward process that allows you to use the app to share short videos for 60 seconds. 

  • To start, open the YouTube app on your mobile device and tap on the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen. From the options that appear, select “Create a Short.” 
  • Next, you can record a new video or upload an existing one from your camera roll. If you want a new video, hold down the record button to capture footage in segments or use the option to upload multiple clips. Then, adjust the video length to ensure it fits within the 60-second limit for YouTube Shorts. 
  • Additionally, add music, captions, filters, or other creative effects to enhance your video. After that, click the next button to proceed. 
  • You can then add a title, description, and relevant hashtags to make your Short discoverable by viewers. 
  • Finally, tap the upload button, and your YouTube Short will be published for others to enjoy.

Before uploading YouTube Shorts, ensure your videos comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines and copyright policy. Ensure you have the rights and permissions for any content in your Shorts. Additionally, consider optimizing your Shorts by using eye-catching thumbnails and engaging titles that accurately represent your video content. Pay attention to trends and topics popular among viewers to increase the chances of your Shorts gaining visibility. Lastly, respond to comments and promote your Shorts through social media and other platforms to enhance your audience reach and engagement. 

With these steps, you can effectively upload YouTube Shorts and engage with your audience on this popular platform.

How To Upload YouTube Shorts From PC 

If you want to upload YouTube Shorts from your PC, here is a simple way. 

  • First, make sure your YouTube account is enabled for Shorts creation. You can check this by going to the YouTube Studio website and clicking the “Create” button on the left sidebar. So, if you see an option for “Shorts”, then you are all set to upload Shorts from your PC.
  • To upload a Short from your PC, create a video that meets the requirements. This includes a vertical aspect ratio, a maximum duration of 60 seconds, and a Shorts-eligible audio. 
  • Once the video is ready, go to the YouTube Studio website and click the “Create” button on the left sidebar. 
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Upload video”. On the upload page, you can drag and drop your Short video or click the “Select files to upload” button to choose the file from your computer. 
  • Lastly, add a title, description, and tags for your Short, and then click on the “Publish” button to upload it to YouTube. Hence, the YouTube Shorts video will be accessible to viewers.

How To Upload YouTube Shorts On iPhone 

If you want to upload YouTube Shorts on your iPhone, here are a few simple steps you can follow. 

  • First, use the latest version of the YouTube app on your device. Open the app and tap on the plus (+) icon at the bottom of the screen. You will see numerous options, including Record, Upload, and Go Live. Select “Upload” to proceed.
  • Next, choose the video you want to upload. Tap on “Library” to access the videos on your iPhone. 
  • Select the video you want to upload as a YouTube Short and tap on “Next.” You can then trim the video to the desired length using the tools.
  • After making the necessary edits, tap on “Next” again. You can add a title and description to your YouTube Short, as well as select a category and choose whether or not to make it public or private. 
  • Finally, tap the “Upload” button, and your YouTube Short will be processed and shared with your subscribers and on the Shorts shelf.

YouTube Shorts App 

YouTube Shorts is a new mobile application that allows users to create and share short video clips. The app is similar to TikTok, with its focus on short-form content consumable and shareable. With YouTube Shorts, you can record videos up to 60 seconds in length and add various effects, filters, and music to enhance their content. Moreover, the app is ideal for capturing quick moments, showcasing talent, or sharing creative ideas with the world.

One of the advantages of using the YouTube Shorts app is the massive existing user base of YouTube. With billions of active users, it helps creators to gain visibility and reach a wide audience. Additionally, the app features a prominent “Shorts” tab on the YouTube homepage, further enhancing the discoverability of short videos. The app also allows users to monetize their content through YouTube’s Partner Program, enabling them to earn revenue from their creativity. Overall, YouTube Shorts presents an exciting platform for users to engage with short videos and potentially gain recognition for their talent or creativity.

Why Can’t I Upload Shorts On YouTube? 

YouTube has certain technical requirements for shorts. These videos should have a vertical aspect ratio (9:16) and no longer than 60 seconds. Moreover, shorts are specifically viewable on mobile devices, so if your video doesn’t meet these criteria, you may not upload it as a short on YouTube. 

However, YouTube always updates its policies, so check their official guidelines and FAQs for Shorts. This will help you understand all the requirements and troubleshoot any potential issues.

Can Anyone Upload YouTube Shorts? 

Yes, anyone can upload YouTube Shorts. YouTube Shorts is a feature on the YouTube platform that allows you to create and share short, vertical videos of up to 60 seconds. Unlike regular YouTube videos, typically longer, YouTube Shorts are quick and easily digestible content for mobile viewing. This feature is available to all YouTube users globally. So, if you’re an established YouTuber or a beginner, you can easily upload and share your YouTube Shorts.

How Do I Enable Shorts Monetization On YouTube? 

  • First, make sure your YouTube channel meets the eligibility criteria for monetization. This includes having at least 1,000 subscribers, a clean content record (no copyright strikes or violations), and complying with YouTube’s policies and guidelines.
  • Once you meet the requirements, you can enable monetization for shorts. To do this, go to the YouTube Studio dashboard and click the “Monetization” tab on the left-hand side. From there, enable the monetization feature and agree to the terms and conditions set by YouTube. 
  • After that, monetize your short videos and earn revenue from them through YouTube’s advertising program. Notably, it may take some time for the monetization feature to be activated for your short videos, so be patient and check back regularly for updates.

How Is YouTube Shorts Monetized? 

The primary way to generate revenue from Shorts is through YouTube’s Partner Program. This enables you to monetize your content using various advertising formats such as pre-roll ads, mid-roll ads, and display ads. However, the monetization options for Shorts may be limited than traditional long-form videos. This is because Shorts are to be brief and optimized for mobile viewing.

Why Aren’t My Shorts Monetized? 

This can be because your shorts do not fulfill the criteria for monetization. YouTube has specific eligibility requirements for videos to be eligible for monetization. These requirements include video length, content guidelines, and adherence to copyright rules.

So, if your shorts are too short or do not meet the necessary guidelines, they may not be eligible for monetization. Notwithstanding, review YouTube’s guidelines and ensure your shorts align with their requirements to have a chance at monetization.

Why Are My Shorts Not Getting Views? 

If your shorts are not getting views, it might be the quality of your shorts. Are they well-edited and visually appealing? Do they have a strong hook or interesting concept that will grab viewers’ attention? If your shorts lack quality or are not engaging to watch, people won’t be interested in watching them, resulting in low views.

Another factor is the visibility of your shorts. Are you promoting them effectively? Social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts have algorithms that prioritize videos based on engagement. So, use hashtags and catchy captions to share your shorts on other platforms to increase their visibility. Besides, engaging with your audience through comments, likes, and shares can also help boost the reach of your shorts. Also, if you’re not actively promoting your shorts or engaging with viewers, they’re not getting the exposure they need to gain views.

What Is The Upload Limit On YouTube Shorts? 

Currently, the upload limit on YouTube Shorts is 60 seconds per video. This means you can create and share videos for one minute in duration. This time constraint forces you to get creative and make your videos concise and impactful within the given time frame. Hence, whether a quick tutorial, a funny skit, or a brief dance routine, YouTube Shorts allows you to express yourself in bite-sized videos without lengthy content.

How Much YouTube Shorts Pay For 1,000 Views? 

YouTube pays up to $3 per 1,000 views for their new Shorts feature. However, it depends on the content of the video and your audience’s country of origin.

Can I Get Subscribers From Shorts? 

While the primary goal of Shorts is to provide an entertaining and engaging experience for viewers, it can also be a great tool for gaining subscribers. Since Shorts are prominently on the YouTube homepage and the Shorts shelf on mobile devices, they offer increased visibility to creators. Hence, this increased visibility can attract new viewers to your channel, who may then decide to subscribe if they enjoy your content.

How Do You Get 10m Views On YouTube Shorts?

Firstly, create high-quality and engaging content that stands out from the competition. Focus on creating visually appealing and attention-grabbing Shorts that are concise and shareable. Think about incorporating trending topics, challenges, or popular music to increase the viral potential of your videos. Utilize effective storytelling techniques to keep viewers engaged from start to finish.

Another factor in achieving 10 million views is optimizing your video for discovery. So, include relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to increase its visibility in search results. Promote your Shorts across social media platforms and engage with your audience by replying to comments and encouraging them to share and interact with your content. Collaborating with other creators or participating in YouTube Shorts challenges can also help expose your videos to many audiences.

Finally, be consistent with your upload schedule. Moreover, regular posting can help build an audience and increase the chances of your content going viral. Remember, perseverance, creativity, and audience engagement are key ingredients to achieve 10 million views on YouTube Shorts.

Wrapping Up

Uploading YouTube Shorts from PC and iPhone helps you to enhance your YouTube presence and engage with many audiences. With these steps, you can easily share their short videos with the YouTube community and potentially engage with a wider audience. So, whether you upload from your PC or mobile device, optimize your content for Shorts by adhering to the video specifications and following YouTube’s community guidelines.




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