How to Set Up Parental Controls on iPhone
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Parents must provide a safe and controlled internet environment for their children in today’s digital age. With the growing popularity of smartphones, setting up parental controls on iPhones has become a must. In this detailed guide, we will lead you through how to set up parental controls on your iPhone, whether you are using an iPhone or an Android smartphone. We’ll also look at the best parental control app options for iPhone users. Let’s get started!

Understanding the Importance of Parental Control on iPhone

Parental control on iPhones is critical in safeguarding your child’s online safety in the digital era. You can protect your child from improper content, monitor screen time, and limit app usage by implementing the correct restrictions. You can have peace of mind knowing that your child is using their iPhone properly and within the restrictions you set with active parental controls. Understanding the significance of parental control on iPhones allows you to make proactive efforts to protect your child’s digital well-being. It is critical to strike a good balance between enabling your child to explore the digital world and shielding them from potential dangers and harmful content.

Parental Control iPhone

Apple understands the need for parental control and has built sophisticated features into iOS to help parents manage their child’s iPhone usage. These native features include screen time, content and privacy restrictions, and family sharing. Let’s explore each of them in detail:

#1. Screen Time:

Screen Time gives parents the ability to monitor and control how much time their child spends on their iPhone. You may use this tool to establish app usage limits, schedule downtime, and even remotely supervise your child’s device. It provides you with insights into their digital habits and allows you to guide them towards a balanced screen-time routine.

#2. Content & Privacy Restrictions:

Content and privacy restrictions allow parents to limit their children’s access to explicit content, apps, and features on their iPhones. You can limit app downloads, web content, and specific functionality such as camera access or in-app sales. These restrictions enable you to provide your child with a safe and age-appropriate digital environment.

#3. Family Sharing:

Family Sharing is a useful parental control feature that allows parents to set up a family group and share purchases, subscriptions, and even location information with their children. It provides a consistent platform for controlling numerous family devices, allowing you to monitor your child’s iPhone usage and protect their safety.

How to Set Up Parental Controls on iPhone from Android

Because of the differences in operating systems, to set up parental controls on an iPhone from an Android device necessitates a few extra steps. While you may not have direct access to the iPhone’s native parental control tools, you can obtain equivalent functionality by using third-party apps and services. Here’s a general method to set up parental controls on an iPhone from an Android device:

#1. Choose a Third-Party Parental Control App:

Third-party apps with sophisticated parental control capabilities are available on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Select a reliable software that meets your needs and has cross-platform compatibility, allowing you to set up parental controls on an iPhone from an Android device. Some popular options include Qustodio, Norton Family, and Net Nanny.

#2. Install the Parental Control App on Your Child’s iPhone:

On your child’s iPhone, visit the App Store and search for the parental control app you selected. Download and install the app on the device. Follow the app’s instructions to set up an account and configure the desired parental control settings on the iPhone.

#3. Set Up Parental Controls on the App:

After installing the parental control app on your child’s iPhone, launch it and log in with your account credentials. Investigate the app’s features and set it up for the desired parental controls on the iPhone. These may include content filtering, screen time management, app blocking, and location tracking.

On your Android device, download the same parental control app and log in using your account credentials. This allows you to remotely adjust and monitor your child’s iPhone’s parental control settings. The software should include instructions on how to link numerous devices and connect iOS and Android devices.

#5. Customize Parental Control Settings:

You may change the settings and limits on your Android device based on your child’s age and needs by using the parental control app. This may involve setting time limits for app usage, blocking certain websites or apps, monitoring social media activity, and receiving notifications or reports about your child’s device usage.

#6. Regularly Monitor and Adjust Settings:

Once parental controls are set up, it is critical to monitor your child’s iPhone usage and alter the settings as needed. Stay informed about the app’s features and upgrades to ensure you utilize all available tools to secure your child’s online experience.

While third-party parental control apps may not give the same level of integration and native capability as Apple’s built-in capabilities, they can nevertheless offer useful solutions for regulating and monitoring your child’s iPhone usage from an Android device. Remember to use a dependable and trusted app to safeguard the safety and privacy of your child’s data.

Best Parental Control App for iPhone

When it comes to apps for iPhone that can help setiPhonesrental controls, there are various solutions accessible in the market. Each app includes several features and functionalities to help you monitor and manage your child’s device usage properly. Here are some of the best parental control apps for iPhone:

#1. Qustodio:

Qustodio is a well-known parental control app that offers a wide range of functions for regulating your child’s iPhone usage. Content screening, screen time limits, app blocking, location tracking, and social media monitoring are all available. You may establish time limits, block problematic content, and receive detailed information on your child’s online behavior with Qustodio.

#2. Norton Family:

Norton Family is yet another well-known parental control program that provides a variety of capabilities to safeguard your child’s internet experience. It allows you to filter content, limit screen time, supervise apps, and track your location. You can also monitor your child’s search activities, block inappropriate websites, and receive email alerts for suspect online conduct with Norton Family.

#3. Net Nanny:

Net Nanny is a trustworthy parental control program that prioritizes content filtering and online safety. Web filtering, app banning, screen time management, and location tracking are all available. Net Nanny offers age-appropriate content filtering and the ability to block certain websites or create custom filters. The app also sends you real-time notifications and data on your child’s online activities.

#4. Screen Time Parental Control:

Screen Time Parental Control is a feature-rich app for managing and controlling your child’s iPhone usage. Also, Screen time limits, app blocking, online filtering, and app usage logs are all available. You may set daily time limits for individual apps, prohibit access to specific websites, and track your child’s app usage and device unlocks with this software.

#5. OurPact:

OurPact is a popular parental control app with a plethora of tools for monitoring your child’s iPhone usage. It includes settings for screen time, app blocking, site filtering, and location monitoring. OurPact allows you to set device usage plans, ban social media apps, and track your child’s location in real-time. For added peace of mind, the app includes a family locator feature.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Set Up Third-Party Parental Control Apps on iPhone

It is simple to install a third-party parental control app on your child’s iPhone. Let’s go over how to set up parental controls with these apps step by step:

  • Choose and Install the App: From the App Store, download the parental control app that best meets your needs. Adhere to the app’s installation instructions.
  • Create an Account: Launch the app and fill out the required information to create an account. This account will serve as your dashboard to manage your child’s iPhone settings and restrictions.
  • Install the App on Your Child’s iPhone: Open the App Store on your child’s iPhone and download the same parental control app you installed on your device. Sign in to the app with your account information.
  • Grant Required Permissions: During the setup process, the app will ask for permission to access features such as location tracking, app usage statistics, and browser history. Give the program the permissions it needs to perform properly.
  • Customize Settings: After installing the app on both smartphones, you can customize the settings to your liking. This may include setting time limits, blocking specific apps or websites, and monitoring your child’s online activity.
  • Test and Monitor: After establishing the settings, it’s critical to test the app’s functionality to confirm it’s working properly. Monitor your child’s iPhone activity, analyze reports and alerts generated by the app, and make any required adjustments to better their digital safety.

Additional Tips for Effective Parental Control Set-Up

To maximize the effectiveness of parental controls on your child’s iPhone, consider implementing the following tips:

  • Open Communication: Parental controls are intended to supplement, not replace, your parenting. Maintain open and honest conversations with your child about the reasons for these controls and how they can assist in ensuring their online safety.
  • Review and Update Settings: As your child grows and their requirements change, it’s critical to review and update the settings and limits on their iPhone regularly. Stay regularly on trends and potential risks in the digital world to make informed decisions.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about the many online platforms, apps, and games that your child utilizes. This will allow you to make educated decisions when imposing constraints and assessing potential dangers.
  • Lead by Example: Children frequently learn by witnessing their parents’ actions. Set a good example by practicing healthy digital habits and appropriately utilizing your own devices. This will inspire your child to do the same.

Can I control my child’s phone from my iPhone?

Yes, you can use numerous parental control apps and features on your iPhone to regulate your child’s phone. You can remotely manage and monitor your child’s device usage, impose limitations, and change settings by using compatible apps and services.

Can you override parental controls on an iPhone?

Yes, there are numerous ways to override parental controls on an iPhone. Restrictions are designed to be broken. Restriction always sparks a rebellious disposition in children.

How can I see my daughter’s text messages on my iPhone?

Text message forwarding allows you to see who your children are texting, especially if they have an iPhone. You must gain access to their device settings.

  • Scroll down to Messages in the device settings.
  • Select Send & Receive from the Messages menu.
  • Log in using your Apple ID.
  • Return to the device settings and turn on text forwarding under Messages.
  • Select the recipient device and enter the verification code that was sent.

How do I set up my iPhone for my child under 13?

To set up parental controls for an iPhone for a child under 13 involves several steps to ensure their safety, privacy, and appropriate use of the device. Here’s a general guide to setting up an iPhone for a child under 13:

  • Go to Settings > Family.
  • Tap the Add Member button
  • Tap Create Child Account, then tap Continue.
  • Enter the child’s name and birth date. Be sure to enter the correct birth date — you can’t change it later.
  • Follow the onscreen instructions to finish setting up the account. For your child’s Apple ID, you can use their email address, the suggested address, or their Game Center nickname.

Where do parent permissions go on an iPhone?

On your iPhone or iPad, do the following:

  • Navigate to the Settings menu.
  • Tap Family, then tap your family member’s name.
  • Click Parent/Guardian.
  • Tap Set as Parent/Guardian.

How do kids bypass parental controls?

Simply changing the password is a very popular way to get around parental controls. If your children are aware that you use a specific password on specific accounts, they can change the settings to their liking without alerting anyone.

How do I put parental controls on YouTube?

To put parental controls on YouTube and restrict the content accessible to your child, you can use the YouTube Kids app or enable Restricted Mode on the regular YouTube app. Here’s how you can set up parental controls on YouTube:

  • Download and install the YouTube Kids app from the App Store.
  • Open the app and tap on the “Get Started” button.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to select the appropriate age range for your child.
  • Set a parental passcode, which will be required to access the parental settings.
  • In the parental settings, you can further customize the content available to your child, set screen time limits, and disable search functionality.

Restricted Mode on YouTube:

Here’s how:

  • Open the YouTube app on your child’s iPhone.
  • Tap on your profile icon (top right corner) and go to “Settings.”
  • Select “General” and toggle on the “Restricted Mode” option.
  • Enter your YouTube account password, if prompted.
  • Restricted Mode filters out content that may not be suitable for most viewers, but it’s not 100% foolproof.

Can parental controls see your text messages?

Typically, parental controls do not allow direct access to the content of text messages or private communications on a device. While parental control apps may allow limited access to call logs or contact lists, they rarely provide access to text message content, such as the text body, attachments, or chats.


Setting up parental controls on your child’s iPhone is an important step toward assuring their online safety and responsible device use. Whether you use the iPhone’s in-built parental control tools or third-party apps, the goal is to find a solution that meets your family’s needs and tastes.

You may set up a secure and controlled environment for your child by understanding the need for parental controls, researching the inherent capabilities available on iPhones, and evaluating third-party apps. Remember to evaluate and update the settings on a frequent basis as your child develops and their needs vary.

While technology has many advantages, it is critical to balance it with appropriate use and open communication with your child. Parental controls are only one component of the problem; actively engaging your child in discussions about online safety and teaching them good digital habits will improve their entire experience.

Use the resources at your disposal, remain up to date on the latest trends and difficulties in the digital world, and continue to change your parental control techniques as needed. You may equip your child to navigate the digital landscape ethically while enjoying all of the benefits that technology has to offer by taking a proactive approach.

Remember, your involvement and guidance as a parent are the most powerful tools in ensuring your child’s online safety.


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