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If you need to create a list of things yet to be done, you should know that you can do that with Microsoft Word. In fact, you can even create lists in Word with checkboxes that are observed electronically. For the record, including checkboxes in a Word document isn’t as tedious as you think. In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step how to enable the checkbox feature and then how to insert a checkbox in a Word document or Excel spreadsheet.


A checkbox in Microsoft Word is also called a selection box, tick box, or check mark. You can make interactive documents for your own use or use Microsoft Word to get information from other people. In either case, adding checkboxes to your paper could be helpful. This can be especially useful for to-do lists, questionnaires, and consent forms. In a survey, you can also use a single checkbox to make a binary choice or a list of checkboxes to make more than one option. There are two kinds of buttons in Word:

  • A button you can’t click on (not interactive)

You can’t check or uncheck a checkbox that you can’t click on on a Word page. A developer tab is used to make a checkbox in a Word page that can’t be clicked.

  • A mark that you can click (Interactive)

A clickable selection (Interactive) in a Word document lets users check and uncheck the box. The clickable checkbox in the Word page is made using a bulleted list.

How to Insert a Checkbox in Word

Professionals can easily create, edit, and share documents with Microsoft Word, a word-processing tool. Also, Word’s robust formatting options allow for the creation of elaborate layouts and dynamic digital documents. It is helpful to have the option to generate checkboxes while making this type of document. 

In the following paragraphs, I will explain why a checkbox could be useful, show you two different ways to create a checkbox in Word and give you some crucial advice for maximizing your productivity in Microsoft Word.

How to Insert a Checkbox in Word: Step-by-Step Guide

Everything from composing the next novel to creating a shopping list is done in Microsoft Word. Including checkboxes in a survey, whether it’s for yourself or at work, is a simple matter. We’ll show you how to perform any task. 

#1. How to Insert a Checkbox in Word (for Windows)

Follow these steps to insert a checkbox for your Windows device:

Step 1

Make a list, then move your cursor to the very first character of the first line of the list. If you wish to insert a checkbox, put a space after the first word of your first line.

Step 2 

Go to the tabs along the top and click the Developer tab.

Step 3

Check out the Controls area in the Developer tab, then find the Box icon with a tick in it on that part of the page. To proceed, tap the image. You’ve successfully added a checkbox.

Step 4

For the rest of the lines on your checklist, pick the first checkbox you made and the space after it. Then copy and paste that selection at the beginning of each of the rest of your lines.

Step 5

When you’re ready to automatically check off an item on your new checklist, click on the Checkbox to add an “X” to the box.

#2. How to Insert a Checkbox in Word (for MacOS)

Adding a checkbox in Word for Mac OS is easy after you enable the Developer tab. This is what you must do:

Step 1

Create your checklist by typing it out and then putting your cursor at the beginning of the first item.

Step 2 

Select the Developer tab from the ribbon. Here, you should see a choice labeled “Check Box” besides an image of a checked box. Go ahead and click on it.

Step 3

A checkmark has been added to the first item on your list in Step 3. To add a checkbox to each item, simply repeat the procedure at the top of the list.

Step 4

Note that with Word for Mac OS X, Step 4, you can’t simply click the boxes to mark them as completed. To access the menu, double-click the checkbox.

Step 5

Finally, make sure Checked is chosen under Default Value. If everything seems good, click OK. It looks like the box you wanted checked has been checked for you.

How to Insert a Checkbox in a Word Document

A checkbox is a small, square box that indicates whether a statement is true or false by having a tick box that can be checked or left unchecked. You can pick from a variety of options in Microsoft Word by making use of the built-in checkboxes and radio buttons. This process is quick and easy. You will be able to create really engaging forms and surveys if you are familiar with how to insert a checkbox in a Word document. 

Also, any worker who deals with documents would benefit from having a working knowledge of how to insert checkboxes in Word documents. This is because Including checkboxes in your document is a simple and effective method for keeping track of the tasks that you have finished and the ones that are still outstanding.

How to Insert a Checkbox in a Word Document: Step-by-Step Guide

The ability to make checkboxes is a useful skill to acquire before attempting to write such a document. In the following piece, you will learn two distinct ways to insert a checkbox in a Microsoft Word document and some helpful hints for enhancing your Word skills.

#Method 1. Change the Bullets to Checkboxes.

Making checkboxes for your document can be achieved in a speedy and straightforward manner by utilizing the bullet point tool that is available in Microsoft Word. You will be able to generate small squares that can be inserted into your printed documents to serve as checkboxes. The following is a list of the procedures that need to be followed in order to convert bullet points into checkboxes:

Step 1. In the Drop-Down Menu for Bullet Points, Go to the “Symbols” Area.

To begin, select the section of the document that will serve as the location of the checkbox by clicking there. Next, in the “Home” tab’s “paragraph” section, locate the small down arrow that is situated next to the bullet point icon. This triggers the appearance of a pull-down menu with the title “Bullet Library.” To define a new option, select the “Define New Option” option located at the very bottom of the menu. To access a second new menu with specialized symbols, select “Symbol” from the first newly-appearing menu.

Step 2. Select the “Checkbox” Option in Symbols.”

You can choose from hundreds of different symbols in the “Symbols” section to use as bullets. The “checkbox” choice can be located in a few different places. But, If you need more time to locate the appropriate symbol, you can use the scroll bar. Select “Wingdings 2” from the “Font” drop-down box at the top of the “Symbol” pop-up menu for a quicker solution. Then enter “163” into the “Character Code” box, which should be located towards the bottom of the menu. This means the corresponding blue checkbox will be highlighted immediately. If you’re ready to proceed, hit “Enter” or the “OK” button.

Step 3: Type Your List Using Checkboxes

After closing “Symbol” press “Enter” again or click “OK” to close “Define New Bullet”. This adds the first checkbox to the document you selected before. Then put anything you like next to the checkbox. Click “Enter” to put a checkbox underneath your original after adding text. The same formatting requirements apply to checkboxes and bullet points, thus, clicking “Enter” before adding text can make the checkbox disappear.

#Method 2. Add a Checkbox with Word Developer Tools

Word’s developer toolbar lets you make interactive forms with features like checkboxes that can be digitally checked and unchecked. Using this method, you can add checkboxes that can be selected by clicking on them by following these steps:

Step 1: Start the Developer Menu.

From the “File” menu, select “More.” In this menu, choose “Feedback” or “Options.” A new menu bar called “Word Options.” appears on the “Options” tab. The window’s left-hand menu offers “Customize Ribbon” to customize the interface. Clicking this opens a right-side submenu with the “Customize the Ribbon” option. The subheading menu offers “All Tabs,” “Main Tabs,” and “Tool Tabs”. Click “Main Tabs” if Word hasn’t already.

The menu opens Word’s ribbon’s various tabs. Further down the page is a “Developer” checkbox. A blue and white checkmark appears when you click the box. Click “OK” at the end of the menu. The ribbon’s main menu now features a “Developer” tab.

Step 2. Put a Checkbox

Go to the “Developer” menu and pick the text to add a checkbox to your document. “Code,” “Add-ins,” “Controls,” “Mapping,” “Protect,” and “Templates” belong here. The white box with the blue tick activates the “Controls” checkbox. This will place a checkbox where your cursor was. Insert new checkboxes anywhere on the page by placing the cursor there and clicking the checkbox symbol.

Step 3. Verify the Operation of The Checkboxes

Checkboxes should be tested for functionality. Try clicking inside the checkmark box. It should populate the empty checkbox with an X. Undo your click to undock the checkmark and return the blank checkbox. After clicking the checkbox, use the spacebar to swiftly move between checked and unchecked.

How to Insert Checkbox in Excel

To make your spreadsheets more engaging for users, checkboxes in Excel are a really helpful feature. They are a standard form element that everyone knows how to work with. Typically, In Excel, a Checkbox is a form control that lets you choose or deselect a choice by clicking on it. When you check a box, a small x shows up to show that the choice has been made. If the box is empty, that means the choice has not been made.

How to Insert Checkbox in Excel: Step-by-step Guide

It’s easier than many Excel users might think to learn how to add buttons. This post will show you how to insert checkboxes into Excel in a few easy ways. making it easy for you to get user feedback. If you want to insert checkboxes into Excel, you will first need to enable the Developer tab, which is where the checkbox control will be located. The following is a rundown of the steps that can be taken:

Step 1 

First, on your device, launch Excel and navigate to the spreadsheet you want to work with. If a “Developer” option is not already visible, you will need to activate it. Select “More” from the “File” drop-down menu, and then click “Options” to access the settings.  Clicking this will bring up the “Excel Options” menu.

Step 2

Under the “Customize the Ribbon” section, select “Main Tabs” after clicking the “Customize Ribbon” option on the left sidebar. The next step is to select the Developer option.

Step 3

Select “Developer” from the available tabs by clicking on it once it has been enabled. To access a drop-down menu, navigate to the “Controls” group and press the “Insert” button. Now, choose the check box that is located under “Form Controls,” and then click anywhere on your sheet where you would like to add it. It will need to be cropped, and then the position will need to be adjusted.

How do I insert a checkbox in Word without the Developer tab?

Select the checkmark icon on the Home page, then click the down arrow next to the bullet list to reveal the bullet library.

What is the shortcut to Tick a checkbox in Word?

Press Alt + 0252 or Alt + 0254 on the numeric keypad

How do I enable the check box in Word Developer? 

To display the Developer tab, right-click anywhere on the ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon.

How do I fill a checkbox with the keyboard?

Use the tab to move the pointer to the checkbox and space to check or uncheck it. Using the space bar works. To check/uncheck the checkbox, hit the space bar after pressing Tab.


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