How to Embed Video in Google Slides
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Presentations have progressed beyond static slides with text. Incorporating multimedia components, such as videos, into your Google Slides presentations may bring them to life and leave a lasting impression on your audience. One of the most effective ways to integrate videos into your slides is by embedding YouTube videos. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through how to embed YouTube videos in Google Slides, empowering you to create visually stunning and engaging presentations.

Understanding the Benefits of Video Embedding

In the world of presentations, introducing multimedia features may turn a monotonous slideshow into an intriguing and dynamic experience. Video embedding is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. You can captivate your audience and make a lasting impression by easily integrating videos into your Google Slides presentations. Let’s look at the benefits of video embedding and why you should use it in your presentations.

#1. Capture Attention

Videos have a unique capacity to lure viewers in and capture their attention. A well-placed video can instantly attract the audience’s attention and stimulate their curiosity among a sea of static slides. A video’s movement, visuals, and sound provide an immersive experience that breaks up the monotony and makes your presentation more memorable.

#2. Visualize Ideas

Certain notions or ideas can be difficult to express using only text or static visuals. This is when video embedding comes into its own. You can provide visual clarity and ease of understanding for your audience by including videos that describe complex topics or demonstrate processes. Visual representations have a major impact on information retention, allowing viewers to absorb and remember crucial concepts more easily.

#3. Increase Engagement

The key to a great presentation is engagement. The ability to embed videos in Google Slides provides an interactive aspect that fosters audience involvement and active learning. Videos can start conversations, provoke questions, and create a lively atmosphere. By catching your audience’s attention and increasing their involvement, you develop a deeper relationship and boost the overall effect of your message.

#4. Tell an Interesting Story

Videos have an intrinsic storytelling potential that can enhance the narrative of your presentation. Whether you’re sharing client testimonials, showcasing product demos, or showing real-life examples, videos may weave a fascinating story that emotionally connects with your audience. You can make your presentation more entertaining and persuasive by utilizing the power of storytelling.

#5. Access to Extensive Content

With video embedding in Google Slide, you gain access to a vast collection of web videos, notably from platforms such as YouTube. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities by allowing you to use existing content provided by professionals, experts, or organizations. To expand your presentation and provide essential resources to your audience, you can effortlessly add instructive videos, industry insights, or current news snippets.

#6. Maintain Audience Focus

Strategically incorporating videos into your presentation can assist in keeping the audience’s attention and preventing distractions. Well-timed videos can act as natural breaks, allowing viewers to absorb information and reflect on what they have learned. They add variety to the presentation by breaking up the flow of slides and keeping the audience engaged throughout.

#7. Display Dynamic Presentation Skills

You demonstrate your technical skills and experience in utilizing multimedia tools by embedding video into your Google Slides presentations. It exhibits your capacity to adapt to modern presentation styles while also keeping your presentations current and fresh. Using video embedding also demonstrates your dedication to providing high-quality, aesthetically engaging information to your audience.

Preparing Your Google Slides Presentation

Before delving into how to embed YouTube videos in your Google Slides presentation, make sure your presentation is well prepared. Organizing your slides and selecting a suitable framework lay the groundwork for a visually pleasing and cohesive presentation. Let’s go over the procedures you should follow to efficiently prepare your Google Slides presentation.

#1. Launch Google Slides.

To begin, go to the Google Drive website ( and click on the “New” icon to open Google Slides. Select “Google Slides” from the dropdown menu to open a blank presentation where you can begin creating your slides.

#2. Select a Template

Google Slides has a wide range of themes to pick from, including professional styles as well as innovative and visually appealing options. To access the available templates, click the “Template Gallery” button in the top-right corner of the screen. Browse the collection and choose a template that corresponds to the theme and purpose of your presentation. Keep in mind that a well-chosen template can improve the overall visual impact of your presentations.

#3. Organize Slides

After you’ve decided on a template, you’ll need to organize your slides. Consider your presentation’s structure and flow, then develop unique slides for each subject or topic you intend to address. Include a title slide to introduce your presentation, then additional slides that elaborate on specific ideas or points. Later on, you will be able to smoothly embed a YouTube video into your Google Slides.

#4. Personalize Slide Layouts

Use Google Slides’ customization features to further fine-tune your presentation. You may change the structure of your slides to accommodate different types of information, including text, photos, and, of course, videos. To explore the different slide layout possibilities, click the “Layout” button in the top menu. Choose the best layout for the content you want to present on each slide.

#5. Design Consistency

Maintaining design consistency throughout your presentation is critical for achieving a polished and professional appearance. Make sure that the fonts, colors, and graphics are the same throughout all slides. Consistency not only improves the aesthetic appeal of your presentation but also allows viewers to follow the flow of your presentation more easily. To change the overall design components of your slides, use the “Theme” settings in the top menu.

#6. Consider Slide Transitions and Animations

Adding slide transitions and animations to your presentation can make it more dynamic. However, they must be used sparingly and purposefully. Excessive use of transitions and animations can distract and detract from the content. Choose transitions and animations that match the message you’re delivering and improve overall comprehension of your presentation.

#7. Editing and Proofreading

Before proceeding to embed a YouTube video on Google Slides, take the time to proofread and edit your slides. Check for spelling and grammatical errors, make sure the content is brief and clear, and make sure the visual elements are properly aligned. Examine the content of each slide to ensure that it flows logically and supports the objectives of your presentation. Editing your slides before inserting videos saves time and ensures a unified final output.

You’ll be well-prepared to embed YouTube videos into your Google Slides presentation if you follow these steps.

How to Embed a YouTube Video in Google Slides

To embed a YouTube video in Google Slides, you need to find the video URL and copy it. Follow these steps:

  • Open YouTube: Go to the YouTube website ( and search for the video you want to embed in your presentation.
  • Select the Video: Click on the video you wish to embed, ensuring it aligns with your presentation’s content and objectives.
  • Copy the URL: Under the video, click on the “Share” button and then select the “Copy” option to copy the video’s URL to your clipboard.

Embedding the YouTube Video in Google Slides

Now that you’ve prepared your Google Slides presentation and copied the YouTube video URL, it’s time to embed the video:

  • Open Google Slides: Access your Google Slides presentation by visiting Google Drive and selecting your presentation file.
  • Choose the Slide: Navigate to the slide where you want to embed the YouTube video. Ensure the slide is relevant to the video’s content.
  • Click on “Insert”: In the top menu, click on “Insert” and select “Video” from the dropdown menu.
  • Select “By URL”: Choose the option “By URL” to insert the YouTube video using its URL.
  • Paste the URL: In the dialogue box that appears, paste the YouTube video URL you copied earlier.
  • Click “Insert”: Click on the “Insert” button to embed the YouTube video into your slide.

Customizing Your Embedded YouTube Video

After embedding the YouTube video, you can adjust it to fit the needs of your presentation. Consider the following change options:

  • Resize and Position: Resize and place the video on your slide by clicking and dragging it. Check that it fits well and does not obscure other elements.
  • Adjust Playback Settings: Right-click on the video and select “Video Options” to open playback settings. Set parameters such as autoplay, looping, and beginning point.
  • Add Captions and Subtitles: If your video includes captions or subtitles, you can alter their visibility by right-clicking on the video and choosing “Video Options.”

Presenting Your Google Slides with Embedded Videos

It’s time to create a flawless and interesting presentation now that you’ve successfully embedded a YouTube video in your Google Slides presentation:

  • Preview Presentation: Review your slides before presenting to confirm that any embedded videos are working properly.
  • Enter Presentation Mode: To enter presentation mode, click the “Present” button in the top-right corner.
  • Playback Controls: During the presentation, you can control the video playing by hovering over the video and using the playback controls that appear.

Why can’t I insert a video in Google Slides?

There could be various reasons why you are unable to embed a video into Google Slides. Let’s look at some typical causes and potential solutions:

  • File Size Restrictions
  • Restriction on Permission
  • Compatibility with Web Browsers
  • Internet accessibility:
  • Compatibility Issues with Video Formats
  • Temporary Glitches

How do you put a video from a picture on Google Slides?

Follow these steps to create a video from a picture in Google Slides:

  • Find the Video
  • Insert the Picture
  • Resize and Position the Picture
  • Link the Picture to the Video
  • Choose the Video Source
  • Upload
  • Adjust Video Settings
  • Preview and Test

Yes, you can embed a video link in Google Slides to play videos directly within your presentation. Here’s how to go about it:

  • Find the Video Link
  • Insert the Video Link
  • Link the Text or Object
  • Paste the Video Link
  • Customize Display Text (Optional)
  • Test the Link

Can you embed a YouTube video in slides?

Yes, you can directly embed a YouTube video into your Google Slides presentation.

Can you add MP4 to Google Slides?

Yes, an MP4 video can be added to Google Slides. Google Slides allows you to insert video clips in the MP4 format. Here’s how to embed an MP4 video into a Google Slides presentation:

  • Open Google Slides
  • Select the Slide
  • Insert the Video
  • Choose the MP4 Video
  • Insert the Video
  • Adjust Video Settings
  • Play the Video

What video is supported in Google Slides?

According to Google Support, Google Drive (and, by extension, Google Slides) presently accepts the following video formats:

  • WebM (Vp8 video codec; Vorbis audio codec) files
  • MPEG4, 3GPP, and MOV video and audio files (h264 and MPEG4 video codecs; AAC audio codec)
  • AVI (MJPEG video codec; PCM audio)
  • MPEGPS (MPEG2 video codec; MP2 audio)
  • WMV.

How do I insert an MP4 into Google Docs?

Within Google Docs, it is not possible to directly insert or play video files, including MP4. Google Docs is primarily intended for text-based documents and does not support embedding or playing videos natively.
You can, however, insert a link to an MP4 movie in a Google Docs document. Here’s how to go about it:

  • Upload the Video: First, upload the MP4 video to a video hosting platform such as YouTube or Vimeo. To upload the video, follow the platform’s instructions and make sure it is set to the correct privacy settings.
  • Get the Video Link: Once the video has been posted and is available on the hosting site, get the video’s shareable URL. To build a shareable link, copy the URL of the video from the address bar or utilize the platform’s sharing features.
  • Insert the Link: In your Google Docs document, place the cursor where you want the video link to appear. Then, either right-click and select “Link” or use the Ctrl + K (or Command + K on Mac) keyboard shortcut to launch the “Insert Link” dialog box.
  • Paste the Video Link: Copy and paste the video URL from the hosting platform into the “Text” field in the “Insert Link” dialog box. Check that the URL begins with “http://” or “https://”. Click “Apply” or “OK” to insert the link.

How do I get the URL for embed video?

You must follow the particular instructions provided by the video hosting platform where the video is hosted to obtain the URL for embedding a video. Here are the general steps for obtaining the embed URL for a popular video hosting platform:


  • Go to the YouTube video page that contains the video you want to embed.
  • Click on the “Share” button below the video player.
  • In the sharing options that appear, click on the “Embed” tab.
  • Customize the video player settings if desired (such as video size and suggested videos).
  • Copy the entire embed code provided in the text box.
  • Extract the URL from the embed code. The URL is typically located within the “src” attribute of an HTML iframe tag. It should begin with “” and then a video ID.


You can take your presentations to new heights by mastering the art of embedding YouTube videos in Google Slides. The seamless integration of videos provides an interactive aspect, catching your audience’s interest and increasing engagement. Remember to select appropriate videos, adjust their settings, and preview your presentation before delivering it. You may use these strategies and approaches to build visually attractive and impactful slideshows that will leave an impression on your audience.

It’s now time to let your imagination run wild and boost your presentations by smoothly embedding YouTube videos in Google Slides. With visually appealing multimedia content you can engage your audience, deliver impactful messages, and leave a lasting impression. Good luck with your presentation!


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