How to Edit a Post on Facebook: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Edit a Post on Facebook

We are all imperfect and have all published Facebook posts containing misspellings, grammatical errors, erroneous “facts,” or opinions that did not need to be shared publicly. When this occurs, you will need to edit or delete your post to fix the issue. Fortunately, it’s quite simple if you know how. This article explains how you can edit, delete, or restore a Facebook post.

How to Edit a Post on Facebook on the Web

#1. Sign in to your Facebook account

Sign in to your Facebook account as the initial step. Enter the Facebook URL ( into the address bar of your web browser, then press the enter or return key on your keyboard, or click.

There are two text boxes located in the upper-right corner of the Facebook homepage. Input your Facebook-registered email address or phone number in the left text box and your password in the right text box. Click the “Log In” button or hit the enter or return key on your keyboard to access your Facebook account.

#2. Access Your Timeline

After logging into your account, navigate to your timeline page. The timeline page displays your posts and shares in reverse chronological order, from most recent to least. There are two ways to access your Facebook timeline:

Click the profile icon in the upper-left corner of your News Feed to access your profile. The profile icon is the button that displays your Facebook profile picture and name.
Access the profile button within the Facebook website’s dark blue menu bar. This icon is similar to the one described previously, but it only displays your first name instead of your full name.

#3. Identify the Post You Wish to Edit

You will be redirected to your timeline as soon as you click any of these profile icons. The page may take some time to load because the timeline is compiling all of your Facebook posts and shares. As soon as your web browser finishes loading the page, you can scroll through your posts to locate the one you wish to edit.

#4. Click the Edit Post button

Click the settings button to start editing the post. It is the icon consisting of three horizontal dots that is located in the upper-right corner of the post you are editing. After clicking the settings button, select “Edit Post” from the drop-down menu that appears.

#5. Change Your Post’s Caption

When the “Edit Post” option is selected, Facebook opens a new window. In this new window, you will see that the original post’s caption has been moved into an editable text field. You can then make the desired changes within this text box.

Note: You can also follow this procedure if you wish to edit the caption for a shared post from a Facebook page other than your own.

#6. Remove or upload new photographs

Facebook also allows you to edit or delete a photo without deleting the entire post. First, you position your cursor over the image you wish to delete. Then, an “X” button will appear in the upper-right corner of the image. Select this “X” to delete the image.

Click the “Photo/Video” button beneath the text box to upload a new or replacement image. A window of your images folder will appear, from which you can select and upload the new image.

Note: You cannot delete or replace photos associated with a shared post from a third-party application or another Facebook page.

#7. Save Your Modifications

When you are pleased with the changes you’ve made, the final step is to save them. To accomplish this, simply click the “Save” button in the post’s lower-right corner.

Occasionally, even after clicking the “Save” button, you may discover that Facebook did not apply the modifications you made to the post. Don’t worry! Click the refresh icon beside the address bar to attempt to reload your browser. This resolves the issue the majority of the time. If the changes you made are still not being applied, contact Facebook’s Help Center for assistance.

You now know how to edit a Facebook post in seven straightforward steps. Check, double-check, and even triple-check your photos and captions before publishing or sharing anything on your Facebook account. By doing so, you save yourself time and effort that would otherwise be spent editing a single post.

How many times can a Facebook post be edited?

You can edit your personal posts and shares as often as necessary. There is a limit to the number of times you can edit boosted posts or posts that are part of a business ad campaign.

Note that when you "delete" a post, it will be moved to the trash, where it will be permanently deleted after 30 days. 

If you wish to restore it or delete it immediately, please follow the steps below:

  • To access your profile, click the icon in the upper right corner.
  • Select Settings & Privacy> Activity log
  • Select Trash in the left-hand column by scrolling down and selecting
  • Locate the post and check its box. Click Restore to restore the item to your timeline or Delete to delete it permanently.
  • In the subsequent pop-up, select Restore or Delete.
  • Your deleted posts will appear in your Activity log.

How to Edit a Post on Facebook on Mobile

  • Click the three dots in the post’s upper-right corner for additional options.
  • Select Edit post if you wish to adjust it, then make your changes and click Save.
  • Select Move to trash, then click Move to delete the item.
A post can be restored or deleted permanently in the same manner as on the web

How Do You Remove an Image From a Facebook Post?

If necessary, you can also remove an image from your Facebook post while editing. Here’s how to delete an image from a previously published post:

  • Launch Facebook on any platform.
  • Go to the post containing the image you wish to remove.
  • Click the three dots in the post’s upper right corner.
  • Select “Edit post.”
  • Click the ‘x’ icon in the upper-right corner of the image.
  • Tap “Save” at the bottom of the screen.

Your image will be removed from the post. You can also simultaneously edit the post’s caption.

You can only delete images from posts that were uploaded directly to the app. You cannot delete photos from third-party applications and photo albums (such as Spotify, etc.) without deleting the entire post. Additionally, you cannot remove images from shared posts.

How Do You Add Additional Images to Your Facebook Post?

On the other hand, if you wish to add an image to your post, please follow these steps:

  • Launch Facebook on any platform.
  • Go to the post that you wish to edit.
  • Click the three dots in the post’s upper right corner.
  • Select “Edit post.”
  • Scroll down and click “Add.”
  • Add additional images from your camera roll.
  • Save the post.
Note: You can only add additional images to your app-posted posts without using third-party applications.

When should a Facebook post be edited?

There are numerous instances in which you may wish to edit a Facebook post, including:

  • You made an error in typing.
  • You wish to add or remove images and/or content.
  • You want to complete your post with any missing information.
  • You wish to update your post with the most recent information on a particular topic.

Regardless of the reason for editing, the vast majority of social media apps enable users to easily modify their posts. Facebook is also one of them, thankfully.


Editing a post is a useful function. You can modify previous posts and keep them current.

Given Facebook’s frequent updates, the precise procedures for deleting posts may change in the future. However, for the time being, this is the standard method for editing Facebook posts.

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