How to Change Outlook View
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Microsoft Outlook is a robust email and personal information management application that assists millions of users in staying organized and connected. While Outlook’s default display is practical and user-friendly, did you know you can change it to fit your own style and preferences? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of changing the Outlook view to the default, dark mode, or even the classic look. Prepare to unleash Outlook’s full potential and make it truly yours.

How to Change Outlook View to Default

Outlook’s default view is intended to create a clean and intuitive interface that allows users to smoothly manage their emails, calendars, and contacts. However, you may have altered your view by accident or simply want to return to the original settings. Here’s how to change Outlook view to default quickly and easily.

To change your Outlook view to the default mode, start by opening Outlook on your computer. Next, navigate to the “View” tab on the top menu bar. Within the “View” tab, you’ll find the “Change View” dropdown menu. Click on it, and a list of available views will appear. Select the option that says “Change View,” and then choose “Manage Views.”

In the “Manage All Views” window, you’ll see a list of all the available views in Outlook. Look for the view labeled “Compact” or “Default” and select it. Once selected, click on the “Apply View” button. You will be prompted to confirm the action, so click “Yes.” Voila! Your Outlook display has been restored to its default mode, providing a familiar and pleasant experience.

How to Change Outlook View to Dark Mode

Because of its sleek and eye-friendly design, dark mode has grown in popularity in recent years. If you prefer a darker color palette for your Outlook interface, changing to dark mode is an excellent alternative. Let’s look at how to change Outlook view to dark mode.

To change your Outlook view to dark mode, open Outlook and navigate to the “File” tab at the top-left corner of the window. Click on “Options” to open the Outlook Options dialog box. Within the dialog box, select “General” from the left-hand side menu.

In the “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office” section, there’s a dropdown menu labeled “Office Theme.” Click the dropdown menu and choose “Black” from the list of available options. After you’ve chosen your choice, click “OK” to save the changes. Your Outlook display will now be changed into an attractive dark mode, delivering a visually appealing and pleasant experience, particularly in low-light situations.

How to Change Outlook View to Classic

For those who have been using Outlook for a long time, the classic view brings back memories. If you love the classic interface with its distinct look and feel, changing to classic mode in Outlook is the ideal way to relive those memories. Let’s get started on the steps to change Outlook view to classic:

To change your Outlook view to classic mode, launch Outlook and go to the “File” tab at the top-left corner of the window. From the dropdown menu, select “Options” to open the Outlook Options dialog box. In the dialog box, choose “Advanced” from the left-hand side menu.

Scroll all the way down to the “Outlook panes” section. Within this section, there is a checkbox labeled “Navigation Pane.” To enable the classic navigation pane, check this box. You may also restore the classic folder pane appearance by checking the “Folder Pane” checkbox. Once you’ve made your choices, click “OK” to save the changes. Your Outlook view will now change to classic mode, restoring the familiar interface you’ve grown accustomed to.

Exploring Other Outlook Views

Outlook provides a variety of alternative views in addition to the default, dark mode, and classic views to accommodate a wide range of preferences and requirements. Let’s take a deeper look at some of these perspectives and how to flip between them.

  • Compact View: Switch to the Compact view if you prefer a more condensed view that displays more information on the screen. Follow the same steps as in the “Changing Outlook View to Default” section, however, keep in mind that not all versions of Outlook support the Compact view.
  • Single Line View: The Single Line view is suitable for people who want to view emails in a streamlined and efficient manner. Follow the instructions indicated in the “Changing Outlook View to Default” section, but this time select the Single Line view from the “Manage All Views” pane.
  • People View: The People View in Outlook allows you to concentrate on your contacts and their information. Click the “People” tab in the bottom navigation pane to reach the People view. You can use this section to sort and filter your contacts based on various criteria.
  • Calendar View: Outlook’s Calendar view is intended to help you successfully manage your appointments, meetings, and activities. To access your calendar and switch between different views, such as day, week, or month, simply click on the “Calendar” option in the bottom navigation bar.
  • Tasks View: The Tasks view in Outlook allows you to keep track of your to-do lists and manage your tasks effectively. The Tasks view is accessed by clicking the “Tasks” tab in the bottom navigation pane. To keep organized, you can create, prioritize, and categorize activities here.

Tips for a Customized Outlook Experience

Now that you know how to change between Outlook views and explore different views, let’s look at some professional tips for further customizing your Outlook experience. These pointers will assist you in making the most of Outlook’s capabilities and increasing your productivity.

  • Customizing the Ribbon: The Outlook Ribbon contains a variety of commands and options. For simple access, you can personalize it to include your most commonly used commands. Right-click anywhere on the Ribbon and choose “Customize the Ribbon” to make changes to suit your needs.
  • Setting up Quick Steps: With Quick Steps, you can automate repetitive actions in Outlook with a single click. For example, you can design a Quick Step to mark an email as “Read” while also moving it to a certain folder. Click on the “Quick Steps” area in Outlook’s Home tab to learn more about the Quick Steps function.
  • Using Outlook’s Rules and Filters: The Rules and Filters feature allows you to automate email management. You can create rules to move emails to specified folders depending on factors like sender, subject, or keywords. Click on the “Rules” section in the Home tab to see the Rules and filter choices.
  • Customizing Categories: Outlook Categories allow you to organize and categorize your emails, contacts, and other items. You can make your own categories and color them to make them easier to identify. To view the various options, right-click on an item and select “Categorize.”
  • Creating Email Signatures: Make your emails more personal by including your name, contact information, and even a professional quote. To access the email signature settings, go to “File,” then “Options,” and then “Mail” from the left-hand menu.

What is Outlook view control?

Outlook view control is a feature in Microsoft Outlook that allows users to change the appearance and functionality of their Outlook interface. It allows users to customize the layout, design, and general appearance of their Outlook window, allowing them to tailor their Outlook experience to their tastes and needs.

How do I revert back to the normal view in Outlook?

If you want to revert back to the normal or default view in Outlook, you can follow these steps:

  • Open Microsoft Outlook on your computer.
  • Navigate to the “View” tab located on the top menu bar.
  • Within the “View” tab, you’ll find the “Change View” dropdown menu. Click on it.
  • A list of available views will appear. Select “Change View” from the dropdown menu.
  • Choose “Manage Views” from the submenu that appears.
  • In the “Manage All Views” window, you’ll see a list of all the available views in Outlook.
  • Look for the view labeled “Compact” or “Default” and select it.
  • Once selected, click on the “Apply View” button.
  • You will be prompted to confirm the action. Click “Yes” to proceed.
  • Your Outlook view will now revert back to the normal or default view, restoring the original layout and settings.

How do I make my Outlook inbox look normal?

If you want to make your Outlook inbox look normal, you can follow these steps:

  • Open Microsoft Outlook on your computer.
  • Go to the “View” tab located on the top menu bar.
  • Within the “View” tab, click on the “Change View” dropdown menu.
  • From the dropdown menu, select “Compact” or “Single” to switch to a more traditional and condensed view of your inbox.

What is the best Outlook view?

The best Outlook view is determined by your particular preferences and how you prefer to work with your emails. Outlook has various view alternatives, each with its own set of benefits and adaptability for distinct user needs. Here are a few examples of popular Outlook views:

  • Compact View
  • Single View
  • Preview View
  • Conversation View
  • Custom View

How do I turn off view mode in Outlook?

There is no “view mode” in Outlook that can be turned off. However, if you’re referring to the Reading Pane, which when selected displays the content of an email, you can disable it by following these steps:

  • Open Microsoft Outlook on your computer.
  • Go to the “View” tab located on the top menu bar.
  • Within the “View” tab, click on the “Reading Pane” dropdown menu.
  • From the dropdown menu, select “Off” to disable the Reading Pane.

When you disable the Reading Pane, you will no longer see the preview or content of emails when they are chosen in the inbox. Instead, you must double-click an email to open it in a new window for reading.

How do I switch from a reading view to a normal view?

To switch from the reading view to the normal view in Outlook, you can follow these steps:

  • Open Microsoft Outlook on your computer.
  • If you are reading an email in the reading pane, click the “Pop Out” button in the top-right corner of the reading pane. This will open the email in a new window. You can skip this step if you have previously opened the email in a separate window.
  • In the separate window, you should now see the email in a larger view with more options and the full set of Outlook features.
  • To return to the normal view, simply close the separate window by clicking on the “X” button in the top-right corner.
  • By closing the separate window, you will exit the reading view and return to the normal view in Outlook, where you can see your inbox, folders, and other Outlook features.

Why is my Outlook in viewer mode?

There could be several reasons why your Outlook is in a viewer or reading mode. Here are a few examples:

  • Reading Pane Enabled: The Reading Pane is an Outlook feature that displays the content of an email in a preview pane rather than launching it in a new window. If the Reading Pane is active, it may appear that you are in viewer mode. You can turn off the Reading Pane by heading to the “View” tab and selecting “Reading Pane” > “Off”.
  • Full-Screen Mode: Outlook has a full-screen mode that maximizes the workspace, giving you a wider area to read emails. If your Outlook window is maximized and fills the entire screen, you may appear to be in viewer mode. You can quit full-screen mode by pressing the “Esc” key on your keyboard.
  • Separate Window: If you open an email in a separate window, it may appear that you are in viewer mode. Simply close the separate window by selecting the “X” button in the top-right corner to return to the standard Outlook interface.
  • Customized View Settings: It’s also possible that you’ve configured your Outlook view settings to show emails in a manner similar to a viewer mode. In such a situation, you can return to the default view settings by heading to the “View” tab, selecting “Change View,” and then selecting “Manage Views” or “Reset View.”

If none of these options apply to your specific situation, please share more information about the symptoms you’re having, and I’ll be happy to help you further.


Changing the default, dark mode, or classic layout of Outlook allows you to personalize the software to your preferences, making your experience more fun and efficient. Outlook provides the flexibility to meet your needs, whether you prefer a sleek dark mode or wish to revisit the classic design. Furthermore, exploring additional views and configuring other features allows you to create a personalized Outlook experience that increases productivity.

Remember to refer to this article if you wish to change your Outlook view or explore other customization options. You’ll unlock the full potential of this powerful tool and make it work best for you by mastering multiple Outlook views and employing professional advice.


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