How Do You Mute Someone on Instagram: Detailed Guide

How do you mute someone on instagram

Instagram has made it simple for users to manage their online experience, and muting someone is a great way to temporarily hide their posts and Stories from your feed without unfollowing them. Muting does not remove them from your friend list (and they will not be notified), making it a great alternative to unfriending or blocking.

It may appear impolite, but it is sometimes required, and here’s how to go about it seamlessly.

What Happens When Muting Someone On Instagram?

  1. Posts and Stories: Once muted, the person’s posts and Stories will no longer appear in your feed. This means you won’t see their updates, photos, or videos while scrolling through your Instagram timeline.
  2. Profile and Comments: Despite muting, you can still access their profile and view their posts directly on their page. Additionally, any comments they make on posts from accounts you follow will remain visible to you.
  3. Discreet Action: When you mute someone on Instagram, they won’t receive any notification about this action. It is a private and discreet way to control whose content you see on your feed.
  4. Flexibility: The mute feature is reversible, and you can unmute the person at any time if you decide you want to see their content again. There’s no permanent consequence to using the mute option.
  5. Avoiding Unfollow or Block: Muting is an effective solution if you want to avoid someone’s content without the need to unfollow or block them. It allows you to maintain a connection with the person without being exposed to their posts and Stories.

Muting on Instagram provides a way to curate your feed and personalize your content consumption without severing connections with other users. It offers flexibility and privacy, ensuring you have control over the content you encounter on the platform.

How to Mute Someone on Instagram Using Mobile Phone:

  1. After launching the Instagram app on your smartphone, go to the profile page of the person you wish to mute.
  2. Below the section displaying the person’s name, bio, and/or website link, tap on the “Following” button.
  3. A pop-up menu will appear, where you should select “Mute.”
  4. Instagram will then present another menu asking whether you want to mute their posts, stories, or both. Adjust the respective sliders according to your preference. If you wish to mute both, ensure that you toggle both sliders. Please note that the option to mute notes is available for professional accounts but not for personal profiles.

How to Mute Someone on Instagram Using a Desktop

(Note: This feature may not be available to all users.)

  1. Access the profile of the person you want to mute by selecting their icon.
  2. From the top of the page, click on the “Following” drop-down menu, and then choose “Mute.”
  3. In the ensuing menu, check the boxes to mute their posts, their stories, or both.

How Do You Mute Someone’s Instagram Posts Or Stories?

As previously stated, muting someone’s content on Instagram is the best option if you are tired of seeing their posts or Stories and want to distance yourself from them without unfollowing them.

Follow these steps to mute IG Stories or posts:

  1. Go to the profile of the person whose Stories you want to mute.
  2. Tap the “Following” button to the right of their profile name and image.
  3. In the pop-up menu, choose “Mute.”
  4. Choose “Mute Story” from the list of options.
  5. You can also choose to mute their posts by clicking the “Mute Posts” button.

How to Mute Someone Through Your Feed

Follow these steps to mute an Instagram account from your feed:

  1. Look through your feed for a post from the account you want to mute.
  2. Choose “Mute” from the list of options.
  3. You can mute just their posts or include Stories.
  4. Tap “Mute Posts” or “Mute Posts and Stories,” depending on what you want.
  5. To unmute someone on Instagram, go to their profile, tap the three-dot icon, and then select “Unmute.”

How to Mute Someone on Instagram from Their Profile

You can mute someone’s Instagram posts and Stories by going to their profile and following these steps:

  • Go to the profile of the person you want to mute on Instagram.
  • In the top right corner of their profile, tap on the three horizontal dots.
  • You will be given the option of muting their posts, Stories, or both. Choose the preferred option(s).
  • After you’ve made your choices, tap “Mute” to confirm.

How to Mute Someone through Instagram Stories

The steps to mute posts and Stories on Instagram are the same, and you can use the same steps we described previously to mute posts or mute Stories.

Muting Someone’s Comments On Your Posts

You can mute someone’s comments on your Instagram posts by taking the following steps:

  • Click the “Settings” button at the bottom of the menu.
  • Select “Privacy” and then “Hidden comments.”
  • Tap “Add” under “Muted words,” then enter the username of the person whose comments you want to mute.
  • Choose “Default Keywords” to automatically mute comments that contain specific words or phrases.
  • When you’ve finished entering the username or keywords, tap “Done” in the upper right corner of the screen.

That person’s comments will no longer appear on your posts. You can unmute them at any time by returning to the “Muted words” section and removing their username or keyword.

How to Unmute Someone on Instagram

Please follow these steps to unmute someone on Instagram:

  1. Launch Instagram on your mobile device and navigate to your profile page.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines icon in the upper right corner to open the menu,.
  3. From the drop-down menu, choose “Settings.”
  4. Go to the “Settings” menu and choose “Privacy.”
  5. Go to the “Privacy” menu and choose “Muted Accounts.”
  6. A list of accounts that you have muted will appear. Locate and tap on the account you want to unmute.
  7. Tap the “Unmute” button to the right of their name.

After completing these steps, the account will be successfully unmuted, and their posts and stories will reappear in your feed.

Instagram Muting vs. Blocking

Muting and blocking are two different actions you can take on Instagram to control your experience.

Muting someone on Instagram means you will no longer see their posts or Stories in your feed, but you will continue to follow them.

This is a helpful feature if you want to take a break from someone’s content without unfollowing them completely.

When you block someone, you will no longer see their posts or Stories in your feed, and you will no longer be following them. They will be removed from your list of followers and will be unable to see or interact with you on the platform.

Blocking is a more drastic measure that is usually reserved for situations in which you want to completely cut off communication with someone.

Overall, muting is a temporary solution for taking a break from someone’s content, whereas blocking is a permanent solution for completely cutting off communication with someone.

How To Block Someone On Instagram

If you want to block someone on Instagram, do the following:

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your smartphone.
  2. Navigate to the profile of the individual you wish to block.
  3. Hover your cursor over the three dots in the upper right corner of their profile.
  4. From the dropdown menu, select “Block.”
  5. A message will appear asking if you are certain you want to block the user. Tap “Block” once more to confirm.

Instagram Blocking 6. The user will be blocked and will no longer be able to see your profile or interact with you on Instagram.

Note: If you ever want to unblock a user, go to your Instagram settings and unblock them from your blocked user list.

How do I mute someone on Instagram without them realizing it?

When you mute someone on Instagram, they are not notified of your action. You can still interact with their content and profile, just as they can with yours. They won’t know if you’ve seen their posts, and you won’t receive notifications for new posts or Stories.

What happens on Instagram when I mute someone?

Muting someone on Instagram means that their posts and Stories will no longer appear in your feed, but you will still be following them.


Muting someone on Instagram is a useful feature for a variety of reasons. For example, you might not want to see posts from someone who frequently posts content that you find annoying or offensive, or you might not want to see posts from an ex-partner or someone with whom you have a falling out. If you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings by unfollowing them but still don’t want to see their content, muting them is an option.


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