Best Puzzle Games: Top 11 Best in 2023 (PC, Android, iPhone)

Best Puzzle Games
Image Source: DiamondLobby

Due to their accessible designs and controls, puzzle games are popular on mobile devices like the iPhone and Android, whether you’re in the mood for a challenge or just want to pass the time. This ensures that puzzle games remain accessible to a wide audience by not requiring a powerful gaming phone. There is a wide variety of high-quality Android games available, from challenging brain-melters like Bab is You to relaxing titles like Cessabit. AP has done the legwork to find the best of the bunch, so you don’t have to. In this article, we will discuss the best puzzle games for PC and the ones you can get for free.

What Are Puzzle Games?

Puzzle games are a category of games that require the user to think creatively in order to solve them. Frequently, puzzle games require the matching of objects, the creation of a puzzle, or the solution of a single puzzle. Depending on the game mechanics and the designer’s inventiveness, puzzle games may be simple or challenging.

Although there are some differences, the mechanics of solving each sort of problem are mostly the same. Make sure the puzzle is difficult enough that players will have to use their imaginations to find a solution.

Children and adults alike can benefit from puzzles when utilized as educational tools because of the lessons they can be taught about the world, how to think critically, and how to solve problems. Everyone who enjoys a good brain teaser can find something to their liking, whether it is the age-old jigsaw puzzle or the cutting-edge escape room.

How Puzzles Work

The puzzle game’s features are the distinct parts of the game that come together to present the player with a variety of challenges. In order to provide a challenging yet rewarding experience for the player, puzzles in video games require meticulous planning and execution by the game’s designer. To achieve this goal, it is possible to craft puzzles of optimal difficulty that are challenging but not unsolvable.

However, challenges can be presented in a variety of formats, from periodic puzzles to hidden object hunts, all of which call for creative problem-solving on the part of the player. It’s crucial for a game designer to think about everything while making a puzzle, as this will determine how hard or easy it is for players to complete.

Also, players need to be given sufficient information and hints to be able to figure out what they need to do to solve the puzzle. With a little thought and planning, a game designer may come up with puzzles that will keep players interested and involved in the game from start to finish.

Elements of a Puzzle Game

When planning a puzzle game, you should keep a few things in mind. You must first set the level of challenge. The difficulty of the game will depend on this. In addition, you’ll have to select the riddles you’d like to use. Do they exist in isolation, or do they contribute to a broader, more free-form game?

Furthermore, if you want to implement standalone challenges, it’s probably a good idea to keep the difficulty low so that players don’t give up too quickly. If, on the other hand, you want to make a more freeform game with several puzzles, you’ll need to make them progressively more challenging so that players feel like they’re making progress.

If the latter is true, how will the game’s puzzles be linked? How will they know how well they did on each challenge?

In puzzle games, the player’s ability to receive feedback on their progress and whether or not they are on the right road is vital. Players are more likely to feel frustrated and quit a game if they aren’t given meaningful feedback.

The development of the player is another factor to consider while making puzzle games. Will there be a set path through the game, with increasingly challenging challenges as the player advances? Will there be a linear storyline, or will the player have some say in which problems they tackle and when?

If you go with a sequential structure, be sure to give the player just enough of a challenge with each new puzzle. Players will grow bored if the game is too easy, and they will get furious if it is too hard. When it’s just right, players are immersed and excited to keep going.

What Are the Guidelines for Creating Puzzle Games?

Prior to embarking on the development of puzzle games, it is vital to engage in thoughtful consideration regarding the game mechanics that ought to be incorporated. The puzzle game’s components hold utmost significance, thus warranting primary attention in terms of design and development. Here are some helpful tips for creating puzzle games.

#1. Simplicity Is the Key

The groundwork must be laid first. The game can’t progress without some sort of mechanism, but what is it? That one you’ll use on every level—the fundamental one?

That mechanic is, of course, the capacity to generate a pair of linked portals, as seen in the original Portal game. The Witness uses it to mark out a route. Possession of a single object at a time, such as a jammer, is what allows access to the Talos Principle.

This core feature determines how the user will approach the rest of the game’s difficulties, and what can be added to the base experience to spice things up.

Simple in concept yet challenging to perfect. Puzzles should be difficult without becoming impossible.

#2. Use Your Imagination

Creating puzzle games relies heavily on coming up with a novel concept. There is currently a plethora of puzzle games available, covering a wide variety of genres. You can get away with less-than-stellar voice acting and cartoonish visuals as long as the gameplay is engaging.

In addition, the term “interesting mechanics” is vague and might refer to anything. It may refer to anything so revolutionary that it will astound the world for the first time. But it can also be a twist on or subversion of something conventional.

Zachatronics, a puzzle-focused video game developer, is well-known for the challenging yet rewarding solitaire challenges that frequently appear in their games. In fact, they’re working on releasing a solitaire set right now!

It is crucial that the game’s mechanics do not feel like slavish copies of those seen in another title. Despite their similarity under the surface, they should experience differentiation.

#3. Results Matter Most

Even if your game’s mechanics are top-notch, it won’t matter if the player doesn’t understand how to make good use of them.

It is not the point of a puzzle game to push the player to their absolute limit. The puzzle designer and the player are not in a race against one another. The designer does not necessarily win if the player is unable to solve a puzzle.

In puzzle games, your goal is to, well, solve puzzles. The player should be able to figure out how to complete each subsequent level based on the information provided in the previous ones.

That’s not to say you need a lot of help solving every puzzle. The game’s success also depends on the difficulty of the puzzles. However, development should be a consideration.

If you’ve played any puzzle games at all, you know the drill: you get introduced to one simple mechanic (the bare minimum) and given some time to experiment with it.

You may create hard levels using only one mechanic if it’s a good one and stands on its own. When the player has gotten used to the game’s mechanics, you can add new ones.

Over time, they’ll get used to using all of their abilities, at which point you can unleash your hardest levels on them. The key is to make levels that are difficult without being impossible to complete.

#4. Practice

If you have experience with puzzle games, it will be a lot simpler to make another one. Making puzzles with fascinating mechanics takes practice, but the more you do it, the better you’ll grow, and the more polished your puzzle games will be.

That includes asking for opinions! Play them with your pals or put simpler versions up on so that more people can try them out. You are free to keep developing your game until you are satisfied with the final product.

One of the best ways to improve at making puzzle games is to play the games of others. Check out the game’s mechanics, how they’re used, how they’re manipulated or subverted, the game’s progression, and the stages’ design, among other things.

In addition, puzzle game design requires a lot of practice, so get to it!

Overview of the Best Puzzle Games

Puzzle games. They have been there since the beginning of gaming, and have always been popular with players who are looking for a greater challenge than simply “shooting everything in sight” or “figuring out your RPG team lineup.” Where can I find the most reputable ones? The best puzzle games, in our opinion, are listed here.

#1. Humanity

If you were tasked with guiding humanity to safety, how would you go about doing so? One would assume it would be a fellow human showing them the way to safety. But now, all of humanity’s hopes are placed in the paws of a dog, a creature that you command. In addition, this canine must provide guidance to help humans face upcoming obstacles.

The game is more than just a puzzler that needs pinpoint accuracy. You’ll need to rally others who are following you to defeat the bosses who are trying to stop you.

After completing the game, you can put your ingenuity to the test by creating your own puzzles and sharing them with the world.

#2. Portal 1 + 2

The original Portal and its sequel are two of the most innovative video games of all time. As the previously displayed mod attests, players of these puzzle shooters adore the innovative way they combine physics and gunplay. Your ability to outthink the robotic Gladiators will be tested in both games. However, your problem-solving and imaginative skills will be put to the ultimate test by the process you employ to solve the riddles. Start your portal gun, jump in, and start to work.

#3. Myst Series

When it comes to puzzle games, the Myst series was revolutionary, and it has continued to push the envelope in terms of gameplay and narrative over the years.

You reside in a first-person perspective environment where you gain knowledge and progress through interacting with its inhabitants and figuring out its mysteries.

There have been numerous remakes, parodies, and games inspired by the original. Oh, and in 2021, they updated the classic version for virtual reality. Giving you a fresh perspective on the game’s mechanics.

You shouldn’t miss out on this series, whether you go back to the original or try one of the newer entries that make use of the latest advancements in gaming technology.

#4. Celeste

Celeste is a fantastic example of Matt Thorson and Noel Berry’s work as platformers. A rapid-fire platformer in which the player assumes control of a little girl named Madeline. The overarching objective of the game is to reach the summit of a towering peak called Celeste Mountain. This is an engaging platformer in which players must swiftly navigate each level to avoid hazards while also collecting items. There’s also a compelling narrative that will keep players invested as they learn more about the mountain and our heroine.

#5. The Witness

Puzzles are fun for everyone. The Witness is purely a puzzle game in which the player ends up on an island full of conundrums that grow progressively more difficult and obtuse as the game progresses. It’s a breath of fresh air to have a more peaceful and relaxed experience that still manages to be visually beautiful.

With a friend by your side, this game may seem less complicated. The game can only be played solo, which is a shame because it emphasizes creative problem-solving by considering issues from several angles. It’s the ideal game for passing the controller around with friends.

#6. Unravel Series

Unravel, developed by Coldwood Interactive, is a lovely game about a red-headed yarn character. Players are faced with sifting through a rich environment in search of memories. Our hero is made of yarn, so it must unravel itself in order to move to other locations. As our cute yarn character gradually loses more and more yarn, players must figure out how to either claim additional thread or use what is already available in order to progress through the game.

The second installment of Unravel was unannounced until E3 2018. This game’s main new feature is the ability to play with a friend locally. Players handle a couple of yarn creatures, much like in the previous title, and guide them through a succession of progressively challenging stages. Each stage necessitates a little bit of puzzle-solving because the characters can only advance so far before they run out of yarn. With the introduction of new, challenging foes and environments, gamers will want their friends’ assistance more than ever.

#7. Antichamber

Antichamber follows in the footsteps of many other puzzle games in which the setting is just as crucial as the puzzle gameplay itself.

Because you are living in a world that looks a lot like a picture, you can’t take anything about it for granted. To progress, you’ll need to solve riddles as you make your way through a universe where things constantly weave in and out of each other. Will you be able to distinguish between what exists and what doesn’t? You’ll also have access to a pistol that can build and destroy objects, by the way.

#8. Little Nightmares 2

It was inevitable that Tarsier Studios would create a Little Nightmares sequel after the popularity of the first film. To recap, Six manages to flee the Maw in this sequel to the original game. You won’t be controlling Six, though; rather, you’ll take control of a new character, Mono. To add to the chills, Mono and Six will have to flee even more dangerous foes on their way to safety, making their adventure through the game all the more exciting. In Little Nightmares 2, the player must use stealth to avoid detection by the game’s enemies.

#9. We Were Here Forever

Nobody ever comes out of a situation in which they are stuck in Castle Rock smiling. But since the two of you are in the same predicament, you’ll have to coordinate your efforts to free yourselves.

And we mean that rather literally, since the game features riddles that can only be solved by working together. So, if you want to progress, you should work on improving your communication skills with your spouse.

On top of that, you’ll need to work together to navigate Castle Rock and uncover its dark secrets. Make do with what you have, coordinate your efforts, and get away!

#10. Hogwarts Legacy

A game containing magical puzzles is essential for aficionados of the genre because magic is, in and of itself, a conundrum waiting to be solved. Enter the magical world that inspired Harry Potter, but this time as your very own witch or wizard, in Hogwarts Legacy.

You will choose a home, receive a wand, and then go on an exciting journey throughout the castle and its gardens. Along the journey, you’ll have to figure out puzzles in order to get access to additional spells, hidden tunnels, and maybe even the truth behind the Dark Arts!

Already, millions of people have the title to put their mystical wits to the test. Do you plan to join them?

#11. The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle is an all-time classic and for good reason. Your creator has placed you in a universe at odds with itself and given you the task of solving a number of mysteries—more than 120, to be exact.

Key questions will arise as you progress through the challenges. There are many questions to be asked, not the least of which is whether or not you should even bother listening to the creator. The world is yours to solve and discover, and the choices you make along the way will shape how you see it. With further downloadable content, there will be even more to discover.

Do Puzzle Games Help Your Brain?

Yes, puzzle games help the brain. Those who challenge their minds with word and number puzzles as they age tend to have better cognitive abilities, according to studies*. They found that the more they solved puzzles, the more their brains improved.

Crossword puzzles may delay dementia by two and a half years, according to a recent study. In other words, this data implies that engaging in mentally taxing pursuits may help postpone the onset of symptoms, but that they cannot, on their own, prevent dementia. However, brain puzzles should be considered as part of a more extensive dementia prevention approach that also includes exercise and a healthy diet.

Some of the positive effects that solving puzzles can have on your health and happiness are as follows:

  • They improve short-term memory. Working on puzzle games is a great technique to boost your mental speed and short-term memory since it strengthens the connections between your brain’s neurons.
  • They lift your spirits. Dopamine, which controls mood, memory, and focus, is released into the brain in response to solving puzzles. As we make progress toward a solution, we experience a surge of dopamine.
  • They make one better at visual and spatial thinking. In order to complete a jigsaw or crossword puzzle, you must examine the separate components and determine where each piece or word will best go. If you do this on a regular basis, you will sharpen your ability to think visually and spatially.
  • They facilitate relaxation. It may be tempting to wind down with some screen time before bed, but doing so is really detrimental to your health. Solving a puzzle is a far better way to unwind before bed and get some quality shut-eye.

Best Android Puzzle Games

Traditional puzzle games were rather straightforward affairs. To pass the time, you engage in puzzle-solving activities. However, the genre has experienced explosive growth on mobile devices. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the most played styles on the whole service. It all started with 2048-style puzzle games and progressed to more complex and rewarding titles like Monument Valley.

These days, Android has a plethora of excellent puzzle games to choose from. Games with simplistic mechanics and silly ideas have given way to complicated apps with compelling narratives and beautiful visuals. As new puzzle experts emerge, this ranking frequently shifts. Take a look at this list of the best Android puzzle games.

#1. Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, an Android port of Netflix Games’ renowned puzzle roguelike, is now available on the Play Store. There are a few differences between this and the original platformer, but the puzzle gameplay is excellent, and any fan of Tetris will recognize the familiar mechanic of falling blocks. The gameplay loop is so engaging because the mechanics are accessible but difficult to master; furthermore, there is no annoying monetization to detract from the fun. You’ll need a Netflix subscription to play, but other than that, it’s a top-tier offering on par with the best PC and console puzzle games.

#2. Baba Is You

Baba Is You flips the formula of the classic Sokoban puzzle game by replacing the blocks with messages and codes. The solution to each puzzle is to combine certain phrases in order to gain access to new skills and regions. It’s true that getting beyond a riddle that had been stumping you is a nice feeling, but that doesn’t make the solutions any less difficult, especially considering how difficult the game is.

Even though it only takes about 7 hours to complete, the puzzle game Baba Is You is an excellent place to start for today’s puzzle game roundup because it is one of the greatest on the platform.

#3. Hidden Through Time

Amazing in every way, Hidden Through Time is a fun and engaging hidden object adventure with gorgeous visuals, charming animations, and satisfying puzzles. You’ll spend most of your time trying to understand hints so you can uncover all the hidden objects in each level, and the charming animations in each stage will have you glued to the screen for hours as you try to find them all. If you like puzzle games like Hidden Folks but wish there was more color, then you’ll probably appreciate Hidden Through Time.

#4. G30: A Memory Maze

G30 – A Memory Maze is one of the best minimalist puzzle games on Android, with a compelling narrative about a person with a memory condition. It will be up to you to put together the fragments of their recollection by sifting through jumbled-up bits of text and strange images. More often than not, you’ll be rotating these images to make bigger pictures. A secondary puzzle element is activated when these images are used to replace words that appear at the top of the screen. There is a story hidden within these letters, but you’ll need to decipher each clue before you can see the whole picture.

#5. Shadowmatic

Shadowmatic’s release for Android was slower than expected, but the game’s visual polish more than makes up for the wait. The game’s setup can be completed in a few minutes. To solve the challenge, simply rotate and tilt one or more of the game’s 3D objects until their shadow takes on the correct shape. When there are more pieces involved, the situation becomes more intricate. Although it requires powerful hardware to run, the title’s gorgeous 3D graphics provide a soothing environment ideal for both short and long gaming sessions.

Do Puzzles Help Prevent Dementia?

In recent years, researchers have posited that engaging in brain-training exercises, such as puzzle completion or language acquisition, may potentially mitigate the likelihood of getting dementia. However, according to a group of Scottish researchers who published their findings in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), this claim might not be accurate.

Best Puzzle Games iPhone

Whether you’re an adult or a toddler, you can enjoy playing puzzle games on your iPhone. Here, you’ll find information on the best iPhone puzzle games.

Any game you play could be entertaining, but puzzle games are the best for boosting your brain power. Playing these games can help you become a more strategic thinker and develop your problem-solving skills.

#1. Cut the Rope 

iPhone owners who enjoy difficult puzzle games and riddles are likely already familiar with Cut the Rope. The goal is to complete each level successfully and unlock the next one.

The protagonist, On Nom, is a sucker for sweets in this game. It would be your job to take him on a fun journey. It features 425 levels that you must complete to unlock the final boss and get your prize. In order to succeed, you’ll need to take into account the laws of physics while you play this physics-based game.

Cut the Rope has the potential to be a hilarious and addicting game for people of all ages. Although the program is free, upgrading to paid tiers will unlock more advanced features.

#2. Jigsaw Puzzles – Puzzle Games

Jigsaw Puzzles – Puzzle Games is one of the best iPhone puzzle games if you’re seeking a fun and challenging jigsaw puzzle experience.

There are over 13,000 high-definition images to choose from in this simple puzzle game. There are no scoring or other tricks involved. Putting the puzzles together into the final picture can take a lot of time.

Jigsaw puzzles are not only entertaining, but they also help with focus and memory. Add extra fun and difficulty with options like rotating and changing backgrounds.

Animals, plants, flowers, colors, artwork, famous places, and difficult riddles are just some of the subjects represented here in high definition.

You may unlock premium puzzles using the coins you earn from solving puzzles. This is a freemium game with optional microtransactions.

#3. Blackbox

When it comes to iPhone puzzle games, Blackbox has no peer. You’ll need to do things like seek silence and seclusion, make use of your social network, and align yourself with the stars if you want to win this game.

It provides bare-bones visual cues that can lead to profound emotional payoffs. Thanks to the acoustic interfaces and supplementary instruction, it is usable even for the visually impaired.

This game offers a fresh perspective on the classic puzzle genre. This free app offers a variety of optional in-app purchases.

What Puzzles Boost IQ?

The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test was devised as a means of assessing an individual’s cognitive intelligence. An individual’s potential and cognitive limitations can be assessed using a high IQ, but it does not define intelligence. Here are the puzzles that can boost your IQ.

  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Crossword puzzles
  • Sudoku

Best Puzzle Games PC

Every once in a while, it’s nice to be presented with a problem that really makes you scratch your head. Thankfully, puzzle games are a perennial favorite, spanning everything from retro point-and-click adventures to modern physics-based riddles with extraterrestrials. Puzzle games can take many forms, including those of role-playing, adventure, horror, and hacker games. In fact, there are so many that compiling a top 10 list of puzzle games is a challenge unto itself. Here are the top 3 puzzle games for your PC.

#1. The Room 4: Old Sins

In every game in The Room series, you play as an anonymous protagonist who is led to a desolate location full of challenging puzzles. The first Room was an attic, and Room 4 also returns there. This time, though, the miniature mansion you encounter is an exact replica of the one you’re now inhabiting. The model is both a puzzle box in its own right, with moving cogs and parts that open up as you interact with it, and a portal to life-size copies of the same rooms as you unlock them. There are more riddles in here.

Everything in Room 4 feels detailed and hand-made, from the polished wood with secret doors and polished cogs to the sliding-colored bits and buttons. Room 4 has a dark, almost Lovecraftian aspect as well; several of the riddles can only be solved by using a magical eyepiece to decipher runes and symbols. You can see tentacles. Old Sins is the most challenging and rewarding Room game to date.

#2. The White Door

It’s not necessary to play only mega puzzle games on your PC. The White Door is one of the newest games in the Rusty Lake series, yet it’s also one of the most simplistic. You take charge of an amnesiac in what appears to be a hospital room with a regimented routine for each day. Of course, the game doesn’t tell you this, but it’s posted on the wall somewhere. A nurse enters and inquires about the current date, your age, and your place of employment. The clues to the solutions to these puzzles are hidden throughout the space. Minor shifts occur. Someone is visible outside the window, far in the distance.

You have vivid dreams about your history every night, and you can use these dreams to piece together what happened to lead you here. The game is brief and efficient, wasting minimal time or resources. A spin on the traditional locked room mystery.

#3. Gorogoa

While touchscreens were considered when developing Gorogoa, the PC version is just as enjoyable. By clearing a path in one portion of the screen, the youngster is able to proceed to the next section, and the screen may be zoomed in and out to create new paths for him to traverse. You may even stack them, with a doorway in one picture over the youngster in another, to create a passageway for him to walk through. Sometimes it’s like a jigsaw puzzle, and you have to zoom in and out to get the correct view to put the pieces together. A steam cooker requires a fire underneath it, and a shelf must be weighted in the correct direction to prevent it from falling over.

Beautiful 2D animations do all the work here, as there are no guidelines to follow. The freedom to explore Gorogoa’s dynamic, breathing universe with minimal guidance from the language itself is one of its greatest strengths. It manages to be both aesthetically pleasing and technologically advanced in a way that is rare even among puzzle games.

Best Puzzle Games Free

From dramatic adventures to role-playing game sagas, gamers are spoiled for choice. However, there are instances when you’d need a more substantial mental challenge than usual from your games. When this occurs, the best games to turn to are puzzle games.

Puzzle games are entertaining for individuals who enjoy mental challenges, whether they involve stacking geometric blocks or evading AI foes. However, there are occasions when you wouldn’t want to spend a fortune on a puzzle game. Here are the best free puzzle games to play when that time comes.

#1. Poppy Playtime

Poppy Playtime is a video game that shares many similarities with the Five Nights at Freddy’s series.

You might assume that spending the night in a toy factory would be entertaining. You would be completely incorrect. Nothing like the endearing toys in Toy Story has come to life, though. Try to outwit the homicidal toys by sneaking, running, and solving riddles. A fantastic option for people who want a little stress with their logical puzzles.

#2. Hexic 

The purest type of puzzle game. Given that the creator of the original Tetris created Hexic, if you like puzzle games, you’ll like it.

The gameplay is easy to grasp: a screen full of colored hexagons. In order to make these puzzle pieces vanish, you must rotate them until the colors of adjacent groups match. Like with Tetris or Candy Crush, your objective is to eliminate blocks as quickly as possible. Despite its apparent lack of complexity, it is a great deal of pleasure to play.

#3.  Puzzle Pirates

It’s common knowledge that ciphers and buccaneers go together like PB&J. Maybe it’s not that well-known. However, that is the basic premise of the popular puzzle game Puzzle Pirates.

A fun narrative adventure set on the high seas, where your every action contributes to a riddle you must solve. You’ll need to be a master problem solver if you want to find treasure, recruit new crew members, and even steer your ship. This new take on the age-old puzzle genre is great fun.

Do Puzzle Games Actually Help?

Yes. Working on a puzzle is a great technique to boost your mental speed and short-term memory since it strengthens the connections between your brain’s neurons. Dopamine, which controls mood, memory, and focus, is released into the brain in response to solving puzzles. As we make progress toward a solution, we experience a surge of dopamine.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, a new era of puzzle games is dawning. Designers of video games anticipate a prosperous future for this genre. Revenues are on the upswing. The income from advertisements is substantial. The Google Play Store’s best-seller list includes some of these categories. In 2019, we saw a 29% increase from the previous year. Revenue per download in some of the most promising rising markets, including China, the US, South Korea, and Japan, average $1.79 USD. When considering where to put their money, game makers may be assured that their money will be safe in this area.

Frequent Asked Questions

What Is the Hardest Puzzle Ever Online?

David Münnich, a German game developer, founded Notpron (previously stylized as Not Pr0n), an online puzzle game and internet riddle, in 2004. Fans, journalists, and Münnich himself have praised it as “the hardest riddle available online.”

Which Puzzle Is Best for the Brain?

Jigsaw Puzzles. Dr. Kodrik says that jigsaw puzzles are helpful for mental health because they improve your ability to see patterns and spatial relationships.

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