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If you want to break through the chaos in today’s competitive market, one way to do it is to be original and creative. To create your business brand, you must look outside of your comfort zone and explore fresh avenues. The TikTok Creator Marketplace, a global network of TikTok creators, artists, and influencers, is one example. In this guide, we’ll go through the requirements for joining the TikTok Creator Marketplace as a brand, as well as the price it can provide your business in 2023.


ByteDance, a Chinese company, created the social media app TikTok. It is known for its short movies, which are usually around 15 seconds long, and most of its users are from Generation Z and young millennials. TikTok is different from other social media sites like Facebook and Instagram because it is more focused on fun and creativity. This has made it very popular with its target audience.

What Is TikTok Creator Marketplace?

The TikTok Creator Marketplace is a place where brands and TikTok creators can meet and work together on projects and marketing efforts. It connects brands and artists so that they can work together to make sponsored content that their audience likes. The marketplace gives brands access to a database of TikTok creators, and creators can make money from their content by using their big followings.

The TikTok Creator Marketplace makes the whole campaign process easier by giving brands a platform with everything they need in one place. It also gives content artists a chance to make more money. With the TikTok Creator Marketplace, brands can easily find the best creators, work with them on a larger scale, and track and improve how well their campaigns are doing.

What Is TikTok Creator Marketplace: Factors to Consider

There are no limits on what may be accomplished on TikTok. As the platform’s user base expands, so does the demand for tools that make it easier for its members to produce original material for public consumption. Also, the TikTok Creator Marketplace makes it simple for creators of all skill levels to share and sell their movies online. It’s important to remember a few things before diving into the TikTok Creator Marketplace. Some advice is as follows:

#1. Be Sure to Read the Terms and Conditions

Be sure to familiarize yourself with their T&Cs before beginning your use of them. That way, you can enter the market knowing the laws by which it operates.

#2. Construct Your Own System of In-House Sights for Creators 

The success of your campaign depends on your ability to form partnerships with influential users of the TikTok platform. You should have some sort of internal vetting process to make sure you’re only dealing with creators who share your vision.

#3. Verify That the Videos Adhere to The Content Standards 

Guidelines and regulations for material on TikTok are available to users. 

If you’ve recently begun working with a TikTok creator, it’s probably a good idea to see a preview of the videos to make sure they adhere to TikTok’s policies.

#4. Monitoring key Performance Indicators 

The success of cooperation may be measured in the same way that the performance of a marketing campaign can: by keeping track of metrics and analyzing the data. Discovering what does and does not perform well on TikTok will inform your content strategy moving forward.

#5. Make Sure You’re Ready for Anything 

Unexpected outcomes are always a possibility in any kind of marketing effort. The rules on acceptable content may be updated unexpectedly, or your film may be published later than planned. You should always be ready for the worst-case scenario.

In addition to that, you can boost your chances of being noticed in the TikTok Creator Marketplace by following these guidelines. When used properly, TikTok can assist brands in expanding their customer bases and accomplishing their promotional objectives. Identifying the proper TikTok creators for your brand is essential to the success of your campaign, and with the right strategy, you can do just that.

How Does TikTok Creator Marketplace Work?

By joining the platform, brands get access to a wide range of TikTok creators who can make videos for their goods or services. How it works is as follows:

#1. When Brands Join 

First, brands need to join the site for the TikTok Creator Marketplace. They can set up their campaign, make a biography, and choose who they want to reach.

#2. Check Out The Content Makers

Once a brand has set up its strategy, it can start looking through a database of TikTok’s content creators. You can sort creators by their hobbies, where they live, how many followers they have, how engaged their followers are, and more. Brands can look at creators’ content, metrics, and past work together to see if they would be a good fit for their promotion.

#3. Begin to Work Together

 Brands can reach out to artists they want to work with and send them offers to work together. They can come up with ideas for campaigns, product sales, and other marketing plans. Creators can accept or turn down these offers based on how interested they are and how much time they have.

#4. Begin to Build

Once the brand agrees to work with the creator, they work together to make material that meets the campaign’s goals. The brand may give guidelines or specific requirements for the material, while the creator gives it their own creative spin.

#5. Publishing and Marketing

The creator posts the content to their TikTok account, and the brand pushes it on their social media channels or website. Using the analytics and insights in the TikTok Creator Marketplace, the performance of the promotion can be tracked and improved.

TikTok Creator Marketplace Requirements

It makes sense for some companies to be cautious of the TikTok creator marketplace. What use are these requirements for firms looking to partner with creators who can speak to their demographic if anyone can sign up? 

Lucky for us, not just any artist can join the TikTok creator marketplace. TikTok’s intention is to provide brands with access to a database of influential artists capable of producing effective content for campaigns; hence, it is exclusive and has strict eligibility requirements for Tktok creator marketplace.

The TikTok creator marketplace also raises questions about what qualifies as a TikTok influencer. Mavrck recognizes that everyone who interacts with a brand has some degree of influence, but that some people are better suited than others to aid firms in accomplishing their objectives. So, it’s all about matching the correct instrument to the appropriate task.

TikTok Creator Marketplace Requirements: Examples Of Requirements

To avoid objectifying them, influencers come in a variety of forms, each of which offers something unique to marketers. To guarantee that every influencer on the marketplace can make a meaningful impact on ad campaigns, TikTok imposed strict requirements on creators on the marketplace. Here are some of the requirements for the creator:

  • Must have a personal TikTok account
  • Over 10,000 followers (formerly 100,000)
  • Posted at least 3 videos within the last 28 days
  • Gained over 100,000 likes on their posts within the last 28 days
  • Must be 18 or older
  • Be located in any country on Tiktok’s terms and conditions list.

How to Join TikTok Creator Marketplace 

Brand partnerships in the creator marketplace are open to any TikTok business account. However, aspiring creators who match the conditions are either invited to join the marketplace or can apply to join on their own.

How to Join TikTok Creator Marketplace: Step-by-step Guide

Follow the steps below to join the TikTok creator marketplace as a brand;

Step 1

Users must make sure that their account has been changed to a content creator or business account before they can sign up for the TikTok Creator Marketplace.

Step 2

After that, use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or any other browser on your device to go to the TikTok Creator Marketplace website.

Step 3

Enter the necessary information and agree to TikTok’s Commercial Terms of Service on the registration page. Before you click “Create an account,” you should also read the TikTok Business Privacy Policy. 

Step 4

On the next page, choose the time zone and area for your business. Keep in mind that you will need to change the address of your business in the future. 

Step 5

Give them more information about your business to finish signing up. Among these are the following: 

  • Company name
  • type of business
  • How to get in touch
  • The business world

Step 6

To finish setting up your account, click “Submit” at the bottom of the signup form. However, you need to prove your business before you can use the Creator Marketplace’s features. The following must happen: 

  • The legal (registered) name of the business
  • ID for a company (like a tax number, a business licence, etc.)
  • Number of businesses

Step 7

Lastly, new business accounts on TikTok are reviewed within 1-3 business days. You can wait for an email confirmation or use the Creator Marketplace to see how your application is performing. 

How to Join TikTok Creator Marketplace: Step-by-step Guide

Follow the steps below to meet the requirements and join the TikTok creator marketplace as an influencer:

  • You’ll need your own account in the Creator Marketplace to start making an impact as an influencer there. 
  • To adjust your profile’s settings, click the gear icon in the top right. Select “Creator Tools” from the menu that appears. 
  • Select “Creator Marketplace” from the “Creator Next” menu. 
  • If you want to see if you’re eligible to join, you can do so on that website.
  • Users who submit content to the TikTok Creator Marketplace have already passed a preliminary screening. 
  • If so, please confirm your acceptance of the TikTok Creator Marketplace Creator Terms & Conditions by selecting the box below.
  • Before you hit “Apply,” take a look at the TikTok Privacy Policy.

TikTok Creator Marketplace Price

One best practice for creators on the TikTok creators marketplace is to set their price for sponsored videos ahead; there is just something about someone who knows their worth.

TikTok Creator Marketplace Price: Detailed Guide

To guide you as you do this, below is the price different types of creators charge for sponsored posts.

  • Nano-influencers. These creators have between 1000 and 10,000 followers. They usually charge $5 to $25 per post.
  • Micro-influencers. These creators have 10,000 – 50,000 followers. Their rate typically ranges between $25 and $125 per post.
  • Mid-tier influencers. These creators have between 50,000 and 500,000 followers. They typically charge $125 to $1000 per post.
  • Macro-influencers. These creators have 500,000 – 1 million followers. They usually charge $1000 to $2000 per post.
  • Mega-influencers. These creators have 1 million+ followers. They charge from $2000 upward per post.

How much does the TikTok creator marketplace pay?

According to reports from top influencers, TikTok pays around $0.02 and $0.04 for every 1,000 views

What is the difference between the TikTok creator fund and the creator marketplace?

The Creator Marketplace is the official collaboration platform for TikTok brands and creators, whereas the Creator Fund is designed to compensate creators based on their content performance.  

What is the minimum number of followers for the TikTok creator marketplace?

You must have a personal TikTok account with over 10,000 followers

Does the TikTok creator marketplace affect views?

No, participating in campaigns has no effect on your video performance.

How do I withdraw from the TikTok creator marketplace?

tap “Creator Tools” and then “TikTok Creator Fund.

Can you make money on TikTok without a creator fund?

No, because the Creator Fund is the only way you’ll get paid directly by TikTok


And there you have it: the TikTok Creator Marketplace explained. Without a doubt, the TikTok Creator Marketplace is a great place to meet and work with some of the best creators in the world. Also, it’s easy to get to the platform, and useful data helps both trusted brands and creators work together and benefit.

So, whether you’re a brand or a creator looking for fun collaborations and brand relationships, the Marketplace is your way to success. It opens up a world of creativity, originality, and endless options.


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