How to Listen to Audiobooks Free (Insightful Tips)

How to Listen to Audiobooks
Photo by Sanket Mishra

Audiobooks are a great way to enjoy books on the go or when you’re too busy to read. With audiobooks, you can listen to your favourite books while you’re commuting, working out, or doing chores around the house.

There are many different ways to listen to audiobooks. You can listen to them on your phone, tablet, computer, or even in your car. And there are many different audiobook apps and services available, so you can find the one that best suits your needs and budget.

In this article, we will discuss how to listen to audiobooks using various apps for free. We will also provide tips on how to get the most out of your audiobook listening experience.

How to Listen to an Audiobook

The evolution of the spoken book mirrors advances in the music industry: books on tape have replaced vinyl audiobooks, streaming has surpassed compact discs, and smartphones have surpassed everything else. As the audiobook industry grows, so does the number of ways to listen to audiobooks, with apps for smartphones, iPads, desktops, and Kindles from Amazon, Google, and Apple vying for a piece of the thriving sector.

Ways to Listen to Audiobooks for Free

#1. Audible

Whether you’re looking for older or newer releases, Audible’s massive audiobook library is bound to have what you’re looking for. While the subscription service is not free (though Amazon customers do receive some benefits), you can sign up for a 30-day free trial. (After that, it’s $14.95 per month). Single audiobooks can be very expensive, so if you only want to listen to one modern book, make it your first download. Even if you’ve already used your free month, Audible recently made hundreds of audiobooks available to everyone for free.

#2. Librivox

Librivox describes itself as a “non-commercial, non-profit, and ad-free project” in which volunteers record audiobooks for works that are already in the public domain. They are then freely distributed on the internet in the public domain. Not only can anyone listen to them for free, but you can also use the recordings however you want. This is a particularly useful benefit for any teachers who are currently teaching their students online.

#3. OverDrive/Libby

Overdrive is a free service that works with over 30,000 libraries and thousands of schools across the country. According to the website, “lets you borrow digital content (like ebooks and audiobooks) anytime, anywhere.” You sign into your local library and “borrow” books and audiobooks using the Libby app. You can then have it available to listen to on your mobile device. It’s simple, convenient, and there are numerous options.

#4. Lit2Go

What’s great about Lit2Go is that anyone looking for audiobooks can use it. However, this free online collection of Mp3 stories and poems may be exactly what literature teachers (or parents now attempting to fill that role) are looking for. The website offers far more than just audiobooks. “An abstract, citation, playing time, and word count are provided for each of the passages,” according to Lit2Go.

Many of the passages have a reading strategy associated with them. Each reading passage can also be downloaded and printed as a PDF for use as a read-along or as supplemental reading material in your classroom.” And everything is organized by author, book, genre, collection, and readability, so you can find something for anyone of any age.

#5. Spotify

Even if you only use Spotify’s free version, the digital media site’s diverse list of available audiobooks includes everything from “latest releases to much-loved classics.” You can search through an audiobook category on Spotify, but you can also look for something specific. There are also many audiobook playlists assembled in user-created albums. The Book Riot tutorial is an excellent resource for learning how to make the most of the site’s audiobook options.

#6. Project Gutenberg

We’ve been reading sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and mystery books from Project Gutenberg during our quarantine. However, audiobooks are also available on the free site. There are two different kinds of audiobooks available: human-read and computer-read. The latter’s generated voices can be odd, but we know there’s a market for them. (Especially if you have the right book.) As a result, regardless of how strange it may appear to some, it is a valuable resource for others.

#7. YouTube

Audiobooks are abundant on YouTube, and they are simple to find. You can look for specific books (many of which come with different readers, allowing you to find a voice you like). There are also entire channels devoted to providing free audiobooks, such as Audio Books, Priceless Audiobooks, and Greatest AudioBooks. LibriVox also has its own RSS feed. It’s also where you’ll find contemporary authors reading their own works, such as Neil Gaiman reading his children’s horror novel The Graveyard Book.

#8. Open Culture

If you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for, try Open Culture. You can download hundreds of free audio books from the site, including “works of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction by authors like Twain, Tolstoy, Hemingway, Orwell, Vonnegut, Nietzsche, Austen, Shakespeare, Asimov, HG Wells, and more.” But, more importantly, it includes a collection of other collections, allowing you to find free audiobooks available all over the internet, including from other sites. It also includes tutorials on how to download and listen to audiobooks, books for children, free online college courses, and other resources.

Are Audiobooks Right for You?

If you enjoy reading, the answer is yes. If you enjoy reading but don’t enjoy reading actual books or don’t have the time or space to do so, answer yes twice.

What Equipment Do I Need to Listen to Audiobooks?

To listen to an audiobook, all you need is a device with an internet connection (smartphone, computer, tablet).

Headphones are a great addition to the audiobook listening experience if you want to listen on the go.

Can I Listen to an Audible Book Without a Subscription?

You can listen to an Audible book without having to sign up for a subscription. You won’t be able to listen to unlimited audiobooks or use credits to purchase audiobooks if you don’t have a subscription, and you’ll have to pay the full retail price for the audiobook.

7 Tips to Start Listening to Audiobooks

#1. Listen to a Book You’ve Previously Read and Enjoyed

Take the pressure off of remembering every detail as you listen to an audiobook at first. Like a muscle, your comprehension and focus will improve as you practice.

Begin by listening to an audiobook of a book you’ve physically read and want to reread.

#2. Listen to a Book That Has a Large Cast and a High-Quality Production

If you’re going to listen to fiction, consider a full-cast production, especially if the book has multiple characters, extensive world-building, or dual perspectives. Generally speaking, the higher the quality, the more immersive the book.

When you’re just getting started with audiobooks and want to make it a habit, choose books that feel more like a cinematic experience.

#3. Determine the Speed That Works Best for You

You may have difficulty listening to audiobooks at first. Listening to music at a speed greater than 1x or 1.25x may feel unnatural. However, as you progress through your audiobook, experiment with the speed.

It may seem counterintuitive, but listening to a book at 1.5x or 1.75x speed can sometimes help you focus.

Your mind tends to wander when the narration is slow.

Don’t worry if you want to increase the speed of your audiobook to fit in more books but can’t enjoy listening at a faster speed.

It may take some time to train yourself to enjoy a faster pace. Remember that the goal is to enjoy your audiobook rather than rush through it!

#4. Get To Know the Narrator

If you’ve ever wondered how to get into audiobook narration but are having difficulty concentrating, try out the narrator first.

Don’t waste your time listening to an audiobook with a narrator you dislike—it will only irritate you further! Before you buy or download an audiobook, listen to a sample of the narrator.

You might fall in love with audiobooks if you find the right narrator. Along these lines, if you like a narrator, find out what other books they’ve read. You might find your next book that way!

#5. Purchase Bluetooth headphones

A Bluetooth Sudio earbuds is a game-changer if you try them out. You can clean and tidy the house, go for walks, rock my babies, and even shower while listening to an audiobook!

This is the best option for listening to audiobooks but prefer a quiet environment. Investing in comfortable Bluetooth earbuds is completely worthwhile.

#6. Start an Audiobook When You Have a Chunk of Time

If you’ve always wanted to listen to audiobooks but can’t seem to focus on them, my best advice is to start the book when you have a block of time to devote to it.

Unless it’s a really mindless task, don’t start the first 10% of your audiobook multitasking. Concentrate on the first 10%, even if you have to go back and listen again.

Once you’re familiar with the pacing, narration, and story setup, you’ll be more interested in the book and will be able to focus much more easily for the rest of your listening experience.

#7. Make audiobook listening a part of your daily routine (hobbies and tasks)

When people tell me they want to read but don’t have time, I recommend audiobooks. The advantage of audiobooks is that you can incorporate them into your schedule without missing anything!

Consider how you can incorporate audiobook listening into your daily routine. Perhaps you will commit to listening to a book while getting ready in the morning or while doing the dishes.

Set a timer and listen while folding laundry, or commit to listening during your thirty-minute commute, gradually working your way through the audiobook throughout the day.

You can also incorporate audiobooks into your self-care routine. Listen to a book while doing a puzzle, painting your nails, or knitting.

You can even listen while reading the book, which is my favorite, most immersive way to listen to audiobooks—especially if you enjoy holding a book.


SPOTIFY AUDIOBOOK: How to Buy Spotify Audiobooks(Opens in a new browser tab)

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