IPHONE DICTATION: How to Dictate Text on Your iPhone

How to Use iPhone Dictation App and Convert Voice to Text
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Nearly all of your iPhone’s dictation requirements can be met with Siri commands. You can, however, enable dictation on your iOS device if you prefer to primarily narrate text rather than type it. iPhone dictation apps are becoming more common because they offer a quick and easy way to convert audio files or spoken words into text. These apps are perfect for those who have trouble typing or who need to quickly jot down crucial ideas due to a busy schedule or a limited amount of free time. You can narrate text of any length when using on-device transcription. The iPhone will eventually convert your voice into text.

iPhone Dictation 

On their iPhones, users have long had the option to record dictation to create content such as emails, texts, notes, documents, and other types of content. However, iOS 16 enhances the dictation function. Users now have a simpler way to use emojis and switch between typing and dictation modes.

Additionally, the feature makes an effort to add commas, periods, question marks, and other punctuation marks based on the context of words and sentences. Ensure that your signal is strong. The voice-to-text function might not be very effective if you are in a spot with poor reception. For it to accurately translate your words, make an effort to be in a quiet setting.

You can then start speaking by tapping the microphone icon on the keyboard. The text appears on the screen while you speak. Press the keyboard key after you have finished speaking.

If the dictation is unable to identify the word it heard, a blue line will show up beneath the word that was typed. This will enable you to determine whether it is accurate. By touching the underlined word or words and selecting the correct spelling, you can remove the errors. Double-tap the keyboard and microphone buttons while speaking a word, then repeat it.

A segment can be replaced by highlighting it, tapping the microphone key, and then repeating the segment. When you are ready to speak, simply tap the microphone key after adding new text in the appropriate place in the paragraph.

By holding down the microphone key while selecting your desired language, you can change or modify the dictation language.

iPhone Dictation App

Due to their utility, free dictation apps are now widely used and popular. Nobody enjoys writing lengthy paragraphs or even single sentences sometimes, especially with the ability to convert speech to text available on every new smart device. Due to this, users can say whatever they intend to write, regardless of how long or short it will be.

To use the dictation feature of the app, you must be able to use voice recognition and give commands with your voice.

Best iPhone Dictation App

#1. Apple Dictation

If you want a dictation app that is completely free, Apple Dictation is the best option. It is a trustworthy app that can accurately translate your speech into text. Your iPhone’s dictation feature can be enabled in the keyboard settings. Once enabled, speak to begin. The fact that Apple Dictation is available in numerous languages makes it a useful tool for multilingual people.

The most well-liked and rated dictation function on the iPhone is called Apple Dictation. Because Apple Dictation’s AI is so carefully programmed, it keeps your notes and documents that were converted from speech to text apart based on their purpose.

#2. Evernote

Using Evernote’s basic dictation features, you can take notes on the go. Direct audio recording into the app is possible, and artificial intelligence will instantly generate a transcript of your speech. This option is great if you use Evernote to keep your notes and documents organized. Evernote is a better choice for personal use since the dictation technology is of a marginally lower caliber.

Given that it has a robust voice-to-text feature to support it, Evernote is among the best text-to-speech apps available for iPhones. The app makes note-taking and memo-writing on the go simple by allowing users to narrate their notes and memos. Evernote also offers a powerful search function that, with the help of keywords and tags, makes it simple to locate notes. Even though Evernote is a paid app, users can test it out for free during a trial period.

Open the virtual keyboard by clicking on it, then tap the microphone icon to start voice dictation. As soon as you start speaking, the iPhone begins to listen and convert your words into text. Once finished, press the Done button, and the text will appear on the screen.

Everything you save in Evernote will automatically sync with all associated devices so you can easily pick up where you left off.

#3. Otter

The iPhone voice-to-text app Otter, which uses artificial intelligence, provides a precise transcription of conferences, interviews, and lectures. Using complex algorithms, the app analyzes the audio and converts it to text. Specifically created for mobile devices like laptops and smartphones, Otter is a cloud-based dictation application. Real-time transcription is available through the app, which you can search for, edit, play, and arrange as necessary.  

Otter.ai’s “live transcription” feature, which recognizes multiple speakers and simultaneously transcripts the audio, allows users to easily follow conversations by providing a real-time transcription of the audio.

Otter also allows for collaboration, making it simple to share the transcription with others. Up to 600 minutes can be transcribed for free each month using the app’s free plan. The alternate plan comes with more sophisticated features like personalized vocabularies, group collaboration, and integration with third-party programs like Zoom and Google Meet.

The user interface of this app is among the best, and it has some of the best ratings among dictation apps on the App Store. You can include pictures and send a link to someone to allow them to comment on, edit, or view the recording using the recorder. It has a special feature that enables calendar synchronization, making it simpler to remember a follow-up during a meeting.

#4. Transcribe

This supports more than 120 different languages and dialects and is available for free download from the Apple Store for iOS users. It is possible to speak through audio, video, or the device’s listening application. This app transcribes voiced speeches accurately. Despite a free trial, the basic version is not available for free. You can then upgrade to the service level that best suits your needs once that is finished.

Although it has a voice-to-text feature, Transcribe also excels in other areas. You can convert videos and voice memos into text using this “personal assistant,” as it is known. It is an excellent method for, say, sharing lyrics with friends.

In reality, Transcribe is one of the quickest voice-to-text apps available. The app, well, transcribes instantly thanks to nearly instantaneous AI technology. With just a click of a button, you can obtain accurate transcriptions that are easy to read, and the “Share” icon makes it simple to share them with other platforms.

#5. Dragon Anywhere

Dragon Anywhere, one of the best dictation programs available for iOS and Android phones, boasts a high level of accuracy. This is the Nuance mobile product for Android and iOS devices. Additionally, cloud services (like Dropbox) and Evernote) allow you to share files among multiple devices. Installing the app on your iOS smart device, speaking into it, and watching the magic happen are all it takes to use this iPhone dictation tool. It does not only immediately and accurately record spoken words, but it also prevents you from moving precisely to the right.

Even though you can copy text from the Dragon Anywhere dictation pad to a different app, direct transcription in another app is not possible because dictation is only available within Dragon Anywhere. Additionally, because the app is cloud-powered, an internet connection is a requirement for it to function. Additionally, the app is a subscription service; it does not offer a one-time purchase option, which may not be to everyone’s taste.

How to Use Dictation on iPhone

Enabling iPhone dictation is necessary if you want to use voice-to-text on your phone for tasks other than sending hurried texts or adding items to lists. You will be able to voice type longer messages, make lengthy lists in Notes or Reminders, edit events in the Calendar app, and more thanks to this. Activate iPhone dictation by: 

  • Go to Settings 
  • Click on General 
  • Click on Keyboard.
  • Tap on the Enable Dictation toggle, to turn it on.

Every time you launch a dictation-friendly app, a microphone icon will be visible. When you want to speak, tap the microphone. Additionally, to return to typing, tap the keyboard icon.

How to Send Messages with iPhone’s Dictation Feature

After setting up everything, let us examine how to use it to send a message:

  • Open the Messages app and choose the person you want to message.
  • To start typing a text message, tap the microphone icon located in the bottom right corner. Use a clear voice and a relaxed tone when speaking into the microphone. 
  • When you are done speaking your text into the microphone, tap the tiny white keyboard icon in the lower middle of the screen.
  • The text can now be edited to remove typos, punctuate properly, and capitalize keywords.

How Can I Disable Voice Dictation?

The voice-to-text dictation feature on the iPhone can easily be disabled. To disable iPhone dictation, carry out the actions listed below:

  • Scroll down to “Enable Dictation” by tapping “Settings” and then selecting “General” and “Keyboard.” Voice dictation is turned off when the green slider is in the off position.

How to Convert Voice to Text on an iPhone 

Use the iPhone’s voice-to-text commands to transcribe your response. Regrettably, there is no voice command to remove errors. If you want to delete something, you will either need to start a brand-new note or text, or you can use your finger to select the text you want to replace before using your finger to speak the corrections into the microphone.

Slow down and speak clearly. Speaking clearly and slowly is recommended for using the feature. The voice-to-text feature might be unable to understand you if you speak too quickly or stutter. Do not forget that voice-to-text is not flawless. Although it frequently understands you perfectly, this is not always the case. If this happens, you can edit the text manually.

When using different apps, look for the microphone icon. The presence of voice dictation in the app will let you know that it does.

We have discovered the following command to be useful when using voice-to-text on an iPhone: 

  • Quote… end quote: To enclose a phrase in quotation marks, first say “Quote,” then say the enclosed text. Finally, say “End Quote” to finish the quotation.
  • New paragraph: The new paragraph has begun.
  • Stop capitalizing the first letter of every word.
  • Beginning of a new line of text

You can send texts, take notes, and more while using your hands-free device by using these commands.

How to Convert Voice Speech to Text on an iPhone

  • Open the program you want to use to send texts from, such as the Messages or Mail apps on an iPhone.
  • To speak rather than type in a text field, tap the microphone icon next to the space bar.
  • Out loud, say what you want to convey. You must use your voice to add punctuation where it is needed, such as when you want to use a comma or end a sentence with a period.
  • Once finished, press the “Done” button. Voice Dictation on the iPhone will translate your spoken words into text. If the speech recognition engine makes any mistakes, be sure to correct them before sending your text.

How Do I Turn on Voice Typing on WhatsApp?

Open the WhatsApp app to enable voice typing. When you launch the WhatsApp app, tap on any chat. You must open the keyboard in any chat to use the voice typing feature of the keyboard. Open a chat by selecting it from the list of available chats, then click in the chat box to make the keyboard active. On top of the letters on the keyboard, there is a settings option. You will be directed to the keyboard settings by doing this. Then scroll to the voice typing option, and click on it. From there, switch on voice typing by clicking the toggle.

Does the iPhone 8 Have Talk-To-Text?

Yes. The iPhone 8’s voice-to-text feature enables you to dictate your message instead of typing it out by tapping the “mic” icon while you are messaging. To enable voice-to-text in iPhone 8:

  • To turn Siri on, go to Settings > General > Restrictions. 
  • Verify that “Enable Dictation” is turned ON by going to Settings > General > Keyboards.
  • You should be able to use your voice-to-text feature at this time.
  • Ensure that your iPhone is running the most recent iOS version by going to Settings > General > Software Updates if the problem is still present.

Why Does My iPhone Voice Text Not Work?

To start with, make sure Dictation is enabled in the keyboard settings if your iPhone’s voice-to-text feature is not working with iOS 16 or 17. Open the Settings app and select General > Keyboard to enable voice-to-text transcription on the iPhone. The “Enable Dictation” toggle should be turned on. If it is already enabled, disable it and then enable it again. After that, just restart your iPhone to see if the Dictation is now operating as it should.

How Do I Make Siri Voice?

Siri’s voice can be modified. While not available in all languages, you can alter Siri’s voice.

  1. Navigate to Siri and search in Settings.
  2. Then select a different voice by tapping Siri Voice.

Why Is My Siri Not Talking?

You should first make sure Siri is compatible with your device. 

If your device supports Siri, Siri will not speak if you do not enable it on your iPhone. So make sure Siri is enabled on your device. Afterward, make sure your microphone is operational by checking it. iPhone microphone issues could be to blame for Siri not responding. It will not respond if it cannot hear your voice. Simply make an audio or voice memo to verify that your microphone is functional. 

Additionally, Siri will not pick up your voice if the language that is set as the default for the device is different from the one you are using. Try switching the default language instead.

How Do I Turn on the Microphone on My IPHONE?

  • To enable the iPhone’s microphone, launch the Settings app. Locate the Privacy option by scrolling down; it has an accompanying hand icon.
  • To enter the privacy settings panel where various hardware and software settings can be managed, tap on Privacy.
  • You can access the Microphone option, which is denoted by a microphone icon, under the Privacy section.  

By selecting it, a list of the applications that have asked to use the device’s microphone will be displayed. Users can then control the access permissions for each app in the list, enabling or disabling access as necessary.

Is Apple Dictation Free?

All iOS devices, including macOS, Apple Watch, iOS devices, and iPadOS, can use Apple’s free dictation app. No internet connection is necessary for the supported models; Dictation requests are handled locally on your device in a variety of languages. 


You will not need to worry too much about spelling mistakes because the voice-to-text feature is fairly accurate. It usually gets things right, and fixing mistakes afterward is simple. It is a good thing that other apps support voice-to-text because doing so can save you a ton of time. You can therefore send emails, make notes, control your iPhone, and even conduct web searches.

Voice-to-text on the iPhone is a fantastic time-saving tool overall. It is true, beneficial, and (for some people) downright lifesaving. Keep in mind, though, to speak clearly and to stay away from jargon and slang, if at all possible. 

  2. How to Record a Voice Message on iPhone 2023 (Updated)


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