How to Change Goals on Apple Watch: Detailed Guide

how to change goals on apple watch

One of the Apple Watch’s main selling points is its fitness and activity tracking capabilities. Since its debut, it has become a popular accessory for hikers, swimmers, joggers, and others.

When you first activate your Apple Watch, it will ask for some basic vital information before allowing you to set your “activity goals.” The Watch will keep track of these goals for you and notify you when they are met.

However, if you set your activity goals on your Apple Watch and later discover that they do not fit, you can change any of them. This article will take you through the process.

How to Change the Activity Goals on Your Apple Watch

You must use the Activity app on your Watch to change your activity goals.

  1. Launch the Activity app on your Apple Watch, which has the appearance of a red, green, and blue ring.
  2. Scroll down to Change Goals on the first page.
  3. Modify and confirm your new Move, Exercise, and Stand objectives. You can adjust your goals by using the plus and minus icons.

How to Change the Activity Notifications on Your Apple Watch

Your Apple Watch will track your activity goals and notify you when you reach them. It also suggests ways to achieve your goals, notifies you when you break a record, and much more.

These notifications can be useful, but you can disable them by going to the Watch app on your iPhone.

  1. On your iPhone, open the Watch app and select Notifications.
  2. Select Activity from the list of apps.
  3. Use the options to select which notifications to receive and which to mute. You can also mute everything at once by tapping Notifications Off.

How to Change Goals on an Apple Watch

Before you begin, ensure that your WatchOS is fully updated and that you are using the most recent version available for your Apple Watch Series model. This ensures that you have access to the most recent tracking features and UI, ensuring that everything looks its best. Apple is currently on Series 8, but some features may be limited or unavailable if you have an older model Apple Watch. These features first appeared on the Apple Watch Series 3, so most users should be fine.

Log in to your Apple Watch and launch the Activity app once everything is up to date. Depending on the settings you select and the apps you frequently use, your home screen may look different. The Activity app can be identified by its three colorful rings. Swipe up when the app opens to access the settings. Change Goals should be selected.

Apple walks you through the three “rings” of exercise represented by the app’s icon. Each governs a different type of activity, and you must go through them in order.

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The first is the Move ring, which represents the number of active calories burned for the day or calories lost from moving around, working, or being active in general. Set the number of active calories you want to burn per day using the plus or minus signs, then click Next. Remember that calories burned in this manner are only a small part of the picture. If weight loss is a priority for you, you should also develop a healthy diet that promotes gradual weight loss.

The yellow Exercise ring comes next. This depicts what the Apple Watch’s sensors detect as brisk activity: moderate to vigorous exercise. It’s limited and doesn’t know whether you’re jogging or doing HIIT intervals (the Workout app is better for that). However, as long as you allow your Apple Watch arm to move freely, it should begin tracking when you jog, run, or walk quickly to raise your heart rate. Set the number of minutes you want to work out this way (Apple recommends at least 30), and then click Next.

The bluish-teal Stand is the third ring. The Apple Watch detects and displays how long you have been standing and actively moving around for at least a minute in this situation. Standing in the Activity app isn’t about losing weight or getting in shape. It’s about standing for a few minutes every hour, which is important in sedentary jobs where sitting all day can raise cholesterol, blood pressure, and other health issues. Apple suggests standing like this at least once every hour for 12 hours. Set your hours and click OK.

When you reach one of your goals, your Apple Watch notifies you and congratulates you on completing all of them in a single day. You can change them as needed, track your progress, and even participate in competitions.

How to Change Your Apple Watch Activity Ring Goals From Your iPhone

  • Launch the Apple Fitness application.
  • At the top of the page, tap on the Activity section, which displays your current goals.
  • Scroll down and click Change Goals.
  • The first thing you’ll notice is Your Daily Move Goal. To change the number, use the “-” or “+” symbols. Change the Move Goal option.
  • Following that, you’ll see Your Daily Fitness Goal and the recommendation to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day. To make adjustments, use the “-” and “+” symbols once more. Change the Exercise Goal option.
  • Your Daily Stand Goal is the final one. It is suggested that you move for at least one minute every hour you awake during the day. To change the stand goal, use the “-” and “+” symbols.

Additional Tips for using the Activity app

These suggestions will assist you in optimizing your performance beyond the three major goals:

  • Wrist detection must be enabled in order to accurately measure movement and heart rate. This option is available in the Watch app under My Watch. For the best measurements, your Apple Watch should have a snug, comfortable fit.
  • Change your notifications by spending time in the settings. Go to your phone and open the Watch app for this step. Select Activity from the list of apps on your Apple Watch. You will now see your notification options. You can disable notifications, enable reminders for activities such as standing or goal completion, and perform other useful customizations.
  • To find Health details, return to the Watch app and navigate to the Health app. A few basic pieces of information, such as your weight, age, and height, can help the Apple Watch be more accurate.
  • The Workout app on your Apple Watch provides more information, but it can still be used to help you meet your Activity goals. If your hands are occupied on a treadmill,, and you can’t freely swing, you can log your exercise minutes by opening the Exercise app and selecting something like Outdoor Walk while you’re active.

What Do the Three Rings on the Apple Watch Represent?

On an Apple Watch, the three colorful rings represent various Fitness Goals. The Red Ring represents the Move Goal, which shows how many active calories you have burned so far. Active calories are those that you burn when you move around, stand, climb stairs, exercise, and so on.
The Green Ring represents the Exercise Goal, which shows how many minutes of brisk activity you’ve completed in a day. The Exercise Goal is set to 30 minutes by default.
Finally, the Blue Ring represents the number of hours you’ve stood up and walked for at least one minute. When you use a wheelchair, the Stand ring changes to the Roll ring, indicating the number of hours you’ve pushed around for at least one minute.

How Do I Change the Move Goal on My Apple Watch?

Swipe up and select Change Goals from the Activity app. Then, on Apple Watch, tap the Minus (-) or Plus (+) icon to change your Move Goal.

Why Can’t I Change My Apple Watch’s Exercise Goal?

If you can’t change the Exercise goal on your Apple Watch, make sure you have a Series 3 or later model with the most recent stable software version. With the release of watchOS 7 in 2020, Apple added the ability to change Exercise and Stand goals. You could only change your Move goal until then. To edit Exercise goals on your Apple Watch, you must have a Series 3 or newer model with watchOS 7 or later. It clearly states that you cannot change the Exercise and Stand goals on the Apple Watch Series 1 and Series 2 or the iWatch running watchOS 6 or older.

How Do I Set My Apple Watch to 10000 Steps?

Although the Apple Watch and iPhone have a built-in step counter, there is no way to set or change the step goal. Furthermore, you cannot change any Activity goal on Apple Watch or iPhone in such a way that you can set or change to 10k steps on Apple Watch using the built-in mechanism. However, your daily steps can be viewed on an Apple Watch or iPhone.
To see your daily step count on an Apple Watch, open the Activity app and scroll all the way to the bottom.

How Do I Change My iPhone’s Apple Watch Goals?

To modify your Apple Watch goals on your iPhone, open the Fitness app, tap the Activity section, and then select the Change Goals option at the bottom.

How Do I Change the Move Goals on My iPhone?

To change your Move Goals on your iPhone, go to the Fitness app > Activity section > Change Goals and increase or decrease the number of active calories.

How Do You Change the Calorie Goal on Your Apple Watch?

To change the calorie goal on Apple Watch, you must first update the Move Goal, which shows how many active calories you’ve burned thus far. You can change the Move Goal on your Apple Watch to burn more or fewer active calories per day.


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