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The ability to incorporate footnotes into office software is an essential skill in both our personal and professional lives. When seeking to provide explanations for certain words or sentences, it is possible to incorporate a footnote within a Word document on both Mac and Windows operating systems. You can insert these footnotes either on the same page or on a separate page. Nevertheless, a significant proportion of users lack knowledge regarding the techniques employed for the insertion of footnotes. This article aims to present a guide on the process of inserting footnotes in a Word document and how to write and modify a footnote in Word. Read on!

What is a Footnote?

Footnotes are used to cite sources or explain an idea without taking the reader away from the main text. Word makes it easier to work with footnotes by automatically marking new ones and making the footnote area bigger or smaller depending on how much text is in it. When it comes to how your footnotes are set up, Microsoft Word gives you a number of choices. Both the more formal footnote and the less formal endnote are common forms. Footnotes are usually found at the bottom of the page and are added to the text at certain places in the document. On the other hand, endnotes are gathered at the end of the paper and give a brief summary of all the extra materials.

In addition, using custom footnote styles, you can change how your footnotes look and how they are formatted to fit your needs or those of your school. You can choose from different fonts, sizes, and positions. Custom styles are very helpful when there are strict rules about how to cite sources or other academic standards that must be met. Your choice of footnote style should be based on the goal and subject of your paper. Footnotes are usually used in scholarly works like research papers and articles, while endnotes are more common in longer works like books and documents. Templates that can be changed give you more ways to show

By getting to know the different footnote styles in Microsoft Word, you can learn how to add footnotes that make your paper easier to read and more credible. Use these tools to make sure that your audience fully understands your work by giving them background and citing relevant sources.

What Should Be Included in a Footnote?

Frequently, footnotes serve as supplementary remarks on a paragraph that do not align with the content of the main text. In the context of citations, it is essential for footnotes to provide pertinent source details, like the author’s surname, the title of the work, and the page number associated with the specific section. 

How to Insert a Footnote in Word

To insert a footnote in Word, you have to do the following:

#1. Navigate to the “References” tab

This is usually near the top of the window, between “Page Layout” and “Mailings.” This tab allows you to insert a table of contents, footnotes and endnotes, citations, captions, and other reference aids.

#2. Set Your Pointer to the Location Where You Wish the Footnote to Appear

Footnotes will be identified by increasing superscript numbers by default. Hence, to insert a footnote in Word, set the cursor to the location where you wish the number to display.

#3. Insert a Footnote in Word by Clicking the “Insert Footnote” Button

This can be found under the “References” tab in the “Footnotes” section. The footnote number will be appended, and a separator bar at the bottom of the page will be added. Your cursor will be moved to the footnote at the bottom of the page so you may fill it out.

#4. When Your Footnote Numbering Is Reset Change It

By default, the number of footnotes in your work will increase with time. You can adjust this so that the numbers begin again on each page or at section breaks in the content.

#5. Change the Formatting of Your Footnotes

If you prefer symbols to numbers, want footnotes to appear below the text rather than at the bottom of the page, or want the numbering to begin at a different number, you can modify these settings in the “Footnote and Endnote” window. To open it, click the menu icon in the lower right corner of the “Footnotes” section.

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How to Write a Footnote

Footnotes are commonly employed in scholarly and professional writing as a means to reference sources or provide additional information that complements the primary content of a document. Academic citation standards, such as those of the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association (APA), prohibit the utilization of extended footnotes. In contrast, several academic styles, such as the Chicago style, mandate the inclusion of footnotes or endnotes. Below are ways to write a footnote:

#1. Use the Same Letter Style for the Footnotes as You Did for the Paper

Most of the time when you want to write a Footnote, it’s best to use the same font style throughout a paper. If you’re not sure what font to use, use the one that came with your word processor.

#2. After the Last Stop Write the Number of the Footnote

A footnote is often put at the end of the sentence where the information being mentioned or talked about appears. Some style guides say that a number can come after the last quotation mark. Instead of superscripts, subscripts are sometimes used.

#3. The Footnotes in Your Work Should Be Numbered in Order

Footnotes in your paper will continue to be numbered in order from the first “1” onward. Even if a footnote refers to the same source as a previous footnote, it will be given a new number.

#4. Use the Footnote Feature of Your Word Processor to Credit Sources

With the help of most current word processors, it is easy to add footnotes to your work. Usually, you can find this choice in your app’s “insert” or “references” submenu.

How to Modify a Footnote in Word

Below are ways to modify a footnote in Word:

  • To move on, go to the menu and click on the Home tab.
  • Find the Styles group and click on it to open the dialog box launcher.
  • Click the button that states “Manage Styles” in the Styles window.
  • To sort things in alphabetical order, go to the “Sort order” button in the “Manage Styles” dialog box and choose “Alphabetical.”
  • Pick the style you want to change from the page that says “Select a style to edit.”
  • Click “Modify” to make changes.
  • Ensure that the box next to “Automatically Update” is not checked. If the “Automatically Update” choice is chosen, the user won’t be able to change the format of individual endnotes or footnotes by hand.
  • Also, ensure that the “Only in this document” choice is selected if you only want your custom style to be used in the current document.
  • Click on the OK button to close the Modify Style box.
  • Pick a different style to change or click OK to close the Manage Styles text box.

What’s the Difference Between Footnotes and Endnotes?

Footnotes and endnotes share similarities in their usage and formatting. Typically, both types of notes are indicated in the text through the use of superscript numerals, which are then matched with corresponding explanatory or additional information provided elsewhere in the document. The primary distinction, however, is in their respective locations of occurrence: Footnotes are typically positioned at the bottom of the page, just below the corresponding passage, whereas endnotes are placed at the conclusion of a chapter or book, often on a distinct page designated as “Notes.”

How To Delete Footnotes in Word

If a footnote is unintentionally inserted in an inappropriate area, it can be easily erased. This method is applicable across all operating systems, regardless of whether the computer is a Mac or a Windows machine. The following steps outline the procedure for deleting footnotes in Microsoft Word:

#1. Navigate to the Footnote Reference

When you open the Word document, drag the pointer to the footnote in the body of the paper that you wish to erase and click on it.

#2. Use “Del” or “Backspace” to Delete the Footnote

To erase the footnote in the body, press the Del or Backspace key on your keyboard. When you delete the footnote in the body, it is replaced with the footnote at the bottom. On the other hand, you can erase the footnote at the bottom of the page by right-clicking it.

#3. Using the Find and Replace Feature Delete All Footnotes

Activate the Advanced Find and Replace dialog box if you wish to remove all footnotes. To delete footnotes, click the Replace tab and type f into the search box. Make sure the Replace All box is empty before clicking the Replace All button.

How Do You Format a Footnote?

The footnote starts with the same number that is written in superscript in the paper, and then there is a space. In footnotes, the page number or pages where the mentioned information can be found are always listed. The full information about the publisher is given in the first reference to a source.

What Do You Put in a Footnote?

The footnote contains essential details such as the author’s name, the title of the source, the location of publication, the publisher, the publication date, and the specific page or pages where the quoted material or information can be located.

How Do You Insert a Footnote in Word Without References?

In order to incorporate a note within the text, it is necessary to employ an asterisk or any other suitable symbol. Also, the note should be formatted as Hidden, both within the main body of the text and within the note itself. 

Why Is the Footnote Option Located Under the References Tab Rather Than the Insert Tab?

The footnote option is located under the References tab because this tab contains all the information pertaining to a document’s citations, bibliography, and indexes. In contrast, the Insert tab concentrates on more fundamental information, such as inserting tables, symbols, mathematical formulas, etc.

What Is a Footnote Example?

Both the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association (APA) style guides have a similar approach to including footnotes. A footnote example typically consists of a reference placed at the bottom, or foot, of the page. This citation corresponds to a superscript number that is present inside the body of the text. 

How Do I View Footnotes in Word? 

To access the footnotes window, navigate to the References tab on the ribbon and select the option “Show Notes” in the Footnotes group. The Footnotes window is presented. If desired, modifications can be made to the footnotes within the designated window.

What Are the Two Parts of a Footnote?

  • Note reference mark
  • Corresponding note text


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