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If you are using Slack as your main communication platform, understanding how its features work can help you plan your day better. One such great feature is Slack reminders, which can come in handy for getting quick reminders right in Slack. In this article, we will walk you through the examples of Slack reminders in detail, including how to use and edit reminders. Read on to learn about Slack’s recurring reminder channel.


It’s not simple to keep track of everything that goes on in our lives, but we do have the convenience of calendar apps for keeping tabs on larger events like meetings and parties. But what about the little things that matter? Things include jotting down a reminder to ask a coworker for use of her USB flash drive the next day, resuming work on a project brief after your writer’s block has subsided, or getting everyone on your team to commit to a daily habit of updating you on their progress first thing in the morning. All of these issues can be avoided in Slack because of the built-in reminder mechanism. It’s based on a detailed piece of functionality that we term a slash command, and it’s fine if you’re unfamiliar with it.

What are Slack reminders?

The Slackbot is a useful piece of Slack that delivers reminders. Using the /remind command, you can receive notifications about meetings, dates, messages, and tasks directly within Slack. As a result, it’s an excellent way to automate reminders and receive updates on Slack without having to open your calendar software. In addition, /remind can be used to set a reminder for yourself, a coworker, or the entire channel. To start using the reminder tool easily, simply type:

/remind [@someone or #channel] [what] [when]

Thus, using this command, you can set reminders easily.

Examples Of Slack Reminders

Some Slack reminder examples include:

  • ‍/remind me to drink water at 2 pm every day
  • /remind me on August 21st to wish Adam a happy birthday
  • /remind #marketing to “Share their tasks for the day” every Monday at 10 am
  • /remind @aditya about the product meeting in 5 hours
  • /remind @jasmine tomorrow “Please check if the office snack drawer is empty”

What are the Types of Reminders on Slack?

For yourself, a coworker, or a channel, you can easily put up different types of reminders on Slack. Also, a message in Slack can even be assigned a reminder. 

#1. Setting One-Time Reminders for Yourself

Slack allows you to create a personal reminder. Let’s assume you want to remind yourself to “Share an update on Project Poodle” at 5:30 PM; you can do so by using this same command.

/remind [@someone or #channel] [what] [when]

‍Here, you will need to say “me” instead of @someone or #channel and mention the date and time of the reminder. So, a reminder to “Share an update on Project Poodle” at 4:30 PM on September 4th will look like this:

  • Remind me to share an update on Project Poodle at 4:30 PM on September

#2. Setting One-Time Reminders for Someone Else

Follow the same steps as before, with one tweak, to set a one-time reminder for someone else. You can use the “@” symbol to assign the reminder to another person instead of “Remind me.” This is how the prompt will look as a reminder:

  • /remind @favour to Share an update on Project Poodle at 8:30 AM on 4th March

Please note that you can do this only in paid workspaces and not on a free plan.

#3. Setting Slack Recurring Reminders for Yourself

The command to set recurring reminders can be entered into your chat by typing it and then pressing enter. Let’s imagine you want to set a weekly reminder to discuss your to-do list every Tuesday at 9 a.m.

  • /remind me to share my task list at 9 a.m. every Tuesday

#4. Setting Reminders From Messages

This usually indicates a desire to be reminded of a specific message at a later time. You can set a reminder for a specific message on Slack if you wish to come back to it at a later time.

  • Select More Actions from the message menu.
  • Click the “Remind me about this” button 
  • Select a time from your own calendar or one of the other alternatives to save as a reminder.
  • Slackbot will send you a reminder notification 

How To Set Up Slack Reminders

Doing so in your own chat is the quickest method to set up reminders for yourself, so make sure you do that. On Slack, you can create a reminder for yourself in one of the following ways:

Step 1: Type remind into the chat box to see the format of the reminder.

Step 2: Type the command with the information about the reminder into the chat box and press enter. Note most reminders are set with the command /remind [@someone or #channel]. What happened when?

Step 3: Your reminder will work as planned. Also, at the given time and date, the Slackbot will send you a message to remind you of the event.

How to Use Reminders in Slack

You obviously use Slack for more than just talking to your coworkers. You rely on it as your primary tool for getting work done because of the array of options it provides, including safe file storage, information integration from external sources, list building, and reminders.

 This post will explain some of the most significant and frequent use cases for doing so. You might be wondering how you can maximize your use of Slack’s reminders. To aid you in your day-to-day communication and task management,

How to Use Reminders in Slack: Examples

We have put together a list of examples, or use cases.

#1. Conduct Daily Huddle Meetings

Even though Slack already has a huddle feature, you can use the Slack reminders feature instead if you work remotely and want a quick way to hold your daily huddles. It can help teams that work in different time zones get on the same page, and it can also help bigger teams work together. After all, it wastes time to have huddle talks with a lot of people.

#2. Keep a Record of Important Messages

During the course of a normal workday, a manager can receive hundreds of communications. However,  it’s not always possible to quickly reply to every message, and it can be a hassle just to keep track of all the threads in a conversation. Slack reminders allow you to schedule messages for later review when you have more time. They can also be used to record meetings, conversations, and other activities of significance. Additionally, personal reminders can be set for things like a coworker’s birthday, tax day, dog walking, reaching your step goal, or drinking enough water.

#3. Participate in Weekly Team Building

Use the weekly reminders feature in Slack as an icebreaker or for some analytical thinking. Whenever it’s Friday at the office, it’s a good idea to check in with your coworkers and see how they’re doing, or to ask an icebreaker question like “What are your weekend plans?” 

#4. Update Your Quarterly OKRs

Setting OKRs can be a pain, but if you don’t want to forget to update your OKRs every quarter, you can use Slack reminders to keep yourself on track. This implies that every three months, you are able to send a reminder to your team via a channel on Slack.

Edit Slack Reminders

In order to deal with the inevitable occurrence of typos and other forms of human error, Slack allows users to both edit and delete their messages. When allowed to do so by the site’s owners and administrators, members have the ability to edit and remove messages that they have previously sent.

Additionally, any member has the ability to edit their own messages by default, however, owners and admins can restrict this capability if they so desire. So, find the site’s owner or an administrator and ask for assistance if you are unable to edit a message.

Edit Slack Reminders: Effective Tips

Here are some more guidelines on how to edit the Slack reminders list:

  • When you change a reminder list that contains recurring reminders, you will be given the option to modify all occurrences of the reminder or just the one you are currently viewing.
  • Any changes you make to a list of reminders will be applied to all of the reminders contained in that list. The only way to make changes to a single reminder is to delete it and create a new one.
  • As the administrator of the workspace, you have access to everyone’s reminder lists.
  • A single /remind command serves both the purposes of adding new reminders and removing old ones. To set a reminder, just type /remind followed by the keyword and information.
  • Simply typing /remind list mine will display all of your reminders on Slack. All of your custom reminder lists and individual reminders will be shown.

Edit Slack Reminders: Detailed Guide

Editing or updating a reminder takes a few extra steps because you can’t edit reminders directly. To edit the reminders list in Slack, you can follow these steps:

  • Find the reminder list by going to the group or sending a direct message to where it is.
  • To see the list of reminders, type /remind list.
  • Click the pencil button next to the reminder list you want to change.
  • Change the list of reminders as needed.
  • Click “Save” to keep the changes you’ve made.

Slack Recurring Reminder Channel

It is imperative that you remember all important deadlines, such as the one for filing your expenses. Slackbot will either send a direct message (DM) to the recipient with the reminder details, or it will post a message to the channel that you defined. In order to be of help to you, we are going to walk you through the process of creating a Slack recurring reminder for either yourself, someone else’s channel, or an entire channel.

Slack Recurring Reminder Channel: Detailed Guide

This quick tutorial will teach you how to set up a recurring reminder in Slack, which will send a message to you or your team or channel on a weekly, monthly, or 13th-of-the-month basis, or at any other interval that you specify.

  • To access the menu of shortcuts from within any conversation, locate the icon that looks like two slashes in the message box and click on it.
  • Simply begin typing “/remind” to select it from the available options.
  • In the field designated for the message, type in the specifics of your upcoming reminder using the following format: /remind [someone or channel] of [anything or #channel] [what] [when].
  • Kindly submit your message so that they can set the reminder.

Last but not least, here is an example of what a reminder with the following information would look like: /remind me to report monthly expenses on the 2nd or 8th of each month.

How Do You View Slack Reminders?

Your personal reminders, as well as reminders about messages and files, can be viewed with the rest of your stored items by clicking Later at the top of your sidebar. To view and manage reminders for that specific channel, type /remind list into the message field and send the message to that channel.

How do I delete Slack reminders?

To delete a Slack reminder, Do this,

  • Just put a list of all your reminders on Slack. 
  • To view a list of ongoing, unfinished, and completed reminders, enter /remind list. 
  • Then, you can click the “Delete” button to delete a certain reminder.

When Should I Use Reminders in Slack?

Reminders are great for one-time, same-day notes to yourself.


Using Slack reminders for your daily tasks can make your life easier. Some people prefer to use a genuine task manager to keep track of all their activities, however, the Slack reminder tool can be great for quick reminders. Finally, it’s a relatively neglected feature that few people are aware of, yet it works extremely effectively.


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