Domo Analytics: Features, Reviews, Pricing & More

Domo Analytics

Domo Analytics is a Business Intelligence (BI) software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform developed to help companies gather and transform raw data stored across one or more databases or repositories into focused reports. Its dashboards and graphs can be used for business analysis to find new ways of maximizing revenues, reducing costs, discovering new business opportunities, and more.

Domo, which takes its name from the Japanese word for “Thank You,” is a cloud-based solution designed to aggregate data from multiple back-end systems. It provides a holistic view of corporate performance with filterable and configurable access to a variety of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics.

This makes it much easier for business decision-makers to view real-time data across a range of customizable dashboards and quickly analyze the information to improve business performance and capitalize on new opportunities.

Domo offers an extensive array of configurable data displays with rich graphs, multi-part widgets, sparklines, trend indicators, and more.

Overview of Domo Analytics

Domo analytics is a complete cloud analytics platform that was created for large enterprises and small businesses. It is enterprise-ready, thanks to its deep set of capabilities across the full stack of requirements for security, governance, dashboarding, reporting, and data science, all in a collaborative setting.

Domo puts data to work for everyone so they can multiply their impact on the business. Its cloud-native data experience platform goes beyond traditional business intelligence and analytics, making data visible and actionable with user-friendly dashboards and apps. Underpinned by a secure data foundation that connects with existing cloud and legacy systems, Domo helps companies optimize critical business processes at scale and in record time to spark the bold curiosity that powers exponential business results.

Domo is an outlier within the incredibly crowded analytics space. This is due to its unique focus on ease of use for both business and technical users. In 2022, Gartner called Domo’s “consumer design focus” a significant advantage for the company and its customers.

Gartner also considers its “speed of deployment” a significant advantage. This is thanks to over 1,000 platform API connectors and a low-code/no-code environment for creating analytics content and custom analytics apps.

Domo Analytics Features

Data apps/intelligent apps

These are easy to create and deploy, purpose-built, low-code data, and intelligent apps. They leverage your analytics data of record with standards-based development tools, plus a whole app store of pre-built options. They can easily include workflows, data collection, user stories, and DDX bricks, and are also embeddable.

Embedded analytics

Domo Everywhere (which is the Domo embedded analytics solution, a.k.a Domo embed), is an industry-leading set of capabilities for the important embedded analytics use case. Notably, it has full-featured capabilities available and deploys appropriate security across even large-scale use cases.

Reporting and dashboards

Domo boasts over 150 chart types, 7,000+ custom map options, drag-and-drop ad hoc analysis and content creation, shareable custom calculations and easily deployed dashboards.

Cloud infrastructure

Domo’s infrastructure is built using cloud-native architecture, dynamic scaling and massively parallel processing (MPP). They are included for performance, multi-cloud, federated data, cloud, and on-prem connectors.

Data transformation

Magic ETL (drag-and-drop ETL flows), SQL dataflows (coded data flows), and interactive dataset views are always available. It also has a data science studio, automated machine learning, visual/real-time and interactive instance catalogue, and more.

Connect data

Domo Analytics has more than 1,000 pre-built cloud and on-prem connectors, custom connections through APIs/SDKs/Webhooks, and custom connectors. There are also multi-cloud, federated data, partitioned connectors, secured write-back and more.


Users can access in-context chat, user profiles, projects, tasks, scheduled content and more.

Security and governance

Domo’s security and governance features include data lineage and flexible security (from FGAC to content-based security using Domo PDP). It also has trusted attributes, UI and/or API-based user management options, custom user groups and roles, bulk content administration, Domo stats (platform/usage stats), certified content with workflows, group access and administration, sandbox and more.

Additional security

Additional robust security options include Domo’s Enterprise security architecture, and bring your own key (BYOK) encryption. It is also compliant with GDPR/HIPAA/SOC 1&2 and ISO standards.

Finally, it features single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, searchable logging and audits.


Domo is available for highly used mobile apps for iOS and Android. It offers customizable and shareable user-defined stories that are easy to create for business users. Additionally, it has easy end-user filtering and slicing/dicing.

Its no-code drill-path setup can be easily defined and redefined by end users as their needs evolve, with smart text for linking filter concepts across a dashboard.

Domo Analytics Products

BI & Analytics

Domo lets business users put real-time data to work with easy-to-use visualizations, dashboards, alerts, and reports. It helps you develop a solution that extracts data from your core ERP, transforms the data into usable information within the business, and automates processes so that you can reduce the risk of mistakes.

This streamlines the process for both your customers and internal staff.

  • Encourage data exploration: Transform raw data into interactive visualizations that make it easier to spot patterns, interpret trends, and answer important business questions.
  • Automate and simplify reporting: Get your reports out of spreadsheets and into real-time data dashboards, which you can securely share with colleagues.
  • Get predictive using data science: Use AI and machine learning to understand how changes in your data are likely to affect your business outcomes.
  • Get next-level data visualization: Go from boring, static charts to vibrant, interactive dashboards that give your data context and produce intuitive insights.
  • Upgrade your reporting: End the days of emailing spreadsheets around and reviewing stale data in meetings.
  • Incorporate AI into your business intelligence workflows: Use machine learning technology to make predictions about your key business data.
  • Give users AI-powered data experiences: Domo.AI simplifies AI model management, deployment, and governance, so you can easily use emerging AI technologies like ChatGPT without risk.
  • Share data externally with embedded analytics: Provide customers and partners with a better experience by sharing real-time analytics with them for reporting and collaboration.

Visualizations & Dashboards

Domo helps make analytics accessible with interactive, customizable dashboards that tell a story with real-time data. With it, you can create irresistible data visualizations that invite exploration and “Aha!” moments.

It has the ability to create custom dashboards with varying levels of access across the organization for a specific team or a specific individual’s performance indicators. They can then use that to help make decisions every day. Additionally, since many of these applications have built-in Domo connectors, the process of moving data to Domo Analytics is incredibly efficient and cost-effective.

  • Provide personalized experiences: Guide people through complex data with real-time, interactive dashboards crafted to tell data stories.
  • Deliver visual insights to teams anywhere: Use data visualizations to spark real-time insights and on-the-fly analytics on any desktop or mobile device.
  • Empower smart decisions: Help teams make a measurable business impact by showing them what the data is saying — and what to do about it.
  • Make dashboards that invite discovery: Go from static charts to vibrant interactive dashboards that give data context and invite exploration.
  • Create custom views: Change key chart dimensions and filters on the fly to create the exact view you need.
  • Take action on your data: Go from insight to action with apps built on the Domo platform to meet specific business needs.

Reporting & Self-service Analytics

Modernize your business reporting with automated, real-time reports that empower the entire org to make better decisions. Domo shifts your reporting from a highly siloed structure to one built upon interdepartmental collaboration and trust.

Teams can also use Domo’s tools to do their own analysis, queries, and research.

  • Base decisions on fresh data: Say goodbye to stale data in spreadsheets and disparate systems. With real-time BI flowing through the organization, every action stands on a foundation of truth.
  • Unleash self-service data analytics: Whether you sit in marketing, sales, finance, IT, or the C-suite, put data-driven decisions at the forefront of your business operations.
  • Centralize your data: Have one source of data truth as the foundation for all your reports.
  • Access real-time insights: Replace static spreadsheets with automated reporting fed by streams of fresh data.
  • Empower teams with self-service analytics: Provide self-service access to BI and analytics while maintaining proper access to data.
  • Make reporting proactive: Move from reactive reporting to proactive insights using alerts delivered while there is time to make the right next move.

Data Science and Machine Learning

Domo Analytics’ full-stack, data experience platform allows you to connect and transform data, build data science models, and visualize results so you can optimize your data science pipelines.

Manage data pipelines seamlessly: Data science models require data to adhere to a specific schema, with processes that need to be fully managed in the data pipeline. With Domo, you can prepare, transform, and clean your data to discover insights at scale, enabling analytics to kickstart exploration and produce results.

Automate data science workflows: Develop, productionize, monitor, and visualize your models in one secure system.

Monitor your models: Monitor model performance and drift, setting alerts for flagged performance so you know when something changes.

Collaborate in the platform: Use Domo’s built-in collaboration tools to share insights on data, flag any issues, and communicate with stakeholders. Share datasets with colleagues, annotate charts, and leave comments and notes right on a visualization.

Enable rapid decision-making: Provide your teams, customers, and partners with real-time insights to help drive accurate, data-driven business impact.

Engage technical and end users: Domo provides both data scientists and business users with the insights they need. Data scientists get the power of Domo charts and dashboards to evaluate how models are performing. At the same time, they can create easy-to-use business-facing dashboards that provide the insights end users are asking for.

Implement ModelOps: Domo Analytics allows you to reduce manual effort and streamline the deployment and maintenance of ML models. Data is flagged when attributes deviate from data types, structures, and values that are required to make accurate inferences.

Detect model drift: Access automated information about how models are performing in production so you can tell if incoming input data has drifted. Ensure that your models remain accurate and that they perform as designed for accurate and reliable predictions.

Domo Anaytics’ AI

Domo Analytics’ trusted, flexible AI framework lets you use public models, large language models, and generative AI (like ChatGPT). This helps you accelerate speed to value without sacrificing security. With Domo.AI, you can grow your business, get the most out of your data investments, and empower everyone with real-time insights.

Machine learning, natural language processing, and predictive analytics are integral to Domo’s DNA and its data experience platform. Motivated by a mission to put data to work for everyone so they can multiply their business impact, Domo’s AI Service Layer transforms the way organizations use and benefit from generative AI.

AI is only as powerful as the data connected to it. And Domo has one of the most end-to-end connected data stacks in the world. This opens up numerous possibilities with workflows, alert-based actions, and automated apps. Its AI Service Layer is built to deliver flexibility, security, and business value at scale.  

Features of Domo AI

AI Model Management

Manage your own models on a serverless basis, integrate them with existing ML infrastructures, or point them to other API services with Domo Analytics’ AI Model Management feature. Build, train, and deploy Domo-hosted models from Jupyter Workspaces and AutoML as well as externally hosted models such as OpenAI, Hugging Face, and others.

As models improve and receive re-training, end users can easily use the most current model without having to change a thing.

AI Service Layer

This gives business users access to AI services exposed in dashboards, apps, and workflows, simplifying and streamlining data exploration. Usage analytics and governance capabilities help the business understand and control how AI is used across the organization.

This ensures security and regulatory compliance.

Jupyter Workspaces

An integration with Jupyter for model creation and deployment offers enhanced development flexibility. With Jupyter Workspaces, you can:

  • Use familiar languages.
  • Develop and run data science models and programmatic applications in either R or Python.
  • Integrate your Jupyter-based work with the Domo platform for visualization, action-based alerting, model operations, and more.

Scripting Tiles

This is a powerful tool within Domo’s Magic ETL feature that allows you to write custom R or Python algorithms and implement them directly into DataFlows. With this, you can create complex data science analyses that run every time your data updates.


Accelerates model development and enables users to access machine learning insights via visualizations and data apps.

Advantages of Domo Analytics


Domo is the only analytics platform designed as a single product and platform, all for the cloud. This contrasts with almost all other platforms that struggle with pricing and offer essentially fragmented on-prem solutions.

High rate of adoption

Due to Domo’s status as a single, seamless platform, organizations that deploy Domo experience high rates of adoption from the CXO down. This is also because of its unusually effective and attractive design.

Easily deployed

Most companies are used to lengthy and massively expensive analytics rollouts with greater than 70% failure rates. Domo has shattered this norm thanks to its true single platform and consumer-centric design. Gartner cites “speed of deployment” as another of Domo’s many advantages.

Consumer-centric design

Another key advantage of Domo Analytics that Gartner cites is its “consumer design focus”. This focus, both for the business and IT aspects of the platform, makes it easier for users to quickly adopt and gain value from the platform.


Domo performs without the many workarounds or expensive infrastructure required by other vendors. This works for either when you need normal queries on smaller data sets or queries that return hundreds of millions of rows.


Domo is one of the largest cloud data users in the world. Currently, the platform queries over 100 trillion rows of data every day. Whereas most companies experience performance lag with even the most popular analytics products (even on the cloud), the Domo platform offers dynamic scaling to support massive and performant queries to scale with your organization.

Data Science 

Domo has taken a refreshingly common-sense approach to deploying data science with its data science suite for organizations. This creates a context where more users can both deploy and consume AI/ML content and capabilities than ever before.


Mobile has always been an afterthought within the analytics space. Domo is the only vendor that has treated mobile as a first-class UI citizen from the very beginning. This is one of many reasons Domo is the only vendor with close to 500 CEOs using its platform and mobile app every day to run their businesses.


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