USERZOOM: Features, Reviews, Competitors & More

USERZOOM: Features, Reviews, Competitors & More
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In this article, we look at the best features of the UserZoom management tool, reviews and the top competitors that you may consider.

What is UserZoom?

UserZoom is an insight management tool that helps digital teams collect, analyze, and share CX and UX insights across the organization to produce valuable products. In addition to aligning with the output of business outcomes, it allows firms to plan criteria connected to the performance of the digital experience, monitor it over time, and compare it with rivals.

The UserZoom platform for user testing and feedback includes tools for lab-based studies, moderated and unmoderated remote tests, information architecture research, on-page feedback and surveys, and additional tools like card sorting, tree tests, and intent testing. It also has capabilities for information architecture research.

Additionally, UserZoom has access to participant recruitment through its panel and a professional services team to manage initiatives.

What is UserZoom used for? 

UserZoom is a UX tool created to aid in the gathering of actionable insights into consumer behavior by product developers and digital teams to enhance digital interaction with companies. 

By using usability testing, surveys, card sorting, and website intercepts, administrators can establish benchmarks for assessing the UX performance of all of their products.

What is UserZoom Go?

UserZoom GO is a web-based insights management (XIM) software or tool that helps marketing, CX, and UX professionals collect, analyze, and share user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX) insights to develop and improve products. 

Key features of UserZoom GO include:

  • unmoderated/moderated testing, 
  • screen interactions, 
  • time-stamped notes, 
  • video clips, 
  • highlight reels, 
  • custom security view, 
  • and Slack integration.

Additionally, UserZoom GO supports integration with applications like:

  • Adobe XD, 
  • AskNicely, 
  • Drift, 
  • Salesforce, 
  • Zapier and 
  • Zendesk.

UserZoom Reviews 

UserZoom helps organizations access and improve the user experience of their digital goods, including websites, mobile apps, and software interfaces. 

The tool has features like: 

  • usability testing, 
  • user input gathering, and 
  • data-driven insight generation that improves the user engagement of your digital services.

UserZoom Pricing 

UserZoom is offered as a yearly subscription, and there are also personalized plans available. You can contact UserZoom for more information.

Top UserZoom Competitors 

#1. Smartlook

Smartlook is an analytics tool that explains the reasons behind user behavior on websites, iOS and Android apps, and in a variety of app frameworks. By using tools like heatmaps, automatically tracked events, and recordings, users may better understand how people interact with websites and mobile apps. Data is viewed on a single, central dashboard, allowing for easy sharing and team collaboration. This aims to assist product managers in making clear, data-driven decisions.

#2. Hotjar

Digital marketers may optimize their conversion rates with Hotjar. Heatmapping, visual session recording, form analytics, conversion funnel analytics, feedback polls and surveys, and usability testing are among the features. Additionally, digital analysts, UX designers, web developers, and product marketers all use the tool. Note that Hotjar is currently a Contentsquare brand after being purchased by the company in September 2021.

#3. Optimizely Web Experimentation

With the help of Optimizely Web Experimentation, teams can run tests to test different user interactions, make data-driven website changes, and personalize user experiences without having to rely on developer resources.

Top Features

  • Audience Segmentation and Targeting
  • Results and Analysis
  • Testing and Experimentation

#4. UserTesting

Every firm should be able to provide the greatest customer experience possible with the help of human insight thanks to UserTesting. According to the vendor, organizations across sectors can make precise customer-first decisions at every level at the pace that business needs thanks to UserTesting’s on-demand Human Insight Platform.

#5. Optimal Workshop

The Treejack information architecture tool, the OptimalSort card sorting test, the Chalkmark first-click testing, and other tools are all available through the New Zealand company Optimal Workshop on a subscription basis.

#6. Maze

The rapid user testing software, Maze, was created by Maze Design in Paris to provide users with useful user insights quickly. Additionally, consumers can test it remotely, independently, and cooperatively.

What is the difference between UserZoom and UserTesting? 

UserTesting vs. UserZoom: Research tools

#1. UserZoom focuses on UX concerns, whereas UserTesting checks the functioning of websites.

#2. UserZoom offers quantifiable information on user experience, product feedback, and usability. In comparison to UserTesting, it offers more research approaches and thorough testing possibilities. It has a severe learning curve for reporting because of its intricacy.

#3. Furthermore, you get qualitative information about your users quickly and easily using UserTesting. It provides screen activity records and task completion data that can be used to better comprehend user emotional responses and experience barriers. Additionally, it works quickly and effectively and is most useful for catching problems you might overlook while conducting real-time UserTesting.

UserTesting vs. UserZoom: users

Both products are used by e-commerce management, product teams, UX researchers, marketers, and customer experience specialists.

While UserZoom is popular in the tech, finance, government, retail, healthcare, gaming, and gambling industries, UserTesting is popular in retail, financial services, healthcare, and consumer technology.

UserTesting vs. UserZoom: Participant recruitment

With UserTesting, you’ll have access to a larger participant pool from which to draw candidates for your usability testing. The platform manages the entire process for you, including setting up a panel, finding participants, and following up, so you don’t have to worry about doing anything on your own.

On the other side, UserZoom enables limitless user testing of your mobile app or website. By using the platform, you can be certain that the researchers will only administer your test once and will be aware of whom to reimburse for their time.

UserTesting vs. UserZoom: Deployment

You can use UserTesting on a desktop computer or a mobile device because it is a cloud-based service. It provides apps for iOS and Android. Integration of an SDK is not necessary.

In addition to a web-based option, UserZoom also offers an exclusive iOS and Android app called UserZoom Surveys. Run your surveys on a mobile device to get timely, useful insights. It’s simple to email survey participants an invitation, but only those who have signed up for an online panel will get it.

UserTesting vs. UserZoom: Participant languages

To help you localize your research or user interface, UserZoom supports about 20 different languages. As a result, your participants will be able to utilize the platform in a language that is comfortable for them.

On UserTesting, the solution provides localization for users in: 

  • Brazilian Portuguese, 
  • Chinese (simplified), 
  • French, 
  • German, 
  • Japanese, and 
  • Spanish. 

However, English is the main language.

UserTesting vs. UserZoom: pricing

Both UserTesting and UserZoom are highly expensive. You will need to pay for each team seat for both solutions. 

Is UserZoom worth it? 

UserZoom is an authentic website for usability testing that appropriately compensates participants for their time and effort. Additionally, it is excellent for recruiting volunteers for user testing and exporting the data in a format that is simple to analyze. 

Is UserZoom Academy free? 

UserZoom Academy is a free online platform that allows learning for all.

How much does UserZoom cost? 

Not everyone can afford the UserZoom price range. Contracts are billed annually and begin at $70,000 per year. Additionally, there is a cap on the number of people who can design or start research.

Is UserZoom the same as Zoom? 

No, UserZoom and Zoom are not the same. Both UserZoom and Zoom are independent businesses that provide various services.

Is UserZoom’s survey legit? 

UzerZoom is an excellent internet testing tool all around. UserZoom is a fantastic program for getting paid to test websites.

Who bought UserZoom?

UserTesting will merge with UserZoom, which Thoma Bravo acquired majority ownership of in April 2022, as previously disclosed. Furthermore, Andy MacMillan, CEO of UserTesting, will serve as the company’s boss. Morgan Stanley and Co.





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