PYRAMID ANALYTICS: Features, Reviews, Pricing & Competitors

PYRAMID ANALYTICS: Features, Reviews, Pricing & Competitors
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What is Pyramid Analytics?

Pyramid Analytics is an operating system that brings business analytics and data science together into one smooth intelligence platform that helps you deliver timely and effective decision-making. It empowers your users with AI-augmented, automated, and collaborative insights that simplify and guide the use of your data in decision-making. Additionally, by lowering the skills barrier, Pyramid empowers you to integrate faster, more intelligent decision-making across your organization. 

Companies and institutions like the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Boise State University, the Swiss Army, EMC, HP, and Hallmark use Pyramid Analytics software. Furthermore, they collaborate with several companies, including Thorogood, and Blackboard Analytics.

How Does Pyramid Analytics Work?

  • It works on any device and OS, including the agnostic Analytics OS. 
  • It can run against and with the majority of common data stacks and can be implemented on most platforms, whether on-premises or in the cloud.
  • Pyramid enables companies and users to balance self-service productivity and governance. 
  • It is a platform that manages content as a shared resource and offers various experiences based on user demands. 
  • It is made to support every step of your organization’s decision-making process and equip everyone with the means to perform self-service analytics. 

Features of Pyramid Analytics

#1. Advanced Analytics: You can run and perform analysis on business questions.

#2. Machine Learning Models: You can create data models that adapt to future needs and queries.

#3. Drag-and-Drop: With the Business User ETL, you can use a drag-and-drop interface to make it easy to prepare data for analysis.

#4. Ad-Hoc Reporting: This allows you to create quick reports to answer specific business questions.

#5. Graphical Data Representation: It offers various graphical visualization options to represent datasets nicely. This includes bar graphs, pie charts, scattergrams, and more.

#6. Content Sharing: The publish module helps you create reports and embed them in formats like emails and HTML.

What are the benefits of Pyramid Analytics?

1. It provides instant access to any data with multi-source direct data access and a super-fast direct query engine.

2. Additionally, it offers self-service experiences for any user to reduce the backlog of one-off requests.

3. Lastly, it provides any analytics needed to create a frictionless integration for analytic assets.

Pyramid Analytics Price 

#1. It is free for the first 30 days for one user

  • Business Intelligence functionality only
  • Basic data source imports (Excel, CSV, and Google Drive)
  • 1-on-1 training with a product coach

#2. Creator: $70.00

  • Includes Tableau Desktop, 
  • This is for businesses. 

Top Pyramid Analytics Competitors 

#1. Salesforce (Tableau)

Tableau is one of the best solutions that is used by major businesses to make data-driven decisions that help them understand the factors that affect their business. These factors include campaigns, advertisements, decisions, and more. Additionally, it gives organizations the ability to generate graphs and dashboards that help display the data in a way that everyone can understand. Therefore, it is user-friendly software that helps users work faster and create better results.

Reviews show that it is:

  • Better at service and support
  • Easier to integrate and deploy
  • Better evaluation and contracting

#2. Microsoft: 

Microsoft BI Analytics offers a simple set of tools for data analysis and visualization. With the use of integration capabilities, extensive data source support, and robust modeling features, it can allow organizations to get valuable insights from their data. 

However, it has some limitations, but Microsoft BI Analytics is the best choice for businesses and companies that want software that is both powerful and user-friendly.

Reviews show that it is: 

  • Better at service and support
  • Easier to integrate and deploy
  • Better evaluation and contracting

#3. Qlik:

Qlik is one of the best business analytics and intelligence software products out there. It is usually used as a tool for reporting projects and aiding integration. It has an interface that is very easy to use and easy for new users to understand. This is because everything in the software is designed with a single interface that allows you to model your data in any way of your choosing.

Additionally, it allows you to create visualizations, generate insights, and create wonderful presentations all on one page. 

Reviews show that it is:  

  • Better at service and support
  • Easier to integrate and deploy
  • Better evaluation and contracting

#4. SAP

SAP Business Object BI Suite is a simple-to-use business intelligence platform that was developed by SAP. It offers tools and solutions that will help your organization to: 

  • extract insights from their data, 
  • make informed decisions and 
  • drive business performance. 

Users of this software attest to its ability to create powerful reporting analytics. Additionally, it uses tools like web Intelligence and Crystal Reports to perform tasks.

Reviews show that it is: 

  • Better at service and support
  • Easier to integrate and deploy
  • Better evaluation and contracting

#5. IBM

IBM has a great AI-powered approach to creating visuals for business. Its dashboard is lovely and very interactive, thereby allowing businesses to understand the data analysis presented. Additionally, it helps users make good decisions and allows organizations to easily analyze huge volumes of data.

Note that the software integrated data from various sources, including: 

  • databases, 
  • spreadsheets and 
  • cloud-based applications.

Reviews show that it is: 

  • Better at service and support
  • Easier to integrate and deploy
  • Better evaluation and contracting

#6. Oracle

Oracle Analytics is a powerful data analysis and business intelligence that offers features that include: 

  • data connectivity, 
  • data preparation, 
  • data modeling, 
  • data visualization, 
  • data discovery, 
  • data collaboration, and 
  • data access. 

Furthermore, it provides users with a simple solution for different levels within an organization. Additionally, with its scalability, security, and collaboration capabilities, Oracle Analytics enables you to explore data effectively.

Reviews show that it is:

  • Better at service and support
  • Easier to integrate and deploy
  • Better evaluation and contracting

#7. SAS:

SAS Enterprise Guide allows users and businesses to share a transparent and central software platform that can manipulate, analyze, and transport data to other platforms such as SAS Visual Analytics or Tableau Server. It is a useful tool that gives hints and tips that make sure that you are free of bugs and typos while writing a program. 

Additionally, it also provides integration with multiple SAS applications, such as SAS Stored Procedure. 

Reviews show that it is: 

  • Better at service and support
  • Easier to integrate and deploy
  • Better evaluation and contracting

#8. Sisense

Sisense is a great option for businesses that need to work with clients to meet their needs. Its UI allows you to use plugins and make use of its R library features. Additionally, the Sisense is: 

  • A flexible tool that can be modified to fit most cases. 
  • It gives you the option to create dashboards that will bring the best out of the user experience. 
  • It has many display options that make it easier for users to find information. 

Reviews show that it is: 

  • Better at service and support
  • Easier to integrate and deploy
  • Better evaluation and contracting

#9. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services is a user-friendly platform that is easy to use and offers data security. It also allows users to create insightful reports and visualizations with little experience or training. Additionally, it offers various display options for data visualization and a transparent pricing structure. 

The review shows that it is: 

  • Better at service and support
  • Easier to integrate and deploy
  • Better evaluation and contracting

#10. Google

Google Looker Analytics offers powerful and scalable solutions for businesses to carry out data analytics and creative visualization. It is the best in areas like: 

  • Data exploration, 
  • Collaboration,
  • Integration capabilities and
  • providing a user-friendly interface. 

However, before opting for it, you must consider factors like pricing, connectivity limitations, customization constraints, and support resources that may pose limitations to your work. 

Reviews show that it is: 

  • Better at service and support
  • Better evaluation and contracting

Differences Between Pyramid Analytics and Power Bi

Here are the differences between Pyramid Analytics and Power BI:

1. Architecture:

Pyramid Analytics is a platform that provides on-premises solutions that need to be installed on a local server, while Power BI is a platform that offers on-premises and cloud-based solutions.

2. Data Sourcing:

Pyramid Analytics allows data sources like: 

  • relational databases, 
  • multidimensional databases (OLAP), 
  • big data platforms and 
  • cloud-based data sources. 

Power BI allows data sources like: 

  • databases, 
  • cloud services, 
  • files, and 
  • online services. 

3. Data Modeling and Preparation:

Pyramid Analytics provides tools for: 

  • data blending, 
  • data cleansing, and 
  • data modeling.

Power BI provides tools for: 

  • defining relationships between tables, 
  • creating calculated columns,
  • measuring data using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), and 
  • perform basic data transformations. 

4. Collaboration and Sharing:

Pyramid Analytics allows team members to create and share: 

  • reports, 
  • dashboards, and 
  • data models with each other. 

Power BI allows users to 

  • Share
  • collaborate in workspaces, and 
  • create content embedding options.

#5. Target Audience:

Pyramid Analytics is used by medium and large organizations, while Power BI has a user-friendly interface that is designed for both small and large businesses. 

Who is the CEO of Pyramid Analytics? 

Omri Kohl is the CEO and co-founder of Pyramid Analytics. Additionally, he is the head of the strategy and operations of the company.

Is Pyramid Analytics open source? 

Yes, Pyramid Analytics is an open-source, web application development framework that is built in Python.

What is the revenue of Pyramid Analytics? 

Pyramid Analytics revenue for the year 2021 reached over $50 million and looks to reach over $90 million before the end of the year. 

Where is Pyramid Analytics located? 

Pyramid Analytics is located in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands. 

Who is the founder of Pyramid Consulting?

Pyramid Consulting, Inc. was founded by Sanjeev Tirath, Namita Tirath, and Ramesh Maturu in Atlanta, Georgia in 1996

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AGENCY ANALYTICS: Overview, Pricing & Alternatives 2023





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