Leading ethics and compliance software supplier Convercent assists businesses in managing their compliance initiatives. OneTrust purchased it in March. NAVEX Global, The Network, and LogicGate are all Convercent competitors. Compared to its competitors, Convercent has the highest CEO score. There are numerous other businesses on the market that offer comparable services. There are several possibilities on the market if you’re seeking Convercent substitutes. Continue reading to find out more about convercent competitors, whistleblowing, and the features of convercent competitors.

Software startup Convercent, with headquarters in Denver, focuses on ethics and compliance issues. It aids businesses in creating and putting into place compliance strategies and fostering ethics at the heart of their operations. Convercent provides a range of services to help businesses manage their compliance, ethical, and risk-related projects. These consist of data services, a compliance hotline, customer service, management of policies and documents, instruction and training programs, case management, third-party risk management, reporting and analytics, integration capabilities, and regulatory compliance. An audit trail, workflow management, archiving and retention, a dashboard, and incident management are among Convercent’s features.

Convercent Competitors

There are a lot of Convercent competitors in the market as providers of ethics and compliance software. These convercent competitors provide comparable governance, risk, and compliance (GRC)-related products and services.

Let’s take a look at the top 11 competitors and alternatives to Convercent:

#1. Sift Science

One of Convercent’s competitors in the risk-management sector is Sift Science. They offer a platform that uses predictive analytics and machine learning to assist organizations in identifying and stopping fraud and abuse.

#2. Avalara

Another rival of Convercent in the risk-management sector is Avalara. Businesses may automate and streamline their tax operations with the assistance of Avalara’s full portfolio of tax compliance solutions.

#3. HighBond by Galvanize

Galvanize’s HighBond platform for GRC is complete. The platform combines internal audit, IT GRC, risk management, and compliance management capabilities to give enterprises a comprehensive understanding of their risk and compliance positions.

#4. Trulioo

Trulioo is among Convercent’s competitors and a potential substitute, Trulioo, is highlighted. They provide identity verification and compliance solutions that assist companies in confirming the identification of their clients and adhering to legal obligations.

#5. NAVEX Global

Case management, training, and policy management are just a few of the solutions offered by NAVEX Global for managing ethical, compliance, and risk management programs.

#6. LogicGate

Another of Convercent competitors in the ethical and compliance software market is LogicGate. They provide a platform that aids companies in automating and streamlining their risk and compliance procedures, such as managing policies, handling incidents, and managing regulatory changes.

#7. ComplianceLine

ComplianceLine is an expert in offering case management and helpline services for ethical and compliance initiatives. They provide a platform that enables businesses to handle and keep track of allegations of misbehavior, carry out inquiries, and take corrective action.

#8. Resolver

In addition to incident management, risk assessment, policy management, and audit management, Resolver also provides a full range of solutions for risk and compliance. Their software assists businesses in streamlining risk management and compliance procedures.

#9. Lockpath

Another Convercent rival that offers a platform for governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) is Lockpath. Organizations can consolidate and automate their risk and compliance procedures, such as policy management, risk assessments, and legal compliance, with the help of their technology.

#10. ZenGRC

ZenGRC offers a GRC software solution that is cloud-based. Organizations may manage risks, track the effectiveness of controls, and streamline their compliance operations with ZenGRC’s assistance. Features like risk evaluations, policy management, and control testing are available with ZenGRC.

#11. ConvergePoint

ConvergePoint, a rival of Convercent, focuses on offering solutions for compliance management to sectors like healthcare, financial services, and manufacturing. Organizations can manage policies, practices, training, and audits with the use of their software to make sure they are adhering to industry requirements.

Convercent Review

Software company Convercent, situated in Denver, Colorado, focuses on ethics and compliance solutions. It aids businesses in creating and putting into place compliance strategies and fostering ethics at the heart of their operations. Convercent provides a variety of services, including sustaining and observing a trustworthy culture. In April 2021, OneTrust, a new privacy platform company, purchased Convercent. The acquisition expanded the OneTrust platform’s essential ethics and compliance features. Convercent strengthened its position in the market by joining the OneTrust Ethics and Compliance Cloud as a result of this acquisition.

Convercent provides a range of services to help businesses manage their compliance, ethical, and risk-related projects.

They consist of the following:

#1. Data Services

Businesses can use Convercent data in corporate reporting systems like Tableau by utilizing the data services that Convercent offers, which enable them to import employee data from their HRMS (Human Resource Management System). These services assist businesses in efficiently managing and analyzing their compliance and ethics data.

#2. Hotline for Compliance

Anyone can report issues inside their company using a Convercent compliance hotline service. This hotline offers staff members a secure, private way to voice concerns or report unethical activity.

#3. Customer support

Convercent offers customer support through their readily available, round-the-clock Online Service Desk. Customers can now contact the Convercent Customer Experience team in several ways to ensure quick assistance and support.

#4. Management of policies and documents

Convercent offers a system for creating, distributing, and tracking policies and other documents about compliance, enabling enterprises. It guarantees that workers have access to the most recent information and can understand and follow corporate policies with ease.

#5. Education and Training

Convercent offers training and education programs to help businesses educate their workforce about various compliance issues. These programs seek to broaden understanding, promote moral behavior at work, and expand knowledge.

#6. Case Management

Convercent’s case management feature enables organizations to organize and keep track of compliance and ethics-related investigations, incidents, and cases. It provides a central system for tracking and handling issues, encouraging openness and prompt resolution.

#7. Third-Party Risk Management

Convercent helps businesses manage the risks brought on by dealing with third parties. It offers resources for evaluating, monitoring, and reducing risks associated with partners, suppliers, and other external partners, assisting businesses in upholding compliance and moral standards throughout their supply chain.

#8. Analytics and Reporting

Businesses may monitor and assess their ethics and compliance initiatives with the help of Convercent’s sophisticated reporting and analytics solutions. It provides real-time insights, adaptable dashboards, and comprehensive reports to help organizations evaluate the effectiveness of their initiatives, spot patterns, and make data-driven decisions.

#9. Capabilities for Integration

Convercent connects with several business software and systems, including case management, GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance), and HRMS. This enables smooth data sharing and guarantees that compliance information is effectively shared across various platforms.

#10. Adherence to Regulations

Convercent offers compliance information that covers numerous laws, regulations, and industry standards, assisting firms in staying current with regulatory needs.

Features of Convercent

Convercent’s features help firms create robust and successful ethical and compliance programs by working together. Specific functionalities may or may not be accessible depending on the organization’s selected Convercent subscription package.

These qualities consist of the following:

#1. Audit Trail

Organizations may track compliance activity with Convercent’s audit trail feature. This promotes accountability and openness in compliance initiatives.

#2. Workflow Management

Convercent has workflow management features that can automate and streamline compliance procedures. The task, approval, and notification management for compliance activities is made easier for enterprises.

#3. Retention and Archiving

With Convercent, organizations may securely preserve and maintain records of compliance-related data and documents. This feature helps to maintain records properly and makes them accessible for future audit or reference purposes.

#4. Dashboard

Convercent’s customizable dashboard offers a centralized view of compliance measurements, key performance indicators (KPIs), and current insights. This aids businesses in evaluating the success of capability compliance initiatives and making informed choices.

#5. Management of Incidents

Organizations can record, track, and look into compliance-related issues using Convercent’s incident management module. It facilitates the process of reporting and resolving incidents.

#6. Policy Management

Convercent’s policy management function enables companies to create, communicate, and track compliance policies. It ensures that staff members have access to the most recent policies and can easily approve and attest to them.

#7. Questionnaires and surveys

To collect feedback and evaluate compliance cultures, firms can design and disseminate surveys and questionnaires using Convercent. Organizations monitor employee attitudes, pinpoint areas for improvement, and promote ongoing program improvements for compliance.

#8. Regulatory Change Management

Convercent provides regulatory change management technologies to help businesses stay on top of changing regulations. Monitoring, evaluating, and disseminating regulatory changes, ensures that compliance procedures are updated appropriately.

#9. Mobile Access

Employees can access Convercent’s platform via mobile devices to report issues, read policies, complete training, and take part in compliance activities. This feature provides ease and flexibility for mobile workers.

#10. Global Compliance

Convercent assists international compliance initiatives by offering localization and multilingual support. It aids businesses in modifying their compliance strategies to fit various legal and cultural frameworks.

Convercent Whistleblowing

As a component of its extensive ethics and compliance platform, Convercent provides a whistleblowing option. The platform has tools to assist organizations in properly addressing whistleblower reports and encouraging a speak-up culture.
The advantages and characteristics of Convercent’s information-sharing are

#1. Anonymous Reporting

Employees can make complaints anonymously using Convercent’s whistleblower service, which may encourage people to come forward without worrying about repercussions. It offers a safe and private avenue for reporting wrongdoing or concerns.

#2. Modifiable Reporting Channels

Organizations can set up numerous reporting channels with Convercent, including hotlines, web forms, and mobile apps. Due to the employees’ ability to select the most practical reporting method, accessibility and involvement have increased.

#3. Whistleblower Protection

Features on the platform protect whistleblower identities and privacy. It safeguards against any attempts to identify individuals through data analysis or tracking and ensures that their information is kept private.

#4. Enhanced Reporting Rate

Convercent’s whistleblower solution can enhance the reporting rate by giving employees a safe and anonymous way to voice their concerns. Organizations are better able to identify possible problems when workers feel confident and at ease reporting misbehavior.

#5. Early Misconduct Detection

Whistleblowing programs can act as a forewarning system to spot and address organizational misbehavior. Organizations can respond quickly and reduce possible dangers before they worsen because of timely reporting.

#6. Improved Transparency and Trust

Implementing a whistleblowing solution shows a dedication to openness and moral conduct. Employees will see that their issues are taken seriously and successfully addressed, which helps promote a culture of trust inside a firm.

#7. Proactive Risk Management

Organizations can proactively identify and resolve potential ethical and compliance problems thanks to whistleblowing initiatives. Organizations can spot problem areas and take precautions to reduce hazards if they encourage employees to voice their concerns.

#8. Compliance with laws and regulations

Organizations can use whistleblowing solutions like Convercent’s to assist them in adhering to legal and regulatory obligations for reporting and filing complaints. This entails abiding by the laws that safeguard whistleblowers and making sure that reports are handled correctly and documented.

#9. Efficient Case Management

The integrated case management module from Convercent accelerates the processing of whistleblower complaints, increasing the effectiveness of the processes for investigations and resolution. As a result, businesses may be able to resolve problems more swiftly and successfully.

#10.  Data-driven Insights

Convercent’s analytics and reporting features let businesses gain valuable insight into the trends and patterns in whistleblowing. These perceptions can help firms make decisions, identify areas for improvement, and address systemic issues.

What Is Convercent Used For?

Convercent is a software provider that assists enterprises with the design, implementation, and management of their compliance programs. Companies can interact with employees, manage rules, support training, track compliance efforts, and more thanks to the Convercent platform. It has features including process automation, case management integration, anonymous reporting channels, and analytics and reporting capabilities. Convercent’s service aims to support legal and regulatory compliance while fostering ethical behavior, trust, and openness within firms.

How Does Convercent Work?

Convercent, a provider of ethics and compliance software, provides a platform to help businesses manage their compliance programs. It offers solutions for case management, anonymous reporting, program design, staff involvement, process automation, analytics, and integration. The platform gives businesses the tools they need to foster a culture of ethics, effectively handle compliance matters, automate workflows, examine compliance data, and interface with other platforms.

Why Use Convercent?

With Convercent, enterprises can manage compliance programs, encourage anonymous reporting, improve case management, automate workflows, analyze data, and integrate their systems while also promoting ethics. It enables businesses to promote an ethical culture, assure legal compliance, reduce risks, and improve the transparency and effectiveness of their compliance procedures.

When Was Convercent Founded?

In 2012, Convercent was established.

Who Owns Convercent?

In March 2021, Atlanta-based OneTrust, a provider of trust intelligence software, purchased Convercent.

Convercent Supports What Languages?

Convercent provides multilingual help. It does not specify the precise number of languages it supports.


Convercent The full ethics and compliance platform known as whistleblowing offers a whistleblower solution. Whistleblowers’ identities and privacy are protected, and anonymous reporting is permitted through customizable reporting channels. By giving users a safe and anonymous way to report issues, the platform also raises the reporting rate. A culture of trust can be fostered by using whistleblowing mechanisms as early warning systems for spotting and dealing with misbehavior. Implementing a whistleblowing solution shows a dedication to openness and moral conduct. Additionally, it makes proactive risk management possible, guaranteeing adherence to legal and regulatory standards.


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