OKTOPOST: Review, Features, Pricing & Competitors

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Welcome to our in-depth look at Oktopost, the premier social media management platform. Social media has become an essential component of any effective marketing strategy in today’s digital landscape. Oktopost empowers businesses to effectively manage their social media presence, engage with their audience, and drive meaningful results. In this article, we will look into the many features, benefits, pricing, competitors, and reviews of Oktopost. Join us as we explore the world of Oktopost and see how it may revolutionize your social media marketing efforts.

Understanding Oktopost

As organizations attempt to develop a strong online presence, social media management has become a critical driver of success. Oktopost offers a comprehensive platform that allows enterprises to manage their social media activity, from scheduling posts to analyzing results. With its user-friendly design and powerful capabilities, Oktopost helps businesses properly manage their social media presence across various platforms.

Exploring Oktopost Features

Oktopost delivers a wide array of features aimed to assist your social media marketing efforts. From content scheduling and publishing to social listening and analytics, Oktopost equips organizations with the necessary tools to optimize their social media campaigns. Let’s take a look at some of the prominent features that make Oktopost a popular social media management tool.

#1. Content Scheduling and Publishing

Oktopost streamlines the process of scheduling and publishing content across many social media sites. You can quickly plan and arrange your social media calendar with its user-friendly interface, assuring constant and timely content delivery. Oktopost allows you to schedule and publish a variety of content types, including blog posts, articles, images, and videos, giving you complete control over your social media presence.

#2. Social Listening and Engagement

Engaging your audience is critical for developing strong relationships and cultivating brand loyalty. Oktopost provides powerful social listening and engagement tools that allow you to track brand mentions, monitor conversations, and respond to comments and messages in real-time. You can strengthen your brand’s reputation and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your industry by actively participating in discussions and responding to customer inquiries.

#3. Advanced Social Analytics

Measuring your social media efforts’ success is critical for making data-driven decisions and optimizing your strategy. Oktopost offers advanced social analytics that goes beyond surface-level metrics, giving you detailed insights into the performance of your social media campaigns. Oktopost’s analytics capabilities provide a comprehensive view of your social media ROI, from engagement rates and reach to conversions and revenue attribution.

#4. Social Advocacy and Employee Amplification

Harnessing the power of employee advocacy can significantly amplify your brand’s reach and impact. Oktopost recognizes this and offers features that enable businesses to leverage their employees as brand ambassadors. Employee advocacy is facilitated by the platform, which allows employees to easily share branded content, industry insights, and thought leadership articles across their social networks.

#5. Conversion Tracking and Lead Attribution

For businesses, social media success is about more than just engagement and brand awareness; it’s also about producing measurable business results. Oktopost provides powerful lead attribution and conversion tracking features to help you understand how your social media activities contribute to your lead generation and sales pipeline. Furthermore, Oktopost allows you to analyze the direct impact of your social media activities on revenue generation by tracking the customer journey from social media interaction to conversion.

Oktopost Employee Advocacy

One of the unique aspects of Oktopost is its emphasis on employee advocacy. By harnessing the power of employee advocacy, businesses can tap into the organic reach and authenticity of their employees’ social networks. Oktopost facilitates employee advocacy by providing a platform for employees to share branded content, amplify company messages, and engage with their networks. This not only expands the brand’s reach but also builds trust and credibility among the target audience.

Let us explore how Oktopost empowers businesses to leverage employee advocacy and turn their workforce into valuable brand ambassadors.

#1. Streamlined Employee Advocacy Platform

Oktopost provides a dedicated platform for employee advocacy, making it easy for businesses to engage and activate their workforce as brand advocates. The platform offers a user-friendly interface that enables employees to discover, curate, and share branded content across their social networks.

#2. Amplifying Brand Messages

With Oktopost, employees can magnify company messages, industry insights, and thought leadership content to their networks. By sharing content that aligns with your brand’s values and objectives, employees become valuable conduits for spreading brand awareness and thought leadership.

#3. Social Reach and Engagement

Oktopost’s employee advocacy solutions enable organizations to extend their social reach well beyond their established brand platforms. Brands may reach a larger audience and boost the likelihood of engagement and conversion by tapping into workers’ personal networks.

#4. Employee Empowerment and Engagement

Employee advocacy improves the brand while also empowering and engaging employees. By involving employees in the advocacy process, businesses demonstrate trust and recognition of their employees’ expertise and influence. This, in turn, generates a sense of pride, ownership, and loyalty among personnel. Oktopost’s employee advocacy platform provides a platform for employees to contribute to the brand’s success and actively participate in its growth.

#5. Monitoring and Measurement

Oktopost enables businesses to effectively monitor and measure the impact of employee advocacy efforts. The platform provides analytics and reporting features that allow businesses to track the reach, engagement, and conversions generated through employee-shared content. By gaining insights into the performance of employee advocacy campaigns, businesses can identify top-performing employees, optimize content strategies, and refine their employee advocacy initiatives for maximum impact.

Oktopost Pricing

When considering any software solution, pricing plays a crucial role in the decision-making process. Oktopost offers various pricing plans adapted to the demands and scale of different enterprises. The pricing structure takes into account aspects such as the number of users, social profiles, and required features. Oktopost ensures that businesses of all sizes can benefit from its robust social media management platform by offering customizable pricing plans.

We will delve into the Oktopost pricing structure, explore the various plans available, and assist you in determining the best plan to meet your social media management needs and budget.

#1. Customized Pricing

Oktopost provides customized pricing based on your company’s specific needs and size. Because every organization has different needs, Oktopost offers customized pricing plans based on your goals, the number of users, and the scope of your social media activities.

#2. Features Across Plans

Oktopost offers a range of features across its different pricing options. Oktopost’s primary functionalities include content scheduling and publishing, social listening and interaction, comprehensive analytics, social advocacy, lead attribution, and conversion tracking.

#3. Essential Plan

The Essential Plan is Oktopost’s entry-level offering, designed for small businesses or those just starting their social media journey. This plan provides essential features like content scheduling, social listening, and basic analytics. The Essential Plan offers a limited number of users and social profiles, making it suitable for businesses with smaller teams and minimal social media management needs.

#4. Business Plan

The Business Plan is geared toward growing businesses that require advanced social media management capabilities. This plan includes all the features of the Essential Plan along with additional functionalities such as social advocacy, lead attribution, and conversion tracking.

#5. Enterprise Plan

The Enterprise Plan is Oktopost’s most comprehensive offering, tailored for large organizations with extensive social media management needs. In addition to all the features available in the Business Plan, the Enterprise Plan offers advanced customization options, dedicated support, and enhanced security features.

Understanding the Oktopost pricing structure and available plans is essential for selecting the right social media management solution for your business.

Oktopost Competitors

When it comes to social media management tools, Oktopost’s competitors offer similar features and functionality. Here are some of the market’s best Oktopost competitors:

#1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a well-known social media management platform that provides a variety of features for scheduling and publishing content, monitoring social media conversations, and analyzing social media performance. It supports numerous social networks and has an easy-to-use interface with powerful analytics capabilities.

#2. Sprout Social

Another famous competitor to Oktopost that provides extensive social media management solutions is Sprout Social. It provides tools for content scheduling, social listening, engagement, and reporting. Sprout Social’s straightforward UI and collaborative features make it a terrific alternative for businesses of all sizes.

#3. Buffer

Buffer is noted for its simplicity and user-friendly interface. It offers tools for content scheduling and publishing across numerous social media platforms, along with rudimentary statistics. Buffer also provides a browser extension for quick content sharing and a mobile app for managing social media on the go.

#4. Agorapulse

Agorapulse is a social media management software that focuses on community management and engagement. It offers options for content scheduling, social listening, and monitoring conversations, as well as robust reporting capabilities. Agorapulse is particularly popular among small and medium-sized businesses.

#5. Falcon.io

Falcon.io is a comprehensive social media management tool that includes content scheduling, social listening, engagement, and analytics. It offers complex features like content calendars, team collaboration, and audience segmentation. Falcon.io caters to both small enterprises and enterprise-level corporations.

#6. Sprinklr

Sprinklr is an enterprise-level social media management tool that offers full-service social media management. It has content management, social listening, engagement, analytics, and customer experience management functions. Sprinklr is well-known for its capacity to handle large-scale social media operations.

#7. Socialbakers

Socialbakers is an AI-powered social media marketing tool that focuses on data-driven insights. It has tools for content scheduling, social listening, competition analysis, and identifying influencers. For organizations wishing to harness data-driven decision-making, Socialbakers provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools.

These are just a few of the top Oktopost competitors. Each platform has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, as well as varied business requirements and budgets. It’s critical to compare the individual features, pricing, and customer service provided by each competitor to determine which one best meets your social media management needs.

Oktopost Reviews

It is beneficial to read reviews from users and industry experts to obtain a better knowledge of Oktopost and its efficacy as a social media management platform. This section compiles thoughts and feedback from Oktopost reviews to assist you in evaluating the platform’s strengths and weaknesses.

Positive User Reviews:

  • Oktopost’s user-friendly interface, straightforward navigation, and convenience of use are appreciated by users. The platform’s simple design and well-organized functionality make social media management easier.
  • Many users praise Oktopost’s content scheduling and publishing capabilities for helping them save time and streamline their social media workflows.
  • The powerful analytics and reporting capabilities of Oktopost are lauded for offering important insights into social media performance, audience engagement, and lead attribution.

Benefits for B2B Organizations:

  • Oktopost is especially popular among B2B companies because it provides features that are expressly geared to their needs, such as lead tracking, attribution reporting, and interaction with marketing automation solutions.
  • Oktopost’s ability to assess the impact of social media activities on lead generation and revenue is appreciated by users, allowing them to demonstrate the value of social media marketing to stakeholders.

Integration Capabilities:

  • The integrations of Oktopost with popular social media platforms, CRM systems, marketing automation tools, and other third-party apps are recognized for delivering seamless workflows and data synchronization.
  • Users emphasize the ease of integrating Oktopost with their existing tech stack, which improves their social media management capabilities and overall marketing efficiency.

Room for Improvement:

  • Some users have requested additional advanced capabilities and customization choices, notably in the areas of social listening and sentiment analysis.
  • There have been sporadic reports of small errors or difficulties, although users usually agree that Oktopost’s support team rapidly addresses these issues.

Expert Opinions:

  • Industry experts have identified Oktopost as a comprehensive social media management tool, particularly ideal for B2B firms that prioritize lead generation and revenue attribution.
  • Oktopost’s emphasis on employee advocacy and the ability to turn employees into brand ambassadors is recognized as a distinct and significant feature for companies looking to expand their brand reach.

Reviews from users and experts highlight Oktopost’s strengths in terms of usability, content scheduling, powerful analytics, customer service, and suitability for B2B enterprises. Taking these reviews into account might help you make an informed decision about whether Oktopost is the best social media management platform for your company.

What is Oktopost?

Oktopost is a social media management application that helps organizations manage and optimize their social media marketing operations.

What is the use of Oktopost?

Oktopost is a social media management tool that can be used by businesses for a variety of purposes. Oktopost is useful in the following ways:

  • Social Media Publishing
  • Social Media Listening and Monitoring
  • Employee Advocacy
  • Social Media Engagement
  • Social Media Analytics and Reporting
  • Lead Generation and Attribution

Who is the owner of Oktopost?

Oktopost is a privately held company, and the ownership information is not publicly available. The company was founded in 2013 by Daniel Kushner, Amit Gahtan, Liad Guez, and Ofer Prossner. 

Where is the headquarters of Oktopost?

The Oktopost headquarters are in Tel Aviv, Israel.

What is the revenue of the Oktopost?

Oktopost’s annual revenue is currently estimated to be $ 3.1 million.


Oktopost is a comprehensive social media management solution that enables businesses to control their social media presence, communicate with their audience, and drive significant outcomes. Oktopost is a market leader due to its rich features, emphasis on employee advocacy, various pricing plans, and outstanding customer service. Businesses may unlock their social media potential and achieve more success in their marketing efforts by leveraging the power of Oktopost.


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