Data Analytics Companies
American Express

In the world we live in now, where decisions are made based on data, it is more important than ever to get your hands on a lot of data. This is especially true for businesses that wish to get and stay ahead of their competitors. With big data playing such an important role in so many businesses, it should come as no surprise that big data companies are sprouting up everywhere. However, this article will provide you with important information on data analytics companies in the US, Accenture Analytics, and the big and top data analytics companies.

Data Analytics Companies

Data analytics is the process of modifying or changing existing data in order to gain a better understanding of a specific process or element. Information and Data Analytics enable employees to examine data within a specific context and make more intelligent business decisions in order to produce and deliver superior goods and services.

Market studies and surveys show that more than 53% of companies used Big Data Analytics in 2017, and that number will rise by 11% by 2021. In 2021, more advanced analysis processes will be used to automate business processes and improve how tasks are done. It comes as no surprise that information analytics has become a critical tool in a variety of companies around the world.

By 2021, it is expected that e-commerce sales will have grown by a huge amount. 72% of companies count on the fact that analyzing big data will help improve the customer experience in a big way.

When selecting a data analytics solution, you should establish high and low priorities, fit the solution to your objectives, and research your company’s needs. Sharing your thoughts with the people who matter and getting their feedback will help you find a solution that will be more flexible and widely used.

You Can Also Think About the Following Things When Making Your Choice:

  • The level of technical skill of the available employees/staff.
  • Determine the level of data analytics you expect from the product.

From investigating the entire situation through its execution, the data analytics procedure must follow specific steps. Different companies have different information, so a certain plan has to be made.

The most important things to think about are the methods that need to be used, the amount of data that is available, and the time it takes. Lastly, evaluation is important so that the company can know what worked and what didn’t.


Data Analytics Companies in US

The USA is at the top of the tech world when it comes to Big Data Analytics Companies, so a lot of companies claim to be the best data analytics companies in the US. has put together a list of the best Data Analytics companies in the USA to solve this problem. This list was created after doing in-depth research on all the greatest data analytics organizations in the US, so you can be confident in the companies’ quality. The list of data Analytics companies in the US will help you use big data to its fullest potential and take your business to the top.

#1. SoluLab

SoluLab is one of the top companies for data analytics in the US. Their apps have more than 50 million daily users, and they have a 97% customer success score, which is very good for the business. The company has worked with Fortune 500 companies, high-growth startups, the University of Cambridge, Georgia Tech, Walt Disney, Goldman Sachs, Mercedes-Benz, and more.

#2. NEX Softsys

NEX Softsys is a trustworthy Big Data Consulting Company that helps companies use data analytics to their advantage. It is a partner in technology for large companies and new businesses around the world. Its goal is to enable industries through greatness in integrated IT solutions. Since 2009, we have helped many businesses in the United States, Australia, Asia, Africa, and Europe with new software and data-based solutions. They are the most popular technical service company because They offer a wide range of services and are experts at making software solutions for many different industries. 

#3. Beyond Key

Since 2005, Beyond Key has helped people all over the world with their IT and program needs. Beyond Key connects important people in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia to a dynamic network of information, people, and ideas. This gives them a crucial edge in making decisions. Their strength is that it can provide answers and analytics quickly and correctly by using new technology.

Beyond Key employs over 280 professionals in cutting-edge technologies such as Microsoft 365 (SharePoint and Power Platform), Modern Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence (BI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), NPO, NLP, Insurance, Machine Learning, Quality Assurance, OCR, and Dynamics 365. Beyond Key offers these tech options through the cloud, data, Omni-channeling, and customer interaction.

#4. The WebDataGuru

WebDataGuru is the leading SAAS and DAAS-based company that offers unique data extraction, web crawling, price tracking, and other services. They are a group of experienced and passionate entrepreneurs who want to use their expertise in web scraping to assist clients’ businesses grow. They have the best web scraping services and a service for getting unique info from websites. Also, they help the production industry, retailers, and suppliers make better choices in the future by analyzing the data they have.

#5. Softura 

Softura is a top IT services company with more than 25 years of experience in both the US and India. It provides solutions for a wide range of industries and business types. They find, define, develop, and deliver high-quality, unique software solutions, both on-site and off-site, with the help of more than 300 experts. As a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner, their team has the knowledge and experience to give you business options that no one else can match.

#6. The Volmatica 

Volmatica is a top IT service provider that focuses on building web and mobile apps, cloud infrastructure (AWS, Azure), DevOps, and adding staff. They focus on data and analytics, and their services are designed to help clients achieve their data goals. Moreover, they use fast methods and a team of experienced workers who are skilled in a wide range of technologies, such as React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, and Laravel, to make sure that we develop quickly and keep getting better. These services have been improved through years of working with large companies, and they cover every part of data strategy. Volmatica has the knowledge and resources to help you achieve your goals, whether you need help with a single project, ongoing management, or adding to your team.

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Top Data Analytics Companies 

The top Data Analytics Companies are on the list below.

#1. ScienceSoft, based in McKinney, TX,

ScienceSoft makes analytics solutions for specific industries that bring together data from different sources and give the correct views for making decisions based on the data. This is one of the top data analytics companies.

The vendor has worked in industry, healthcare, retail, BFSI, transportation, energy, telecommunications, and more than 25 other fields. They set up ETL/ELT pipelines, data lakes, data stores, business intelligence (BI) tools, and AI/ML modules (for things like predictive analytics and picture analysis, for example). The company also offers services to update, integrate, and take care of older data systems.

In testimonials, ScienceSoft’s customers say that the company helps them fix problems. The team helps get rid of data silos, simplifies data management and reports to get rid of manual work, fixes problems with BI performance, and makes dashboards that are easy to use. Some clients say that their analytics teams can work up to 80% faster and analyze and report on data up to 100 times faster.

#2. Innowise Group (Warsaw, Poland)

With more than 15 years of experience making software, Innowise Group is great at coming up with new ways to use software. Their offices are in the busy city of Warsaw, where their software engineers work hard to come up with new ways to help businesses grow.

Their experience in data analytics and management helps customers handle their data in a way that makes the most of its potential. They work with each client to find out and study their needs so that the client can make an informed choice about how to use it best.

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Big Data Analytics Companies 

The following companies use big data analytics to help other companies understand their businesses and solve problems.

#1. Sensor Tower

Location: Fully Remote

Sensor Tower is one of the most well-known names in big data. It is an app intelligence business that gives reliable views into global digital market trends. It provides brand, gaming, finance, adtech, and marketing user acquisition tactics, app store optimization, competitive analysis, and app-specific data from millions of sources using human data scientists and proprietary algorithms. There are other intelligence products from the firm.

#2. Analytics8

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Analytics8 is a business intelligence firm that takes large data sets and creates strategy, management, analytics, and governance solutions that make data relevant for its clients. The company also has transformation services that move data from old systems to the cloud and set up new ways to collect and store data.

#3. Splunk

Location: San Francisco, California  

The Splunk platform is meant to be a complete data hub that can handle data insights, data protection, and full-stack scalability. Splunk aggregates hundreds of terabytes of data from databases, servers, and more into one platform interface for big data navigation. Data analytics may be performed on real-time and historical data records and relational database data.

Accenture Analytics

Organizations in all fields are depending more and more on data to make important business decisions, like which new goods to make, which markets to enter, which investments to make, and which new (or present) customers to target. Data is also used to show where there are gaps or other business problems that need to be fixed.

Accenture’s data analytics in these firms quantifies key crucial business operations to measure and compare progress.But the job isn’t just about looking at numbers; an analyst also needs to know how to use data to help a business make better choices.   

Analytics is a terrific career since data is essential to every organization and helps employees make wise decisions. Because of this, the need for data scientists goes up, making it one of the best jobs.

Accenture is one of the biggest consulting companies in the world. It has over 323K workers, offices, and businesses in over 200 cities in 56 countries, and net sales of $30 billion in fiscal 2014. Accenture works with companies in every business sector and many government bodies. Accenture works with 89 of the Fortune Global 100 and more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500.

Is Data Analytics an IT Job?

A data analyst’s job doesn’t have to be in IT, but they do have to use IT instruments and procedures. Data analysis is the process of getting insights from data by using statistical and computational methods. These insights can be used in many fields, such as healthcare, finance, marketing, and more.

Is Data Analytics High Paying?

Yes, data analysts usually make a good living. Data analyst wages have gone up over the previous decade and remain competitive. Zippia says that a data analyst’s average pay in the U.S. in 2023 will be around $74,000 per year.

Does Google Hire Data Analysts?

Data analyst jobs at Google require a high level of education and a lot of experience in the field. This sets a very high bar for hiring.

Does Data Analyst Require Coding?

Yes, coding is necessary if you want to get an online Data Analytics Degree. However, sophisticated programming skills are not required. But you have to know how to use R and Python at the very least. Also, you need to know more than just the basics of searching languages like SQL.

Which Is Better IT or Data Analytics?

Information technology (IT) is one of the fields that has a lot in common with data analysis. Most individuals associate data analysis with strong computer abilities and information technology with customer service.


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