11 best docker alternatives

Docker transformed and brought container-related technology into the mainstream before 2013. Docker allows developers to generate containers specifically from application source code and shared libraries, and reuse containers. To put it differently, Docker allows you to maintain container image versions, roll back to a previous iteration, and determine who created a specific one. You can even merely submit the differences between the two versions. Docker containers run within the virtual computer, which distinguishes Docker from Docker Desktop. Everything else is a result. Docker Desktop does not require the installation of a virtual machine or the establishment of a client-server connection. Docker Desktop enables Linux containers to run on Windows or MacOS. Finally, Docker containers do not require any modifications to run on any desktop, cloud environment, or data center. They simply work.

In this post, we’ll explore the top 11 best Docker alternatives, including alternatives to Docker Desktop for different parts of the Docker ecosystem.

Docker Alternatives 

Docker is a popular platform for containerized applications, but there are other competitors. Some of the popular Docker alternatives available today include Podman, Kubernetes, Openshift, LXD, Docker Swarm, BuildKit, and Mesos. On this page, we will go through Docker Core alternatives.

#1. Podman

Podman, developed by RedHat, is a daemonless, open-source, Linux-native container engine that is regarded as one of the best Docker alternatives. A container engine is a piece of software that handles the creation, execution, and management of containers. A container engine provides an API or command-line interface for dealing with containers, enabling developers to create, start, stop, and manage containers in general. Docker, Podman, and CRI-O are examples of container engines. Moreover, Podman, one of the most popular Docker alternatives, is used to build, execute, and manage Linux OCI containers and container images. On the other hand, it is an open-source Docker desktop alternative that does not require a daemon to operate, making it more suitable for running containers in locations where a daemon is not desired, such as on servers or within containers.

#2. Containerd

Containerd is the next Docker alternative on the list. Straightaway, Containerd is basically, a high-level, lightweight container runtime that provides a consistent and stable container interface. It runs as a daemon process on a host system and manages the container lifecycle, including starting and stopping containers, image management, and storage. Additionally, Containerd also intends to collaborate with other container orchestration technologies, such as Kubernetes, in order to handle the scaling and scheduling of containers in a cluster.

#3. LXD

Now, we’ll go over the most popular Docker alternatives in the Docker Hub alternatives list. LXD (Linux Containers Daemon) is a Linux container hypervisor. It enables the running of many isolated Linux systems (containers) on a single host, serving as a lightweight alternative to virtual machines. LXD provides isolation by utilizing Linux kernel features such as control groups and namespaces, while simultaneously providing a simple and user-friendly command-line interface for container management. LXD is chiefly intended to work with existing Linux distributions and tools, and it supports a variety of container images and formats, including Docker. Advanced functions include live migration, storage management, and network management.

#4. Buildkit

The Moby Project created BuildKit, an image-building engine that is present in Docker Build (Docker versions 18.09 and later). It is additionally available as a stand-alone application in Moby. BuildKit, similar to Docker, runs as a daemon. Still, while Docker builds each image layer one at a time, BuildKit uses parallel build processing to boost efficiency and result in faster builds. Its improved caching also eliminates the need to rebuild each layer on a regular basis. BuildKit likewise enables you to skip unnecessary stages, perform rootless builds, and create incremental builds.

#5. Kaniko

Within a container or a Kubernetes cluster, one can create container images using Kaniko, a Google creation. Comparatively, Kaniko, like Buildah, does not require a daemon and can explicitly build images from Dockerfiles without relying on Docker. A key difference between Docker and Kaniko is that Kaniko is more focused on Kubernetes processes and is evidently designed to run as an image, making it difficult for local development.

Docker Alternatives for Mac 

Docker is not a free service for the use of a developing team. A monthly membership fee is charged. Some developers allege that because of its increased popularity, it now charges higher fees than before. In such cases, developers seek a Docker alternative that charges a cheaper rate than Docker. Some alternatives may even provide you with a free membership service. Those may not always be trustworthy since they may contain unwanted bloatware or advertisements that impede a developer’s productivity.

#1. Rancher Desktop

One of the primary benefits lies in the management of Kubernetes through the utilization of containers. This implies that the container image being constructed possesses the capability to execute on Kubernetes immediately, enhancing its scalability.

#2. Lima

The Linux virtual machine is designed specifically for Mac operating systems. Besides, it has the capability to be utilized in conjunction with widely used container engines. The software offers the capability to provide file sharing between guests and hosts, perform port forwarding, manage networking functionalities, provide security assistance, and provide other related features.

#3. Containerd

You may have a more user-friendly interface with Kubernetes and Docker. It can also provide portability through simple but effective snapshot creation and administration.

Docker Alternatives Windows 

Docker, a centralized program that manages every part of the containerization process, especially building, executing, and inspecting container images, is one of the most extensively used container platforms. Contrarily, Docker Desktop is a full-featured application that allows Mac and Windows users to create a Linux virtual machine in which the Docker engine may run.

It generally enables the development and distribution of containerized apps and microservices. If you use Windows, you’re probably seeking Docker alternatives that will work perfectly with your system. Although Windows does not support Docker well, it employs the Docker toolbox. Accordingly, the Docker options for Windows are as follows:

#1. Hyper-V and Windows Container

It creates a more secure and stable infrastructure container environment. It further maintains synchronization with Windows virtual machines, allowing you to control it through Windows PowerShell.

#2. Packer

Packer is a small piece of software that is compatible with all operating systems. Nevertheless, it is completely compatible with the Windows OS. Its purpose is to build machine images that are similar across platforms.

#3. Kubernetes 

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts. It provides basic mechanisms for the deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem of tools and libraries. Kubernetes is a powerful tool that can be used to automate many of the tasks involved in running applications in production. It can help to improve efficiency, reliability, and scalability.

Here are some of the benefits of using Kubernetes:

  • Many of the processes necessary for running apps in production are automated.
  • Efficiency, dependability, and scalability may all be aided.
  • It is an effective tool for managing complicated applications.
  • Being an open-source project, it is available for usage and modification without charge.
  • It contains a sizable ecosystem of tools and libraries that is expanding quickly.

If you are looking for a way to automate your application deployments and operations, Kubernetes is a great option to consider.

#4. Apache Mesos

Apache Mesos is an open-source framework for managing massive distributed systems distributed across multiple hosts. It subsequently provides a resource abstraction layer that enables applications to execute on a cluster of machines without concern for the underlying infrastructure. Mesos is, regardless, used to run large-scale distributed systems by organizations such as Airbnb, Twitter, and Netflix. Mesos is a robust tool for managing a wide range of applications. It is ideal for applications that require a high level of resource isolation, such as Hadoop and Spark. Mesos can also be used to manage containerized applications, such as Docker-based applications.

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Docker Alternatives for Kubernetes 

Google’s Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform. It aids with the management of distributed clusters of containers, which are frequently used for microservices and other distributed applications. Kubernetes is particularly durable, with zero downtime, rollback, scalability, and container self-healing capabilities. 

#1. AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine that works in conjunction with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). It significantly allows you to operate containers without having to manage servers or clusters of Amazon EC2 instances. Fargate features a flexible computing model that does not need you to choose an instance type or construct your cluster manually. It scales up transparently, and you pay only for the CPU and memory resources you utilize. Fargate is appropriate for isolated services, basic microservices applications, or distributed systems such as batch processing that do not require close interaction between components due to a lack of orchestration features.

#2. Azure Container Instances

Azure Container Instances (ACI) is a service that enables developers to install containers straightaway on the Microsoft Azure public cloud without the requirement for infrastructure provisioning or management. This service is compatible with both Linux and Windows containers. It eliminates the need to set up and manage virtual machines, as well as implement container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes. Microsoft automatically configures and scales the underlying compute resources when you launch new containers using the Azure interface or the Azure CLI. Images from public container registries, such as Docker Hub and the Azure Container Registry, are supported by ACI.

#3. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Google created Kubernetes and continues to be significantly involved in its development. It also happened to be the first to introduce the Google Kubernetes Engine, a managed Kubernetes service. GKE is regarded as one of the market’s most mature Kubernetes services. GKE uses the most latest Kubernetes versions and is dedicated to automating Kubernetes management duties. It works in conjunction with other Google Cloud services to provide access control, security, and other features. Google likewise provides Anthos, which allows you to run GKE on-premises as well as on other public clouds such as AWS.

What Is the Lighter Alternative to Docker? 

RunC. RunC is an open-source container runtime that is lightweight, standardized, and compatible. It started as a low-level Docker component and eventually evolved into an independent, standalone modular tool.

What Is the Microsoft Equivalent of Docker? 

Azure Container Registry is a service provided by Microsoft. Microsoft Azure is the best Docker substitute. It provides customers with more extensive security choices, runtime protection, vulnerability testing for containers, and pairing with Twist lock when compared to Docker. People can use the platform to manage containers more easily.

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Is Docker Still the Best Container? 

Although Docker is not required as a container runtime in Kubernetes, it does play an important part in the Kubernetes ecosystem and your workflow. Docker is still in use as a tool for developing, building and executing container images locally.

Is Podman Better Than Docker? 

Podman is occasionally considered safer than Docker especially because it does not require a separate daemon to operate containers, reducing the attack surface for potential security issues. It also offers improved support for running containers as non-root users, which can increase security.

Is There a Free Alternative to Docker? 

Podman is a popular alternative to Docker Desktop that provides a simple and familiar interface for container management. It emphatically enables you to start, manage, and deploy containers using the Docker command-line interface (CLI) syntax, without the need for a separate daemon.

Can We Create a Container Without Docker? 

Without Docker, other tools can be used to generate containers. Here are a few examples: Linux Containers (LXC): This is an open-source containerization solution that allows numerous isolated Linux systems to run on a single host.

Is Docker Better Than AWS? 

Docker containers are quicker and lighter than AWS AMI instances since they share the host OS. As a result, AWS AMI provides higher isolation and stability, it is appropriate for large workloads and native AWS integrations.

Why Docker Instead of Vm? 

Docker containers are process-isolated and do not necessitate the use of a hardware hypervisor. Thus, Docker containers are markedly smaller and demand far fewer resources than a virtual machine. Docker is quick.

Is Azure Using Docker?

Docker deployment on Azure allows you to run modern and conventional Linux or Windows apps with enterprise-grade security, support, and scalability.


We’ve covered numerous Docker and Docker Desktop alternatives for creating, executing, and distributing container images in this article. While Docker is the leading platform for containerization and container management, it’s useful to be aware of alternatives that may be more suited to your needs. Because each of the tools provided adheres to the OCI definition, replacing a specific Docker element should be reasonably simple. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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